Paul Ryan lies at Republican National Convention

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Paul Ryan lies at Republican National Convention

This sent to my email via and was started by Brenda Witt...


Last night, Paul Ryan lied to the American people. Some journalists and outlets covered Ryan's lies. But others failed to check the facts and didn't call Ryan out on his brazen lies.

In this crucial election, news reporters have an obligation to educate the public about the facts regarding the major issues and call out the candidates every time they lie.

That's why I created a petition urging the major news corporations—ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC—to live up to their obligation to report the truth. The petition says:

Mainstream media: Fact-check and call out candidates when they lie. You have an obligation as journalists to educate the public on the facts of the major campaign issues.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Here is a list of five lies that Paul Ryan told when he gave his speech at the Republican National Convention last night. Every single news outlet should report on these lies.

1. Lie: President Obama is the "greatest threat" to Medicare.

Truth: Obama didn't make any cuts to Medicare benefits; he made cuts to provider reimbursements, to improve cost efficiency and extend the fiscal security of Medicare by eight years. According to the Medicare actuary, "[Obama's] Affordable Care Act makes important changes to the Medicare program and substantially improves its financial outlook."1

But Ryan actually does want to cut benefits. He proposed dismantling Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system, leaving millions of seniors to come up with more money to pay for care out of pocket.2,3

2. Lie: President Obama didn't save a General Motors plant in Wisconsin.

Truth: First, Obama wasn't even in office when the GM plant closed. Second, Obama never made a promise to save it.4

3. Lie: President Obama ignored recommendations of a bipartisan debt commission.

Truth: Paul Ryan actually sat on that commission. And he led Republicans in voting down the commission's own recommendation. So the commission never gave a report to Obama, because Ryan himself voted to kill the report before it could.5

4. Lie: President Obama is responsible for the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating.

Truth: House Republicans, including Paul Ryan, held the full faith and credit of the United States hostage to try to ransom it for trillions of dollars in cuts to social programs without increasing taxes on the wealthy one dime. Standard & Poor's said specifically, "We have changed our assumption on [revenue] because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues." That's why our nation's credit rating was downgraded.6,7

5. Lie: Ryan wants to protect the "weak."

Truth: Ryan's biggest feat in his political career was proposing a budget with dramatic cuts to programs benefiting the poor. He'd cut Medicaid by one third, take away health care insurance from 30 million Americans, and cut Pell Grants for 1 million students. All so that he could give more tax breaks to the rich.8

Click here to add your name to my petition urging ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and MSNBC to call out candidates when they lie, and then pass it along to your friends.


–Brenda Witt


1. "Fact check: Paul Ryan at the RNC," USA Today, August 30, 2012

2. "Undoing Obama Medicare cuts may backfire on Romney," The Boston Globe, August 18, 2012

3. "Romney-Ryan Medicare Plan Would Cost 29-Year-Olds $331,200: Report," Huffington Post, August 27, 2012

4. "Paul Ryan Misleads With GM Plant Closure Tale," Huffington Post, August 29, 2012

5. "Fact Check: Paul Ryan misleads on debt panel's spending cut plan," CNN, August 30, 2012

6. "Top 5 Fibs In Paul Ryan's Convention Speech," Talking Points Memo, August 30, 2012

7. "Paul Ryan Address: Convention Speech Built On Demonstrably Misleading Assertions," Huffington Post, August 30, 2012

8. "4 Ways Paul Ryan's Budget Would Devastate The Poor," ThinkProgress, August 17, 2012

This petition was created on, the progressive, nonprofit petition site. is sponsored by MoveOn Civic Action, which is not responsible for the contents of this or other petitions posted on the site. Brenda Witt didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.




EXC's picture
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 OK, so Ryan lied about the

 OK, so Ryan lied about the lies that Obama told to get elected. A politician lies and stretches the truth as much as possible to get elected. Hardly news. The real problem that the electorate buys into the BS from both parties. If a politician ever told the truth he would never get elected.


How do you know for a fact that taxing the rich and giving entitlements to the poor is actually going to benefit anyone in the long run? What about the moral hazards and unintended consequences, couldn't they be worse? Isn't this just an untested belief, just like a religious beliefs you find so abhorrent? Isn't politics just like religion in that people fervently believe things without evidence?


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote: OK, so Ryan lied

EXC wrote:

 OK, so Ryan lied about the lies that Obama told to get elected. A politician lies and stretches the truth as much as possible to get elected. Hardly news. The real problem that the electorate buys into the BS from both parties. If a politician ever told the truth he would never get elected.


How do you know for a fact that taxing the rich and giving entitlements to the poor is actually going to benefit anyone in the long run? What about the moral hazards and unintended consequences, couldn't they be worse? Isn't this just an untested belief, just like a religious beliefs you find so abhorrent? Isn't politics just like religion in that people fervently believe things without evidence?


Dont give me any fucking crap about how the poor are an anchor on humanity. THE FUCKING GAP IS. Life is not a fucking script. When are you going to fucking care about the corporate welfare entitlements? I don't want to hear fucking shit from bullies with money who raise my property tax to fuel their tax cuts.

We are in this mess for the same reason the great depression happened, the same sloppy Ayn Rand bullshit. All healthy economies are NEITHER uber Libertarian or Nanny state. But the word "entitlement" is a fucking dodge to the fact that BOTH parties seek laws and tax cuts that send money to the districts that vote for them.

The argument isn't about wealth vs poor, the argument is over who government gives money to. The left wants to help give opportunity to the middle and bottom. The right wants to simply protect the uber wealthy and the fewer amongst us.

So if you are going to talk about cutting entitlements, I'd think the people who dont need them at this point in history, are the rich. Don't fucking lecture me about entitlements when my boss pays less of a tax rate than I do.

The most dishonest lie was twisting Obama's "You didn't build that". You didn't build the grade school you went to. You didn't drive the bus that got you to that school. You didn't build the university your college professor taught you at. I am so sick of the fucking right thinking they did everything on their own or that they don't owe the shoulders they stand on anything. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

And I am also sick of the lie that we hate the free market, when all we hate is the gap, and the abuse of power. I want business to thrive, not rape the rest of us. I am tired of you thinking that the rich are the center of the universe and that WE owe them tax cuts. If you are willing to make money off the labor of others, THEN HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT, SHUT UP, COUNT YOUR MONEY, AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT HAVING MORE.

FUCK OFF CRYBABY, I vote too, and the middle and working poor do the bulk of the work that keep business owners rich.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Who the fucks believes that shit "You didn't built that"?


Daily Show - you didn't built that

Who the fucks believes that shit "You didn't built that"? Romney for one.


The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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Brian37 wrote:Dont give me

Brian37 wrote:

Dont give me any fucking crap about how the poor are an anchor on humanity. THE FUCKING GAP IS. Life is not a fucking script. When are you going to fucking care about the corporate welfare entitlements? I don't want to hear fucking shit from bullies with money who raise my property tax to fuel their tax cuts.

There you go with strawman of me. I'm the one against corporate welfare and for higher taxes on corporations and rich for natural resource usage.

The fact is your leftist political views are just like religion. Believes that held not because of objective, scientific evidence but only for emotional reasons.


Brian37 wrote:

We are in this mess for the same reason the great depression happened, the same sloppy Ayn Rand bullshit.

I don't recall her ever supporting having the government make sure everyone has a mortgage they can't pay back.

Brian37 wrote:

All healthy economies are NEITHER uber Libertarian or Nanny state. But the word "entitlement" is a fucking dodge to the fact that BOTH parties seek laws and tax cuts that send money to the districts that vote for them.

Agreed. But when is there going to be a party that is against entitlements just for being born and for rational social contracts?

Brian37 wrote:

So if you are going to talk about cutting entitlements, I'd think the people who dont need them at this point in history, are the rich. Don't fucking lecture me about entitlements when my boss pays less of a tax rate than I do.

But he pays more taxes than you, right? Does he use less government service than you?

