Texas executes man with 61 IQ.

What a shame to execute one of their most intelligent residents.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
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Typical ignorant American fuckwit says nothing of interest, the world moves on as always, without him.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Way off topic here, but I damn near have given up posting my thoughts and ideas on Facebook because I don't think anyone reads them. I can post something MAJOR from Science Daily and won't get a single comment or like.
That comment got 35 likes and 22 comments.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Typical fuckwit Vastet response. Says nothing of interest, the world moves on as always, without him.
I read most every article people post. I usually don't comment on them, because they generally speak for themselves. During discussions I am either taking part in or watching with interest, I almost always look at the links in posts as well. Perhaps I should comment to let people know someone is paying attention. However, it's not my fault you have decided to argue I've-already-done-the-research-so-I'm-right and not back it up.
Over my short time here so far I have seen several separate attempts by others to engage you in a generally civil discussion. Without fail you have made insults and run off whenever someone gives you a good show. When I had first noticed this behavior from you, I tried to help out the discussion by pointing out to you what you were doing. That made me a 'ignorant fucktard' according to you.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
People always appreciate that too ThunderJones . .
See Image :
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Good for you. But you are in a significant minority, and I'm not going to turn every post I write into an essay for 1 person.
"Over my short time here so far I have seen several separate attempts by others to engage you in a generally civil discussion. Without fail you have made insults and run off whenever someone gives you a good show. When I had first noticed this behavior from you, I tried to help out the discussion by pointing out to you what you were doing. That made me a 'ignorant fucktard' according to you"
Lies. I very rarely throw the first insult. If I called you an ignorant fuckwit, than either you're an ignorant fuckwit, or you insulted me first, or you took my insult to someone else as directed to you.
In regards to the idiots you refer to, they have proven repeatedly that they do NOT read links, and that they ARE ignorant fuckwits, over a period of years which you weren't even present for, and discussions you took no part in.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I also don't 'run' anywhere. If it's clear that further discussion will accomplish nothing, then I stop wasting my time. If some ignorant little shit wants to take the opp to get the last word in, I couldn't care less. Better they waste their time than I waste mine.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You're like a yo-yo on a string, and I or any other "fucktard" can keep you coming back again and again to defend your precious ego. See you in the next thread man / boy..
Vastet wrote:
"If I called you an ignorant fuckwit, than either you're an ignorant fuckwit, ( or you disagreed with me ) or you insulted me first ( or disagreed with me ) or you took my insult to someone else as directed to you ( and I thought you disagreed with me )
. In regards to the idiots you refer to, they have proven repeatedly that they do NOT ( agree with me ), and that they ARE ignorant fuckwits, ( who disagreed with me ) over a period of years which you weren't even present for, and discussions you took no part in."
More childish ranting from a resident nutjob.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Welcome back "yo-yo."
It must be frustrating to a gaming god like you to realize that a "nut job" like me can manipulate you so easily.
Go ahead Man-Boy ...make that "final" insult ...it will prove you've beaten me yet again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.....
^Repetitive stupidity indicative of obsessive compulsive disorder.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
So much for not wasting anymore time.
What's the matter Man-Boy ? You implied you were too mentally strong to let yourself get caught up in a game of "who gets the last word ? " So far you are failing to live up to your proclamation you immature little twerp.
I guess I proved that you do care, didn't I ?
Only you believe in this ridiculous claim.
Yet you've never met a flame war that you could walk away from, have you ? It's like I've found your weakness ...isn't it ?
Yes, "Gaming God" I can see how your mental health seems to revolve around "winning" all the time. It's like for you life is just one big role-playing game. Games are fun, aren't they ?
Have you really ? I see no evidence of that. Keep trying though.
Like the Robert Burn's line having passed into a proverb:- "The best laid plans o' Mice an' Men, gang aft agley."
I read them all too, though I do practise speed reading on some of them.
I don't usually comment for the same reason as you.
For example, 'new spider family discovered' is interesting and I'm glad it was posted, but I have nothing constructive to say about it.
At times I get the urge to post what (to me) are interesting news items, but then decide that nobody may be interested.
But then, it's only zeroes and ones, so maybe I should. People can ignore it if they like and maybe one person will benefit from the information.
I'm not, I'm having fun trolling a troll. Every time he posts I win again.
A bit of obsessive compulsive disorder combined with epic levels of stupid equals entertainment.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Really, what do you win ? Is there some kind of imaginary award ceremony that that takes place within your rich fantasy life ?
It's entertaining to me too, because you've proven that you're a liar and you really can't resist it whenever I bait you. I can keep you here forever. And I will.
(no subject)
Way off the topic here Prozac but I do love that new "Night of the Living Dead" avatar. The original Night, Dawn and Day are among my favorite horror films of all time. I don't know what the hell happened to George Romero. His last few from Land to Diary to that realy piece of shit called : Survival of the Dead have just sucked.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
But noone cared.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Well, he's 72 years old but according to the IMDb he's still active behind the camera with a few projects currently going on.
No one cared ...except Vastet
You're a fucktard.
The Fool is hopefully having as much fun as me, though the anger I feel emanating from his posts casts doubt on the possibility. A lack of experience perhaps?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You replied yet again ? ...gosh, you're making my point for me quicker than I thought.
( How's that "not caring about the last word" working out for you ? )
It's really too easy, but I'm a gamer, and stomping on my inferiors is quite enjoyable.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
PS, I'll check back in a few minutes so you can show me again how much you don't care.....
so much for rational response.
This is making both of you look ridiculous; i hope you both realize that.Of course I realize it's ridiculous. Jesus, that was the whole point. I'm not sure that Vastet realizes the massive irony of his continued participation ......cause it's all about winning !
( Besides, I don't hate the guy, he's just really, really, really irritating, that's all. No big deal. )
*Wonders if certain individuals realise I haven't even bothered reading their responses, yet still get them to post more...*
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Hey Bro, nice to hear from you !
I never cared what others thought of me. I'm sure I've looked more ridiculous. Usually, having fun involves a certain amount of ridiculousness. Goes with the territory. I'm always satisfied with the fact that posting again means I'm forcing an idiot to post again. Especially since I have to look through all the topics anyway, watching for spam. It isn't even costing me time.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Hey Bro, nice to hear from you !
Oh, I think I understand now, Vastet.
When you stated that you didn't need to get the last word in you weren't counting your subsequent posts 62, 64, 70, 74, 77, 79, 83 and 85. Very Clever.
( ....wait a minute, if you reply again, does that mean you do care or don't care ? )
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You guys are just spamming the thread now.