what atheist do not know.

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what atheist do not know.

Archaeological evidence proving the accuracy of the Bible.

1.The book of Luke and the book of Acts writer (Luke): named 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 Islands without any historical error. Also the evidence of the ancient burial site in Jerusalem, revealed crucified victims that still had the 7inch nail driven on the victims feet. There was also evidence that similar spikes had been put between the two bones of each lower arm.

2. Jesus Christ: confirmed by non Christian historians and writers of ancient times, all wrote about Jesus Christ in history.
a. Tacitus, Roman historian and Chief secretary to Emperor Hadrian
b. Pliny the younger, governor of Bithynia
c. E. Lucian, Greek writer
d. Phlegon, pagan historian
e. Suetonius
f. justice of Tiberius
g. philo
h. Seneca
i. Petronius Arbiter
j. pliny the elder
k. Thallus, Samaritan historian
l. Mara Bar Serapion
m. Flavious Josephus, Jewish General and historian .

3. Jesus Christ: confirmed by ancient Christian leaders, historians and writers of ancient times, all wrote about Jesus Christ in history.
a. Polycarp
b. Ignatius
c. Irenaeus
d. Clement
e. Papias
f. Origen

4. Jericho walls: and how they did come falling down by Dr. Bryant Wood

5. Ossuary of James,: son of Joseph, brother of Jesus

6. The dead sea scrolls : conforming the accuracy of today’s bible.

7. The Cyrus cylinder and the book of Daniel.

8. The Ebla tablets (2500 BC) :and the biblical story of creation In Genesis.

9. Pontius Pilate Stone confirming the biblical Roman Governor Pilate.

10. Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah :discovery in the ancient city of Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira .

11. The Great Flood: recorded in ancient scriptures all over the world.

12. Sumerian king list: and the pre flood life expectancy recorded in Genesis.

13. Obelisk of Shalmaneser and the Biblical war with Assyria

14. House of David inscription of the “Tel Dan” confirming biblical King David .

These are just a few of the thousands of evidence that have been revealed..

If the bible says it happened, then you can bet your life that it did happen.

God has a purpose and a reason for you.

Jesus is God and God loves you.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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so what

I'm answering this like a 3rd grader because that's all it really takes.

1.  How do you know and so what

2-13.  So what

14. Bullshit

And even though it sounds like it, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but I have to get back to interesting posts now.

"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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What the Hell??!!!

tonyjeffers wrote:

I'm answering this like a 3rd grader because that's all it really takes.

1.  How do you know and so what

2-13.  So what

14. Bullshit

And even though it sounds like it, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but I have to get back to interesting posts now.

What the Hell??!!! Why does every  Theist  that comes on the board,  either have a chip on their shoulder or a large target painted on their butt ?!?


At the risk of sounding like an Idiot, Havent been around the tube recently. I d rather hear the ravings of the redneck cephalopods: the Yogi BERRA of gibberish. The provider of GLUG, undoubtedly past on by his Grand-pappy from the prohibition days.

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Honestly, Jim.


Jimenezj wrote:
Archaeological evidence proving the accuracy of the Bible.


Do you want to hear the archaeological and technological evidence that supports the veracity of the arguments that Harry Potter was a real person. There is too a real London. Magic happens!

What I want from you is archaeological proof of the existence of the supernatural. Yes, that will do very nicely. 

Additionally, none of those writers you mention assuredly mentions the real jesus. Josephus is certainly a fake inserted by Eusebius into his own copy of the Jewish War.

The other references are either oblique or so far after the events they are worthless as prima face evidence. 

The fact these people mention his name does not mean they confirmed his existence using the scientific method, which is the only thing most people here have any respect for. 

"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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Nice try........





                   .................but frankly we have heard it all before.


                  1]   Nameing existing citys and countries is no big deal any adult could do it.  Thousands of people were crucified in Roman times, I'd be amazed if they did not find such evidence in a graveyard.


                  2]   One, two & three hundred years after the fact they were rewriting hear-say evidence, Josephus never wrote a word on J.C. an 18th century asshole redacted his text.


                  3]  They were rewriting stories, some of which came from before 90 BCE.


                  4]  During a spring flood the mudbrick wall turned back into mud and collapsed.


                  5]   That ossuary was later proven a fraud and the man responsible is now doing time in an Israeli prison.


                  6]  It proves the text of the bible was the same in the first century CE, it does Not prove accuracy.


                   7]  That might prove Daniel existed, 500  years before Caeser.  So what?


                  8] it proves one of meny flood storys before the bible existed,  it may be where the bible writers got the idea from.


                   9]  Pilate was a Roman govenor, in Syria, in the wrong time frame.


                    10] destroyed by an earthquake. It does not prove god or a jesus.


                    11]   Localized versions of the "great flood" happen all over the world every spring thaw or a clogged drainage systom. People live near water sources.


                  12]  The list in the bible misses a few of the kings, which probably explains why it is 50 to 90 years off the real mark. 


                  13]  It wasn't much of a war the Assyrians invaded, and the biblical time frame is still 150 years off the mark.


                  14]  That might be significant if David was a god or at least invested with some godly powers, he wasn't.  David was a successful warlord, if his real name wasn't David, there was some warlord like him kicking ass in that time frame. It doesn't prove god, jesus or accuracy of the rest of the bible.









"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"

If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?

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Josephus is generally considered the most powerful weapon in the literary historical arsenal and the man wasn't even born until 5 years after jesus is alleged to have died.  



"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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danatemporary wrote:

tonyjeffers wrote:

I'm answering this like a 3rd grader because that's all it really takes.

1.  How do you know and so what

2-13.  So what

14. Bullshit

And even though it sounds like it, I'm not trying to be a smartass, but I have to get back to interesting posts now.

