I did the google search on this website to see if this movie had been talked about and didn't come up with any results.
The first 10 minutes is impressive. Anyone seen it? Thoughts on it?
The 2nd 10 minutes is talking about genetics.
Not sure where it is headed and don't want to be saying at the end I wish I could get back those 3 hours of my life.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
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I loved the second movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum. I think it's my most favorite film of all times. When it comes to economic, architectural etc, organization of the golden age civilization, I would totally go along the lines of the second half of it, which is about the Venus Project.
Which is why I've got to see this film. I wonder which direction these people took. The first movie was somewhat good, but some parts of it lacked foundation. The second one was brilliant. I wonder if they have now any awesomeness left. You know, they pretty much avoided cultural topics, the approach was pretty technical solution to problems that are today left up to police, army, social welfare, labor offices, etc. There's much what remains to be told.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I watched 10 minutes of it... seems ok, perhaps when I have more time. I've read some reviews that view it as a bit of a tinhat wearing feature... I'll make up my own mind when I have a chance to see it.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Too much bleeding heart liberal propaganda for me. The movie is clearly designed to appeal to peoples emotions not their reason. In that sense, it's not much different than religious propaganda.
The danger with this type of propaganda is that the unwashed masses will support policies and change without any real evidence to support the belief that things(people, the environment) would be any better. Change would be made with out doing experiments first to prove they are better in the long run. Change would be made only because leftist want to feel like they care(and they can get something for nothing), not for any rational reason backed by scientific evidence.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Got threw it. Working while watching. Lots of thought provoking stuff such as environmental affect on our development, that was well worth it. Then about an hour in it went as you say. Capitalism is eating itself which I basically agree with. We will have to pay for all this debt and greed some day. The last 1 hour did appeal to my emotions. They walked to the line of despair (that there is simply no hope) to we can do something about this. And by the end the common man will come to his senses all over the world and make a new world order with a Yes song playing in the background. I think its critique of capitalism is really worth the watch, but the solution I don't see happening. I mostly consider it a lost cause. We won't fix our problems until forced.
Looking forward to Luminon, Ktulu and anyone else's comments.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
it seems that a lot of people are sceptical about the reinventing of the society part. Maybe the initial disbelieve in the possibility of such a radical change is caused by the fact that people are often restricting what they hear to the narrow scope of their own knowledge. Maybe our awareness of the possibilities is not broad enough yet. ? dunno really. maybe
btw, a very good movie
I saw the Zeitgeist part about how Jesus is mythical and mostly just copied from gods before him. I know it's not perfect but the general message is CLEAR. There are are gods BEFORE Jesus with a very similar story and Christians have no response except for "the devil did it".
LMAO!! Why don't you say the devil created Christianity too?
Not to mention no earthly figure ever saw Jesus or ANY of the apostles!! Or Moses or ANY biblical figure!!
Christnuts are OWNED!!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!! www.nobeliefs.com/exist.htm www.JesusNEVERexisted.com
I am a huge fan of the Zeitgeist trilogy, and personally I find the third one as being my favorite.
The first two touched on a lot of the misconceptions and misguidance placed in our daily lives through hundreds of years of governmental control, namely governmental conspiracies, and information that only a small percentage of the population of the world (I feel bold enough to say) is actually paying attention to. This information includes DISinformation provided by governments, used to control WHAT we think.
However, the third Zeitgeist delves into human psychology, and more importantly the DEVELOPMENT of human psychology, and the effect of the environment on human cognitive processes and development. If I were to attempt to teach an individual who has fallen victim to the flood of misinformation about religion, and the concept of our current Economic system using the Zeitgeist trilogy (these victims include the vast majority of the world, christians, muslims, etc.) I would start with the third movie in the trilogy.
In order to educate someone in the false teachings this country under "God," has taught us, one must first understand the travesty our government has created in our educational system. What I mean by that is how being in a classroom with teachers lacking proper formal training in child psychology, and more importantly the DEVELOPMENT of a child's psychology, actually effect the American public. Our teachers unfortunately are products of an educational system that lacked the information required to create a stimulating learning environment that reduced the amount of false ideologies and pre-conditioned thinking about the world around us.
For example, when I was a child, a teacher I had in kindergarden read to me the story of the ugly duckling. And when the teacher drew the duckling on the board she colored him grey. I thought little of this situation until that christmas, maybe a month later. My grandmother gave me a grey sweater, and the first thing I said was that it was ugly. The only reason I said this was because my teacher imprinted this into my head, unknowingly.
The media constantly overstimulates us with ways we should think, things we should buy, and the fact that if we do anything different to this norm, then the consequences in society would be negative in our experience. If the government and the media (which could be considered a single entity in this country) took the information that we have known for decades about human psychology especially that of adolescents, and applied it to their methods of presenting information to the public, then these problems of association with what is right, and what they simply WANT us to do would be non-existent.