Brian37 wrote:

The most dishonest lie was twisting Obama's "You didn't build that". You didn't build the grade school you went to. You didn't drive the bus that got you to that school. You didn't build the university your college professor taught you at. I am so sick of the fucking right thinking they did everything on their own or that they don't owe the shoulders they stand on anything. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

They were all built by private corporations that did contracting with the government that collected taxes from corporations and workers or they borrowed the money from investors. The government only shuffled papers and moved money around. There is no rational reason not privatize all these.

Brian37 wrote:

And I am also sick of the lie that we hate the free market, when all we hate is the gap, and the abuse of power. I want business to thrive, not rape the rest of us. I am tired of you thinking that the rich are the center of the universe and that WE owe them tax cuts. If you are willing to make money off the labor of others, THEN HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT, SHUT UP, COUNT YOUR MONEY, AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT HAVING MORE.

FUCK OFF CRYBABY, I vote too, and the middle and working poor do the bulk of the work that keep business owners rich.


Such rationality here. We should all believe your political views are base on reason and not emotions like jealousy and anger?


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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"How do you know for a fact

"How do you know for a fact that taxing the rich and giving entitlements to the poor is actually going to benefit anyone in the long run?"

Ask Marie Antoinette.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:"How do you

Vastet wrote:
"How do you know for a fact that taxing the rich and giving entitlements to the poor is actually going to benefit anyone in the long run?" Ask Marie Antoinette.

Yes. Napoleon was such a wonderful improvement over her.



Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Actually, he was.

Actually, he was.

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Vastet wrote:Actually, he

Vastet wrote:
Actually, he was.

Such great accomplishments. 17 years of war, millions of war dead, the French bankruptcy after the wars, genocides. Hard to pick out just one thing that made him better than Marie.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Brian37 wrote:Dont

EXC wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Dont give me any fucking crap about how the poor are an anchor on humanity. THE FUCKING GAP IS. Life is not a fucking script. When are you going to fucking care about the corporate welfare entitlements? I don't want to hear fucking shit from bullies with money who raise my property tax to fuel their tax cuts.

There you go with strawman of me. I'm the one against corporate welfare and for higher taxes on corporations and rich for natural resource usage.

The fact is your leftist political views are just like religion. Believes that held not because of objective, scientific evidence but only for emotional reasons.


Brian37 wrote:

We are in this mess for the same reason the great depression happened, the same sloppy Ayn Rand bullshit.

I don't recall her ever supporting having the government make sure everyone has a mortgage they can't pay back.

Brian37 wrote:

All healthy economies are NEITHER uber Libertarian or Nanny state. But the word "entitlement" is a fucking dodge to the fact that BOTH parties seek laws and tax cuts that send money to the districts that vote for them.

Agreed. But when is there going to be a party that is against entitlements just for being born and for rational social contracts?

Brian37 wrote:

So if you are going to talk about cutting entitlements, I'd think the people who dont need them at this point in history, are the rich. Don't fucking lecture me about entitlements when my boss pays less of a tax rate than I do.

But he pays more taxes than you, right? Does he use less government service than you?

Brian37 wrote:

The most dishonest lie was twisting Obama's "You didn't build that". You didn't build the grade school you went to. You didn't drive the bus that got you to that school. You didn't build the university your college professor taught you at. I am so sick of the fucking right thinking they did everything on their own or that they don't owe the shoulders they stand on anything. GO FUCK YOURSELF.

They were all built by private corporations that did contracting with the government that collected taxes from corporations and workers or they borrowed the money from investors. The government only shuffled papers and moved money around. There is no rational reason not privatize all these.

Brian37 wrote:

And I am also sick of the lie that we hate the free market, when all we hate is the gap, and the abuse of power. I want business to thrive, not rape the rest of us. I am tired of you thinking that the rich are the center of the universe and that WE owe them tax cuts. If you are willing to make money off the labor of others, THEN HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT, SHUT UP, COUNT YOUR MONEY, AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT HAVING MORE.