What the Hell??!!! Why does every  Theist  that comes on the board,  either have a chip on their shoulder or a large target painted on their butt ?!?


At the risk of sounding like an Idiot, Havent been around the tube recently. I d rather hear the ravings of the redneck cephalopods: the Yogi BERRA of gibberish. The provider of GLUG, undoubtedly past on by his Grand-pappy from the prohibition days.

How the hell did you make me out to be a Theist? You can call me anything but that. I think you are confused.


"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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Up too late for this girl

You can call me anything but that. I think you are confused..  ..


Submitted by danatemporary on February 24, 2012 - 4:47am.



Please ignore, I wouldn't maintain that you  ever were one.  Should not have used those brackets Opps so sorry

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                      Ossuary of James has already been proven to be a fake.


                    edit:  sorry, didn't notice that Jeffrick had already posted that info.

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Jimenezj wrote:
Archaeological If the bible says it happened, then you can bet your life that it did happen. 


  ....well, it's nice to know that you haven't succumbed to preconceived conclusions.  Christians are always the epitome of clear-headed objectiveness.  Good job Jimenezj !

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If you go and see the movie

If you go and see the movie Superman, and he flies around New York city in the movie, since NY is a real city, does that mean Superman is real and can fly?

George Washington was a real person, but only a fool would believe someone if they claimed he could fart a real full sized Lamborghini out of his ass.

Magic/supernatural, are NOT REAL. The stories in the bible are embellished myth written to draw people into the stories in them.  Every culture back then believed some superstition. Once you buy a myth as fact, you will believe it and pass it down to the next generation, unless you get lucky like we did and wake up, or never be sold it in the first place.

Virgin births do not happen. Surviving rigor mortis dos not happen.

And another thing, don't assume what atheists don't know.(As the title of the thread implies)

You are not dealing with amateurs here. Many of us have been on line debating for 10-15 years on multiple websites. Many were born atheists. Many here have degrees in science, and some are even former minister


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# 9

You said he was a roman governor in Syria . If that
Is the Cade then why is the stone enscribed with him being a prefect of Judea?

The partial inscription reads (conjectural letters in brackets):

The translation from Latin to English for the inscription reads:

To the Divine Augusti [this] Tiberieum
...Pontius Pilate
...prefect of Judea
...has dedicated [this]

Either you are in denial or you are ignorant in Archeology.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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In denial . . Those poor ignorant bastards . .

Jimenezj says, Either you are in denial or you are ignorant in Archeology



In the Theist's assessment and counter to Jeffrick' run down, how  about focusing exclusively on numbers 1 through 8 and 10 through 14?

danatemporary said, ][Why does] every  Theist  that comes on the board,  either have a chip on their shoulder or a large target painted on their butt ?!?

My original comment, however wrongly directed, was at its' heart  solely on the Theists' behaviour on the board, that is all

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Jimenezj wrote:# 9 You said

Jimenezj wrote:
# 9 You said he was a roman governor in Syria . If that Is the Cade then why is the stone enscribed with him being a prefect of Judea? The partial inscription reads (conjectural letters in brackets): [DIS AUGUSTI]S TIBERIÉUM [...PO]NTIUS PILATUS [...PRAEF]ECTUS IUDA[EA]E [...FECIT D]E[DICAVIT] The translation from Latin to English for the inscription reads: To the Divine Augusti [this] Tiberieum ...Pontius Pilate ...prefect of Judea ...has dedicated [this] Either you are in denial or you are ignorant in Archeology.


I don't care  if you can prove that Obama is a real person or Bush is a real person, or that Washington is a real city. NONE OF THAT MAKES COMIC BOOK SUPER HEROS REAL. Neither Obama or Bush can cure the blind or turn water into wine, nor or either going to get 72 virgins.

Virgin births are myth. You wont get 72 virgins in a fictional non existent after life, there is no such thing as vishnu or Thor or Allah. If real people write myths down, it does not make the myth real. It merely means the culture of the time wanted to believe it was real and were successful in marketing it.

NO FUCKING DIFFERENT today when some idiot sells you stain remover for a carpet cleaner. Ever notice in the spot that the stain is STILL WET! Religion is a mind scam. It is merely a given culture's reflection of wanting to be the alpha male. No religion invented morality or evolution, no matter what placebos our species falsely swallows or markets.

It is easy to fall for ones emotions. It is much harder for our species to test for quality control.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I'm late to this discussion

I'm late to this discussion because I wanted to give it the detail and research it deserved.

Jimenezj wrote:

Archaeological evidence proving the accuracy of the Bible.

OK, this could be interesting.
Jimenezj wrote:

1.The book of Luke and the book of Acts writer (Luke): named 32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 Islands without any historical error.

How is a 1st Century CE travelogue archeology?
You should also mention that the writer purported to be Luke for these 2 books had insufficient knowledge about the area where all of the Jesus episodes were alleged to have occurred. He also disagrees with the other storytellers on the events of the Jesus in many areas.
1-Where was Nazareth? No one but the writers of the New Testament seem to have noticed it existed in the 1st century CE, not even Josephus who you used later in your presentation. He described extensively cities, towns and villages in Judea but mentions no place named Nazareth.
2-The sermon on the mount or was it the sermon on the plain as Luke described it?
3-The healing of the blind man on the way into Jericho or was it on the way from Jericho as in Luke.
4-Luke 17 and the journey to Jerusalem. This trip is general. What village? Pay attention, Jesus has been on the road to Jerusalem since chap 9. Read carefully the descriptions of the geography and the lack of detail.
5-I haven't even touched on the storytelling episode of the supposed Roman census, which is pure fiction on the part of the writer of Luke as he told it.

