Everybody needs some "Comic Relief"some time. George Carlin - God.
Posted on: June 15, 2010 - 4:41pm
Everybody needs some "Comic Relief"some time. George Carlin - God.
I think that he was one of the best,enjoy- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps15_u_eYY&feature=related
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Every time that I try to make a link it does'nt work ? and 99% of the time it's a you tube video Does anybody have any advice about links,is there a speacial way or what ?
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Just hit the embed button on youtube, right clik copy the source, then clik the source button here and paste it.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Well,I went to the you tube page found the embed button, OK,so now I'll try it again,wish me luck,I'm not at all a computer type person,but I'm still learning,I was given this computer,after my Mother died,no instructions,my brother going to give me his old computer soon,with the directions I hope,like I said wish me luck. Well,I gave it a shot,but I don't see a source,after I click the embed,I click the right side of the mouse and there's a view source,but I don't know what it showing me. What I been doing is,I write the URL on a sheet of paper,then when I come here and hit the unbroken chain link , then I type it into that little box.I guess that I have to see someone embed a video to understand what to do ,but thanks anyway.
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When you are viewing the video, are you on your home computer? If no, then writing down the link is tricky, since just one little mistake and it won't work. Better to be on your home computer. Do you have internet access at home? No? Then it is a laptop you can take to a cafe with free internet access? If no, then we are stuck.
So, let me assume you have internet access at home, and you are on your home computer. If this is not true, let me know and we'll talk some more.
1. Go to youtube and the video you want to share. Your browser has a box at the top of the window that has the link all typed out for you. Click on that box. That will highlight the link.
2. Press the ctrl key and the C key at the same time. That copies the highlighted text.
3. Come back to rationalresponders and open up the chain to create a new post. Press the ctrl key and the V key at the same time. This will paste the link. And you won't have to type it in.
The C and the V can be upper case or lower case. This works for all text. You can highlight in one window, ctrl+c, and then paste, ctrl-v, in another window or the same window.
What Rob was trying to do is help you put the entire video in your message.
1. Go to youtube and the video you want to share. Right mouse click directly on the video. Click on "copy embed html". Nothing will appear to happen.
2. Come back to rationalresponders and open up the chain to create a new post.
3. See where it says "Comment:*" at the top of the new message? Right under that is what looks like a piece of paper and "Source". Click on that.
4. Whoooo-look at all the gobbley-gook. Now the "Source" is highlighted and all the rest of the format boxes are grayed out. Scroll down to the bottom of your post, and ctrl-v to paste in the special gobbley-gook from youtube.
5. Click on the "Source" button again. Your video is not showing!!!! Click on the "Preview comment" button at the bottom of the message page and there it is.
These instructions work for both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Those are the browsers I have installed, so I can verify for certain sure for these two.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
OK Ken, first off, don't write stuff down and the retype it. That just creates an opportunity to make mistakes.
First off, here is where you will see the embed code:
Now, let me give you some cool tricks. On your keyboard, you can hold down the control key and a certain letter to get specific things to happen. The ones that you need here are:
<control A> use this to select everything in the related part of your screen. If the wrong stuff gets highlighted , then click on the bit you wanted with your mouse and do it over again.
<control C> use this to make a copy in your memory of the highlighted material.
<control V> use this to paste the material to the box in your browser where you want stuff to go.
Finally, if you expect the embed code to work correctly, you need to paste it into the plain text editor.
There are actually some videos on youtube that explain it as well.
I figured he wanted to embed it rather than paste a link that takes us off the site. I only paste links if it's the only option short of learning how to embed a page or something ><
See Gene's post above with his handy pik on where to copy the embedding code.
There I actually took a moment to post the source button you hit after copying the embedding text from youtube, you then clik this button on your post and right clik in the text area and paste it in.
Note, not all youtube vids allow embedding, most of them do though.
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
I would have posted this one but she skips the source button step for this website.
She also uses the taskbar options to copy and paste, blegh. Right clik!
Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin
Thank's for the info,I'll give it a try,and by the way this is a home computer and I do have internet access,and by the way,when you say open up the chain,do you mean the chain link above this page here where you post your commet ? Did you mean the unbroken chain link or the broken one ? Anyway,THANK'S and I really dig that Jerry Lee Lewis video,I wonder what year that was made ???
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Is this control -the Ctrl , I don't know what you mean when you say paste,when I click the right side of the mouse I see cut,copy,paste. And my computer doesn't have that edit-file etc...on the top of the page,so the video that robJ101 had posted ain't relevant,I guess I'll give this a try-at least what I understand about it.THANKS
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Well,it don't really matter if I learn to embed the video it self,or just the link.That tutorial on you tube would have more meaning to me if my screen look like the one in the video,but it don't have a edit or file on the whole page,so when she says click on the edit button ,I don't have a edit button on my page to click ?
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Yah, Ken. Control and ctrl are the same thing. I just typed it out the long way because I thought that might be clearer.
Also, you have seen that there are often a few way to do the same thing. My preference is to use the keyboard short cuts because that method always works regardless of how any specific web page is set up. Sometimes I will use some graphical tool if that happens to be easier but that is going to be mostly on a web site that I use fairly often. If I happen to register on some other forum for something, then it is back to the keyboard method.
Do you have a menu at the top of the page? File Edit View Favorites Tools Help
That Edit (button) is the one they are talking about.
If no menu, you can turn it on even when you can't see it.
1. Press Alt-V (the Alt key and the v at the same time. The v can be upper or lower case. Just like ctrl-v.)
2. The "View" menu will pop up with the rest of the menu!
3. On the "View" drop down menu, click on Toolbars, then on Menu Bar. Menu Bar should now have a check beside it. Menu Bar should be the first one on the list.
Now you should be able to see the whole menu, including the Edit. Did this help?
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Yes indeed,after holding down the Alt and the v button,I can now see the edit - file -toolbars - view - Help,now I'll have too see if I can embed a video. Thanks.
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I have yet another question for you, do I press down on the button thats marked with the < >,is this part of a short-cut ? Or do I only press down on the Ctrl - A-C-and V .
Signature ? How ?
Finding the menu was the hard part. The rest should be easier. Glad I could help.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
The brackets <> are a standard in software manuals. They are supposed to mean - "These are the labels of the keys to be pressed". If you don't read manuals, and I don't recommend reading a manual unless someone holds a gun to your head, then you wouldn't know. So no, don't press the <> but just the keys that have those labels.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
... Ken, i have but 1 piece of computer advice thats not been listed yet...
You know that button on your computer that you push, and out pops a tray?
That is not, i repeat NOT, a cup-holder
... im just puttin that out there...
What Would Kharn Do?
thanks for pointing that one out,I wouldn't have known what the F<>k it was for .again thanks
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