Two Worlds Two

I haven't been doling out my drivel on here lately, this game I found two worlds 2 has had me riveted with it's magic system. If you are a gamer nerd I would highly recommend it. Very neat system where you can craft your own spells and make them do all sorts of stuff. There is a long excellent single player campaign and a really neat 1-8 player online campaign as well as deathmatch etc. Don;t know how I missed this one it's as good as the gothic 1-2 series or better. Maybe something good until skyrim and dark souls come out.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
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It looks good, I wish I had the time. Play a level for me
If I had some video recording knowledge on the ps3 I would post some neat stuff on it. I chose the ps3 version because I wanted to be lazy and lay around on the couch ><
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
I have mixed feelings about being lazy. I feel guilty even taking a 10 minute break playing some flash game. I feel like if I'm not productive 95% of my time I'm slacking off. On the other hand, it would be nice to just lay there and do nothing for a change. Guess I'll find out in about 15-20 years when the kids move out.
The last game that I was really involved in was Diablo 2, I loved that freaking game.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
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Looks interesting. I might give it a shot.
As far as the video goes, I am not a console guy so I can't help there. I assume that there must be some feature for getting the videos recorded onto transferable media though. Once you get that, I can tell you the programs that I use.
Handbrake is a program that can convert any video format into any other.
VLC is a program for watching video in any format but the main interest here will be putting a copy into one of the handbrake folders. Do that and you now have a full featured DVD ripper that can save the files in any format that you care to use. Right now, I recommend h.264 for the best performance.
Avidemux is for editing the videos you record. You can, if you like get down to individual frames.
Audacity is for audio recording. Definitely worth having if you want to do voiceovers.
Inkscape is a graphics program for adding visual elements such as title and credits.
TheGimp is a different graphics program for editing single frames. Or if you want to “photoshop” a picture.
Blender, well that one gets quite complicated but if you decide to get serious about video editing, it is worth having. That was the software used to model Doctor Octopus in Spiderman 2.
The above are all open source programs so if you get them from the official sources (generally you can be assured that you will be getting great stuff for no money and no chance of a virus or other malware.
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I'm a GIMP user all the way
The rest of the stuff sounds interesting, I'm actually looking into putting some simple walkthrough videos on a PDA, so I need it to be very light in resources/size and still be somewhat clear. Plus I need to insert "bubble" popups on the freeze frame ( a la youtube). I'm in the process of converting most of the documentation/training stuff to a windows CE 6.x environment. I'm looking at IE as the main browser because Opera just sux for a hand held environment. It's no fun to take hundreds of PDF's and documents designed for projection screen type realestate and cut it down to 320/460. It's a work in progress...
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Thanks for the info. I have "fraps" for recording video on the pc and I use vlc player, it plays everything but I might look into sourceforge, sounds interesting. Somehow people capture video on the ps3 and xbox but I haven't looked into that.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
I was productive at work, I get home I'm wore out and ready to relax and have some fun. This is the only life we get so I'm going to make sure I have some enjoyment.
I loved diablo on the pc but the modders kinda killed it eventually. One reason I'm glad I got this game on ps3, it's apparently harder to hack. I generally get fps games on pc though, I hate the console controllers for aiming and all. Mouse and keyboard are much better for those kind of games imo. A wireless controller is handy for laying around but if I play on pc I have to sit as I am now using the keyboad/mouse on the coffee table.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
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Agreed with you on D2. Although in truth, I kind of want to attach special blame to Blizzard for setting up a situation where that could occur. They should have patched most of what was going on there out of the game altogether. Then, later on when things really were out of control, they started offering special artifacts in a buy back program to get the extra stuff out of the game. Which really did not help because the rewards for turning stuff in had to replace what people were duping. Ultimately, that just encouraged even more duping.
Another thing that always bugs me in this type of game is the practice of running to get easy XP. In guild wars, one of the people that I used to play with was new to gaming in general but once she found out about running, she went out and bought all the extra character slots and built a who boat load of level 20 characters, so that she could offer her service to the rest of the guild.
One problem with that is that it denies me the fun of playing the game honestly and getting to the top on my own. That and you are left only being able to really play out the end game. But worse still was that that engine would set a difficulty level for the whole guild all at once, so when I would go in for some solo runs, I would have to deal with critters who are supposed to be low level but are actually speced for combat several levels higher that they ought to be.
Yea I don't get cheaters. It's a game and I enjoy the challenge they can offer, an I win button would totally spoil it for me. There were a few hacks on apb and they were obvious, I can't imagine having much fun not even having to aim, just mashing a button. I did have a few friends powerlevel a character on WoW with me but I had already leveled up 3 characters and they wanted me to make a hunter so I made them help me level him ><. You can only play through the same quests so many times before it did get boring.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
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Well, when I am in single player, I don't mind if a game has an “undocumented feature” that turns out to be useful. For example, in D2:LOD, it was possible to drop two town portals in one area. I don't really know why I never met anyone else who did that but it was really helpful on Meph runs because it was so much easier to get back after having to run out for more potions.
On the other hand, in multiplayer, I tend to like games that have some kind of community behind them. Did you ever try SWG? That was always interesting as the devs would “rebalance” the game every couple of weeks, thus leaving the players to figure out what the next exploit was.
I remember one time when being a hunter was valuable for a while. However, one of the skills that you needed for that was camping. Yes, as in setting up a tent and just staying there while the XP slowly dribbled in. As it turned out, the more people you have in your camp, the faster the XP comes in. So while that was going on, there were pretty much always camps set up right at the edge of certain cities and they always had a bunch of people standing around.
When you went past one on your way elsewhere, it was pretty much a polite thing to stand around for a while if your mission was not time dependent.
Another time, for some reason, buffs had become really expensive, as in not worth the cash for the payoff on most missions. Then one of the people I was playing with figured out a dodge. It turned out that incoming fire was scored on all of your armor at once even though it would hit only one piece. So for a while, we were playing with only head/upper body/gloves. Just to make the point, nobody even wore decorative pants.
So if you ever saw anyone on tattoiene playing in only upper body and irremovable skivvies, that was my group.
Recording games on console is still largely based on having a recorder attached to the signal line. There are a few games that contain a recording feature within the game, but they are few and far between. And most if not all limit sizes to 10 minutes or less since that's the size limit on youtube, which is the site these features are pretty well exclusively designed to work with. I expect that next gen Sony & Microsoft consoles will adopt the idea more than they currently do, and by the time we hear about the PS5 & whatever XBox they will be standard on all consoles and allow for larger recording times. The PS3 already has a low grade video editor. Not something you'd want to edit a movie with, but it works great on recorded gameplay.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I played swg untill the big jedi patch. Loved it and then they made it so everyone would have an easier time getting "jedi" then came "nwg" but I had already left. Enjoyed my pistoleer/teras kasi character so much. Walking around corellia with an at/st out was awesome. The pvp was so much more fun than pretty much any mmo since and yea there was a decent community feel. There were actually a few people that enjoyed dancing in the cantinas and stuff. It was setup for people who wanted to play and for people who just wanted to pretty much chat it up.
I played without any armor at all in pvp and usually kicked much ass. The game did suffer a bit from the fotm syndrome, I really hated it during the month or so riflemen were so op they could head shot you 2x and you were out (during this time people actually did try to 1v1 me I was actually known for my kd buttons) and before that medics were throwing poison through walls ><
The only game I might have had more fun with was early UO. Nothing to this day was as fun as taming 3 dragons and having them follow you to the gy outside of town where 20 or so people would be trying to kill you and your "pets".
My worst experience ever in a mmo and it was my first mmo (UO), a guy was talking to me and my sister who was also playing. He seemed friendly and said he wanted to give us some stuff and we followed him in his house where he promptly blocked the door, killed us and took our newbie gear
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
I don't know what UO is, but that sounds pretty funny. I remember similar things happening in early D2 days, when newbie killing was fun.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Ultima Online
Yea there were some sad times in d1 and d2. Really easy to screw with newbs though I never had the heart to do it myself. I have a hard time playing the bad guy in a game. I tried to replay fallout 2 and new vegas both as a bad character but it just doesn't seem fun or right.
Ultima was the best until they made an alternate world identical to the main world called "trammel" where you couldn't rob or pk anyone. Kinda killed the game cause only the hardcore pvp'rs would hang out in the original area. I would play UO again if they rolled it back to the original days much like swg.
You could do fun stuff like go to the bank and try to pick pocket people, if the guards saw you or they caught you and ran to the guards the guards would attack you potentially killing you and everyone could loot your corpse. If you killed someone your name went grey for several minutes and you were open to attack by anyone and guards would not aid you. If you killed enough people you got the title "the murderer" and you could not venture to town, the guards and everyone could and would freely attack you. This made for small bands of pk'ers that would hang out together in the forrest and run through dungeons wiping out the "blue" players. They could then set up a house and vendors and sell the stuff they had been plundering from their victims. On occasion I'm certain people were buying their own stuff back hah.
I was always the nice guy though and usually with a friend we would actually hunt down and kill the pk'ers. Consequently when one killed players they could put a bounty on their head and you could kill them and actually carry their head to a guard for the reward players had put on them. My character fluctuated between the "noble" and "honorable" titles of course. This is just touching on the stuff you could do in the game, you could also fish, build and ride boats, craft your own gear to use and sell and it had your characters mark on it (you could make varying qualities much like swg) you could be a treasure hunter, animal tamer, healer etc not to mention mix up skills much like early swg once again.
I still remember an old lady that would play every day and just sit on a hill near these snake guys healing people and talking. She said in real life she was crippled in a wheelchair but on this game she felt like she was helping people. On the flip side I remember a guy named "Faramir" that would wait untill people went into this snake guy den much further in and then close the door on them and block it, wait for them to die then loot their stuff. Killing people in this manner allowed him to retain his blue character status. He only did this to me once (I would attack him despite his blue status after that) but everyone on the server hated him.
I'm raving about a game that is pretty much gone, but I'm a little bored atm and I miss it.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
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Ah, I got out of SWG after the combat upgrade. I don't know how they figured it to be an upgrade when they nerfed all of the weapons boy like 90% HP.
Pre CU, I was working on a bounty hunter and I had two R2 unitw which were both armed with LLCs. One I found my quarry, I could use them to draw fire and then I could light the guy up with my LLC. I was able to take down some of the most lucrative jobs that way. Post CU and I could not touch those guys because they could out shoot me with a pistol.
I think I heard that the Jedi patch was a month or so later. I can only imagine how it must have sucked to have thousands of jedi running around.
Yea like I mentioned I was pretty cheap, there was a good kd skill in both pistoleer and teras kasi. Fairly unstoppable in pvp 1v1. I hung around with a bounty hunter friend quite a bit, I always kinda thought they were a little gimped but maybe it was just him, he got beat up a lot and rarely actually found a jedi to attack. I had a second account with a blacksmith/mayor as well.
I liked the "holocron" thing. You had to just guess and grind professions untill you got the ones that were secretly picked for you when you made your character. They gave out holocrons for christmas and it would tell you one of the professions you needed. Of course I got dancer.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
A bit off topic here. This is directed at AIG, I'm editing some video, and I'm a bit of a newbie at it. I have downloaded Avidexmux and it works great for basic edits, I was just wondering how I can reduce the file size without sacrificing too much quality. I'm trying to fit this in a PDA/phone type format, so size is important. I am capturing MP4, no audio. Any reformating that will give me significant size difference kills the quality. Also there is quite a bit of content, so I don't want to to spend too much time editing ( I'm looking for the magic bullet here, like a different format with most of the quality and half the size
). The only requirement for the format is that it will be playable in the windows CE 6.x environment with the default media player.
I appreciate any input.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
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OK, MP4 is not the whole story or even the most important part. You also need to use a CODEC. There are several and getting that choice right is what will make the big difference.
I don't know much about winCE but the ones that might make the difference are H.264 or Flash.