I am an atheist becuase of this site.
I came to this site 3 months ago to defend chrisianity against the godisimaginary.com movies that i saw posted in a myspace bulletin, it had a link to here.My relgious life completely dissolved, i spent months second guessing myself...not being able to get this webpage of my mind.long story short, i now officially in the richard dawkins fan club and when asked what religion i am i respond pastafarian.thank you.
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Well, welcome to you. I'm glad we could help you embrace reason.
But don't thank us, thank yourself. You're the one who examined the arguments and evidence, and you're the one who ultimately made up your own mind.
We simply provided some resources and counter-points.
Welcome to the community.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
No thank you Chanman. It's people like you that keep us going. My partners and I always talk about how hard it is for people to open up about going through this transformation, and it's always greatly appreciated when someone has the courage to speak up and admit to the change. All of the core RRS members were in your shoes at one point, and we were all affected by the knowledge we found online. I'm glad we were able to disseminate some of what we learned to you. I hope you stick around and continue the journey with us.
Would you like to come on our show the next time we record and get some of your story on tape, so that others can learn from you? As is protocol we offer a gift to those who come on and talk to us about it.
Would you either repost what you wrote here in this thread, or take a few minutes to explain in a little more detail?
Welcome aboard.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Ditto above, and welcome! Hope you get more from this site as you reply and post, we really thrive on community here, so make yourself at home!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Hello. Glad to hear. I hope you stick around... I'd love to hear your ideas, your story, and perspectives on things....

Welcome. You have just stepped in a new and wonderful world. A place where you can express your thoughts and contribute to the expansion of the human mind.
Most of us have had a prior religious delusion, and have waded through the sea of doubt, and overcame our initial fear of living a life without a god/religion.
We would be extremely interested in hearing the story of your enlightenment.
If you have any questions, there are plenty of intelligent and caring people here that would be more than willing to help you out.
See ya' in the forums.
That's some pretty good news. Careful; some of your theistic friends/family may treat you like you've developed a crack habit at first. But it's worth it, considering how much more interesting those thanksgiving and christmas diners get when someone asks you to say grace (heheheheh). Congratulations.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine
Thank for the support guys!
I will type some of my story here and then repost it all in the other thread.
I "accepted Jesus christ" into my heart as my personal savior at a church camp in 3rd grade. I lived in a house hold that didnt go to church but i had friends that invited me. I attended this all through middle school and attended a local youth group. When i started highschool i actualy became a counseler at the youth camp.
I would say that was my highest point in my religious life, during my first three years of highschool i was a full time youth group attendee, and a christian camp counseler for three weeks every summer.
I knew chrisianity well and it wasnt uncommon to see me debating my mormon friends. I live in an idaho small town were religion is extreamly promenant.
My real connection was in worship, i loved christian rock and i associated the emotions that came with worship with a connection to god. I believed the bands, how could these people make this music and not know god.
Air1.radio was a major part of my life and them along with other pastors in my life i believed they truely what they were talking about. I figured someday i would understand what they understud.
My world got rocked by a Challenge posted on myspace in august one month after the summer camp, it was a godisimaginary video about prayer. I immediatly fired up an email to the original poster tearing the email apart. I then follwed the link to this webpage. I ended up listening to a few of the radio shows and writtting down all the questions they asked christians figuring i would just do research on all the questions online and by asking my pastors and then come back and give all the answers.
i didnt find any. I just found more athiest info. conincedentaly during this time at school we were starting a section about ISLAM in my western civ class. Even though it was purly on a historical basis you could how fake it was when you learned about it. Then i saw a godisimaginary.com video about the christian delusion bubble, it asked me why i believed in christianity if i thought muslims were crazy.
That was the turning point. I went from christian to Athiest in about 3 months. Literaly, i can see clearly now. I hear christians talk about their religion and all i can think about are the fallacys in it. I understand all the points made on the RRS.
