(?) Comparative Religion "according" to Ray Comfort

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(?) Comparative Religion "according" to Ray Comfort



 I have a really odd question. Is banana-man (aka - Ray Comfort) a fairly good author ? I can not say I ve

taken the time to think very hard about exactly what it is you want to say. This is not a debate but a question. I wonder if the guy can write a

book that is NOT one large "track (religious call)".

   Can I get some feedback from those who had to suffer on-through his works.



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. . according to "Ray Comfort" . . .

danatemporary wrote:

But can he write



Answers in Gene...
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 Well, I have seen some

 Well, I have seen some claims that his biography of Darwin may have been plagiarized from some other similar work.


Honestly, I have read it and it is pretty much a list of facts about the man. Pretty much standard stuff that must have been taken from matters of public record. So even if he did not rip off someone else, at best, he simply took known stuff and formatted it in a particular way. At least he did not include the fake story of the deathbed conversion, which was refuted days after it started spreading by Darwin's children.


Past that, good luck finding any material he may have done which is not doctrinal in nature. 

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:

  At least he did not include the fake story of the deathbed conversion, which was refuted days after it started spreading by Darwin's children.


Past that, good luck finding any material he may have done which is not doctrinal in nature. 

 I have thought about taking this question to some christian boards, a  inoffensive or non~offensive version,. But I am afraid of running into the mutual admiration society: It is a much under-valued discipline full of devoted followers.