Water headed are not declared humans
I have heard that if someone has water head, than he or she is not declared human in Hungary.
He or she is outlaw even he or she is conscious.
He or she can be used in medical experiment instead of animals.
What do you think, is it ethical?
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Substitute "waterheads" with "people in federal prisons", and I would say yes.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Tamas you seam to be going through another episode. Contact your doctor or take your meds.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I'm lost
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I'm not sure what 'water head' is but I doubt any civilized country would get away with using conscious people for 'experiments' without their consent. And even so there has to be reasonable doubt that any risk would come to said individuals.
I'm guessing this is just a provocative post and no follow-up will be made. I fall for everything; I'm so gullible
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
If you track Tamas previous posts you will see he suffers a form of schezophrenia, when on meds he is rational, but he has episodes of unreality so eather he stops his meds or he needs to be rebalanced by his doctor.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
In elementary school we studied, that humans with water head are not humans.
We thought that it is a joke.
Later i heard it again.
I think it is weird and unethical.
I don't want it to be provocative, sorry.
I am just interested in strange things and i don't accept the world.
I would give life inprisonment for the prime ministers of Hungary.
what do you mean by 'water heads'? not sure what you imply by that term.
OK, this is just a guess but I think that there is a deal where the term that you are looking for is not translating correctly. The Greek words for water and head can be combined to what we would call, “hydrocephalus” or “water on the brain”. Perhaps that is what you meant?
In that case, you need to be aware that that is such a broad category that there are a couple hundred different things that can all be placed in that group.
Based on your OP, I am guessing that you are talking about children who are born with a brain stem and cerebellum but little else apart from a cavity holding cerebro spinal fluid.
It is a thinkness. There is too much water in the brain, but it doesn't mean, that the patient has no brain.
Yes, i mean't the following:
“hydrocephalus” or “water on the brain”.
And i mean adults.
So i would mean, that adults, who are successful in life, but with water on the brain can be taken to universities from the street to experiment on them.
I think this is unethical.
Why would the Hungarian government discriminate against people with 'hydrocephalus'? I mean... why not people with other obscure medical conditions?
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Hydrocephalus. Spinal fluid builds up in brain, rendering their brain slower and less functional than someone with down's.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I can't say whether I think something is ethical or not if I can't tell you what the proposition means.
First I'd need to know what is meant by 'water head' and then I'd need to know "what sort of experiments?" Also, I would want to insist on advised consent by the subjects who would have to be capable of giving reasoned consent.
It isn't all that obscure, honestly. But if you think that's bad, you should see how the mentally ill are treated in Arizona... it makes prison look nice in comparison.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Jeffrick's post begins to make sense...
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I know only another one: if someone has cancer than he or she is banned from the universities.
Tamas has been around almost 2 years. Please read.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
This is bullshit, my girlfriend has water head. I told her about this. She can't really get angry because of the water head but I got angry for her.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
Yes. I think conspiracy theories are interesting.
And i think there are a lot of conspiracies in Hungary.
And there are a lot of things in the world that are always removed from the internet.
There is censure in the world internet.
What is happening in Arizona to the mentally ill ?
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Hold one moment...
All I have is hearsay from another forum, but here goes...
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)