Currently i am preparing to "come out of the closet" at school.....i dont really know how to tell anyone at school because athiesm is almost unheard of. I do have one friend who has been athiest all along but has never told anyone.....he has refrained from saying i told you so.
just a slight note on the summer camp that i attended/counseled at. Its nothing like Jesus camp, no crazy gods army stuff. just your basic jesus loves you kinda thing. I am really torn here, as much as i disagree with indoctrination i think that camp might have been the best thing that ever happend to me. the reason being i still ended up seeing the light, but christianity gave me the personality i have today and im not sure if i would be the same with out it.
thanks for letting me share, please forgive the typos.
Greetings ChAnMaN. We're glad you're here!
I suspect you would still be a kind and intelligent person even if you hadn't attended jesus camp. You are obviously open to reason and will research when necessary. When you saw the fallacy of the god argument for yourself, you didn't desperatly hang on and attempt to "make it true" regardless of what is logical and rational. You didn't turn a blind eye and make excuses.
Again, welcome and we're glad you're here!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Heh, wow. I happen to live in Idaho as well. It's not totally unheard of.
I personally want to congratulate you on breaking free from Christianity. Having done so myself, I know how traumatic and confusing it can be. I always had that notion of "why shouldn't I be Muslim/Buddhist/Hindu instead of Christian" in my mind all throughout my time in belief.
Publicly, I am still in the closet when it comes to most of my friends, and especially where I grew up. People can't even imagine atheism where I grew up, it's like it's so evil it only exists in fairy tails and evil Liberal states like Massachusetts
Can I ask how old you are? I was 18 when I apostasized two years ago. I hope you saved yourself earlier then I did hehe.
Again, congrats. I feel extremely proud, even emotional whenever I hear of another person breaking free of religion
The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...
Hey! What's wrong with Massachusetts!?
I've lived in MA for my whole life (outside 4 years of college in Indiana). People out here are definately less religious.
And to you ChAnMaN: Congrats on opening your eyes and seeing the world how it really is. I wish I could offer you advice on "comming out" but my dad and brother are both atheists, so it wasn't really a big deal for me.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan
Do you still have the contents of that post? I am Catholic but still search for truth...whatever it may be.
I too credit my upbringing with the person I am today, and there are parts of it I still hold near and dear to me. Some of the most loving people I know are Christian, and I PROMISED myself I would not be blinded by the anger I felt towards my indoctrination and forget the good that I had learned. People here are generally angry towards religion, don't let that turn you off. There ARE nice atheists!
The Enlightenment wounded the beast, but the killing blow has yet to land...
Rational Responders at GodIsImaginary.com on prayer
If the video doesn't load... watch it here.
The largest scientific study ever done on prayer also recently found that it doesn't work.
Elevate humanity to a higher intellectual standard. It's time we started being honest with ourselves about the world around us, with that who knows what we can accomplish.
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Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Thanks, the video didn't really prove much, I will have to read the "Proofs that prayer doesn't work" post when I get more time.
Why do you feel it didn't prove much?
It takes a lot of courage to admit it. I hope you can avoid the 'anger pitfalls' of deconversion. It can really grate on your nerves for a while after you realize that religion has 'duped' you. I know that I was mad. After 'mad', it turned to pity for others still in the faith, and now I'm at the 'incredulous' phase.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
This comment has been moved here.
I agree with darth_josh, as I said in my "I Am Every Atheist" essay, The hardest thing you'll ever have to deal with is not the life you live after you've lost your belief, but coming to terms with the life you wasted before you got up the courage. Reading Richard Dawkins books is not only a good way to put these things in perspective, but it's also quite educational, as he covers quite a few subjects. Living in an area with a high concentration of religious people can sometimes drive you into spending all your time online. (Hence the massive online atheist population) but you have to force yourself to still keep real friends, and maybe even use the internet to find freethinking individuals nearby that you can meet with in real life.
Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.
ChAnMaN wrote:
I have found most atheists to be quite modest in real life (versus online forums).
Good luck with telling your peers.