I Max Super Bowl at Coney Island, By Brian37

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I Max Super Bowl at Coney Island, By Brian37

I Max Super Bowl at Coney Island, By Brian37

I went and saw
Independence Day
On the big screen
An I Max theater

And villains
The movie still ended

In 1982 my Redskins
Won the big dance
And the game

The next year
They lost
To the Raiders
The game ended

I've been
To both Bush Gardens
And every single time
The ride ended

I did not invent
A mythical god
In order to enjoy
Those things

Sagan's rings
In regards to reality
He still said "wow"
Knowing his ride would end

The atheists can do
What the theist cannot
We can enjoy
Life as it is

The movie ends
The games end
The rides end
And so does life

Our species refuses
To accept
Our finite nature
Like Sagan did

It holds us back
It does no good
To pretend
It lasts forever

"Wow" as a word
I am fine with
As long as it does not
Come with the baggage of myth

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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