Jeffrick Vs. a YEC

This show starts off a bit slow so if I look board for the first ten minutes it's only because I am. Believe it or not that IS my real hair, it only looks like a bad hairpiece. And I'll never wear another turtle neck sweater since it gave me a dubble chin. I get louder and more animated has it goes along This show is far more interesting then my last appearence on the same show. Give me your comments. Someone once told me I had a great face for radio, maybe they were right.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
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.....has anyone seen this video? I know it starts out slow but stick with it!!!!!!!!!! I had done the show before. The engineer moved my microphone away so I would not "blow away the other speakers' he moved my Mic too far away [sorry!] Fastforward ahead to 27:00 if you want to see some fireworks. At 18:40 I have to tell the Rev. what appears in the bible. At 40:50 I have to tell the Rev. what an atheist IS. At 31:00 I have to explain 'why I am an atheist' and what an atheist is!!!!! Come on you guys; you know what an oversized ego I have: let's hear some feed back!!!!!!!!!!!!! I end up defending Darwin at 36:50 and CONTINUE on for the rest of the show. When F***nuts continues with 'social Darwinism' [49:00] I let him have IT. Watch the reaction of Atif Mir and the rev; They heard my voice at full volume, and they didn't like it!!!!!! Warning I will keep rebooting this post untill I hear something. My own sister said "you are georgous but you move around too much" , I know that; I have a body motion and training for RADIO!!!!. ]My 3 sisters all think I'm georgous, my 3 brothers think I am reasonably adiquit[ I think 'I am more then ADIQUT!!!!! It turns out I talk the same way I write, *shrugs* go figure.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I just watched it. I swear pastor Dan was on this site once, at least the formula is similar. Declare with cocky smugness that the bible has all the answers to life's questions, get pwned and made to look foolish when someone presents facts, accuse atheists of being theists, associate atheists with Nazi's.
I don't know how you do it Jeffrick, talking for over 50 minutes to a guy who clearly has no intellectual honesty or perhaps no intellectual capability. I thought you managed to remain remarkably calm, well at least until the last 5 minutes. I could never do a show like that because I would have said what I know you were thinking when you were crossing your arms and giving him that sidelong glance. Props to you for managing not to say "you can't really be THAT stupid" even once.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I can see you being on the radio, Jeffrick. Your voice is deep enough. Your sister was right, your body movements were fast -- especially when you got angry. I don't remember during the middle of the debate how much you were moving around though, but I think you were.
Regarding that tree example that the pastor brought up; I remember Kent Hovind using that example, the one where the tree is young and surrounded by strata that couldn't be millions of years old. I meant to look it up 5 years ago but never got around to it. If anybody knows the answer, let me know. I figured the pastor would bring up the issue of "kinds." I'm going to post a nice little video snippet about that on AtheistsNightmare's thread about... whatever the hell he was talking about. He's all over the place.
By the way, Jim, are you a humanist? Your caption kept saying you were, but I think later in the show you said you weren't a secular humanist.
The producers seem to have an aversion to the word "atheist" most theists do. I got the gig through the Halton-Peel Humanist Assc. which I belong to. I call myself an atheist because it's more 'in your face' and less polite then Humanist. I do enough charity donations to be called a 'humanist' but I still like the harsher word 'ATHEIST', it gets my posistion across faster.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I loved how Dan uses the Joel Osteen mono-tone voice approach to lure in his victims. then once he thinks he has them sucked in he pulls out an idoitic statement relating Hitler to Darwin, which you defended well. I posted this on youtube also as "selected14u". I wish the discussion would have went further about the question of "do you think atheists have the burden of proof". That gets to the very heart of the program where you as the atheist are automatically put on the defense as in most situations. I've struggled with that argument, and of course when expanding on it with any christian I get the endless garbled double talk, so it quickly gets boring and you move on, but i think it's an important subject because it directly relates to so many other subjects like "religion in schools" as was one of the topics in your debate. Of course our answer as you said is simply "no". But since that isn't good enough for them I have found a quick way to sway them is to simply start off by asking them if they think ALL religions should be taught in school. The thought of their children being taught that the complexities of Voo-Doo may be true should make them at least pause. Overall I have to say Good Job!
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
At about 9:30 in, you say that the female DNA is 250,000 years old, while the male has been around for about 60,000 years old. Would you mind explaining how females reproduced for 190,000 years without any males around?
Just let me know if it's in the video. I have not watch the whole thing.
Whooooohhh!!!! I just got to 23 minutes. "Creating life from out of... Organic material from inorganic material has been going on in laboratories, under laboratory conditions, since the 1950s."
Wait... I listened to it again.
I had to listen to it three times to hear you check yourself from making the claim that scientist have been producing life from inorganic matter. Okay, I agree. Organic from inorganic matter. They added carbon. That's a HUGE difference from what you started to say. Good check! If people aren't paying attention, they might have bought it.
I'll keep going.
Oh, and the tree example... It has been shown that petrification can happen "very quickly" under the right conditions. Fossilized miner's hats, and things of that nature. Well, I'll come back to that.
Have a good night.
Perhaps you could listen again at 9:30, I said "the cro-magnons we all descend from date to around 250,000 Years ago.." later I point out "Mitchondrial Eve dates to 220,000 years ago" and she may not have been totally Cro-magnon. She was NOT the only female alive at the time; so why does her Mitochondrial exist in all living female humans today and not the other females of her time? Simple, she had daughters who survived long enough to have their own daughters and grand-daughters and great-great- etc. grand-daughters. For each generation haveing 2 or 3 girl babies would mean HER Mitochondrial DNA would dominate and replace all other female Mitrochondria, in 5 to 10 generations.
Stand by for some numbers and I will try to make it simple. The total human population at the time of Mitochondrial Eve was LESS THAN 4000, some experts think less then 2000. Life expectency was around age 30. Pick one day in Eve's life. Half the population would be male [they can not pass down mitochondrial DNA] Half the remaining females would die before being able to give birth. Around 3/4 of the remainder would suffer though stillbirths and miscarriges and sterility. Over half would give birth to a son [it should be 50/50 but nature has always delivered more like 48 girls to every 52 boys] . I think we are left with around 50 fertile females to have a girl baby, on that one day we chose. Eve lucked out and had at least 2, maybe more but at least 2. The daughers lived long enough to have multiple daughters and grand daughters. The other females of Eves time were not so lucky. It was a time of small human population and high mortality.
Life goes on for another 160,000 years . The total population may have reached 5000 and maybe not. By the time of Adam they are pure Cro-magnon, [us] split among meny small tribes or clans. Who was Adam? One horny bastard in my opinion. He likely traveled a lot between the clans, sort of a stone age traveling salesman, and he nailed as meny females has he could. The end result is that he hd a lot of sons and grandsons etc. his Chromosome Y quickly dominated the human population while the other male fathers of his time saw their Y chromesome die out.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I just watched/listened to the video. Great job.
When the minister was going on about all the Christian scientists I wanted to jump in and say it wasn't because they were Christian. In fact they had to go against the Christian norm and were persecuted by Christians to discover/reveal scientific principles. Coming out of the dark ages these guys get credit for going against Christian beliefs. Some most likely had to pretend to be Christian to not get burned at the stake. How Christians can brush that history under the carpet is simply incredible. That shows who they are when they have absolute power. They are just wolves in sheep's clothing today.
I wanted to throttle him when he kept trying to blame Darwin for Hitler. Got Mit Uns. Mein Kampf has hundreds of references to the creator and none to Darwin. As far as I have read there is no known reference of Hitler's reading or quoting Darwin. Isn't that right?
But you really made your point there. He wasn't listening. He was just droning on.
That was fun. Thanks.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.