How Dieties Are Born, By Brian37

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How Dieties Are Born, By Brian37

How Deities Are Born, By Brian37

No religion
Is revealed
Thy are invented
Merely marketed

Christians and Muslims
And even Hebrews
Fail to consider
Reality's truth

Projecting backwards
Is what they do
Pick up older writings
Inventing something new

Just as Coke
Makes a cherry soda
Pepsi sees that
And creates it's own

They talk of Prophets
Greeks had them too
Oracles by name
Apollo they proclaim

Yet no one today
Buys that god
Failing to realize
They believed just as fervently

The major three
Causing the most strife
Started in Canaan
In polytheism

Just like Frasier
Came from Cheers
Just like McDonalds
Competes with Burger King

And the reason
For all of this
From polytheism
To monotheism

Is very simple
Humans like sugar pills
We've always invented them
To placate our emotions

It is evolutions flaw
In our false perceptions
Gap filling for comfort
Is all we are doing

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

The Theist
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You are a Prophet, Brian. A

You are a Prophet, Brian. A Prophet for a failed metaphysical experiment, the lifeless corpse of which is propped up by its own faithful. Everything you hate you have already become.


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The Theist wrote:You are a

The Theist wrote:

You are a Prophet, Brian. A Prophet for a failed metaphysical experiment, the lifeless corpse of which is propped up by its own faithful. Everything you hate you have already become.



No I am not a prophet jackass. I am one human in our species evolution, nothing more. And there is no such thing as metaphysics, that is a hollow bullshit made up word that people like because it sounds like lagit philosophy.

I do hate, but not in the childish demonizing way you want to project on me. That is your view of me, that is NOT what is in my head.

If you claimed the moon was made of cheese and truly believed it and went around selling it as fact, YOU ARE DAMNED FUCKING RIGHT I would hate that. But you are not going to get away with trying to shame me into silence because you don't like my blasphemy. I don't owe your claims silence.

If you truly want me to hate YOU the individual, keep it up. But you are dead wrong that I hate all believers merely because I hate the claims they make.

You are merely projecting your insecurities on me, the more you do that, instead of presenting arguments for your own position, I will hate you.

But no human, not you, not me, not anyone is owed a pedestal on ANY GIVEN CLAIM on any subject. You are simply pissed that I am not giving you a pass. That does not make me a bigot because you want me to be a bigot.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at