Jimenezj wrote:

 Also the evidence of the ancient burial site in Jerusalem, revealed crucified victims that still had the 7inch nail driven on the victims feet.

As far as I know there was found but one "victim" in Jerusalem with a nail in his heel. His name was 'Yehohanan, the son of Hagakol' according to wiki. So was the supposed execution of the criminal  Jesus special somehow or was he modeled after the known methods of Roman execution?

Jimenezj wrote:

There was also evidence that similar spikes had been put between the two bones of each lower arm.

This proves what exactly? That the Romans executed people, we already know that. Even back after the slave rebellion in Italy they did so. That the criminal Jesus was executed likely proves he incited rebellion against Rome and not being a Roman was executed in the most heinous way as an example. Such was also the case following the Jewish rebellion in 70 CE as well.
Jimenezj wrote:

 2. Jesus Christ: confirmed by non Christian historians and writers of ancient times, all wrote about Jesus Christ in history.

Did they now? Let see if your statement has basis and merit.

Jimenezj wrote:

a. Tacitus, Roman historian and Chief secretary to Emperor Hadrian

In the Annals book 15 chapter 44 all Tacitus has to say is the legend that Nero blamed the Christians for the fire in Rome. He refers to Christus being executed by Pilate. This was written in 115 CE well into the storytelling legend of the Jesus. Does this prove Tacitus knew of Jesus or he knew of the storytelling legends? Do You have a copy of his autobiography or detail attesting to what he knew or didn't know on the subject? If so, please detail it for us. What and Why do you think he knew and why do you think that?

Jimenezj wrote:

b. Pliny the younger, governor of Bithynia

You must be referring to his Letters 10.96-97 to Trajan circa 112-113 CE on the subject of Christians. How does the fact that he was discussing those said to be Christians reflect on the reality or not of the Jesus character? This letter only discusses those that believe and is not support that the Jesus was a real person and not just a character.
Jimenezj wrote:

c. E. Lucian, Greek writer

He was a second century Greek satirist who wrote that the founder of the Christians introduced the rites practiced by them and was killed for doing so. This info was easily obtained in the 2nd century that the Christians believed in this story. This somehow makes the Jesus a person and not a character? If so, explain how discussing what someone else believes makes the subject true.
Jimenezj wrote:

d. Phlegon, pagan historian

I suppose that this tidbit is what you mean :
"In the fourth year, however, of Olympiad 202,* an eclipse of the sun happened, greater and more excellent than any that had happened before it; at the sixth hour, day turned into dark night, so that the stars were seen in the sky, and an earthquake in Bithynia toppled many buildings of the city of Nicaea. These things [are according to] the aforementioned man."
During the average day there are 50 earthquakes.
See - http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/year/eqstats.php
Bithynia is part of Turkey, an area with a long history of seismic activity.
Solar eclipses vary in their view and observance, depending on one's location.
This proves what?
That there were earthquakes and solar eclipses 2000 years ago?

Jimenezj wrote:

e. Suetonius

I suppose you refer to his book "Life of Claudius 25.4" where it has the statement, "As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he expelled them from Rome."
However, this easily can be a Greek name and not the Jesus character at all.  About this time, 49 CE there is mentioned that Jews were expelled from Rome. Acts supposedly also mentioned this. So was Chrestus the Jesus, a Jew in Rome causing problems, or another messiah wannabe?
Suetonius also in the same book in 16.2 said  "Punishment by Nero was inflicted on the Christians, a class of men given to a new and mischievous superstition."
However nothing of the Jesus character is discussed.
Yep, there were probably Christians around. Nope it doesn't prove that the character was real.

Jimenezj wrote:

f. justice of Tiberius

I think you probably mean Justus of Tiberias who was from the same area as the Jesus character supposedly. Funny you'd bring him up as his silence on the Jesus is more damning than supportive. He was a rival and contemporary of Josephus.
According to Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople in the 9th Century he read Justus' works and said, " I have read the chronology of Justus of Tiberias ... and being under the Jewish prejudices, as indeed he was himself also a Jew by birth, he makes not one mention of Jesus, of what happened to him, or of the wonderful works that he did."
So exactly what support do you have that Justus wrote about the Jesus?

Jimenezj wrote:

g. philo

Which Philo do you mean here?
Philo of Alexandria per chance?
If so, again you should have not mentioned him either as once again, he is one that should have noticed the Jesus and his Christians but he wrote not one word about the character or his followers. Funny that.
Jimenezj wrote:

h. Seneca

The only thing I know in this regard is this 1928 book of fiction written by W. P. Crozie titled Letters of Pontius Pilate: Written during His Governorship of Judea to His Friend Seneca in Rome.
Think this was real? See this link from a 1928 review of this book of fiction - http://www.guardian.co.uk/newsroom/crozier/images/0%2C12920%2C945919%2C00.html
Seneca wrote not one word in regard to the Jesus.

Jimenezj wrote:

 i. Petronius Arbiter

The only well known work by him was what may be one of the earliest novels, aka a book of fiction called The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter.
You have something else on him, please present it?

