Retrofit, By Brian37
Retrofit, by Brian37
In the land of Mecca
So the fans thereof
Make claims of
Red nebulas
Christians too
Claim mountains moving
Meant the culture knew
Of plate tectonics
And some Buddhists claim
"Life changes"
Means Buddha knew
Of an infinite universe
Aquinas knew
About quantum mechanics
Festering retrofitting
To cling to myth
To all who claim
Such absurdity
Why is it then
Your predilection
Is not required
In the classroom
In any grade school
In any college?
I don't need
The Koran
Or a cross
Or a fat belly statue
The Greeks knew not
Of protons or electrons
Merely because
They used the word "atom"
Please stop
Please stop
Clinging to myth
Science is not religion
Religion is not science
They are not interchangeable
Religion explains nothing
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Beach, this poem was inspired by you, but again, you are not the first person to do this. This is no different to me than trying to argue ID or creationism. I like you as a person, but I am NOT going to give you a pass on your claims.
NOW the following is for ALL PEOPLE of all religions and traditions.
Now, yes, I do feel the emotion of hate when I read things like this. BUT much like a parent loves their kid but may hate something they say or do.I really hate it when ANYONE OF ANY LABEL of superstition or religious tradition FALSELY tries to point out vacuous crap written in their books somehow means that culture and that religion is the inventor of science.
I was inspired to start this post because for the first time in my history of debate on line, I am running into, not a Christian or Muslim or Jew, but a Buddhist.
He is claiming that because Buddha said "change is all there is" meant he knew that the universe was infinite.
What he meant BACK THEN, was "the seasons change" a human is born and change throughout their lives, die, rot and become food for other things". Having an observation doesn't mean you know scientifically what you are observing.
I AM SO FUCKING SICK of people trying to pull this shit.
This Buddhist rightfully looks at the religions and superstitions of others and says "that's silly" but cant see that he is no different.
I have had Muslims and Christians claim that because of verses with the words "mountains moving" meant they knew about plate tectonics"
I've had a Muslim claim "red nebula" proved they knew about modern science because of "the red sky" written in the Koran, meant Allah was the one true god.
I even had one quote the Koran about "congealed blood" meant Muslims knew about modern obstetrics because Allah picks the sex of the baby.
I had a Christian claim that Aquinas knew about quantum mechanics .
I am so sick of this shit. If anyone of any of these labels had actually invented science, then please tell my why none of these religions is required in a classroom to learn modern science?
All these labels I mentioned above will rightfully point at all the others and go "That's absurd"
DUH, but none of them would worship the Greek gods because they were the first to use the word "atom".
Religion is not science merely because someone of a given culture makes an observation. Otherwise we should all worship the sun because the Egyptians were right when they said the sun gives life. IT DOES because without it photosynthesis would not take place. No photosynthesis, no oxygen, no oxygen, we cant breath, therefore the sun is a thinking being. The Egyptians were master builders so because they got science right in physics and geometry, does that make their god's real?
I don't hate people because they believe these absurd claims, I just hate the fact that people still cling to myth when it is clear we have MUCH BETTER data than the claims and traditions of ancient myth.
So before any believers go off on me and falsely accuse me of bigotry. Think of it this way. I once falsely believed that babies came out of the ass and not the vagina. But thee difference is once I knew the truth I gave up on the bad claim.
If anyone reading this who believes, can rightfully dismiss the retrofitting of other labels, then ask yourself this question.
When you make an alleged scientific argument for your religion or your god, ask yourself this.
"Would I buy my own argument if someone else was using my same argument to argue for a different religion or different god".
Once you are unafraid to ask yourself that it becomes clear that science is NOT dependent on holding any religious label to learn, because religion did not invent science, humans merely observe stuff and act on their observations. And they don't always know scientifically what they are observing, and more often than not, for everything a human MIGHT guess at that happens to seem to fit, there is plenty humans guess at that is absurd. Newton was a smart guy, but that doesn't make his god real.
It is why in modern classrooms no religious book is required. A Jew a Muslim and Atheist and a Buddhist can all sit side by side in a classroom and learn what DNA is or mitosis or the solar system. And no one reading this would put up with a science classroom that used a religious text book in place of a science textbook.
PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF! I cant stop any label from having a club they like to belong to. But please do not mix science and religion, they are NOT interchangeable.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at