a challenge to prove all aspects of evolution (a pagan religious concept) through the scientific method

mind over matter
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a challenge to prove all aspects of evolution (a pagan religious concept) through the scientific method
  1. The vanguard theory of evolution has taken on an almost sacred status.  The theory of ‘evolution’ that the evolutionists are really promoting, and which creationists oppose, is the idea that particles turned into people over time, without any need for an intelligent Designer.
  2. A common tactic, ‘bait-and-switch,’ is simply to produce examples of change over time, call this ‘evolution,’ then imply that the general theory of evolution’   is thereby proven or even essential, and creation disproved.  The key issue is the type of change required—to change microbes into men requires changes that increase the genetic information content.
  3. The three billion DNA ‘letters’ stored in each human cell nucleus convey a great deal more information  (known as ‘specified complexity ) than the over half a million DNA ‘letters’ of the ‘simplest’ self-reproducing organism.

  4. The DNA sequences in a ‘higher’ organism, such as a human being or a horse, for instance, code for structures and functions unknown in the sort of ‘primitive first cell’ from which all other organisms are said to have evolved.
  5. None of the alleged proofs of ‘evolution in action’ provide a single example of functional new information being added to genes. Rather, they all involve sorting and loss of information. To claim that mere change proves that information-increasing change can occur is like saying that because a merchant can sell goods, he can sell them for a profit.
  7. The origin of information is a major problem for the GENERAL THEORY OF EVOLUTION
  8.  ‘ignoring important distinctions’! It’s evolutionary propagandists who generally mix them up. Biologists frequently define evolution as ‘change in gene frequency with time’ or ‘descent with modification,’ or other such ‘microevolution’ words, and then cite insignificant examples of change within species, such as Darwin’s finches, as clinching proof of ‘evolution’ in the ‘macro’ sense and disproof of creationism!  


  1. The scientific method is a way to ask and answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments.



The steps of the scientific method are to:

  1. Ask a Question
  2. Do Background Research
  3. Construct a Hypothesis
  4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
  5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
  6. Communicate Your Results
  7. It is important for your experiment to be a fair test. A "fair test" occurs when you change only one factor (variable) and keep all other conditions the same.



1. Observation

 We exist.

2. Proposal of a question or a problem

 How did we get here?

3. A hypothesis or educated guess made

 We evolved from nothing, to dirt, to single cells, to multiple cells, to fish, to amphibians, to reptiles, to mammals, to humans.

4. Scientific experimentation

 Oh, wait a minute. Thats right, evolution can not be observed, tested, or measured. No one has ever done an experiment that made life come from non-life or a lower creature turn into a higher creature and without that empirical evidence evolution can not leave the hypothesis or model phase.
I do not need to prove the creation model true, I can simply prove the evolution model false. There are only two possibilities of how we got here, either we got here by supernatural intervention or we got here on our own, and if one of them can be proven absurd then the other has to be true. Someone that believes in atheistic evolution will never be able to disprove YAHUWAH or the creation because in order to disprove YAHUWAH you would need to be all knowing and omnipresent, in other words you have to have the attributes of YAHUWAH to disprove YAHUWAH. It would be as if you had an infinite amount of white ping pong balls and one red one. If you could never find the red one that does not disprove its existence; however, if someone found the red ball and showed it to you that would prove its existence.     
Evolution is not a proven fact               Evolution is not a scientific natural law                      Evolution is not even a scientific theory

evolution is not based in science. you think you are wise to say you know better but you are just being a smart ass belittling what I posted which is merely facts  based on real science and repeating them is fair.

you and all your slapnut atheist monkey wannabes keep professing your claim to knowledge through  science? I know it is a waste of my time to repeat myself to a bunch of mind bubbles in so many ways!!!

show me the origin of life and matter in space over time through the scientific method WITHOUT exposing youself in fact that you ARE of the spirit of satan as a liar and accuser:

atheist terminology falling under the stupid invented term EVOLUTION:which is being preached in maistream media

Cosmic, chemical, stellar and planetary, organic, macro and micro -------evolution. dont play stupid they are all connected under the scam of evolution even if you ignore most of them because you cannot grasp the big picture. that does NOT mean they are ALL not a part of your unoriginal pagan religion of origins.

Cosmic evolution involves the origin of the universe, time and matter itself. The Big Bang theory falls within this discipline of evolution.                                        NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD

Chemical evolution involves the origin of complex elements. This discipline also attempts to explain the process in which those elements formed. 


Stellar and planetary evolution is the discipline used to explain the origin of the stars and planets. This is distinct from cosmic evolution, yet, at times, overlaps it.  NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD

Organic evolution attempts to explain the origin of living matter. Those in origin of life studies most often focus on this discipline of evolution.

The two final disciplines of evolution are also the most often confused by people. They are macro-evolution and micro-evolution. Micro-evolution states that all living organisms experience mutations and have the ability to develop genetic adaptations. The difference between this and macro-evolution is that micro-evolution only deals with mutations within a species.

Macro-evolution, on the other hand, states that such adaptations and mutations allow new species to form.



Also micro changes can be observed with the scientific method. While all the other terms OF EVOLUTION are imaginary and preached as religious fact without question or basis in science or common sense. ( PAGAN HUMANIST /ATHEIST/ CHUMPS WITH CHIMP ENVY/ ARE OF THE SPIRIT OF SATAN)


Evolution is an ancient pagan concept (MAN MADE RELIGION)where people worship nature / creation instead of a CREATOR or they invent idols based on nature/creation
the theory of evolution has been with us for a very, very long time. It actually comes from ancient pagan religious beliefs that continue to be reflected in many religious traditions around the globe today. It has been documented that many ancient pagan teachers and philosophers believed that the universe spontaneously evolved by itself, that the universe is millions of years old, that humans once resembled fish, and that all living things continue to evolve.


1. (noun) abiogenesis, autogenesis, autogeny, spontaneous generation

a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter.

Abiogenesis is the idea of life originating from non-living material (non-life).   (NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD)

This concept has expanded a great deal as mankind’s understanding of science has grown, but

all forms of abiogenesis have one thing in common: they are all scientifically unsupportable. 

There have been no experiments demonstrating abiogenesis in action.

It has never been observed in a natural or artificial environment.    (NOW DEMONSTRATE IT THROUGH THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD)

Conditions believed to have existed on earth are either incapable of producing the building blocks needed, or self-contradictory.

No evidence has been found suggesting where or when such life might have generated. In fact, everything we know of science today seems to indicate that abiogenesis could not have happened under any naturally possible conditions.


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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Neat Avatar, Realistic.

Realistic_Human wrote:

Wow, your screen name should be "mind over 1/2 a brain cell"


Welcome to the madhouse.




"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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Mythological hell! Nevermind

Mythological hell! Nevermind me mom, I am a smartass and will continue to be so.

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you are the atheist closet pagan in denial, chump!

Submitted by jcgadfly on September 8, 2010 - 3:58pm.

So, you didn't do the search. Is there a reason why it frightens you, Christian (pagan)?

->NO.   I posted my info which is based in research. you failed to grasp what is posted that exposes you are a fraud lover of lies.


Ah, Creation Ministries International. If you're going to steal, can you at least find good material? Mixing it with Yahuwah.org, even if you write that site, doesn't give you property rights over the whole mess you made.--> yeah you go out of your way to trace many web sites  but you still fail to explain why you are a drone chump with chimp envy!  this thread by now has plenty of info that refutes your pagan worldview as a easy way to herd all the humanist drones over the cliff.


While you're here, can you define "kind"? No creationist has been able to.

--> what kind of human are you ? deaf dumb and blind? are you the kind of human that is not human?      kind refers to variation within designed limits. unlike your stupid fiction of nonliving matter changing with modification through natural selection over billions of years.   wow you are a good little pagan with no understanding of the word pagan.


You do understand that a transitional form that jumps clades (half fish/half man) would disprove the evolutionary theory, right? If you want to attack the theory, that's what you guys should be looking for. Good luck with that.-

---->>you need to believe something you have clue about in the real world. you like the feeling of writing the word transitional? does it comfort you in your feeble attempt to live a pessimistic life.  that is a typical atheist mentality to live in denial of everything. it must give your pride choosing to believe you came from nothing and you will  be next to nothing. by your logic you have nothing to lose. So why fight the desire to live forever? you already accept death as your hero.


Can you help us with finding the "original scriptures" Those are long gone (unless you have a divine rewrite hanging around). I mean, you don't really think the Septuagint is the original, do you?

-->the original scriptures / the WORD OF YAHWUAH      are being restored in these times by scholars with access to original scrolls and copies dating back to the time of the scribes/eye witnesess accounts  . the point of the retranslations is to restore the true name and the message of salvation through the saving grace of YAHUWAH  the one true ELOAH YAH AM  the infinite person

HE is not a false elohim as you accuse thus calling me a pagan which makes you the fool.  I worship the one true ELOAH ALMIGHTY  who is the CREATOR whereas you worship the creation and that is what makes you a pagan. I do not worship a false elohim. I do not call nature a woman when I know the difference between creation and CREATOR.

   not the kjv etc...that teaches god,jesus,lord,  sun day moon day, tews/tyr day  wodin day thor day frigg day satan/staurn day etc.....



Are you really that dumb or are you saying that the Greeks created Judaism? Are you admitting to being a pagan? -->The greeks translated from royal ABRAHUW and judaism is a satanic religion just like your stupid religion for chumps. so yet again you are a drone with an indoctrinated definition of the words pagan and evolution.  also the greeks were a major part of the subject matter of the new gospel regarding the dispensations of the lost tribes  of YAHSRAEL. they are known today as caucasians. of course you did not do any research about the history of tribes and nations all being of one blood not races.

are you denying that you are a dumb ass pagan drone living in fear of losing your materialism?



If the evolutionary tree is so wrong, why does all of life fit it instead of your idea?  Is Yahuwah messing with you? ->>if ? that is what atheists say when they assume facts!  the tree  is wrong because it was never true. and the people involved in selling it to chumps like you know very well it is the best religion to control failed rebels like you with no eternal credit. it does not fit as I have already explained in many posts with diagrams that you ignored and now rant about.  DRONES like you are not really asking why because you were programmed not to ask lest you think for yourself and find the facts do not support your stupid drawings and pbs animations  and national pornographic re enactments of events that noone witnessed.

Again, if the flood was global why were there thriving civilizations around during the time they should have been drowning?----->there are plenty of artifacts bruied in the global  that testify to reality of civilised people with technical knowledge of smelying carpentry stonecutting  mining techniques agriculture  etc... they were never cave

dwellers who chased snails in a primitive setting as described by stupid atheist scammers.


