Ongoing debate with my wife..

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Ongoing debate with my wife..

 I am a new Atheist and I have been having an ongoing debate with my wife who doesn't seem to grasp the concept that the imaginary friend slapped a naked guy together with a bunch of dirt then created a mate with one of his ribs..  

Understandably she doesn't like to read (Otherwise she'd be an Atheist too). So is there any useful illustrations or videos that will show her without a doubt the evidence points to evolution instead of the schizophrenic idea of intelligent debacle?


Thanks in Advance!

Jimi Spier

"Christians: Prey for Atheists" -Jimi Spier (unless someone else wrote it first)

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Hey there, Jim.



Why not start her out with NonStampCollector. He pulls no punches and is pithy and to the point.



I also rate Cristina Rad highly and you probably will too, though your lady may think she's too hot to take seriously.


You might start with this link...






"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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 Thanks for the links!

 Thanks for the links! "ZOMGitsCriss" is awesome.. She is beautiful and scary smart.. 

Jimi Spier

"Christians: Prey for Atheists" -Jimi Spier (unless someone else wrote it first)

Ken G.
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jimispier wrote:debate with my wife

    Sorry man, When I met my ex-wife she was already a militant atheist,she convinced me to be a Atheist,I was a Agnostic,cause it was easier to deal with religious people, I guess.Anyway I can suggest some sites that I listen too,but I don't know their links,if you google them ,you'll get there -- Freedom from Religion , Point of,they both have really good guess on most of the time is a man and his wife,he was a minister when he was young.check out their archives.  

Signature ? How ?

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I find Amazing Atheist useful.

Answers in Gene...
High Level Donor
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Edward Current is also quite

Edward Current is also quite good.



NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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 Thanks everyone! When I

 Thanks everyone! When I get a free minute I will take a look at all of these and then share them with my wife.. 

Jimi Spier

"Christians: Prey for Atheists" -Jimi Spier (unless someone else wrote it first)