Jimenezj wrote:

 j. pliny the elder

The only thing I'm aware of regarding him is this, "We must now speak of the interior of Syria. Cœle Syria has the town of Apamea, divided by the river Marsyas from the Tetrarchy of the Nazerini; Bambyx, the other name of which is Hierapolis, but by the Syrians called Mabog."
Many like you see the Nazerini to be the Nazarenes. He wrote this prior to about 77 CE in his Historia Naturalis, Book V. He used research from official Roman records however dated to about 20 to 30 BCE long before the Jesus character appeared.
So, no Pliny the Elder did not write about the Jesus or his followers.
Jimenezj wrote:

 k. Thallus, Samaritan historian

This one is not good for you either. The most likely date for this writer was about 109 BCE. Other possibilities exist such as about 52 CE or even 180 CE. The subject matter is the discussion of a solar eclipse, something we know happens all of the time.
As no original manuscripts exist or even copies of his work we know of him only by other writers and Christian Apologentics.
Jimenezj wrote:

l. Mara Bar Serapion

This is from a short letter to his son. the letter can't be pinned down any closer than from 73 CE to 200 CE. It says this "Or the Jews by the murder of their Wise King, seeing that from that very time their kingdom was driven away from them? For with justice did God grant a recompense to the wisdom of all three of them."
As to who the wise king was or when it was written its up for interpretation. The others mentioned in this letter are far before the time of the Jesus, so perhaps the wise king was a king of Judah before Nebuchadnezzar conquered them.
See this link for a discussion - http://www.theskepticalreview.com/tsrmag/4mara95.html

Jimenezj wrote:

 m. Flavious Josephus, Jewish General and historian .

Anyone claiming this should read all of his works for perspective. This has already been mentioned as to why it is not likely, Josephus was a pious Jew and buying into the Jesus as the messiah is not in context with his other writing. He meticulously detailed Jewish beliefs for hundreds of years, if he bought the Jesus story why not go into detail on more than a simple mention of the Jesus the brother of James the Just being executed. It is likely a Christian forgery attempt by none other than Eusebius. Another Christian father Oriegen somehow never noticed this in the works of Josephus when he commented on them.
Jimenezj wrote:

 3. Jesus Christ: confirmed by ancient Christian leaders, historians and writers of ancient times, all wrote about Jesus Christ in history.

Would you expect the leaders of the Jesus storytelling legends to discredit the Jesus stories?
Jimenezj wrote:

 a. Polycarp

Polycarp was a believer, supposedly a disciple of John. As to the truth of this one can't know as he never himself indicated this was so in his writing. His sole surviving manuscript, Polycarp's letter to the Phillipians doesn't indicate this was so.
Jimenezj wrote:

 b. Ignatius

Another believer. He was supposedly acquainted with Peter. There are 7 letters deemed genuine by Ignatius and six forgeries. The 7 letters that are considered genuine were supposedly written as he was en route to Rome for trial and execution. I personally have doubts that these are any more real than those considered forgeries. In the content, he discusses the soldiers as wild beasts. Considering Christians were being hunted at this point one has to wonder how these letters were obtained while in custody of Rome.
Regardless, he did not witness the Jesus personally  anyway as he was born in 50 CE.
Jimenezj wrote:

 c. Irenaeus

Another believer. He did not know the Jesus either as he was born somewhere between 115 and 142 CE, exact date unknown. He died in 202. He primarily wrote against heresies, his work Against Heresies was the prime example. He was born perhaps 100 years after the Jesus episodes and so is not a witness.
Jimenezj wrote:

d. Clement

Clement supposedly the 4th bishop of Rome is attributed to be the writer of 1 Clement. 2 Clement most scholars consider a forgery in his name. He is alleged to be a disciple of Peter and never met the Jesus. He never discussed the 4 Gospels in his writing of 1 Clement circa 95 CE. He does however use the Hebrew Bible and its heroes in his discussion in his epistle to Corinth regarding the sedition that was in process there. He has no description of the Passion story but indicates the Jesus gave his blood and was raised from death. He also discussed the mythical Phoenix which supposedly rose from the ashes. He compares the resurrection to everyday events such as seeds growing.
Jimenezj wrote:

e. Papias

Another believer who was born after the Jesus approximately 70 CE who died in 150 CE. He was not thought of well by church father Eusebius who considered him to be a man of small mental ability.
Anything he wrote on the Jesus is hearsay.
Jimenezj wrote:

 f. Origen

Another believer born far after the Jesus approximately 185 CE who died in about 255 CE. He was another controversial church father.
He never met the Jesus or any of the disciples as they were long dead.
Jimenezj wrote:

 4. Jericho walls: and how they did come falling down by Dr. Bryant Wood

Bryant Wood! Really! He has been disgraced and removed from the investigation of Jericho. Kathleen Kenyon's dating has been well established showing Bryant is wrong and Jericho had no walls at the supposed time of the mythical Joshua invasion. See also Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein.
Jimenezj wrote:

5. Ossuary of James,: son of Joseph, brother of Jesus

This was a fake, don't you keep up to date on these things?
See - http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1850111,00.html

Jimenezj wrote:

6. The dead sea scrolls : conforming the accuracy of today’s bible.

But Enoch is not in your Bible and it was very prevalent in the DSS. Even the Jesus knew of it.
The accuracy you describe is far from perfect, and it does not do a thing towards validation of the story telling in the Hebrew bible at all.

Jimenezj wrote:

7. The Cyrus cylinder and the book of Daniel.

For an extensive look at this subject I recommend the following thread where a believer named Gramster and I had a very long examination and argument.
See - http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/20506
From Post 252 to 1500
Jimenezj wrote:

 8. The Ebla tablets (2500 BC) :and the biblical story of creation In Genesis.

I personally like the Sumerian Creation stories which predate your Bible story telling episodes by generations, and even the Ebla tablets have basis in Sumerian, they were written in it for one.
Jimenezj wrote:

9. Pontius Pilate Stone confirming the biblical Roman Governor Pilate.

And he was mentioned by Josephus as going a bit too far with violence, not that the Romans cared about dead Jews, he was causing far more issues than he suppressed.

Jimenezj wrote:

 10. Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah :discovery in the ancient city of Bab edh-Dhra and Numeira

No one knows for sure if these cities were real or not, I love how you jump at any thin possibilities though.
Not found however.
See - http://www.bib-arch.org/e-features/sodom-and-gomorrah.asp

Jimenezj wrote:

11. The Great Flood: recorded in ancient scriptures all over the world.

I rather like the Sumerian stories of the flood. Man made so much noise the gods couldn't stand it and so flooded the world. It rained for 7 days and a wall of water engulfed their known world. Gee, this sound like a very large hurricane going up the Persian Gulf.