Why is abiogenesis OK for your God but wrong for any other theory? There are some interesting theories out there and as incomplete as they are, they all beat your "Magic man done it". Oh, and the oft replicated Miller-Urey experiments still prove you incorrect.----> you like preaching misinformation?  abiogenesis means non life origins.   and you refer to god because you have no clue about how misinformed you are. you have a lazy mind.  and a theory of evolution is not the same as the observation of gravity .  you like using the word theory because you are a fool in denial of the fact that the theory in the context of evolution is still a speculation not a proven hypothesis. but you choose to believe because you are a foolish drone who says there is no YAHUWAH.


there are no proven experiments to demonstrate the life can create itself so even though your capacity to grasp this reality is void you are still without excuse.   I can give you plenty of proof that you can verufy right now. the fact that you rely on intelligent design to post your stupid rebuttals defeats your theory in a nutshell. you are alive? your life came from a continuous cylce of life!  you use information that is immaterial and defies the laws of matter.that is not natural. just as dna is processed  but is not natural because it is a written instruction with purpose .

you process information. you percieve matter in space over time in a finite realm yet you also know that you are more than just a flesh and bone mechanism.  you know that all man made technology represents proof of a designer and fits your criteria of what represents intelligents in the known universe. therefore by the same basic common sense you know that all the technology found in the known universe that is not man made must come from a superior intellibce other than human.  all life comes from life and there must be a source of all life that is not natural.  you know that you will never witness a room full of chumps or chimps  on typewriters ever reproduce the written works of shakespear nor will you play the lottery every day for 10 years in a row and expect to win every day for the whole ten years by chance.  etc..................



By all means, keep insulting me. it gives me a great idea of how red your ass is getting. As it is right now, be careful sitting in dry grass,. You could start a brush fire.

 --------> you are an insult to your own humanity. you are a fool as the scriptures said you will be. the fact is you choose to be out of selfish pride. you dont like the isnults but you have not problem dishing them out. so why do you whine about it?I know! because you are lost and you need to find yourself before you are lost forever.


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:

Submitted by jcgadfly on September 8, 2010 - 3:58pm.

So, you didn't do the search. Is there a reason why it frightens you, Christian (pagan)?

->NO.   I posted my info which is based in research. you failed to grasp what is posted that exposes you are a fraud lover of lies.


Ah, Creation Ministries International. If you're going to steal, can you at least find good material? Mixing it with Yahuwah.org, even if you write that site, doesn't give you property rights over the whole mess you made.--> yeah you go out of your way to trace many web sites  but you still fail to explain why you are a drone chump with chimp envy!  this thread by now has plenty of info that refutes your pagan worldview as a easy way to herd all the humanist drones over the cliff.


While you're here, can you define "kind"? No creationist has been able to.

--> what kind of human are you ? deaf dumb and blind? are you the kind of human that is not human?      kind refers to variation within designed limits. unlike your stupid fiction of nonliving matter changing with modification through natural selection over billions of years.   wow you are a good little pagan with no understanding of the word pagan.


You do understand that a transitional form that jumps clades (half fish/half man) would disprove the evolutionary theory, right? If you want to attack the theory, that's what you guys should be looking for. Good luck with that.-

---->>you need to believe something you have clue about in the real world. you like the feeling of writing the word transitional? does it comfort you in your feeble attempt to live a pessimistic life.  that is a typical atheist mentality to live in denial of everything. it must give your pride choosing to believe you came from nothing and you will  be next to nothing. by your logic you have nothing to lose. So why fight the desire to live forever? you already accept death as your hero.


Can you help us with finding the "original scriptures" Those are long gone (unless you have a divine rewrite hanging around). I mean, you don't really think the Septuagint is the original, do you?

-->the original scriptures / the WORD OF YAHWUAH      are being restored in these times by scholars with access to original scrolls and copies dating back to the time of the scribes/eye witnesess accounts  . the point of the retranslations is to restore the true name and the message of salvation through the saving grace of YAHUWAH  the one true ELOAH YAH AM  the infinite person

HE is not a false elohim as you accuse thus calling me a pagan which makes you the fool.  I worship the one true ELOAH ALMIGHTY  who is the CREATOR whereas you worship the creation and that is what makes you a pagan. I do not worship a false elohim. I do not call nature a woman when I know the difference between creation and CREATOR.

   not the kjv etc...that teaches god,jesus,lord,  sun day moon day, tews/tyr day  wodin day thor day frigg day satan/staurn day etc.....



Are you really that dumb or are you saying that the Greeks created Judaism? Are you admitting to being a pagan? -->The greeks translated from royal ABRAHUW and judaism is a satanic religion just like your stupid religion for chumps. so yet again you are a drone with an indoctrinated definition of the words pagan and evolution.  also the greeks were a major part of the subject matter of the new gospel regarding the dispensations of the lost tribes  of YAHSRAEL. they are known today as caucasians. of course you did not do any research about the history of tribes and nations all being of one blood not races.

are you denying that you are a dumb ass pagan drone living in fear of losing your materialism?



If the evolutionary tree is so wrong, why does all of life fit it instead of your idea?  Is Yahuwah messing with you? ->>if ? that is what atheists say when they assume facts!  the tree  is wrong because it was never true. and the people involved in selling it to chumps like you know very well it is the best religion to control failed rebels like you with no eternal credit. it does not fit as I have already explained in many posts with diagrams that you ignored and now rant about.  DRONES like you are not really asking why because you were programmed not to ask lest you think for yourself and find the facts do not support your stupid drawings and pbs animations  and national pornographic re enactments of events that noone witnessed.

Again, if the flood was global why were there thriving civilizations around during the time they should have been drowning?----->there are plenty of artifacts bruied in the global  that testify to reality of civilised people with technical knowledge of smelying carpentry stonecutting  mining techniques agriculture  etc... they were never cave

dwellers who chased snails in a primitive setting as described by stupid atheist scammers.


Why is abiogenesis OK for your God but wrong for any other theory? There are some interesting theories out there and as incomplete as they are, they all beat your "Magic man done it". Oh, and the oft replicated Miller-Urey experiments still prove you incorrect.----> you like preaching misinformation?  abiogenesis means non life origins.   and you refer to god because you have no clue about how misinformed you are. you have a lazy mind.  and a theory of evolution is not the same as the observation of gravity .  you like using the word theory because you are a fool in denial of the fact that the theory in the context of evolution is still a speculation not a proven hypothesis. but you choose to believe because you are a foolish drone who says there is no YAHUWAH.


there are no proven experiments to demonstrate the life can create itself so even though your capacity to grasp this reality is void you are still without excuse.   I can give you plenty of proof that you can verufy right now. the fact that you rely on intelligent design to post your stupid rebuttals defeats your theory in a nutshell. you are alive? your life came from a continuous cylce of life!  you use information that is immaterial and defies the laws of matter.that is not natural. just as dna is processed  but is not natural because it is a written instruction with purpose .

you process information. you percieve matter in space over time in a finite realm yet you also know that you are more than just a flesh and bone mechanism.  you know that all man made technology represents proof of a designer and fits your criteria of what represents intelligents in the known universe. therefore by the same basic common sense you know that all the technology found in the known universe that is not man made must come from a superior intellibce other than human.  all life comes from life and there must be a source of all life that is not natural.  you know that you will never witness a room full of chumps or chimps  on typewriters ever reproduce the written works of shakespear nor will you play the lottery every day for 10 years in a row and expect to win every day for the whole ten years by chance.  etc..................



By all means, keep insulting me. it gives me a great idea of how red your ass is getting. As it is right now, be careful sitting in dry grass,. You could start a brush fire.

 --------> you are an insult to your own humanity. you are a fool as the scriptures said you will be. the fact is you choose to be out of selfish pride. you dont like the isnults but you have not problem dishing them out. so why do you whine about it?I know! because you are lost and you need to find yourself before you are lost forever.


I accept that you've lost the argument. You can go away now.

You've firmly established that you don't know what the hell your talking about on science and religion.

I haven't insulted you yet unless you call asking questions and pointing out your mistakes "insults".

If your particular god only has you as his defender, he/she/it/they won't last.

Have a good life, pagan.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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lol stupid atheist monkey wannabe


Submitted by jcgadfly on September 25, 2010 - 12:15pm.


I accept that you've lost the argument. You can go away now.  ---> lol of you assume?   does this mean you are retreating back to your scum puddle from where you evolved?  No you  run along back to your atheist chump home base for drones. I posted a challenge to to you and you squirmed out of it. that is my victory not yours.  you still have no clue why it is you who is the pagan in denial. you worship creation therefore you are a dumbass for calling me a pagan when you know nothing about the CREATOR who owns you!  it just burns you up like cinders into oblivion to accept it because you are lost without truth.

You've firmly established that you don't know what the hell your talking about on science and religion.---> I have certainly proven you are not qualified to engage me with a credibale perspective on reality.

I haven't insulted you yet unless you call asking questions and pointing out your mistakes "insults". -----> you degrade yourself by your very satanic RUWACH/ spear it


If your particular god only has you as his defender, he/she/it/they won't last. -------->I am not here to defend anyone especially the almighty ELOAH YAH AM. HE IS THE Creator of matter in space over time . YAHUWAH is the inifinite person. only a fool like you fails to grasp your own futility as a mortal and a failed rebel in a society that is being undermined through your very anti CREATOR  attitude. you think that being proabortion and anything goes and tolerance of everything  and do as you please and there is no accountability etc.... you make excuses as to why you believe you are free to mock that which is youronly hope in life eternal.

you have no problem accepting the pagan concept of becoming a false god but you are utterly repulsed by the reality of bowing to the true ELOAH YAH AM.

Have a good life, pagan.---> THANKS I shall endure even in this end times that is prophecised that there will be a great falling away yet there will still be a restoration of the name and and the good news shall be spread to all ends of the earth before the the final event play out and satan is allowed to reveal himself as false god of the heathens.  I plan to be ascended by then.




look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:


Submitted by jcgadfly on September 25, 2010 - 12:15pm.


I accept that you've lost the argument. You can go away now.  ---> lol of you assume?   does this mean you are retreating back to your scum puddle from where you evolved?  No you  run along back to your atheist chump home base for drones. I posted a challenge to to you and you squirmed out of it. that is my victory not yours.  you still have no clue why it is you who is the pagan in denial. you worship creation therefore you are a dumbass for calling me a pagan when you know nothing about the CREATOR who owns you!  it just burns you up like cinders into oblivion to accept it because you are lost without truth.

You've firmly established that you don't know what the hell your talking about on science and religion.---> I have certainly proven you are not qualified to engage me with a credibale perspective on reality.

