Model shows more censorship = more violence, rebellion, & crime
Posted on: July 4, 2012 - 2:16pm

Model shows more censorship = more violence, rebellion, & crime
The researchers found that all possible scenarios led to initial outbursts of violence but how the situation evolved was significantly influenced by government social media censorship. In a total censorship scenario, similar to the Egyptian riots, violence levels remained at a maximum. Stronger censorship led to an increase in the average level of endemic violence over time.
According to the model, the "no censorship" situation at first appears bleak, with incessant, high-level violent outbursts that seem larger than in other scenarios. However, looking at average violence levels over time, the uncensored scenario still has the least aggression. Although agents protest, sometimes violently, they are able to return to relative calm for longer periods in-between. The decision to maintain peace is the choice of agents themselves, rather than due to police repression.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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That study seems to back up what we practice here. Non-censorship leads to high emotional reactionaryism [I had my wheaties today] which quickly burns out leaving us all a bit of time to THINK!. time to hear the other side before developing a more rational view of any given situation. The computer model makes it clear there will be a strong reaction under any scenario; non-censorship gets the pain over and done with quicker. I'm for non censorship. Now we have another scientific study to back up our rational practices.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
That's very close to what we understand from the study of Armageddon.
Final conclusion ---The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Vive la résistance!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This makes perfect sense in my opinion. Those without an outlet for any strong emotion or their opinions will often resort to much more destructive means of getting their point across. Even if a person's opinion isn't heeded, the very fact that they were able to freely state, and discuss that opinion gives a stability of mind not present in a censored parallel.
Think about China, who vigorously censors the Internet and news from the outside. Many people who know about the Internet are pushing to get free from the censorship. Open censorship in a modern society cannot last forever.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Of course. If you can't discuss things then it's time to raise arms.
This is a good lesson for humanity to learn. It will not solve stopping all acts of violence, but it can foster a better future where the worst we do is bitch.
I forgot who it was who pulled me aside(and to that person, thank you) when Jean made the mistake of starting a post claiming God used the Japanese Tsunami as a threat to America, not knowing when he posted that bullshit, that I was once married to a Japanese women, one who now has a PHD in microbiology, and has never committed a crime, and lives in a country with an extremely low if non existent crime rate.
BUT in any case, as many who remember that thread know, I demanded at first, his booting. And to the credit of the person who pulled me aside, and to the credit of Brian Sapient and the admins, they did not boot him.
Jeans words did piss me off, but I'd be a hypocrite while I constantly argue that even vile crap should be allowed to be spewed, if he had been banned.
So now, while he still posts here, I still find his crap vile. But also see the benefit of having him here. He serves as an example of what an asshole looks like.
All 7 billion of us will not always like each other, nor will we always only say nice things about each other. But we can foster the future of more and more people that no matter what we say to each other, we are all still a product of the same species and the same evolution.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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