Jimenezj wrote:

12. Sumerian king list: and the pre flood life expectancy recorded in Genesis.

Since the Sumerians predate your Yahweh stories are you planning to start worshiping the one and only true gods the Annuanki and the ruler of the Earth the great Lord Enki?

Jimenezj wrote:

13. Obelisk of Shalmaneser and the Biblical war with Assyria

As Israel and Judah were not the same kingdoms at this time, if ever actually, this substantiates nothing in regard to what god Israel actually accepted. Ahab, the vile hated by the writers of the Hebrew bible, was a very strong king who fought the Assyrians with a coalition to a draw in 853 BCE. The story telling of the Bible also has issues with regard to who actually killed Jehoram king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah. 2 Kings 9 claims it was Jehu however, the tel Dan Inscription, says it was King Hazael of Damascus who killed them.
Jimenezj wrote:

14. House of David inscription of the “Tel Dan” confirming biblical King David .

This only indicates there was a 'house of David" much like "sons of Zeus". It also has king Hazael killing Jehoram and Ahaziah instead of Jehu thus discrediting the Bible's storytelling version.

Jimenezj wrote:
These are just a few of the thousands of evidence that have been revealed.

Thousands! There are thousands of claims, yet none seem to stand up to scrutiny.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

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Good post PaulJohn +1  

Good post PaulJohn +1 


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Ktulu wrote:Good post

Ktulu wrote:

Good post PaulJohn +1 



"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Now I hope this IS not a 'hit and run' .. ..

pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

Ktulu wrote:

Good post PaulJohn +1 



  OP's not another 'hit and run'?

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Lovely work, John Paul. Thanks for going to the trouble of doing that. I read all of it.



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So you agree on the evidence # 1 and the crucified victim found .
And on
# 9 Pontius Pilate as a real person in the history of Judea .

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:So you agree

Jimenezj wrote:

So you agree on the evidence # 1

I agree someone wrote a Book that has the name of Luke and the same person probably wrote the Book with the name Acts.

Both books demonstrate a lack of knowledge of the geography of Palestine among other problems.

Jimenezj wrote:

and the crucified victim found

Rome crucified slaves, criminals, pirates and those found guity of treason or crimes against the state.

The nails used to attach the criminals were in high demand as healing amulets and because of the cost were either reused or melted down for the iron.

Normally, the executed corpses were left to rot and then dumped in a garbage dump. In 70 CE the rebels were left to rot on crosses after the Romans decimated Jerusalem as a warning.

Jimenezj wrote:

And on # 9 Pontius Pilate as a real person in the history of Judea .

Yep, and so was Caesar Augustus, Tiberious, Nero, Caligula, Herod the Great, Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas, John the Baptist, James the Just, several messiah wannabes such as Judas of Galilee, Menahem ben Judah, Theudas, John of Gischala, an insane man called Jesus who the Romans captured and let go (not the one called Jesus Christ or Yashua bar Joseph) among others.

Using real people in storytelling is a common practice. So?


"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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That is good that me and you agree on these three topics. Would you change your point of view if more evidence of Jesus Christ were to be
Diged up and revealed? Or if Noah ark were to be discovered? Or if ancient biblical scripture were to reveal 99.9% accuracy compared to today's new king James version? Or if more evidence of the famous
Apostle John the beloved would reveal his role in history?

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:That is good

Jimenezj wrote:
That is good that me and you agree on these three topics. Would you change your point of view if more evidence of Jesus Christ were to be Diged up and revealed? Or if Noah ark were to be discovered? Or if ancient biblical scripture were to reveal 99.9% accuracy compared to today's new king James version? Or if more evidence of the famous Apostle John the beloved would reveal his role in history?

I DON'T CARE! If there was a person named Jesus. 1. Jesus was a common name back then. 2. Many cultures back then invented "Kristos" meaning "anointed one". Hardly impressive. The Romans were excellent census takers and would not take kindly to the challenge to the state. NOWHERE outside the bible is there any lick of evidence OF ANY NOTE TAKING, during the alleged time of the Jesus Character. All the writers of the NT WERE AFTER THE FACT, Josephus was AFTER THE FACT. And no matter what IT TAKES TWO SETS OF DNA to make a baby, so the birth of Jesus as a claim of ghost sperm is bullshit. Human flesh cannot survive rigor mortis, thus making the magical claim of the character's death bullshit.

Noah? Really? Go read your own bible, there isn't just one version or one account. It both claims 2 of each and 7 of each. And how would Noah take care of dangerous animals like hippos and alligators and cobras and black widows and dart frogs? "Poof", that's all you have is "poof". Abra Kadabra.

The bible is a book of myth, PERIOD. It is not a science textbook, it is a book of myth. Written over 1,000 year period with books left out, and written by over 40 authors. Your alleged god creates the entire universe, but cant put out a book in one setting? How about reality, the bible wasn't written in one setting because it was written by humans and NOT handed down by a god.

"God did it" is no different to me than when a child invents a pretend friend, the only difference is when we grow up, we give up on pretend friends.



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Would you change your mind if biblical prophecies
Would be fulfilled in the past and in the future.for example:

Eziqiel 38 and 39 prophecy of the nations and Israel in the
End times that involves :
1. Israel
2. Iran
3. Turkey
4. Egypt
5. Russia
Daniel prophecy of the rise and fall of the kingdoms of:
1. Babylon
2. Medo/Persian
3. Greek empire and Alexander the great
4. The roman empire
5. The future one world government

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:That is good

Jimenezj wrote:

That is good that me and you agree on these three topics.

You mean that the books of Luke and Acts exist. 2-That the Romans executed criminals 3-And that storytelling sometimes uses real peoples names to make the stories seem real though they aren't

Jimenezj wrote:

Would you change your point of view if more evidence of Jesus Christ were to be Diged up and revealed?

If the Jesus character was a real human or he lived on this planet in the suggested time frame, my thought is he was a rebel in the mold of John the Baptist, possibly one of his lieutenants. They eventually had a parting of the ways as John wanted to use violence to free Judea and the Jesus tried to win over the population to his side with less violent means. Though the story of attacking the temple concession stands indicates he was also capable of using violence as well.

But no my friend, I have issues with the Yahweh god of mythology that is supposedly the father of the Jesus. The Yahweh is a Canaanite god that has morphed over time into the god of the Jews. His origins lie in the Canaanite myths where he is the son of El and possibly the same god worshiped as Ba'al.

Jimenezj wrote:

Or if Noah ark were to be discovered?

If any ark is ever discovered it won't be Noah's ark it will be Ziusudra's or Atrahasis' ark not Noah.

That would establish that Enki is the Lord of the Earth, not the pretender Yahweh.

As the Noah storytelling is based on the Sumerian and it's just storytelling as well, no ark is ever going to be found, as an ark was not needed to escape the hurricane flood waters in Mesopotamia.

Jimenezj wrote:

Or if ancient biblical scripture were to reveal 99.9% accuracy compared to today's new king James version?

The KJV and the later NKJV are inaccurate as compared to the Hebrew Bible. All of them contain inaccurate history, myths, and storytelling.

No Moses, no invasion of Canaan, No great kings David and Solomon. No United Israel. Samson is a Jewish version of the Herakles myths.

So, no that's not going to occur.

Jimenezj wrote:

Or if more evidence of the famous Apostle John the beloved would reveal his role in history?

The only Apostles of the early group that have possibilities of any roles in history are: Paul the Mythmaker, James the Just the priest, and Peter. The rest of the 12 described have little basis in reality as portrayed. Whether any of them may have been real persons is indeterminate, but in any event the NT has multiple choice versions of their characters that exhibit storytelling. Other than James and Paul it is difficult to find any history of them outside the NT storytelling.


"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Jimenezj wrote:Would you

Jimenezj wrote:

Would you change your mind if biblical prophecies Would be fulfilled in the past and in the future.

for example: Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecy of the nations and Israel in the End times that involves :

1. Israel

2. Iran

3. Turkey

4. Egypt

5. Russia

Ezekiel is a failed prophet which he demonstrated adequately as in:

1-He predicted Babylon would conquer Egypt Ezekiel 29 - Didn't happen.

2-Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Tyre- Ezekiel 26. - Didn't happen.

3-There are not now nor have there ever been countries called Gog and Magog as in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and even if there were his past erroneous predictions indicate he'd be wrong anyway.

Jimenezj wrote:

Or Daniel prophecy of the rise and fall of the kingdoms of:

1. Babylon

2. Medo/Persian

3. Greek empire and Alexander the great

4. The roman empire

5. The future one world government

I consider the book of Daniel to be  2nd century writing in regard to Antiochus IV and the Wars between the Seleucids and the Jews. See this thread I previously mentioned.

Starts in about post 250 and continues through 1500 or so - http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/20506

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Quote:But no my friend, I

But no my friend, I have issues with the Yahweh god of mythology that is supposedly the father of the Jesus. The Yahweh is a Canaanite god that has morphed over time into the god of the Jews. His origins lie in the Canaanite myths where he is the son of El and possibly the same god worshiped as Ba'al.


It makes much more sense to me that our current myths are merely the product of spin offs of prior myths and we(our species that is) merely market to compete. It isn't that gods are real, it is that some conflict happens in a society to the point where a rival decides to compete with the social norm, they pull prior motifs and even names out of the surrounding culture and start something new.

It is the same thing that drives businesses to compete. Coke comes out with a cherry soda and Pepsi looks at it and says "I gotta get in on that". It isn't that gods are real, anymore than Coke was the first beverage because it's can was red.

All these myths were not around 1 billion years ago, and they will not be remembered after our species goes extinct because there won't be any future generation to sell the myths to.

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That is good that you accept the historical James and Paul.

What you don't know is that:

Tertullian recorded that Polycarp was a deciple
Of John the apostle .

Ossuary of James:
What you don't know is that :
Further examination revealed that cleaning and
Chemical treatment made the forgery data invalid
As stated by
1. Dr. Krumbein Wolfgang E
2. Dr. Lamaire Andre
3. Dr. Harrell James

Dr. Wolfgang E. Krumbein, (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), having analyzed the ossuary, concluded that the Israeli Antiquities Authority's conclusion "...originate[s] from a series of errors, biases, mistaken premises, use of inappropriate methodology, mistaken geochemistry, defective error control, reliance on unconfirmed data, disregard of information (such as the cleaning and preservation actions performed [on the ossuary], and the use of a comparative isotope methodology despite the fact that the [James ossuary] inscription fail[s] to meet the cumulative prerequisite conditions for such tests and comparisons."

Proving that James is the brother of Jesus Christ as recorded in
The bible.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:That is good

Jimenezj wrote:
That is good that you accept the historical James and Paul. What you don't know is that: Tertullian recorded that Polycarp was a deciple Of John the apostle . Ossuary of James: What you don't know is that : Further examination revealed that cleaning and Chemical treatment made the forgery data invalid As stated by 1. Dr. Krumbein Wolfgang E 2. Dr. Lamaire Andre 3. Dr. Harrell James Dr. Wolfgang E. Krumbein, (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), having analyzed the ossuary, concluded that the Israeli Antiquities Authority's conclusion "...originate[s] from a series of errors, biases, mistaken premises, use of inappropriate methodology, mistaken geochemistry, defective error control, reliance on unconfirmed data, disregard of information (such as the cleaning and preservation actions performed [on the ossuary], and the use of a comparative isotope methodology despite the fact that the [James ossuary] inscription fail[s] to meet the cumulative prerequisite conditions for such tests and comparisons." Proving that James is the brother of Jesus Christ as recorded in The bible.