I haven't insulted you yet unless you call asking questions and pointing out your mistakes "insults". -----> you degrade yourself by your very satanic RUWACH/ spear it


If your particular god only has you as his defender, he/she/it/they won't last. -------->I am not here to defend anyone especially the almighty ELOAH YAH AM. HE IS THE Creator of matter in space over time . YAHUWAH is the inifinite person. only a fool like you fails to grasp your own futility as a mortal and a failed rebel in a society that is being undermined through your very anti CREATOR  attitude. you think that being proabortion and anything goes and tolerance of everything  and do as you please and there is no accountability etc.... you make excuses as to why you believe you are free to mock that which is youronly hope in life eternal.

you have no problem accepting the pagan concept of becoming a false god but you are utterly repulsed by the reality of bowing to the true ELOAH YAH AM.

Have a good life, pagan.---> THANKS I shall endure even in this end times that is prophecised that there will be a great falling away yet there will still be a restoration of the name and and the good news shall be spread to all ends of the earth before the the final event play out and satan is allowed to reveal himself as false god of the heathens.  I plan to be ascended by then.




You don't have to scream your concession so loud, pagan. I hear you.

The challenge you posted was laughably trounced by others before I got here.

Who made your God, pagan? Was it perhaps, the guys who wrote his book (the Greek one if you insist)?

You call someone a pagan if they worship the creation over the creator. You are condemned by your own words.

You spend a lot of time worshipping a name - do you know the person?

Keep going, pagan. stomping on your arguments is fun.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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atheist drone minion expendable pawn seeks direction in a void

Submitted by jcgadfly on September 27, 2010 - 3:08pm.

You don't have to scream your concession so loud, pagan. I hear you.--->only in your atheist chump with chimp envy mind bubble do you dream of a concession by me. you are a fool! 

Have a good life, pagan.---> THANKS  for saying  have a good life I shall knowing I have more to look forward to than you with your scum wannabe attitude. You are still snorting methane from another atheists ass when you call me a pagan, you like accusing me of being a pagan, while you prop up your dogma of nature worship? so you believe YAHUWAH is a pagan idol?  you obviously do not grasp creation nor do you grasp history and thus you are pittiful excuse for an atheist monkey wannabe who talks like a chump and walks like a chump because someone told he was the bastard child of a chimp!   you like lumping evrything together

The challenge you posted was laughably trounced by others before I got here.---> SO you claim as most humanist liars of your kind do well when trying but never do on this thread to save face as a sucker for frauds and misinformation.  You admit you need an excuse to fail to prove in your own words why you are a not a stooge in denial that your faith in evolution is a religious doctrine for drones, even the phony satanic catholic church/circus is in on the scam. Instead you retreat back to your atheist cartoon reality of "evolution defines you are superior". lol

Who made your God, pagan? ---->your question with the added  insult  implies you admit I am right about you being an atheist  drone minion expendable pawn and that you are not capable of engaging me. while  you are deaf dumb and blind how will you know when I tell you the truth? you believe lies so that is what you assume! 

Because your desire to know is true I will share with you what you utterly reject . 

1st the nature fuckers used the pagan term god and then after being witnessed to applied it to the infinite person YAHUWAH just as the other pagan slapnuts in the middle east in ancient times used the term EL which was intended for ELOAH ALMIGHTY borrowed it  for their idols in a reverse context. in the original scriptures of YAHUWAH the plural ELOHIM is a reference to false gods(modern scam lingo). you are too lazy to research the difference between the ELOAH ALMIGHTY compared to ELOHIM of the pagans. I bet you are so deluded you accept all people came out of africa? lol

2nd the fact remains that laws of matter in space over time apply only to the finite realm. where everything is in a state of decay as stated in the SCRIPTURES of YAHUWAH according to HIS WILL.

therefore you need to understand that the statment HE WHO IS ETERNAL does not mean HE WHO HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END. YAHUWAH is the infinite person outside of creation . thus HE IS NOT SUBJECT TO HIS laws of creation which contain matter in space over time. THIS MEANS HE IS SELF EXISTENT AND HAS NO ORIGIN.  HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA of you. you needed a cause to exist HE gave you cause for existence in a finite realm THAT HE CREATED. NOONE CREATED HIM.  your problem is you are satanic. you have sold your divine right of eternal slavation for petty nature that is doomed .


Was it perhaps, the guys who wrote his book (the Greek one if you insist)?-->NO  but you amuse yourself in the meantime. you should spend more time at the non musement park and meditate on non life origins.

You call someone a pagan if they worship the creation over the creator. You are condemned by your own words.----->BY my own words I  share with you things you need to go learn yourself for your own benefit not mine! I am not condemned by my own words because you falsely claim YAHUWAH is not who HE SAYS HE IS> THE IFINITE PERSON who is eternal and self existent.  YOU seem to have no prblem putting faith in an eternal universe and evolution from non living matter over billions of unobserved earth obit units of time to gage the age of the universe. 

You spend a lot of time worshipping a name - do you know the person? ------> I do not worship any NAME.( you are an idiot to make that assumption) I worship in the name given of YAHUWAH. YAHUWSHUA said we are to direct our attention to YAHUWAH in trust love  faith hope charity and obedience.

and YES I do know HIM from within and through HIS character revealed in HIS creation and by HIS LIVING and  WRITTEN WORD made manefest.


Keep going, pagan. stomping on your arguments is fun.--------->YOU HAVE NO GRAVITY AND YOUR  FEET have not even touched  THE GROUND yet.

the fact remains that you do not even have conviction for your faith for if you did believe in the almighty doctrine of chance plus energy over time equals jackpot, you would most certainly have spent the last ten years playing the lottery every day in a row and then celebrated winning every day in a row for ten years straight.  WE both know you are not that stupid unless you are posting from sin city nevada.


I accept your pittiful excuse for a rebuttal and your continued failure to meet my posted challenge.

I win you lose again.

are you keeping score?

look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:

Submitted by jcgadfly on September 27, 2010 - 3:08pm.

You don't have to scream your concession so loud, pagan. I hear you.--->only in your atheist chump with chimp envy mind bubble do you dream of a concession by me. you are a fool! 

Have a good life, pagan.---> THANKS  for saying  have a good life I shall knowing I have more to look forward to than you with your scum wannabe attitude. You are still snorting methane from another atheists ass when you call me a pagan, you like accusing me of being a pagan, while you prop up your dogma of nature worship? so you believe YAHUWAH is a pagan idol?  you obviously do not grasp creation nor do you grasp history and thus you are pittiful excuse for an atheist monkey wannabe who talks like a chump and walks like a chump because someone told he was the bastard child of a chimp!   you like lumping evrything together

The challenge you posted was laughably trounced by others before I got here.---> SO you claim as most humanist liars of your kind do well when trying but never do on this thread to save face as a sucker for frauds and misinformation.  You admit you need an excuse to fail to prove in your own words why you are a not a stooge in denial that your faith in evolution is a religious doctrine for drones, even the phony satanic catholic church/circus is in on the scam. Instead you retreat back to your atheist cartoon reality of "evolution defines you are superior". lol

Who made your God, pagan? ---->your question with the added  insult  implies you admit I am right about you being an atheist  drone minion expendable pawn and that you are not capable of engaging me. while  you are deaf dumb and blind how will you know when I tell you the truth? you believe lies so that is what you assume! 

Because your desire to know is true I will share with you what you utterly reject . 

1st the nature fuckers used the pagan term god and then after being witnessed to applied it to the infinite person YAHUWAH just as the other pagan slapnuts in the middle east in ancient times used the term EL which was intended for ELOAH ALMIGHTY borrowed it  for their idols in a reverse context. in the original scriptures of YAHUWAH the plural ELOHIM is a reference to false gods(modern scam lingo). you are too lazy to research the difference between the ELOAH ALMIGHTY compared to ELOHIM of the pagans. I bet you are so deluded you accept all people came out of africa? lol

2nd the fact remains that laws of matter in space over time apply only to the finite realm. where everything is in a state of decay as stated in the SCRIPTURES of YAHUWAH according to HIS WILL.

therefore you need to understand that the statment HE WHO IS ETERNAL does not mean HE WHO HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END. YAHUWAH is the infinite person outside of creation . thus HE IS NOT SUBJECT TO HIS laws of creation which contain matter in space over time. THIS MEANS HE IS SELF EXISTENT AND HAS NO ORIGIN.  HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA of you. you needed a cause to exist HE gave you cause for existence in a finite realm THAT HE CREATED. NOONE CREATED HIM.  your problem is you are satanic. you have sold your divine right of eternal slavation for petty nature that is doomed .


Was it perhaps, the guys who wrote his book (the Greek one if you insist)?-->NO  but you amuse yourself in the meantime. you should spend more time at the non musement park and meditate on non life origins.

You call someone a pagan if they worship the creation over the creator. You are condemned by your own words.----->BY my own words I  share with you things you need to go learn yourself for your own benefit not mine! I am not condemned by my own words because you falsely claim YAHUWAH is not who HE SAYS HE IS> THE IFINITE PERSON who is eternal and self existent.  YOU seem to have no prblem putting faith in an eternal universe and evolution from non living matter over billions of unobserved earth obit units of time to gage the age of the universe. 

You spend a lot of time worshipping a name - do you know the person? ------> I do not worship any NAME.( you are an idiot to make that assumption) I worship in the name given of YAHUWAH. YAHUWSHUA said we are to direct our attention to YAHUWAH in trust love  faith hope charity and obedience.

and YES I do know HIM from within and through HIS character revealed in HIS creation and by HIS LIVING and  WRITTEN WORD made manefest.


Keep going, pagan. stomping on your arguments is fun.--------->YOU HAVE NO GRAVITY AND YOUR  FEET have not even touched  THE GROUND yet.

the fact remains that you do not even have conviction for your faith for if you did believe in the almighty doctrine of chance plus energy over time equals jackpot, you would most certainly have spent the last ten years playing the lottery every day in a row and then celebrated winning every day in a row for ten years straight.  WE both know you are not that stupid unless you are posting from sin city nevada.


I accept your pittiful excuse for a rebuttal and your continued failure to meet my posted challenge.

I win you lose again.

are you keeping score?

Insults instead of argument? If this is winning for you you have a poor understanding.

Evolution is not a pagan theory simply because you say it is. It has mountains of evidence behind it (scrutinized by the scientific method - you remember that don't you? Observe, record, repeat?) Funny how your Yahuwah hasn't been able to replicate his creation - poor baby. Just a one-trick pony.

