What you say about the Fermi paradox?

This one usually gets me thinking... it is sort of a mystery for me why space is so silent
What's your take on the Fermi paradox? Any crazy ideas?
I'd say a combination of factors may explain it: The improbability of intelligent and complex life development (we had 4 billion years of Earth's history with only single cell or very simple life, only 500 millions years ago the revolution started); The behavior of intelligent life seems to be self defeating by behaving in similar ways to a cancer in the ecosystem and disrupting it. Civilization is very energy intensive, it is possible that post industrial civilization is merely a blip in inteligent species development, this view is supported by the fact that we live on an unsustainable model fueled by energy credit. Lastly we have extinction events like asteroid impacts that due to the size of the asteroids may be impossible to avoid...
The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread.
Blaise Pascal
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I speculate that it is likely possible there are other life forms out there. However, too many people often seem to think that alien life would be highly intelligent and advanced from us ( too much sci-fi, although I like sci-fi myself).
How could we assume that it is more intelligent or advanced ? Perhaps it could be the equivalent of our Earth in the pre-historic times or the Middle Ages.
Perhaps other lifeforms out there would be so radically different from us we would have no way of even comprehending each other's existence.
Like I alluded to in another post, can deep ocean life comprehend something like : The Sahara Desert or anything about life above water ?
More sci-fi here, but like this guy said on an episode of the Outer Limits " What would a fish feel like if it were plucked out of the water when biting upon a shiny thing, assuming that it's thought processes were anything like ours ?,".
Even planets with Earth-like qualities would not automatically mean that their evolution would be like ours.
Do I believe in UFO's and such ? Not really.
Do I believe there could be other life out there, I would say that there is a high probability. Although, I would have no way of measuring the statistical probability and am more or less just making a guess.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I see your point, but the problem is if we look at our evolution (this is our only view point) as soon as we get to a certain level of intelligence. Civilization happens VERY quickly in geological time. So judging by this there should be loads of Civs at our level, at least. So shouldn't SETI's programs have detected something by now? There should be plenty of life out there.
The space is not silent. There was the WOW! signal. The SETI scientists failed to decode it, but it has been decoded by my countryman. It is actually a highly logical message, based on mathemathic principles combined with visually-geometric principles. It can not possibly be solved by number crunching alone. It however makes perfect sense if you interpret it for what it is, a message of one denizen of a galaxy to another, of one math-user to another. Also, SETI made a mistake of disregarding the following string of numbers, 011001 IIRC, which was ignored as a probable cosmic noise. It was actually a key to the whole message.
There is a website that serves to complement the book. It's an interesting read, specially for mathemathicians. Who can go over all the calculations and check them step by step. You can also give a read to the reasons why this message isn't popularly known and why the man who deciphered the message isn't a publically celebrated hero. He was throwing pearls to the swines, that is, he didn't get beyond the local self-important post-communistic academic assholes. I was on his presentation with my dad years ago and beyond us there were only two other people. It's really diffcult to get a message across if the pundits have heads deep in their asses.
By the way, I saw UFO again very recently. My mom was sunbathing on the roof and she saw a silver (shiny) cigar-shaped object flying in the sky. She called me and my younger brother and we saw it too. It was closely followed by two jet airplanes. So we had a perfect opportunity to make a comparison.
- Both airplanes were clearly following it, they all were at most a couple of km apart. I don't know if they were civil jets or military interceptors, it was impossible to tell.
- They all had a similar relative size, it looked like they were at the same altitude, about 10 km.
- The airplanes both left condensation trails. The mysterious object didn't have any. It flew on its own, without having any obvious wings or means of propulsion.
- Despite of that, the UFO was faster than both airplanes, it gradually got a little ahead of them before they all disappeared behind horizon. In several minutes they all flew across the whole visible sky, so they had to be pretty fast.
- Several minutes later there flew in a third airplane, from the same direction as the two airplanes before. It looked like reinforcements or something. All four objects flew from behind the border of Poland. A month or so earlier I saw exactly the same UFO flying towards Slovakia. And later in a nearby city I saw again this UFO flying towards Poland. So I have three sightings of the same object.
Fermi paradox my ass.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Well, I know about the WOW signal but its pretty inconclusive and it was not listen again... I don't know about the cracking by your countryman. It's just a mathematical message?! If it is it shouldn't be hard to prove. Math is not my thing so I think I'll not get anything...
1977, the year I was born a lot of stuff happened!
The WOW signal, Elvis Died, First Space shuttle flight, Tenerife disaster - the deadliest air disaster ever, Voyager probes are launched, erradication of smallpox.
I know that usually pundits have their heads on their asses so what you say maybe true.
I REALLY would like to see a UFO. Never seen one though
every object in the sky until now had an human explanation... This is one of those things I have to see for myself or I won't believe.
As for UFO, what I saw wasn't very remarkable. Just a silver cigar-shaped object flying straight. Other people here saw a disc flying above the treetops along mountain slopes, in the middle of nowhere. Looks like they don't waste the fancy stuff on this backwoods region. The best UFO sightings are when you see a light in the sky that changes size and colors, moves around and up and down, and people sometimes report having strange feeling of love emanating from the object. I mean something like this. It's good to have some software to keep track of Venus and Jupiter so you don't get confused.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Forget about the Dogons thing... I take my comments out! Mea culpa, I did a poor research. Actually there is no such thing as Sirius C, I just assumed there was. Poor research...
Once I thought I've seen kind of an UFO when at the horizon I saw big strippes of golden light!! I was amazed by the picture. But I didn't left the scene, because if I did I would go home thinking I've seen a UFO! As I was whatching the stripes where changing and morphing... and then as they shaped into a familiar form I realized it was the clouds playing tricks in front of the Moon!! disappointment!
Fast moving objects in the night sky that do not blink are merely satellites or the ISS... I never saw a UFO... that's why I'm VERY skeptical about people who see them all the time! And I love to watch the night sky!
The day I see a UFO I solve the Fermi paradox... I haven't seen one though.
I have never seen one either. However, if I did see one, my first thought would probably be the hunch that the Air Force was testing some sort of new invention. After all, how many people would actually report it and to whom would they report it to ? The media ? The police ?
If I ever saw one that could be CLEARLY caught on camera, (not the distorted stuff that I see on the History Channel), and could get some photos, I might try to post them on the net. However, if I was alone and saw one, I probably would explain it away and not say a word about it.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Yes but you live in the USA, I live in Portugal. the most advanced thing we got is 25 F-16 fighters
These weird silver cigar-shaped things just don't fit the picture. I started seeing them this year and never before that.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I guess you got me there. :lol:
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Wasn't there a UFO sighting in Fatima back in 1917?
There are no theists on operating tables.
This was what supposedly happened. I wasn't there though...
As I said, I have to see a UFO to believe it.
I just want to add something about Fatima to put it on a better context.
Most of the population in 1917 where farmers or shepherds and illiterate. There were a few professors in the crowd though.
Dr. Joseph Garrett, professor of natural sciences at Coimbra University:
"The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl, when suddenly a clamor was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible."
If you ask me something that defies explanation happened in Fatima. But I don't know what is was.
I always figured it was just the fact that the surface area of a sphere increases as the square of its radius.
Think about it. If we, on earth, send out a signal, we can choose one of two options. We can attempt to direct the signal, as we do with Mars rovers. This way, the signal remains strong as it travels over a large distance. The drawback is that we have to direct it accurately. A shift of a few degrees either way will result in the signal not reaching the rover. And the more tightly we direct the signal (to keep it from dying out) and the further we try to send it, the more accurately we have to aim.
If aliens are sending directed signals, then they would have to already know about us, or they would have to get super lucky to direct them towards us. The further away they are, the luckier they'd need to be.
Alternatively, the aliens could just have their signal be undirected, spreading out through all of space. The problem with this is that energy is still conserved, so the strength of the signal dies off with the square of the distance. This means that if the aliens are too far away, we won't be able to pick their signal out over all the background noise (like all the light that's coming from whatever star they're orbiting).
There probably are plenty of aliens out there, but they are so enormously far away that their directed signals have damn near zero chance of hitting us and their undirected signals are so spread out that we can't pick them out of the background.
Questions for Theists:
I'm a bit of a lurker. Every now and then I will come out of my cave with a flurry of activity. Then the Ph.D. program calls and I must fall back to the shadows.
My opinion is that as far as we're concerned the Fermi paradox holds. However, along our dense and tangible material world there is an underlying subtler counterpart of etheric levels, which we in total call dark matter. There may be subtle-material biospheres around otherwise barren planets may host whole civilizations, even in our solar system. Which is a very different perspective on extraterrestrial contacts. We always assume that space civilizations must always come from far away, always have solid and visible spaceships and that they're ignorant and curious about us. But if they have been with us all along, with superior technology and not exactly occupying the same material levels as we do, the situation is different.
Instead of landing in front of the most self-important government building on the planet (guess which one) we may expect them to tread lightly, for they tread on our dreams.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
From time immemorial every sentient species had evolved to look up in the sky and see signs of intelligent life. They had all had numerous visits. There was never a time they thought they were alone. It had been this way for so long no records survived from the beginning when species would have evolved thinking they were alone.
After much debate a grand experiment was proposed. Find an evolving species and shield it solar system from all external signs of life. They could look and listen and use any sensor system they could devise and nothing would be detected. This species would be studied to see how it evolved without evidence of life beyond its own planet.
Some considered this unnatural and unethical to deliberately deprive a species of what all other species had experienced. Others considered it a holy experiment, allowing a species to develop pure as had the mythical first ones. Still others thought it a lame ass idea for an SF short story.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
On a mailing list long ago a Portuguese participant reported research on the sun miracle did not appear in any news story until several years later. After it first appeared many witnesses appeared including many who were demonstrably no where near the town at the time.
Review the Randi experient of talking vaguely about seeing a UFO on his way to the studio which lead to two hours of calls from people who saw the same thing in greater detail. Of course he made up seeing something.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
a good video about the search for ET
Any civilization that was technologically advanced enough for intersteller or intragalactic travel would probably have no use for us and they would have long ago wiped us out if they had need of the resources of earth. Just as we wipe out 'inferior' species that are in our way, why wouldn't they do the same? So either they don't exist or we have nothing they want.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Any civilisation at our level, today, would have to be within a radius of 120 odd light years for us to have any realistic hopes of detecting them today, or them us. This is something most people don't seem to think about.
Even if a species has conquered half the universe, the chances of them knowing we are here are extremely small. They too would have to be within 120 odd light years of us to detect us.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Also, people seem to not understand that technological advancement does not work like in sci-fi movies or books. By the time we can zip around the galaxy in FTL Spaceships we will also likely be able to generate unlimited energy and reorganize matter, so there is seriously no need to harvest some backwater like Earth
(the above statement is a guess, but our technology is advancing exponentially NOT linearly, so I feel pretty good about it.)
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker