Economic Othello, By Brian37

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Economic Othello, By Brian37

Economic Othello, By Brian37


Gordan Gecko

Flips his peice

On the green felt

As risk takers do


Ayn Rand

Cheering him on


Slash and burn


And Marx basterdized

By the likes of Stalin

Falsely build

The nanny state


Neither color

Can serve us well

For the real game

Is lust of power


The monopolies

The selfishness

The lack of checks

The lack of oversight


China IS capitalist

It need not democracy

In order to compete

Via one party monopoly


Free stadiums

For billionaires

And escaping taxes

Does Exxon and GE


This is Othello

The game explotation

One via party

The other via class


The result

The same

Indentured slavery

Keeping power in place


And left in this wake

Are the rest of us

When the bubble bursts

We absorb the cost



Cannot be

Black or white

Either or


Lopsided power

Always kills

Ethical economies

Are ones that care


Higher costs

Stagnant wages

Fewer hours

Cannot susstain


Those at the top

Have the most power

To do the most

To make us better


Unless they do

We will colapse

Into sweat shops

And slave labor


Die Othello

This is no game

People's lives

Are at stake


Profits be damned

If to make such

Others starve

Because of lust


Death to Othello

Enforce anti-trust

Reduce the pay gap

And bring back jobs













"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Both Ayn Rand and Marx were

Both Ayn Rand and Marx were naive in their positions. Neither took into account that human behavior cannot be solved by one action or one idea and that humans are a range in their motivations. BOTH in practice as their respective ideas can be just as monopolized and exploited.

The extreme example of Ayn Rand's idea of "selfishness" . Selfishness can be good, but by itself does not preclude exploitation. Marx was naive in thinking that we could create a utopia where selfishness could be eliminated.

The lifeguard is taught that if the victim is pulling them under then you have to "selfishly" pull away so that you don't drowned too. Pragmatic but should not be used as a blanket solution for an entire society.

"Best of your ability according to your means" Marx said, sounds nice, but also falsely cannot apply to an entire society and does not take into account the varying motivations of individuals.

What I think is a better model is neither all selfishness or all nanny state. But more like a the temperature in a fish tank. You put a variety of fish in that tank. What counts more is that the variety exists and the balance is maintained.

What can arise in ANY system is monopolies and exploitation. Somalia is an extreme example of Ayn Rand's idea of using selfishness as a default position. The Soviet Union and China are the extreme example of Marx's idea of "we are all in this together". They are both examples of how the GOOD of both ideas ended up being twisted to maximize the power of a monopoly.

This is because humans see short cuts in the forms of ideas and labels as a cure and REAL evolution is never simple and humans reflect a RANGE. As such economies should be based on range, not absolutes.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

Beyond Saving
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 It what way does the

 It what way does the economy of Somalia have anything to do with Ayn Rand???


And whats wrong with the Gecko? I thought you liked Warren Buffett. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: It

Beyond Saving wrote:

 It what way does the economy of Somalia have anything to do with Ayn Rand???


And whats wrong with the Gecko? I thought you liked Warren Buffett. 

There is little or no effective governance and "every man for themselves" is pretty much the norm. It would be the extreme end of the "selfishness" Ayn Rand talks about IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF people wrongly always use that as the default position.  Ayn Rand may not have intended people to take her idea of selfishness being good to that extreme, but they do. Somalia is ruled by selfish people.

I do like Warren Buffet, but unlike the Character in the movie, I think Warren cares about weight class and cares about who works for him, at least more so than many at his pay scale. At a minimum he cares to the extent that we cannot keep the inequity and keep our society stable. Gecko in the movie only cared about making a buck and didn't care who he fucked over.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at