Again, Google "observed instances of speciation" (I know it's scary to learn new stuff). Observing the world is not the same as worshiping it. You on the other hand, worship Yahuwah, who was created bu human beings who needed an explanation for things they didn't understand. Children like you are fascinated by the magician. Adults see the trick for what it is.

As for abiogenesis, no, we don't understand how it happens. We do know it does. The Miller-Urey experiments showed that the building blocks of life can be put together from non-living materials. I know it's not as cool sounding as "magic man done it" but science is a bit more mundane in many cases.

So, if it was the guys who wrote the Septuagint, who created Yahuwah? Why are you worshiping a created being, pagan? Or are you going to give magic man an exception to being created? Of course you are - special pleading is all you have, isn't it? You've condemned yourself again.

Know him from within? Oh, so you've added your own spin to your magic man. Is that how he always agrees with you?

I thought about keeping score but it's taking to o long waiting for you to make your way up to nil.

Oh, and I have never believed in luck or magic - people make their own opportunities. The disadvantage I have is that I don't have a Yahuwah to blame when I need to cover my ass. I get to live with the consequences of my actions. You should try it sometime. You might learn to live on your own - your folks could use the extra space.


"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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 And mom still hasn't

 And mom still hasn't responded to my acceptance of his challenge re: the picture of the 3 shapes.

Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss

mind over matter
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1 circle and 2 doodles by a loyal atheist zealot= failed rebel.

Fine  I accept your

Submitted by MichaelMcF on September 9, 2010 - 10:25am.


 Fine  I accept your challenge and I'll look to address the points you've made, one at a time so that the whole thing doesn't become confused.  I'll start with this:



Look at the above diagram.  Are the 2nd and 3rd shapes the same?  Or are they unrelated shapes?  Are they in any way related to the circle on the left?


Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss



-->>>the 1st shape is a circle, the 2nd is a distortion of the circle and the 3rd shape is a further distortion of the 2nd shape. shape one is a copied intelligent design representing a symbol of perfection.  Shape 2 and 3 are amusing attempts showing you don't know how to use a spiral doodle !


Since you pretend to be honest.  I will give the final evolution reality check that defeats your pagan sun worshipping big bang billion year science fiction science dogma testimony manefetso which you bow so easily to in defeat

Sad Scientific Establishment, all geared to prevent and discredit any research and experimentation that threatens the establishment "status quo" or is against "informed opinion", especially in the area of today's three "sacred
cows" of Evolution, Relativity and Heliocentricity.

the main reason evolution is a satanic fools religion use for denigrading humans.(because you accept authority as truth without accepting truth as authority in the light of DAY as it is  revealed to you BY YAHUWAH in HIS WORD, HIS CHARACTER as seen in his CREATION and in HIS PRESENCE.&nbspEye-wink

My posted challenge is more than  just a simple test of the faith and conviction and I will concede that faith and convistion is all the atheist drone bitchnuggets on this thread have offered confirming their devotion to testimony that degrades them and makes them into expendable pawns. 




prove that the Earth is rotating about an axis and orbiting the sun.  What could be more simple?

After all  I too am a true believer in YAHUWAH and HIS WORD as authority and truth that confirms everything that can be known through true science in the light of day!

True science is always provable, theoretical science never is. that is why your are a chump with chimp envy ! An atheist monkey wannabe!  by your own admission!

your failed to meet my posted challenge with your spiral doodle test. It is a typical chump attempt to show me and not actually prove all aspects of evolution (a pagan religious concept) through the scientific method


You said you are waiting?  You did not even prove your pagan religion of origins is based in reality.  so why are you waiting when you have time to learn and test all things that they may be true!  I can only expose you to what you fail to see. You are without excuse knowing the things I have posted on this thread and utterly rejecting them on pride.


I am still waiting for you to meet my posted challenge yet again you fail!








look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

mind over matter
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True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

Submitted by jcgadfly on September 28, 2010 - 1:16pm.



mind over matter wrote:


Submitted by jcgadfly on September 27, 2010 - 3:08pm.

You don't have to scream your concession so loud, pagan. I hear you.--->only in your atheist chump with chimp envy mind bubble do you dream of a concession by me. you are a fool! 

Have a good life, pagan.---> THANKS  for saying  have a good life I shall knowing I have more to look forward to than you with your scum wannabe attitude. You are still snorting methane from another atheists ass when you call me a pagan, you like accusing me of being a pagan, while you prop up your dogma of nature worship? so you believe YAHUWAH is a pagan idol?  you obviously do not grasp creation nor do you grasp history and thus you are pittiful excuse for an atheist monkey wannabe who talks like a chump and walks like a chump because someone told he was the bastard child of a chimp!   you like lumping evrything together

The challenge you posted was laughably trounced by others before I got here.---> SO you claim as most humanist liars of your kind do well when trying but never do on this thread to save face as a sucker for frauds and misinformation.  You admit you need an excuse to fail to prove in your own words why you are a not a stooge in denial that your faith in evolution is a religious doctrine for drones, even the phony satanic catholic church/circus is in on the scam. Instead you retreat back to your atheist cartoon reality of "evolution defines you are superior". lol

Who made your God, pagan? ---->your question with the added  insult  implies you admit I am right about you being an atheist  drone minion expendable pawn and that you are not capable of engaging me. while  you are deaf dumb and blind how will you know when I tell you the truth? you believe lies so that is what you assume! 

Because your desire to know is true I will share with you what you utterly reject . 

1st the nature fuckers used the pagan term god and then after being witnessed to applied it to the infinite person YAHUWAH just as the other pagan slapnuts in the middle east in ancient times used the term EL which was intended for ELOAH ALMIGHTY borrowed it  for their idols in a reverse context. in the original scriptures of YAHUWAH the plural ELOHIM is a reference to false gods(modern scam lingo). you are too lazy to research the difference between the ELOAH ALMIGHTY compared to ELOHIM of the pagans. I bet you are so deluded you accept all people came out of africa? lol

2nd the fact remains that laws of matter in space over time apply only to the finite realm. where everything is in a state of decay as stated in the SCRIPTURES of YAHUWAH according to HIS WILL.

therefore you need to understand that the statment HE WHO IS ETERNAL does not mean HE WHO HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END. YAHUWAH is the infinite person outside of creation . thus HE IS NOT SUBJECT TO HIS laws of creation which contain matter in space over time. THIS MEANS HE IS SELF EXISTENT AND HAS NO ORIGIN.  HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA of you. you needed a cause to exist HE gave you cause for existence in a finite realm THAT HE CREATED. NOONE CREATED HIM.  your problem is you are satanic. you have sold your divine right of eternal slavation for petty nature that is doomed .


Was it perhaps, the guys who wrote his book (the Greek one if you insist)?-->NO  but you amuse yourself in the meantime. you should spend more time at the non musement park and meditate on non life origins.

You call someone a pagan if they worship the creation over the creator. You are condemned by your own words.----->BY my own words I  share with you things you need to go learn yourself for your own benefit not mine! I am not condemned by my own words because you falsely claim YAHUWAH is not who HE SAYS HE IS> THE IFINITE PERSON who is eternal and self existent.  YOU seem to have no prblem putting faith in an eternal universe and evolution from non living matter over billions of unobserved earth obit units of time to gage the age of the universe. 

You spend a lot of time worshipping a name - do you know the person? ------> I do not worship any NAME.( you are an idiot to make that assumption) I worship in the name given of YAHUWAH. YAHUWSHUA said we are to direct our attention to YAHUWAH in trust love  faith hope charity and obedience.

and YES I do know HIM from within and through HIS character revealed in HIS creation and by HIS LIVING and  WRITTEN WORD made manefest.


Keep going, pagan. stomping on your arguments is fun.--------->YOU HAVE NO GRAVITY AND YOUR  FEET have not even touched  THE GROUND yet.

the fact remains that you do not even have conviction for your faith for if you did believe in the almighty doctrine of chance plus energy over time equals jackpot, you would most certainly have spent the last ten years playing the lottery every day in a row and then celebrated winning every day in a row for ten years straight.  WE both know you are not that stupid unless you are posting from sin city nevada.


I accept your pittiful excuse for a rebuttal and your continued failure to meet my posted challenge.

I win you lose again.

are you keeping score?



Insults instead of argument? If this is winning for you you have a poor understanding.---------------->  YOU LACK TRUTH

Evolution is not a pagan theory simply because you say it is.  ----------->> actually it is because I observe the fact that exposes it as a fraud pagan religion of babylonian origins.  There fore I accept this truth as authority over your acceptance of testimony from your satanic authority as truth.  My truth is confirmed in the testimony of the true CREATOR who is identified as the infinite person  known to us as YAHUWAH. 




It has mountains of evidence behind it (scrutinized by the scientific method - you remember that don't you? Observe, record, repeat?) ----->yeah that is rich comming from a chump with chimp envy! I Observe real time   and I observe recorded history of real people places and events. what I observe is repeatable.

 according to the scientific method you cannot observe,reord, or even repeat  millions of years so you a yet again a chump for misinformation because  your mountain of evidence  is very big a drawing on paper


AND so by your lack of common sense you are not capable of meeting my posted challenge.

OF course your delusion does not conform to reality so you hide behind regurgitated lies imprinted on your forhead that translate everytime you look stupid in the mirror. 




Funny how your Yahuwah hasn't been able to replicate his creation - poor baby. Just a one-trick pony.----------->>YAHUWAH IS THE ONLY ALMIGHTY ELOAH YAH AM .  HE sustains HIS creation as you breath.



Again, Google "observed instances of speciation" (I know it's scary to learn new stuff). Observing the world is not the same as worshiping it. You on the other hand, worship Yahuwah, who was created bu human beings who needed an explanation for things they didn't understand. Children like you are fascinated by the magician. Adults see the trick for what it is.---------> you seem to thrive of crunchbutter!   You utterly reject YAHUWAH is the truth the light and the way to salvation from mortality.  YOU obviously worship some imaginary whore of babylon  called mother nature when giving credit to to the nothing exploding into a chaos that created life as we know it today!   I was blessed not not be taught that bullshit as a child. I still had to test everything that was taught to me on testimony.



As for abiogenesis, no, we don't understand how it happens. --------> that is only your first problem, the second problem is denying you have a problem to begin with that makes you look stupid for saying you understand how something works when you clearly know nothing relevant to understanding the principle of the concept to begin with.  thats just as bad as saying you know how old the universe is when you claim it is older than the earth.  by that logic you know nothing but you claim to know everything until satan tells his minions to preach a different tune in your chump ears.