I think you are missing the point completely.  You won't be able to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that THE Jesus existed.  Even if a Jesus rebel with a brother James did exist, and even if he was crucified, so what? He certainly didn't perform any miracles, and there are greater atrocities going on as we speak in the Middle-eastern conflict and most ongoing African conflicts.  The point is, the absolute very best you are ever going to establish is that some person that existed is tied to something mentioned in the bible.  That should hardly be a revelation in any way shape or form.  I will give you that right now so you can stop wasting effort.  Some biblical stories are based on real historical individuals... there, happy?

Of course the bible is partly based on real individuals, and partly based on borrowed ancient myths.  Christianity is no different from any other religion.  

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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Jimenezj wrote:That is good

Jimenezj wrote:
That is good that you accept the historical James and Paul. What you don't know is that: Tertullian recorded that Polycarp was a deciple Of John the apostle . Ossuary of James: What you don't know is that : Further examination revealed that cleaning and Chemical treatment made the forgery data invalid As stated by 1. Dr. Krumbein Wolfgang E 2. Dr. Lamaire Andre 3. Dr. Harrell James Dr. Wolfgang E. Krumbein, (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg), having analyzed the ossuary, concluded that the Israeli Antiquities Authority's conclusion "...originate[s] from a series of errors, biases, mistaken premises, use of inappropriate methodology, mistaken geochemistry, defective error control, reliance on unconfirmed data, disregard of information (such as the cleaning and preservation actions performed [on the ossuary], and the use of a comparative isotope methodology despite the fact that the [James ossuary] inscription fail[s] to meet the cumulative prerequisite conditions for such tests and comparisons." Proving that James is the brother of Jesus Christ as recorded in The bible.

Quoting bias apologists doesn't cut it. A Muslim with a PHD in Islamic studies isn't going to convince you that Allah is the one true god. In any case I STILL wouldn't care if Jesus was an actual person, had a brother, or 5 sisters or none, virgin births DO NOT HAPPEN. Surviving rigor mortis does not happen.

The ancient world was full of forgeries, and copycats. And again NOT ONE OF THE NT was written during the alleged time frame of the Jesus characters, nor did the Roman empire DURING the alleged time frame of the Jesus myth, ever mention him. I think if you are going to say "Rome is full of shit" and perform magic tricks to get attention, they would have taken notice. The claims in the bible that say they did were AFTER the fact, which makes them suspect claims.

THE JESUS MYTH was manufactured after the fact. You are merely retrofitting. The writers of the NT were merely trying to start a new cult because they wanted to be noticed themselves. It is merely mundane human behavior.

THERE IS NO GOD, get over it. There is no such thing as an invisible magical super brain with magical super powers. It is just you swallowing a myth written in an ignorant age by scientifically ignorant people who merely wanted to start a new religion.


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Yes, i am.


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Jimenezj wrote:
Yes, i am. Farewell


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appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:This one

Jimenezj wrote:
This one comes from a Atheist historian. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdqJyk-dtLs&feature=youtube_gdata_player


A real person incorporated into a fictional book does not make super heros or magic real, otherwise I could claim George Washington can fart a Lamborghini out of his ass because George Washington was a real person.

Buddha was a real person, but you are not a Buddhist.

Muhammad was a real person but you are not a Muslim.

London is a real city but you don't believe in Peter Pan.

There is no god, there never was no matter what real person existed.

Evolution was around millions of years before humans and our myths will die with us when we go extinct because there wont be any future generation to sell our myths to. Our species will die, and the planet will die, and eventually the sun too. The universe will continue on without us. There will be no record of us.

Lose your fear of accepting that, you wont have to let it rule you and you will feel better. You won't die, you can still be happy and do good things. Facing the fact that our ride is finite does not mean we have to fear reality.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I unfortunately don't know

I unfortunately don't know enough to contribute anything to this discussion. I just wanted to say you guys are awesome, and I'm learning tons reading all of this! You make me feel so proud to be an atheist! Thank you!

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Watch the video and maybe it will help you understand better.

This one comes from a Atheist historian.


appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj: I watched it

Jimenezj: I watched it (listened to it) the first time you posted it. I laughed less the second time. I’m not a complete fool, I would just never want to debate the likes of Brian37, or pauljohn, or most any other atheist on this forum. I’ll take on a theist any day, any time though. What exactly should I have found to be so earth shattering about that recording you posted? Many otherwise intelligent people believe in the historical Jesus. Even National Geographic prints articles about it. At one time, most otherwise intelligent people believed the earth was flat, or had four corners, or was the center of the solar system. They were wrong. Besides, even if a person named Jesus the son of Joseph lived, and was the revolutionary the NT has made him out to be, that is no reason to believe he is the son of an imaginary monster god… There is no reason to believe Yahweh fucked Marry with the holy spirit. It’s a completely silly idea. Wake up!

Jean Chauvin
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Hi Op


Archeological evidence does NOT prove anything let alone the existence of God. Neither does mss consistency, prophesy, statistics, philologicall or anything of the kind.

Most seminaries are actually replacing their apologetics department with archeology. Chrisitans are getting increasingly stupid each day.

Archeology where it supports the Bible we can use as an ad hominem that is it. That is also the case with the other inductive examples but proof, this is absurd.

I'm afraid to inform you my brother that you have been trained by the dumb and dumber seminary teachers and as a result, they have possibly damaged your IQ by a few points. But you can regain these points by using your mind via Scripture, and not Aquinas, Dever, or Alfred.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Quote:Archeological evidence

Archeological evidence does NOT prove anything let alone the existence of God.

Neither do any ancient writings of any culture. Archeology DOES prove that humans existed and DOES prove cultural beliefs and memes and superstitions that that culture held at that time.

So you try to back peddle with a "pseudo bone" for us atheists to attempt to say "BUT here is the real truth lies"

Which makes Archeology a much more valid objective tool to observing the past than a comic book club humans subscribes to. It does not have the bonds of blind loyalty like religion because it's only objective is to say "This happened at this time and at this time these people did theses things and held certain beliefs at that time"

"I distrust what god believers say what god wants because it usually coincided with their desires" Susan B Anthony.

Here is the only go of Archeology "THIS HAPPENED"

Here is the goal of religion " I am the best, my club invented everything, humans are nothing without it"


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Wrong, archeology proves nothing since the interpretationg of the data is non empirical. Since the interpretation of Rationalism is antithietical to empiricism they both cancel out and thus proves nothing.

What if there is absence of archeological evidence or perhaps not found yet.

Tell me brian, is absence of evidence evidence of absence?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean Chauvin

Jean Chauvin wrote:


Wrong, archeology proves nothing since the interpretationg of the data is non empirical. Since the interpretation of Rationalism is antithietical to empiricism they both cancel out and thus proves nothing.

What if there is absence of archeological evidence or perhaps not found yet.

Tell me brian, is absence of evidence evidence of absence?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

Ok fuckwad, next time you go to Disney World or Disney Land deny that the park YOU ARE FUCKING STANDING IN, makes claims about a fictional mouse. The difference between that business and religion, is that it is not trying to sell Mickey Mouse as real. But both business and religion require on marketing, even if both sell crap.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Hey Brian

Hey Brian

Stories are for eplanation, not argumentation, you argue nothing, you prove nothing, just another emotional reaction to add to the list of tantrums.

And you did not answer my question.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean Chauvin

Jean Chauvin wrote:


Wrong, archeology proves nothing since the interpretationg of the data is non empirical. Since the interpretation of Rationalism is antithietical to empiricism they both cancel out and thus proves nothing.

What if there is absence of archeological evidence or perhaps not found yet.

Tell me brian, is absence of evidence evidence of absence?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

I've never seen any evidence of the tooth fairy...

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There is also no evidence of a transitional Form , as stated
By Charles Darwin, yet you are still fooled into evolution. You might
As well believe in the tooth fairy or planet of the Apes.

There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than
Any ancient person as stated by Atheist Bart Ehrman and others on my list.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:There is also

Jimenezj wrote:
There is also no evidence of a transitional Form , as stated By Charles Darwin, yet you are still fooled into evolution. You might As well believe in the tooth fairy or planet of the Apes. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than Any ancient person as stated by Atheist Bart Ehrman and others on my list.

"Transitional Form?" What exactly would qualify as such? I hope you don't mean a crocoduck. I have a huge aquarium which contains fish that, if denied access to air would DROWN. They also use their pelvic fins to walk across the aquarium bottom. They are gorgeous examples of "Transitional Forms" but I'm guessing you don't know enough biology to see that. Just please don't tell me you are looking for a crocoduck...

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Some forms are more transitional than others,

Jimenezj wrote:
There is also no evidence of a transitional Form , as stated By Charles Darwin, yet you are still fooled into evolution. You might As well believe in the tooth fairy or planet of the Apes. There is more evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ than Any ancient person as stated by Atheist Bart Ehrman and others on my list.


Monkey Boy. 

"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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You said,
"Transitional Form?" What exactly would qualify as such?

Read Charles Darwin's books and find out if you are serious about evolution and life .

Read the bible and study it if you are serious about debating it.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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Jimenezj wrote:You said,

Jimenezj wrote:
You said, "Transitional Form?" What exactly would qualify as such? Read Charles Darwin's books and find out if you are serious about evolution and life . Read the bible and study it if you are serious about debating it.

Are you going to ignore my question? Let me ask it again...

What exactly would you view as a "Transitional Form" if you could design one? Would it be a crocoduck? In my experience, every species which displays characteristics of another species is used by creationists to demand 2 more "Transitional Forms." What this says to me is that creationists don't understand enough biology to see what's going on, or to see what is actually happening in evolution. Now, you should understand my question, please answer it!

I am still technically an ordained priest. I don't need to read or study your silly B.R. book of lies any more than I already have. I will keep a bible on hand to wipe my ass in emergencies. I will otherwise never open one again.

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You said,

I am still technically an ordained priest.

You have said it all and answered the question
Of why you do not understand scripture.

Man will choose and ordaine priest and pastors.

God will choose and anoint servants for the ministry that are ministers
For life.

That is the reason why you do not understand scripture.
Because you place your hope in man, and man will always
Fail. Therefore you will fail to understand.

Any one can read the bible, but not everyone will study it, in
Trying to understand it.

appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God. 

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HA! Do you think there is

HA! Do you think there is anything hard to understand about the bible? It's a simple product of simple minds.

Your reasoning is astonishing.

And you still haven't answered my question. Please answer my question.

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Bad lad

I do not have the time to teach children about evolution theory .

But i will give you a clue:

This is what Charles Darwin wrote :

…Why, if species have descended from other species by fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion, instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?… But in the intermediate region, having intermediate conditions of life, why do we not now find closely-linking intermediate varieties?

Go to school and find the answers to man's questions.

You will have better luck understanding the bible if you were to read it and study it.


appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God.