IT'S ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THESE ILLITERATE ATHEISTS POSTINGS!!!!!!! 've never encountered as much stupidity, illiterate, ignorant

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IT'S ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THESE ILLITERATE ATHEISTS POSTINGS!!!!!!! 've never encountered as much stupidity, illiterate, ignorant

I and uneducated people posting on THIS FORUM Hasn't anyone gone to school? What is the educational level of these people? Is this an example of how inadequate our educational system is?? The ignorance and sheer stupidity of people who post here is amazing.THIS FORUMS should shut down the entire page until things settle down. The roaches are crawling roaches are crawling out of the woodwork, the idiots are blogging, and this whole page has gone out of control. I've seen racism and anti-Semitism on these posts, I've read of suicides of f, and just about everything you can imagine. One must ask themselves: what, as a society are we coming to when people can't think, spell, and even express their thoughts in a correct grammatical manner. I think the Federal Government needs to look at these postings and see how much sheer stupidity is rampant on these pages. Someone may reply, "Then what are YOU doing here?". I'm here because I am curious, but now I've become shocked and alarmed at the mental deficiencies of these posters. If this is what America has produced with respect to education, then we as a nation are going to become extinct


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I'll show you some stupid,

I'll show you some stupid, misinformed illiteracy! Care for a sample?




atheistRational VIP!
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I guess all the praying

I guess all the praying you're doing for this site to disappear isn't working out for you, huh?....



I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris

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