We do know it does. The Miller-Urey experiments showed that the building blocks of life can be put together from non-living materials. I know it's not as cool sounding as "magic man done it" but science is a bit more mundane in many cases.---------->The Miller-Urey experiments showed what a desparate chump with chimp envy can do with time and nothing.  HE did not create life nor did he prove evolution over billions of years?

YOU must surely know that all life has only ever come from life. did you not observe this fact with your own eyes wide shut? chump? How then can you claim not to know and then state that you know that all life comes from non life? just admit you are lost!  I am here to bear witness to the TRUTH! I know you are repulsed by it!

"can be put together from non living material" that is about a 6000 year old know fact according to the WORD OF YAHUWAH.  HE CREATED MATTER AND THEN LATER FORMED MAN  and then BREATHED LIFE into man and from MAN HE FORMED WO MAN.




So, if it was the guys who wrote the Septuagint, who created Yahuwah? Why are you worshiping a created being, pagan? ------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not worshipping a created being therefore I cannot be a pagan! DUMBASS!  just because you fail to understand the origins of your fraud worldview and how it implicates you as a pagan in denial does not prove that a  currupted translation with pagan infusions represents the TRUE ROYAL LANGUAGE OF YAHUWAH and HIS WORD.  HE GAVE A COMMANDMENT FOR HUMANS TO NOT COVER HIS NAME OR BRING IT TO RUIN  HE ALSO WARNED AGAINST TAKING ELOHIM AS ELOAH ALMIGHTY .









Know him from within? Oh, so you've added your own spin to your magic man. Is that how he always agrees with you?  --------> NO  HE INSTILLS A VOICE OF KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG ACCORDING TO HIS WILL AND IT IS YOU FREE WILL TO CHOOSE TO LITSEN AND OBEY  OR TO  IGNORE IT AND REBEL



I thought about keeping score but it's taking to o long waiting for you to make your way up to nil.--> LOL thanks the non musement



Oh, and I have never believed in luck or magic - people make their own opportunities. The disadvantage I have is that I don't have a Yahuwah to blame when I need to cover my ass. I get to live with the consequences of my actions. You should try it sometime. You might learn to live on your own - your folks could use the extra space.----> if you truly believed that then you would not believe in big bang billions of years and evolution and abio-evolution and SUN WORSHIPPING  the pagan HELIOS -centricity .... 

prove that the Earth is rotating about an axis and orbiting the sun.  What could be more simple?

keep in mind that observing the sky does not show a moving earth. It shows a moving sky. also pay attention to the clouds on a calm day .  do not bother with bogus philosphy based in sun worship. And I pity you if you think NASA/star trek will give you facts that go against their satanic heliocentric star wars agenda.


True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

you failed to meet my posted challenge yet again I win you are still an atheist drone bitchnugget monkey wannabe. Now run along and come back with some more atheist drones ! 


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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MoM, you wouldn't know true

MoM, you wouldn't know true science if it bent you over and screwed you cross-eyed.

That's been proven again and again. as soon as you invoke your Yahuwah, science gets left behind.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Pagans always believed in

Pagans always believed in Gods or spirits behind natural phenomena, so whatever evolution is, it is absurd to call it a 'pagan' idea.

It is also absurd to call it 'religious' - the whole point is to provide a naturalistic explanation for how life diversified into different forms, rather than a religious one.

You may not accept it as valid, but you are wildly mistaken in your categorizing of it..

Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology

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Heh, he thinks we worship

Heh, he thinks we worship the sun because we're heliocentrists rather than geocentrists.

What about flat earth? Is the Earth flat, mind over matter?

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

mind over matter
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True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

Submitted by jcgadfly on November 14, 2010 - 1:00am.


MoM, you wouldn't know true science if it bent you over and screwed you cross-eyed.

That's been proven again and again. as soon as you invoke your Yahuwah, science gets left behind.





slapnuts like you invoke satan and the occult to support your pagan worldview everytime you refer to fiction as science.  all you have is an argument in philosophy  but because you have a lot of the satanic establishment recruiting clowns like you from grade school up to college initiation, you think you know and that pride is based in your atheist monopoly on textbook geniuses .


I wouldnt know a fool like you who knows he is a fool.  you are satans bitch! and you know it! you just can't grasp it! 


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

mind over matter
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True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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Pagans always believed in

Submitted by BobSpence1 on November 14, 2010 - 3:05am.


Pagans always believed in Gods or spirits behind natural phenomena, so whatever evolution is, it is absurd to call it a 'pagan' idea.

It is also absurd to call it 'religious' - the whole point is to provide a naturalistic explanation for how life diversified into different forms, rather than a religious one.

You may not accept it as valid, but you are wildly mistaken in your categorizing of it..



Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology--------------->


Is evolution pseudoscience?

by Mark Johansen

The Skeptic’s Dictionary contains an entry on ‘pseudoscience’ that includes ten characteristic fallacies of pseudoscientific theories.1 The list’s compiler clearly did not have evolution in mind, as the very first group the article identifies as pseudoscientific is ‘creationists’. Ironically, evolution has almost every characteristic on this list. Let’s look at how evolution exhibits the fallacies listed by these self-proclaimed skeptics, with just one example of each.

  1. Some pseudoscientific theories are based upon an authoritative text rather than observation or empirical investigation.

    In almost every debate about origins, the first argument given by the evolutionists is an appeal to authority. The National Academy of Sciences flatly asserts, ‘While the mechanisms of evolution are still under investigation, scientists universally accept that the cosmos, our planet, and life evolved and continue to evolve.’2 [our emphasis]

    We are supposed to respect these scientists because science has proven so powerful. But the people who preach evolution didn’t discover gravity or pasteurization or semiconductors. They just call themselves by the same name, ‘scientist’.

  2. Some pseudoscientific theories explain what non-believers cannot even observe.

    The web site of the US Department of Energy admits that no one has observed evolution happen in nature or the laboratory, but explains, ‘As for the fact that we haven’t made evolving life in the laboratory yet, I think that you’re expecting too much of your species. Let’s say, as a first guess, that it took blind Nature a billion years to make evolving life on earth. … How much faster do you want us to go? Even if you give us an advantage of a factor of a MILLION in speed, it would still take us a thousand years to catch up … ’.3

    So it is totally unrealistic to expect to actually observe evolution, even under artificially accelerated conditions.

    Richard Dawkins, Professor of Zoology, Oxford University, said, ‘Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it has not been observed while it’s happening.’4

  3. Some can’t be tested because they are consistent with every imaginable state of affairs in the empirical world.

    The next is essentially the same:

  4. … [or] are so vague and malleable that anything relevant can be shoehorned to fit the theory.

    Evolutionists are always ready with a story to explain any observed trait of a species. Why do some birds, like peacocks and birds of paradise, have beautiful and elaborate tails? Evolutionists explain, ‘If a peacock can … find food and evade predators while dragging around a bigger and more conspicuous tail than his rivals do’ this demonstrates that he is particularly strong and capable, and thus makes a better mate. So evolution selects females that prefer males with the most elaborate tails.5

    But the same article also says, ‘it’s hard to figure what possible advantage these eye-catching but burdensome appendages offer … in the grim business of survival.’ If peacocks had small, streamlined tails, evolutionist would surely be explaining that an efficient tail gives an advantage in the struggle for survival (in escaping from predators, for example).

    Evolution is just as good at ‘predicting’ things that never happened as it is at predicting things that actually did happen. A theory that can explain anything, predicts nothing and proves nothing.

  5. Some theories have been empirically tested and rather than being confirmed they seem either to have been falsified or to require numerous ad hoc hypotheses to sustain them.

    Evolutionists are forced to admit that the fossil evidence for their theory is slim to non-existent. For example, almost all major groups of creatures appear in the fossil record with no evolutionary past. ‘Something quite bizarre happened at the end of the Precambrian Era. Rocks from that time show evidence of an astounding variety of multicelled and hard-shelled life forms that seemingly appeared all at once. Scientists have long pondered the causes of this sudden appearance of new life forms, known as the Cambrian explosion.’6

    So the evolutionists offer ad hoc hypotheses to explain the lack of evidence. One popular theory is ‘punctuated equilibrium’, which says that sometimes evolution happens so fast that there are too few ‘intermediate’ generations for any to have much chance of being fossilized.

    We cannot see evolution happening today because it goes so slowly, and we cannot see evidence of it in the past because it happened too quickly!

  6. Some pseudoscientific theories rely on ancient myths and legends …

    Okay, one that doesn’t particularly describe evolution, although evolutionary notions can be traced back to ancient pagan Greek philosophers such as Empedocles (c. 490–430 BC).7

  7. Some pseudoscientific theories are supported mainly by selective use of anecdotes, intuition, and examples of confirming instances.

    Evolutionists try to find animals that fit into their ‘evolutionary tree’. In the classic ‘horse story’, they arrange a group of animals with similar body shapes in order by size and say it shows the evolution of the horse. But is this actual ancestry or just a contrived arrangement? Except for the supposed ‘first horse’, which it probably isn’t, far from being an example of evolution, the fossils show the wide variation within a created kind. As the biologist Heribert-Nilsson said, ‘The family tree of the horse is beautiful and continuous only in the textbooks’.8

    Most of the creatures that would have had to exist if evolution were true have never been found, and some creatures have been found that don’t fit in the evolutionary tree at all, like the platypus. But evolutionists seize on a few creatures that sort of look like they might be halfway between a badger and a horse, or between a reptile and a bird. These rare apparent fits ‘prove’ evolution as much as occasional good guesses by a psychic ‘prove’ that he can read your mind.

  8. Some pseudoscientific theories confuse metaphysical claims with empirical claims.

    Some evolutionists insist that evolution has no metaphysical implications. ‘Evolution does not have moral consequences, and does not make cosmic purpose impossible.’9

    But others make dogmatic metaphysical applications. The American Academy for the Advancement of Science website includes a whole section on ‘Science, Ethics, and Religion’, with statements like, ‘Evolution is the creation myth of our age. By telling us our origins it shapes our views of what we are. … In calling it a myth I am not saying that it is a false story. I mean that it has great symbolic power, which is independent of its truth. Is the word religion appropriate to it? This depends on the sense in which we understand that very elastic word. I have chosen it deliberately.’10

    Richard Dawkins said that ‘Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist’.11

  9. Some pseudoscientific theories … contradict known scientific laws and use ad hoc hypotheses to explain their belief.

    A pro-evolution web site states, ‘Until the 19th century, it was commonly believed that life frequently arose from non-life under certain circumstances, a process known as “spontaneous generation”. This belief was due to the common observation that maggots or mould appeared to arise spontaneously when organic matter was left exposed. It was later discovered that under all these circumstances commonly observed, life only arises from life. … No life has ever been observed to arise from dead matter.’12

    But evolutionists dismiss the fact that their theory requires the violation of this well-established law of science. ‘Did [Pasteur] prove that no life can ever come from non-living things? No, he didn’t, and this is because you cannot disprove something like that experimentally … ’.13

    The fact that all the experimental evidence of the past 200 years contradicts their theory is irrelevant, because they speculate that it’s possible that there is some experiment that no one has yet tried where it might work.

  10. Pseudoscientists claim to base their theories on empirical evidence, and they may even use some scientific methods, though often their understanding of a controlled experiment is inadequate.

    Evolutionists claim that their theory is science, but the National Center for Science Education, which is an anti-creationist lobbying group, admits that there’s a problem: ‘The failure of many students to understand and accept the fact of evolution is often a consequence of the naïve views they hold of the nature of science … . According to this naïve view, the key to the unique success of science at producing true knowledge is “The Scientific Method”, which, on the standard account, involves formulating hypotheses, making predictions, and then going into the laboratory to perform the crucial experiment. … In contrast, the work of many evolutionary biologists involves the reconstruction of the past. The methods they use do not conform to the standard view of “The Scientific Method”.’14

    So if you can’t actually prove your theory using the scientific method, which actually uses controlled experiment, as distinct from plausible story telling, simply declare that only ‘naïve’ people think that the scientific method has anything to do with ‘science’.

Thus, of the ten characteristics of pseudoscience listed in the Skeptic’s Dictionary, evolution meets nine. Few other pseudosciences—astrology, astral projection, alien abduction, crystal power, or whatever—would meet so many.



look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

mind over matter
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True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

Heh, he thinks we worship

Submitted by butterbattle on November 14, 2010 - 3:15am.


Heh, he thinks we worship the sun because we're heliocentrists rather than geocentrists.------> YES that is clear.

What about flat earth? Is the Earth flat, mind over matter?--------> NO I knew that on faith  from reading the SCRIPTURES and then I observed it when flying really high  in altitude over the world. So noone can tell me otherwise in a science textbook.


"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." Abraham Lincoln----> when he died he did not feel.





The Science Delusion


The god of Science

The god of Science
Here is the key passage from Copernicus's book: “In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.” (De revol. Bk. I, 10) Copernicus was “the man who initiated this era of modern science...as the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (S. Sambursky, Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11) No doubt Sambursky's vision of imagination as the source of knowledge was inspired by A. Einstein opinion on the subject: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” );" href="http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID=4362368917050561064&widgetType=Image&widgetId=Image482&action=editWidget" target="configImage482">  

Eclipse of the Sun in May 2003 near Vienna, Austria

Eclipse of the Sun in May 2003 near Vienna, Austria
This photo was originally taken by Peter Wienerroither, visit his page for more cool photos! Peter said: “It was an eclipse of the sun in May 2003, photographed near Vienna/Austria. And this glorious moment didn’t have anything devilish – quite the contrary was true.”




 NOW RUN ALONG back to your chump home base AND COME BACK WITH more ATHEIST DRONES to meet my posted challenge and fail as amny times as you!

look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter wrote:What

mind over matter wrote:

What about flat earth? Is the Earth flat, mind over matter?--------> NO I knew that on faith  from reading the SCRIPTURES and then I observed it when flying really high  in altitude over the world. So noone can tell me otherwise in a science textbook.


...Anyone called poe yet ?


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Yeah, me, miles upthread near the rapids.

Anonymouse wrote:

mind over matter wrote:

What about flat earth? Is the Earth flat, mind over matter?--------> NO I knew that on faith  from reading the SCRIPTURES and then I observed it when flying really high  in altitude over the world. So noone can tell me otherwise in a science textbook.


...Anyone called poe yet ?



But he's so fucking good at it I hate the bastard anyway.




"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck

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Okay. How about the age of

Okay. How about the age of the universe? How many years ago did God create the universe, MoM?

Edit: Nevermind, I just remembered the other thread. Okay, so you're a Young Earth Creationist and a geocentrist.

What else? Eh, what do you think about gay people? Should they be allowed to live? How about black people? Would you ever be willing to have a person with dark skin as a friend?


Let's try a question that determines how closed-minded you are.

Hypothetically, if you knew that it was justified beyond a reasonable doubt that the theory of evolution was correct, would you support it, MoM? Yes or no?

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Wow! It's like having a real

Wow! It's like having a real life Cartman on here.

How do you feel about Jews & hippies, Cartman...er I mean MoM?

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you live on a foundation of quicksand Too bad Soo sad

Submitted by Anonymouse on November 14, 2010 - 11:23pm.



mind over matter wrote:


What about flat earth? Is the Earth flat, mind over matter?--------> NO I knew that on faith  from reading the SCRIPTURES and then I observed it when flying really high  in altitude over the world. So noone can tell me otherwise in a science textbook.




...Anyone called poe yet ? --------->hey SLAPNUT pay attention.

 The scriptures teach of a geocentric earth that is a sphere; not a flat earth according to your feeble skills of interpreting data based on ass-umptions and brainwashing in materialism.

Tell me.. ?  have you seen the earth rotating on a axis around gaseous  cloud of fire? lately? Oh thats right your fairy atheist god mother - nature told you through an atheist propaganda machine that knows everything except that which is true!

----------->first you need a lesson in facts  not science fiction which is an invented term by satanists for idiots .

eg. of organisms promoted as missing links by atheist drone minions of satan/liar/eternal loser

Tiktaalik, a species of extinct sarcopterygian fish, is classified as having lived during the late Devonian period. Using evolutionary dating methods, it is dated to have lived around 375 million years ago. It is assumed by evolutionists to be the missing link between fish and tetrapods; it was even dubbed "fishapod" by one of its discoverers, Neil Shubin. The Tiktaalik was discovered on Ellesmere Island on April 6, 2006. Some say 2004.


The specimen found consisted of a skull and several bone fragments, namely, the shoulder, wrist, and fin, among others. According to evolutionists, the Tiktaalik was an intermediate form between sea and land animals. This conclusion was reached because of Tiktaalik's similarities to both fish and tetrapods. For instance, it is assumed to have had the scales and gills of a fish and yet also to have had tetrapod limbs and lungs, as well as a mobile neck. Its alleged half-fish and half-tetrapod characteristics included limb bones and joints which resembled those of a tetrapod but had fins rather than toes on the "feet".

For all these features, however, it is clear that Tiktaalik was simply a fish; its lobed fins appear better suited for swimming in water rather than crawling on land, and other fish, such as the Coelacanth, were also thought to be "missing links" until they were discovered to be some form of fish. It has been placed by evolutionists alongside Archaeopteryx, but they fail to see that neither animal was a transitional form; archaeopteryx was a full bird, tiktaalik was a full fish.




I shall provide you what you lack in education about the real world in real time

------------->you education continues  here starting with foundations that support  a sound sytem of belief that is considered knowledge.


first for your religion of evolution to happen you need life to exist  and since you cannot use science to show how life existed before it evolved you are an still atheist drone slapnut  

since by your stupid branwashed religion of origins there is no life to evolve in the first place. evolution is not relevant in the real world or your imaginary science fiction based world where evolution ocuurs.

I do not need to invent stupid theories for idiots to hide behind. nor would I say it takes too long  to see happening in realtime. I do not need mutations and natural selection and fossils to prove a fact that supports a worldview that is a majority in the worlds population even if we people of are not on the same page as to the truth identity of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. the fact remains that  the need for communion with our CREATOR ALMIGHTY is relevent becuase there is a issue of life and death for us all.   HE WHO IS ETERNAL /self existent ->  YAHUWAH and He manifests HIMSELF  in so many many ways beyond your atheist capacity to grasp.

since there was by your foolish beliefe no life to evolve all you have is death/nonliving matter/materials that can be found today in living matter.

I  can show through repeatable science that life only comes from life fully funtional with no need to evolve. It happens every day.

A man by the name of Louis Pasture had just finished a set of experiments that proved that micro organisms lived in the air. This was a finding that everyone was waiting for. The reason was there had been a scientific fight between two theories. One was called spontaneous generation and the other theory dictated that life comes from life. The spontaneous generation camp would quickly point out that maggots appeared from meat, that mosquitoes came from a pond or the mice would appear from warm moist soil. How could a maggot appear where there were no other maggots present? How could mold appear on bread where no mold was present? They concluded that matter contained the vital material and energy that would cause life to spontaneously generate if combined with other chemicals or conditions that were right. in 1862 we see that Louis Pasture indeed published the proofs that bacteria is in the air and that is were the "new life" comes from and effectively demolished the theory of spontaneous generation once and for all. In fact, the Law of Biogenesis, that life only comes from life, was formed in part thanks to Pasture's work. We call curing milk pasteurization in honor of Louis's work in bacteria. Pasture had once and for all killed the silly notion that life can come from matter or did he?

scientists of all persuasions have missed a critical issue when discussing the validity of evolution. And that is evolution has a pillar, that is a support beam to the theory as a whole, which is based on an assumption that has been disproved centuries ago. This fact is repeatable, demonstrative, and very predicable. In fact, the assumption that life only comes from life, and not inorganic matter, is given the highest level that any assumption is given in science and that is the level of a Law. If there is anything that science knows to be true it is Laws. Laws trump theory. If you take out the idea of spontaneous generation from evolution, I cannot see how the house of evolution can stand. If indeed spontaneous generation is that critical to evolution, then the Law of Bio Genesis trumps the theory of evolution.

present day, one might be mystified to see many great scientists still peddling the evolution myth which is based on a retired old idea. Not only that, we are forcing teachers to teach our kids this myth. One side says that life comes from life and this is observed 100% of the time with not one observable inconsistency, the other side being satanic dumbass monkey wannabe bitchnugget drones says life comes from inorganic matter at some time in the past, which has never been observed or duplicated in labs once ever! Yes, that means no repeatable facts of science.  I am not sure about you as you will have to make up your own immaterial mind, but I think I would place my bets on something that is right 100% of the time and not rely on something that is right 0% of the time as in your case according to your false manmade religion for drones.

So why do so called scientists claim to posses so much evidence of evolution, to the point that the establishment agrees with them?

Simply because these asshole scientists had an assumption where they then went out to find the proofs to support the assumption.

However, if your foundational assumption is wrong, the house of evidence you build on that foundation becomes very suspect. The idea that life can erupt from nonliving matter has been soundly dismissed by the strongest demonstrative methods known to science and as such, the evidence that support that assumption become very suspect. It does not matter how eloquently and skilfully the evidence is built, if the foundation is falling apart the building must be condemned. evolution cannot occur in the first place because it has no foundation in science.

This is also a repeatable fact. you are mentaly deaf dumb and blind .


 Science: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method ..... the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

So we see by the above definition, that true science should be defined as facts, backed up by tests using the scientific method. So, what is the scientific method? It is defined below.

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.
Theory: Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thi(-&ampEye-winkr-E
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
Date: 1592
The analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another : abstract thought :SPECULATION: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b :an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE.


definition of religion is:
Main Entry: religion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back
Date: 13th century
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith <-atheists pay attention to your hypocrisy (you are just closet pagans who worships a manmade entity called mother nature) You are for pro choice which is really pro murder of unborn humans. pity no atheists were aborted through that mentality.


Another dictionary explains "religion" in these terms:
Religion: a belief in, recognition of or an awakened sense of, a higher, unseen controlling power or powers with the emotion or morality connected therewith: rites or worship: any system of such belief or worship: devoted fidelity: monastic life.
Pronunciation: 'fAth
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faiths /'fAths, sometimes 'fA[th]z/
Etymology: Middle English feith, from Old French feid, foi, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust -- more at BIDE
Date: 13th century
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs
You will notice that the Webster's definition of "faith" is the same as the Biblical definition. I think that we can, in simple terms, explain the faithful of a religion as those who have become an institution by their faith, which is belief in something in which there is no scientific proof. If you can't see it, and no one has ever seen it, and there is no proof that it happened then to believe it is certainly faith and when it is instituted with a group of others, it is a religion.


Evolution Is The Religion:
look at ways in which those who believe in evolution are faithful in their religious beliefs.

1. Belief in a "Big Bang," that they have no proof of.

2. Belief in life which resulted from chemical processes, of which they have no proof.







3. Belief in an old Earth, for which no convincing proof has ever been found.
4. Belief in macro-evolution without producing any transitionary forms.
5. Belief in uniformitarianism, that all environmental processes have always been the same on Earth, with no proof of that hypothesis.
First, since evolution is a religion, it should not be subsidized by the government. To me this seems like what the ACLU terms a violation to the separation of Church and State, as accorded in the Constitution. Billions of dollars of government grants are given each year for the furtherment of evolutional study.
Secondly, evolution should not be taught as a theory or fact in public schools. This is another clear violation of the constitution. I have proved that evolution is a faith, and if one looks at it clearly, it takes more faith to believe in it than other faiths do. So, lets get it out of our schools.


 I accept  your failure to meet my posted challenge. now run along back to your atheist home base and bring more chumps with chimp envy.


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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Well, if I isolate your

Well, if I isolate your input out of that mess of copied text, this is the only help I can offer you : http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm

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I feel good about everything in creation

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Wow! It's like having a real

Submitted by Sleestack on November 18, 2010 - 8:12pm.

Wow! It's like having a real life Cartman on here.

How do you feel about Jews & hippies, Cartman...er I mean MoM?

-------->  MoM?  hey you can say mind over matter.  it will make you seem more intelligent!


I feel good about everything in creation because it is ALL created with purpose. and that is fullfill the plan of creation BY YAHUWAH


You failed to meet my posted challenge.  Good for you! I enjoy exposing the failed rebel atheist alliance as a closet pagan religion for chumps with chimp envy .

How does it feel to know that the oxy-moron SCIENCE FICTION is meant for cretards like you? it is an invented term  used to perpetuate  the growth in crunchbutter you call /consider braincells.


Oh I bet you dream of joinng the X-men  by giving your self mutations/ cancer or perhaps  you fantasize about serpent man/superman (you do know that is a snake on his chest?) will  save you from certain aging sickness and YES even the final curtain of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM?

maybe you are the  hippie from the 60's who is now sixty or are you a so called "jew" as if you know the history of  ROYAL ABRAHUW.?  Tell me how do you feel  knowing you are living with eyes wide shit/shat/shut


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

mind over matter
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help your self to a new everlasting life

Well, if I isolate your

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 28, 2010 - 10:06pm.


Well, if I isolate your input out of that mess of copied text, this is the only help I can offer you : http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm


-------------> LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL hardy  har har har! you are a riot! MALICE!

TOUGH LOVE is what you have a problem with! you need to seek YAHUWAH! in all ways!

Tell me. Are you happy to live for today and not tommorow? do you find peace beliving the lie of humanism? are you in fact posting a failed response to meet my posted challenge because deep down it is you that needs help while you are still among the living? It may be the case that it is you who is reflecting on the myth that is your foundation of thought that you revolve around like a wondering planet.

you keep posting links to these sites to your own  NON musement.

I pity your lack of conviction as the failed rebel drone that you are.  WAKE UP!  atheist monkey wannabe! start thinking for your self instead of being a blind person who walks among the blind and then tries to give directions. you have no direction in eternity because you look forward to non existense. you must be depressed to believe lies that do not bring hope?


now run along back to your atheist home base for drones and come back with 10 more chumps just like you!






look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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if you knew death was not the end would you want to why?

butterbattle's picture

Okay. How about the age of

Submitted by butterbattle on November 14, 2010 - 11:47pm.


Okay. How about the age of the universe? How many years ago did God create the universe, MoM?

Edit: Nevermind, I just remembered the other thread. Okay, so you're a Young Earth Creationist and a geocentrist.-


-->you should also remember that MoM is really MIND OVER MATTER, and that if you spell it out you will seem more intelligent!

What else? Eh, what do you think about gay people? ----->First you should stop being such a conformist coward! just because it now commonly misguided to use the word gay to mean heterosexually challenged does not mean it is right. or that because you feel it is good to bad that it is when in fact it IS NOT GOOD! I love all people as people . Not as something other than what they are meant  or created to be.

Should they be allowed to live? YES.  and the same goes for all the evil people in this world  that are so vile that vengeance seems the only logical course of action.   .......WHO AM I bUT a sinner worthy of judgement and forgivness  BY YAHUWAH  ALONE through HIS SALVATION ALONE  from the second death  which is the final curtain where the smoke withers up to oblivion which you may have heard  of as the infamous HELL, because I want it being salvation as I bear witness in my LIFE TESTIMONY! We are called to pick up our tools ! not pagan crosses!

 How about black people? ---->. WHY BLACK PEOPLE?

Would you ever be willing to have a person with dark skin as a friend?------------> I already do! what does that have to do with cultural bias? Obviously you are hinting at culture when you make reference to Black people? I see pros and cons with multicultural societies .

Let's try a question that determines how closed-minded you are.-----> sure let's try since you do not know how to do!

Hypothetically, if you knew that it was justified beyond a reasonable doubt that the theory of evolution was correct, would you support it, MoM?

----> IF I knew IT being evolution was true I would tell YOU! And because I believe in truth I would  show support as I clearly do in my posted challenge!    


Tell me , are a lover of science fiction? even though it is an oxy-moron  meant to dumb down the masses with atheist / humanist delusions of fantasy? DID you know that that asshole Darwin wrote a racist book called the origin of life and the preservation of the favored races? that was a favorite book of HITLER and Stalin etc....

and did you know that Darwin is nothing more than a poster boy of your scam cult religion of origins. if you knew this would you recant your faith in evolution. what if you  knew that the geo-iliogical column was invented by another  asshole  named charles (lyell) who was never a so called scientist by your atheist standards but instead just a typical  lawyer (liar)with an agenda to promote a satanic worldview and  did you KNOW he was a mentor to  the spoiled rich kid darwin whose only degree was in in theology and a failure at that! so knowing this fact will you  now recant your faith in evolution as a fraud lovers wet dream? Again I sense your answer is NO! .....NO NO NO!!!!!!!! because you are a hypocrite asking my to recant my faith! while you lack conviction in yours! And then calling it a a fact of science? That is why you fail to meet my posted challenge to all the atheist bitchnuggets on this thread. You are just another poor excuse for an atheist monkey wannaby drone in denial of what you are and represent!


Yes or no?-> that would depend on what you believe not what you know because by your own admission of faith your answer is NO! despite what you refuse to accept as fact based in reality! you give the answer  NO  because you are brainwashed to believe what you do not know is false.

and know here is an educational lesson for you which explain my answer _---------->PAY ATTENTION! yoi will not be forced to convert from your faith in fairy tales of nothing to life as we know it today.  there are so many versions out there you must be in atheist ecstacy!

------------->first for evolution to happen you need life to exist  and since you cannot use science to show how life existed befor it evolved you are a still atheist drone slapnut  

since by your stupid branwashed religion of origins there is no life to evolve in the first place. evolution is not relevant.

I do not need to invent stupid theories for idiots to hide behind. nor would I say it takes too long  to see happening in realtime. I do not need mutations and natural selection and fossils to prove a fact that supports a worldview that is a majority in the worlds population even if we people of are not on the same page as to the truth identity of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. the fact remains that  the need for communion with our CREATOR ALMIGHTY is relevent becuase there is a issue of life and death for us all.   HE WHO IS ETERNAL /self existent ->  YAHUWAH and He manifests HIMSELF  in so many many ways beyond your atheist capacity to grasp.

since there was by your foolish beliefe no life to evolve all you have is death/nonliving matter/materials that can be found today in living matter.

I  can show through repeatable science that life only comes from life fully funtional with no need to evolve. It happens every day.

A man by the name of Louis Pasture had just finished a set of experiments that proved that micro organisms lived in the air. This was a finding that everyone was waiting for. The reason was there had been a scientific fight between two theories. One was called spontaneous generation and the other theory dictated that life comes from life. The spontaneous generation camp would quickly point out that maggots appeared from meat, that mosquitoes came from a pond or the mice would appear from warm moist soil. How could a maggot appear where there were no other maggots present? How could mold appear on bread where no mold was present? They concluded that matter contained the vital material and energy that would cause life to spontaneously generate if combined with other chemicals or conditions that were right. in 1862 we see that Louis Pasture indeed published the proofs that bacteria is in the air and that is were the "new life" comes from and effectively demolished the theory of spontaneous generation once and for all. In fact, the Law of Biogenesis, that life only comes from life, was formed in part thanks to Pasture's work. We call curing milk pasteurization in honor of Louis's work in bacteria. Pasture had once and for all killed the silly notion that life can come from matter or did he?

scientists of all persuasions have missed a critical issue when discussing the validity of evolution. And that is evolution has a pillar, that is a support beam to the theory as a whole, which is based on an assumption that has been disproved centuries ago. This fact is repeatable, demonstrative, and very predicable. In fact, the assumption that life only comes from life, and not inorganic matter, is given the highest level that any assumption is given in science and that is the level of a Law. If there is anything that science knows to be true it is Laws. Laws trump theory. If you take out the idea of spontaneous generation from evolution, I cannot see how the house of evolution can stand. If indeed spontaneous generation is that critical to evolution, then the Law of Bio Genesis trumps the theory of evolution.

present day, one might be mystified to see many great scientists still peddling the evolution myth which is based on a retired old idea. Not only that, we are forcing teachers to teach our kids this myth. One side says that life comes from life and this is observed 100% of the time with not one observable inconsistency, the other side being satanic dumbass monkey wannabe bitchnugget drones says life comes from inorganic matter at some time in the past, which has never been observed or duplicated in labs once ever! Yes, that means no repeatable facts of science.  I am not sure about you as you will have to make up your own immaterial mind, but I think I would place my bets on something that is right 100% of the time and not rely on something that is right 0% of the time as in your case according to your false manmade religion for drones.