The third zeitgeist movie is a great way to make people start thinking differently. How many times have you spoke to a fundamentalist christian that you just CAN NOT argue with, SIMPLY because there thought processes and ways of association are polluted by methods considered ancient to most modern day psychologists?
Have you ever shown the first or second zeitgeist to a theist, or even someone with no religious affiliation, but a mind that is obviously constructed by modern public education and media? It becomes obvious that these individuals have no idea how to take the information in and believe it, regardless of the numerous cited sources and concrete proof. You must first help them understand that the way they think is being controlled, and the third Zeitgeist does exactly this.
Finally after all the exams I got to this film again, to look at it whole. (it was a freakin' 5 GB movie download)
I must say, this is 100% pure truth and necessity. TZM are not the only people who propagate Resource-based economy, but they do it most graphically. This film is a true test of rationality. Hell, it's the glorious scientific method and engineering applied on our own society. The same method which brought us computers and nanotechnology and prolonged our life twice as much, is applied to the society! This is the most important application of science there ever was. Why isn't that astonishing to all the science fans and rational community? Why do they insist on proper evidence for Loch Ness monster, yet they believe that dollar has a value?
I always find outrageous how so-called rational people can point out the flaws of religion so efficiently, and yet they happily sing along other, equally absurd ideologies that bring the world to the edge of destruction.
A good example is Beyond Saving and his adventures with American medicare market. When we throw away that "free market = freedom & justice" idelogic bullshit, all we need is a distribution system. Except that it does not work as a distribution system, quite opposite. Money are not fairly distributed according to people's needs. Rich get richer, poor get poorer. Instead of working for basic human needs, the commercial medicare restricts the relatively poor and focuses on the richer citizens by offering services uselessly overpriced by inflation. (and luxury) Concurence rises, prices rise, still less people can afford them, hospitals get less customers, so they have to rise their prices to get by, less people can afford the services.... It's really an escalating spiral of disaster.
We tend to forget, that dollars are imaginary numbers and worthless papers, due to extreme and literally unpayable U.S. national debt. The declaration of bankrupcy was already postponed by the Congress more than 70 times. Meanwhile, computers at the stock markets replaced human gamblers and create inflated dollars literally out of nothing. These are the dollars you receive on your paycheck for your real and uninflatable working hours and for real, irreplaceable natural resources. These dollars a doctor demands from you by dozens and hundreds, just for sticking a nose in your office. And it's not your computer that makes them. It's the Wall Street computer and then you exchange real labour and resources for make-believe money.
It is obvious that the current monetary system, so-called economy, marketing and capitalism itself are no less absurd and murderous than obeying Stalin because people believe he can bless the crops, or Aztecs sacrificing their own citizens to bring divine attention and win a war.
The existence and use of money has its costs on resources, labour, 95% of global crime and the greatest crime of all, the monetary incentive which stops all unprofitable projects. The funny thing is that without money you can't steal money and you can't steal resources, because you won't exchange them for money.
The Zeitgeist Movement proved that our system is wrong and that there already are blueprints of a new system. Now is the time to do what rational people do, when confronted with a proof. Change and demand change.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Jesus fucking christ...none of you Zeitgeits fans are skeptics. NONE of you. Period. Jesus mythicism is defenceless enough, but 9/11 conspiracies and the banker conspiracy stuff? Fuck off. That has all been debunked time and again, something you'd know if you had a goddamn skeptical bone in your bodies. Fuck!
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
Too true.
The 9/11 conspiracy stuff cracks me the fuck up...lol
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
As for 9/11 conspiracy, why do you think there are still people desperate enough to board a plane and blow it up against a building? Nobody would do such a thing in the humane system of Resource-based economy. The main cause of terrorism is injustice, caused by economic violence (poverty).
And what's the problem with bankers? The federal reserve is privately owned, right? Bankers just do what it means to stay on the top in the current system.
Don't tell me anything about conspiracies, my government is paid and upheld by post-revolution business mafia, which in turn benefits from overpriced state orders. We have scandals like that every year.
I hope that my people will rise soon in revolution, bring down the corrupt government and investigate all people responsible for national debt by Interpol. Just like the citizens of Iceland and Spain did very recently. The citizens decided in free referendum to refuse to pay the debts which their bankers and politicians caused. The bankers were forced to leave Iceland. Surprisingly, I did not hear a single word about it in my media. My media were full of Libya, but not a single word about revolutions in my fellow state of European Union and neighbourhood. Did you hear anything like that in your media? If not, what further evidence do you need?
In the world of business and money, if cartel (or "conspiracy" ) can help companies or individuals to succeed against the competition, there will be cartel. Or conspiracy, or whatever. Those who do not cheat against the competition, eventually perish. This is Darwin's law of jungle in practice. This is also one of many destructive behaviors that our system encourages.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I "appreciated" the three films.