FUCK OFF CRYBABY, I vote too, and the middle and working poor do the bulk of the work that keep business owners rich.


Such rationality here. We should all believe your political views are base on reason and not emotions like jealousy and anger?


Leftist views? Sorry but Ayn is so far right she Makes Gadaffi look like a liberal. Keep eating her period juice and maybe we can have the same plutocracy as Libya had under Daffy, one party, one family and wealth having absolute power, maybe the Cock brothers can be our overlords.

THE FACTS ARE THAT NO REGULATION LEAD TO THE GREAT DEPRESSION, THE FACTS ARE THAT INVESTMENT AND HIGHER TAXES GOT US OUT OF IT! I was not the car companies, or housing ceo's or wall street that gambled with the corporate welfare they got from OUR taxes, and then dumped their loses on the rest of us. Are you telling me a mere dishwasher caused all that?

Get this through your tiny Gordon Geko head, MONOPOLIES OF POWER, ABUSE OF POWER, are the problem. Gadaffi WAS a capitalist and a billionaire WHO OWNED STOCK IN GENERAL ELECTRIC. The Chinese communist party would not have power if it did not sell the west the cheap crap they MONOPOLIZE from to maintain their power.

It is so beyond your tiny fucking skull to consider that us "leftists" can and do value the free market. Are you going to tell me Stephen King and Stephen Cobert aren't millionaires just because they lean left? Oprah is a billionaire too but she ain't voting for Romney.

Shut the fuck up with your fear mongering nanny state bullshit. If a religion can create a monopoly(Islam)(Christianity) so can a political party and or class.

You are not calling me a leftist because you believe it, you're are doing it because like a fucking child, when others call you on your bullshit, you scream like a baby.

THERE ARE LOTS OF RICH PEOPLE I value and have already in many countless threads have named. So don't fucking pull this crap.

Robert Reich, Nick Hanour, Suzy Orman, Micheal Moore, Stephen King, Stephen Cobert, John Stewart. ALL OF THEM MADE MONEY OFF THE FREE MARKET, so there is your evidence that the "lefties" can and do value the free market.

Ayn has more in common with the Chinese Communist Party and Gadaffi than she does with me. You do too jackass. If it is all about making money, then China should be your model because they are kicking our ass and making us dependent on them. So if you want to make money at their level, simply create a political monopoly, drive down the wages and rights of the worker,  which the rich class and RNC is doing it's best to replicate.

Now you want to talk about science? If you accept that evolution is not a script, and life manifests and grows and changes as a range, then you should know that when a monopoly of resources happens in an ecosystem, it may be good for those on top, but it fucks the rest of that ecosystem up, and when those at the top do that long enough, the ones abused by it, will look for an opportunity to over throw that alpha male.

Jefferson and Paine and the founders although couldn't understand evolution, most certainly were the first to understand that monopolies were a bad thing, THUS THE FIRST AMENDMENT. If that anti monopoly law was good for religion and politics, why should the private sector deserve absolute power either?

Now unless you want to ban the middle class and working poor from voting, please tell me how I am a"leftist" by merely saying you are not the only class that exists. I will never ban you from voting, but I am damned sure going to compete at the voting booth.








"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:THE FACTS ARE

Brian37 wrote:

THE FACTS ARE THAT NO REGULATION LEAD TO THE GREAT DEPRESSION, THE FACTS ARE THAT INVESTMENT AND HIGHER TAXES GOT US OUT OF IT! I was not the car companies, or housing ceo's or wall street that gambled with the corporate welfare they got from OUR taxes, and then dumped their loses on the rest of us. Are you telling me a mere dishwasher caused all that?

Obama supported the bailout of the car companies, supported the bailouts of the banks, continues to support Fanny & Freddie. You voted for him, and have said you plan on voting for him again. So yes, you are in a very small part responsible as one of the millions of votes that put Obama in office.


Brian37 wrote:

Get this through your tiny Gordon Geko head, MONOPOLIES OF POWER, ABUSE OF POWER, are the problem. Gadaffi WAS a capitalist and a billionaire WHO OWNED STOCK IN GENERAL ELECTRIC. The Chinese communist party would not have power if it did not sell the west the cheap crap they MONOPOLIZE from to maintain their power.

Kind of like Obama.


Brian37 wrote:

It is so beyond your tiny fucking skull to consider that us "leftists" can and do value the free market. Are you going to tell me Stephen King and Stephen Cobert aren't millionaires just because they lean left? Oprah is a billionaire too but she ain't voting for Romney.

You leftists don't know what a free market is. Hint: government owning a company is by definition not a free market. Therefore, Libya and China are not examples of free markets.


Brian37 wrote:

You are not calling me a leftist because you believe it, you're are doing it because like a fucking child, when others call you on your bullshit, you scream like a baby.

Oh, you are not a leftist? What are you then?


Brian37 wrote:

Ayn has more in common with the Chinese Communist Party and Gadaffi than she does with me. You do too jackass. If it is all about making money, then China should be your model because they are kicking our ass and making us dependent on them. So if you want to make money at their level, simply create a political monopoly, drive down the wages and rights of the worker,  which the rich class and RNC is doing it's best to replicate.

Oh come on, at least try to be serious. Ayn Rand was absolutely against communism, she devoted her entire life to arguing against it as inherently evil, anyone who has read even one of her books could tell you so. I do agree that the RNC is too leftist.



If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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@Brian37The by far biggest


The by far biggest thing that got us out of the Great Depression was WW2. FDR's Big Government policies were not responsible.

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Quote:You leftists don't

You leftists don't know what a free market is. Hint: government owning a company is by definition not a free market

Name me one private company in America that is government owned?


Now, name me one private company that pays off government to give it contracts. HOLLY SHIT I CALL THAT CORPORATE WELFARE!

The nanny state is top to bottom and you love the nipple as long as it favors your class.


My attitude is that that a private business owner has no more or no less voting rights as the people that work under them. You advocate money equals power which is no fucking less a monopoly than Gadaffi or the Communist party of China.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Beyond Saving
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Brian37 wrote:Quote:You

Brian37 wrote:

You leftists don't know what a free market is. Hint: government owning a company is by definition not a free market

Name me one private company in America that is government owned?


You were not talking about america, you were talking about Libya and China and how capitalists should support them. Perhaps you should read the second half of that quote, the sentences were in the same paragraph because they were meant to go together. 

Beyond Saving wrote:

Therefore, Libya and China are not examples of free markets.

But since we are on the subject...

GM, 26% government owned. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac- currently in conservatorship but the government was always treated as a partial owner due to it being a GSE. The Post Office, owned by the government with laws outlawing direct competition (it is against the law for say Fed Ex to deliver daily first class mail.), the TSA... need I go on? 


Brian37 wrote:

Now, name me one private company that pays off government to give it contracts. HOLLY SHIT I CALL THAT CORPORATE WELFARE!

The nanny state is top to bottom and you love the nipple as long as it favors your class.

Where have I ever supported government contracts? I want the government to have no money, issue no contracts, and be virtually non-existent. You supported the stimulus right? What do you think that was? Where do you think the money went? How is it my fault that the government is issuing all these contracts that I never supported?

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Even Fox News-rubs eyes-what?

Even Fox News says Paul Ryan was deceptive. What's this world coming to?

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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EXC wrote:Vastet

EXC wrote:

Vastet wrote:
Actually, he was.

Such great accomplishments. 17 years of war, millions of war dead, the French bankruptcy after the wars, genocides. Hard to pick out just one thing that made him better than Marie.

And a code of law so fair and just it is still used by the vast majority of civilised countries today.

Compared to a rich bitch who's greatest accomplishment in life was getting her head chopped off in reciprocation for contributing to the destitution of the poor, Napoleon was a fucking hero.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Brian37 wrote: Keep eating

Brian37 wrote:


Keep eating her period juice and maybe we can have the same plutocracy as Libya had under Daffy, one party, one family and wealth having absolute power, maybe the Cock brothers can be our overlords.

THE FACTS ARE THAT NO REGULATION LEAD TO THE GREAT DEPRESSION, THE FACTS ARE THAT INVESTMENT AND HIGHER TAXES GOT US OUT OF IT! I was not the car companies, or housing ceo's or wall street that gambled with the corporate welfare they got from OUR taxes, and then dumped their loses on the rest of us. Are you telling me a mere dishwasher caused all that?

Get this through your tiny Gordon Geko head, MONOPOLIES OF POWER, ABUSE OF POWER, are the problem. Gadaffi WAS a capitalist and a billionaire WHO OWNED STOCK IN GENERAL ELECTRIC. The Chinese communist party would not have power if it did not sell the west the cheap crap they MONOPOLIZE from to maintain their power.

It is so beyond your tiny fucking skull to consider that us "leftists" can and do value the free market. Are you going to tell me Stephen King and Stephen Cobert aren't millionaires just because they lean left? Oprah is a billionaire too but she ain't voting for Romney.

Shut the fuck up with your fear mongering nanny state bullshit. If a religion can create a monopoly(Islam)(Christianity) so can a political party and or class.

You are not calling me a leftist because you believe it, you're are doing it because like a fucking child, when others call you on your bullshit, you scream like a baby.

THERE ARE LOTS OF RICH PEOPLE I value and have already in many countless threads have named. So don't fucking pull this crap.

Robert Reich, Nick Hanour, Suzy Orman, Micheal Moore, Stephen King, Stephen Cobert, John Stewart. ALL OF THEM MADE MONEY OFF THE FREE MARKET, so there is your evidence that the "lefties" can and do value the free market.

Ayn has more in common with the Chinese Communist Party and Gadaffi than she does with me. You do too jackass. If it is all about making money, then China should be your model because they are kicking our ass and making us dependent on them. So if you want to make money at their level, simply create a political monopoly, drive down the wages and rights of the worker,  which the rich class and RNC is doing it's best to replicate.

Now you want to talk about science? If you accept that evolution is not a script, and life manifests and grows and changes as a range, then you should know that when a monopoly of resources happens in an ecosystem, it may be good for those on top, but it fucks the rest of that ecosystem up, and when those at the top do that long enough, the ones abused by it, will look for an opportunity to over throw that alpha male.

Jefferson and Paine and the founders although couldn't understand evolution, most certainly were the first to understand that monopolies were a bad thing, THUS THE FIRST AMENDMENT. If that anti monopoly law was good for religion and politics, why should the private sector deserve absolute power either?

Now unless you want to ban the middle class and working poor from voting, please tell me how I am a"leftist" by merely saying you are not the only class that exists. I will never ban you from voting, but I am damned sure going to compete at the voting booth.

Why are you even on a sight call 'rational responders' when you just want to continue to be a raving lunatic? When did I ever say I was in favor of monopolies? What about the monopoly of power when politicians can buy votes with taxpayer handouts?




Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Brian makes more sense than

Brian makes more sense than you do, by a long shot.

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Vastet wrote:Brian makes

Vastet wrote:
Brian makes more sense than you do, by a long shot.

He has a point Vastet, Brian often flies off the handle and strawmans the other person's argument.

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It's true. And yet he still

It's true. And yet he still makes more sense than EXC, who strawmans pretty much every argument he's ever made.

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Vastet wrote:It's true. And

Vastet wrote:
It's true. And yet he still makes more sense than EXC, who strawmans pretty much every argument he's ever made.

Well I really haven't seen that many discussions EXC has been involved in, so I can't really say anything about that.

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ThunderJones wrote:Vastet

ThunderJones wrote:

Vastet wrote:
It's true. And yet he still makes more sense than EXC, who strawmans pretty much every argument he's ever made.

Well I really haven't seen that many discussions EXC has been involved in, so I can't really say anything about that.

If you only consider what is written here, he immediately went off topic and then started making strange claims about history. That's not something that would make me want to defend a person.


There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft