Muslim Irony Meters Fail Yet Again

Islam's the problem, not Muslims, says Senator Cory Bernardi
- From: Herald Sun
- February 19, 2011

Cory Bernardi has received death threats after making comments against Islam. Picture: Kym Smith Source: Herald Sun
- Liberal senator says Islam, not Muslims, the problem
- 'Extremists want funamentalist Islamic rule in Australia'
TONY Abbott's official frontbench understudy has reignited immigration tensions by denouncing Islam as a "totalitarian, political and religious ideology".
Liberal parliamentary secretary Cory Bernardi revealed last night he had received death threats after making the comments.
While the immigration debate usually differentiates between the religion of Islam and extreme fundamentalist interpretations, Senator Bernardi confronted the issue head-on yesterday.
"Islam itself is the problem - it's not Muslims," he told radio station MTR.
"Muslims are individuals that practise their faith in their own way, but Islam is a totalitarian, political and religious ideology.
"It tells people everything about how they need to conduct themselves, who they're allowed to marry and how they're allowed to treat other people."
Senator Bernardi said Islam had "not moved on" since it was founded and that extremists wanted fundamentalist Islamic rule implemented in Australia.
The senator also inflamed the row over funeral expenses for asylum-seekers by declaring that it was "wrong" for taxpayers to foot the bill.
The remarks provoked a strong reaction from Ikebal Patel, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, who said Senator Bernardi had "crossed the line" with his attack on Islam.
"These comments are more than offensive; they are bigoted," Mr Patel said.
"Cory Bernardi needs to have a good read of the Bible if he is a practising Christian.
"This is hardly the language of a religious person."
Immigration Minister Chris Bowen also slammed the senator's remarks.
"The Liberal Party professes to have said this week it would not make political points out of race and religion, but here we have Tony Abbott's parliamentary secretary launching an attack on a religion," Mr Bowen said.
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"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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ideology is flawed we will kill you!
Islam. A religion for the profoundly stupid.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
The whole political debate about Islam is really interesting. I'm as pro-freedom as the next guy, but what do you do when an ideology is diametrically opposed to our culture?
I don't know. I really wish the Muslims would just clean up their own shit and start marginalizing the fundamentalist crowd, but I don't see that happening. I don't have any answers that don't have huge negative consequences.
Maybe the only answer is to make a special case for Islam? I don't know.
Everything makes more sense now that I've stopped believing.
We have plenty of laws that limit religious "freedom" already. "Spare the rod and spoil the child"? How about jail for child abuse. More than one wife? Nope. Wives underage? Nope. Sacrificing the neighbor's goat? Or your son? Or daughter? There are limits to tolerance. We all have limits and we have laws to prove it.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
What this person means to say, I would wager, is that the speaker is not a very good Christian (which would be incorrect).
What he actually said though is true; the speaker doesn't seem to be making a religious attack at all - merely an astute observation of a violent and totalitarian ideology.
WHY the hell are people of European descent following ARAB religions to begin with?? That's f*ckin INSANE!!
If he wants religion his own blood is calling him in the form of the Norse Pantheon or the Celtic goddess Eostre whom Easter is named after.
But he's totally right about Islam. I once read an interview with a former Jihadist who left radical Islam. He said Islam is a "code of life" and it's not like Christianity where it's a personal relationship between you and god.
In Islam you are told how to do EVERYTHING. The relationships you have with family, friends, how you treat non-muslims, etc. So he basically said they basically want to control your mind in every single way!!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!
How many times to I have to warn people that ALL forms of dogmatism are dangerous. While rightfully keeping an eye on Islam, the only thing that keeps Christianity from becoming a "government code" is 200 plus of secular government keeping a leash on it.
DONT confuse the Middle East's fascist view of their religion, and the current acceptance of Christianity's pluralism in the west. Christianity was not always as tolerant as it is today. It is in spite of Christianity that we have become more civil, not because of Christianity.
We still to this day have the same underpinnings of theocratic dogmatism, that if left unchecked, could lead to the same type of tribalism and fascism we rightfully condemn Islam of supporting in the east today. People like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have the same utopia view that is just as dogmatic as Islam. The only difference is that our western governments prevent them from setting up the same theocratic rule.
All the holy books of Abraham are gang manuals where outsiders are to be defeated. Islam is the only religion that has not had it's "Age Of Enlightenment" which the others have had and are kept in check by.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Dude, you could not be more right!! We should thank our founding fathers like Jeffeson, Franklin, and Thomas Paine who knew Christianity was crap so they made SURE our founding documents have NO reference to Christianity or the mythical ARAB god, Jesus!
Did you know our constitution doesn't even mention the word "god" much less Jesus? I've told that to Christians and they are surprised. Sounds like an atheist constitution doesn't it?
Nutcases like Hannity say because our DOI says "creator" it somehow has a connection to Christianity which is batsh*t INSANE!! Creator can mean one of hundreds of gods OR goddesses or it can mean a natural process like the big bang!
If not for our secular constitution there is NO doubt Christianity would be trying their best to impose a theocracy again because, as you said, that's how these gangster Arab religions work. They use FORCE to get what they want!! How else would western Europe be an ARAB religion???!??
BTW, sorry the graphic shows alabama bloggers but it's the only graphic I could find that said "post of the week"!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!