So why do so called scientists claim to posses so much evidence of evolution, to the point that the establishment agrees with them?

Simply because these asshole scientists had an assumption where they then went out to find the proofs to support the assumption.

However, if your foundational assumption is wrong, the house of evidence you build on that foundation becomes very suspect. The idea that life can erupt from nonliving matter has been soundly dismissed by the strongest demonstrative methods known to science and as such, the evidence that support that assumption become very suspect. It does not matter how eloquently and skilfully the evidence is built, if the foundation is falling apart the building must be condemned. evolution cannot occur in the first place because it has no foundation in science.

This is also a repeatable fact. you are mentaly deaf dumb and blind .


 Science: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method ..... the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

So we see by the above definition, that true science should be defined as facts, backed up by tests using the scientific method. So, what is the scientific method? It is defined below.

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.
Theory: Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thi(-&ampEye-winkr-E
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
Date: 1592
The analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another : abstract thought :SPECULATION: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b :an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE.


definition of religion is:
Main Entry: religion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back
Date: 13th century
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith <-atheists pay attention to your hypocrisy (you are just closet pagans who worships a manmade entity called mother nature) You are for pro choice which is really pro murder of unborn humans. pity no atheists were aborted through that mentality.


Another dictionary explains "religion" in these terms:
Religion: a belief in, recognition of or an awakened sense of, a higher, unseen controlling power or powers with the emotion or morality connected therewith: rites or worship: any system of such belief or worship: devoted fidelity: monastic life.
Pronunciation: 'fAth
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faiths /'fAths, sometimes 'fA[th]z/
Etymology: Middle English feith, from Old French feid, foi, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust -- more at BIDE
Date: 13th century
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs
You will notice that the Webster's definition of "faith" is the same as the Biblical definition. I think that we can, in simple terms, explain the faithful of a religion as those who have become an institution by their faith, which is belief in something in which there is no scientific proof. If you can't see it, and no one has ever seen it, and there is no proof that it happened then to believe it is certainly faith and when it is instituted with a group of others, it is a religion.


Evolution Is The Religion:
look at ways in which those who believe in evolution are faithful in their religious beliefs.

1. Belief in a "Big Bang," that they have no proof of.

2. Belief in life which resulted from chemical processes, of which they have no proof.







3. Belief in an old Earth, for which no convincing proof has ever been found.
4. Belief in macro-evolution without producing any transitionary forms.
5. Belief in uniformitarianism, that all environmental processes have always been the same on Earth, with no proof of that hypothesis.
First, since evolution is a religion, it should not be subsidized by the government. To me this seems like what the ACLU terms a violation to the separation of Church and State, as accorded in the Constitution. Billions of dollars of government grants are given each year for the furtherment of evolutional study.
Secondly, evolution should not be taught as a theory or fact in public schools. This is another clear violation of the constitution. I have proved that evolution is a faith, and if one looks at it clearly, it takes more faith to believe in it than other faiths do. So, lets get it out of our schools.


look with love from above
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you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter wrote:are

mind over matter wrote:
are you in fact posting a failed response to meet my posted challenge

Well, the "challenge" isn't yours. You just quoted a few fundie sites.

How is that even a challenge ?

As for your inability to stop talking about monkeys , this might really help : http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm


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Your "posted challenge" is a

Your "posted challenge" is a dead horse.

Why do you keep bringing it up to be beaten? Is it not dead enough for you? Or does Yahuwah keep bringing it back to life for you without improving it?

You don't even know what you're arguing about. Is it abiogenesis or evolution? They aren't connected, you know.

Never mind, I see now - you're pitting your strawmen against each other and laughing with glee as you knock them both down.

Keep playing with your toys, youngling, and leave the grownups alone.

Or you can pick up a book other than your version of the LXX and educate yourself...no, that's probably too scary. You still need to take baby steps.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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only a chump thinks they are a chimp and that is you etc....

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 29, 2010 - 6:49am.



mind over matter wrote:
are you in fact posting a failed response to meet my posted challenge


Well, the "challenge" isn't yours. You just quoted a few fundie sites.

How is that even a challenge ?

As for your inability to stop talking about monkeys , this might really help : http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm


--------> you should practice what you preach about depression. it is clear now that it is you with the inner void and thus you are the one with a mental crisis.  You are seeking help from me by your very precence on this thread. you posted petty failed rebuttals which is expected and typical because you know deep down you are lost and you are depressed being painted into an atheist/humanist corner of reality wearing a dunce hat for all time.


instead of meeting MY posted challenge you retreat like the chump you know you are.  you complain about copy and pasting? LOL that is petty considering your whole worldview is based on copy and paste. you are just a drone with eyes wide shit shat shut.  you refuse to think for yourself so you chant the same old rebuttals of ignore and rant.  This is due to your dementia which is a result of your 20 years of indoctrination into the pagan sun moon woshipping cult. Oh you have no idea how tight the leash is on your brain.  you really believe that creation is the result of creation and not a CREATOR! that is your delusion which is a copy and paste.  you live in it and bath in it and you are depressed because you know deep down you are trapped in it!  That is why you know all about the links for depression. instead of a seeking a higher power you look to man as the higher power! that is the downfall of your whole essence of being relevant in eternity.

I use the term chump for you because you have chimp envy. you have chimps drilled   into your mind   I remind you that you are a chump! it is by your own admission that you are an atheist monkey wannabe. and it is your copy and paste worldview that chants the about monkeys non stop. so you would be wise to practice what you preach in regards to the

inability to stop talking about monkeys , this might really help : http://www.depression-guide.com/tourettes-syndrome-treatment.htm

hypocrite!  You love monkeys. you consider your self related them personnally you even believe you are the offspring of monkeys or ape man etc....

you failed yet again to meet MY posted challenge! I win again you lose!  are you keeping score?


recap:  How do you get evolution from nothing?  (atheist religion)





look with love from above
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you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:
--------> you should practice what you preach about depression.

Uhm, no, that site is about Tourettes syndrome and how you can treat the symptoms.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic. It just seems you keep repeating the same insults over and over again.

mind over matter wrote:
instead of meeting MY posted challenge

Well, that's the problem, you see. It's not yours. You just copied it from another site.


Happy newyear.


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atheist religion of origins is a dead horse

Submitted by jcgadfly on December 29, 2010 - 9:31am.


Your "posted challenge" is a dead horse. <-----------your failure to meet my posted challenge is a dead horse! just like your atheist drone religion of origins is a dead horse or an imaginary series of dead horses lined up for a race to a dead end! lol now that is funny!


Why do you keep bringing it up to be beaten? Is it not dead enough for you? Or does Yahuwah keep bringing it back to life for you without improving it?<---------I keep reminding slapnuts like you that you failed yet again to represent your failed atheist  alliance of monkey wannabes. You only beat eggs using a an electric blender.  Noone on this thread has met my posted challenge! not even you! If they did they would have dempnstrated every aspect of reality without the need for YAHUWAH. That means showing how nothing evolved into life as we know it!    I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.


You don't even know what you're arguing about. Is it abiogenesis or evolution? They aren't connected, you know.<--------SAYS YOU and  the dead horse you rode in on!  It is bio genesis and never was or is A bio- genesis. and by A bio I mean NON BIO meaning non living and by genesis you are a fool ! the mere fact of biogenesis trumps evolution before it can be even plausable. thus evolution is not even relevant in reality!  You are a dumb ass for saying abiogenesis and eveolution or not connected! How can you believe evolution if you have nothing to evolve from? this is why the atheist bitchniggets  tried to swirve chumps like you to think they are separate fields of study like all things in the atheist dementia! they bait and switch and invent new excuses to explain away truth! and then they indoctrinate chumps like you with propaganda day and night to keep you sedated because you are weak minded! you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!


Never mind, I see now - you're pitting your strawmen against each other and laughing with glee as you knock them both down. <------You and the straw man have no brain because you refuse to think for your self!  the problem is you cannot handle the facts and you were taught to minterpret data.


Keep playing with your toys, youngling, and leave the grownups alone. <-------the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you and left you to you own  devices and they will be your life testimony.  How intersting that you were led here to engage me and test your own inadequate  mental capacity!  you are the toy of the liars who use you as a pawn to betray your own humanity! sucks to be you! MORTAL!


Or you can pick up a book other than your version of the LXX and educate yourself...no, that's probably too scary. You still need to take baby steps.<---maybe you will reccomend an atheist written bible? you should take a look at your life and reflect on the love that sustains it!


MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong. they also know they have made the choice to serve a lost cause!

They are without excuse when they have been told the truth and then did they utterly reject it!


look with love from above
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you did not evolve never did and never will
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mind over matter wrote:I

mind over matter wrote:
I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.

...you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!

...you were taught to minterpret data.

...the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you

..sucks to be you! MORTAL!

...MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong.





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you admit you are a monkey wannabe!

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 10:00am.



mind over matter wrote:
--------> you should practice what you preach about depression.


Uhm, no, that site is about Tourettes syndrome and how you can treat the symptoms.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic. It just seems you keep repeating the same insults over and over again.


mind over matter wrote:
instead of meeting MY posted challenge


Well, that's the problem, you see. It's not yours. You just copied it from another site.


Happy newyear.

 --------------->again you are a hypocrite with you ignore and rant and then you now admit you practice pagam rituals! You have no sense of history.

I repeat my self to atheist chumps with chimp envy!  because your kind are so brainwashed it is a serious matter that needs attention and patience. People like you need constant reenforcment because you have been indoctrinated in the same way you do not even realize it is being reenforced in media and entertainment after you leave the humanist nest!   It must really sting your brain when you see words like atheist monkey wannabe printed in front of your eyes wide shit shat shut?  it is a glitch you have trouble processing!

On this thread the challenge is mine! and you still failed to meet my posted challenge because you were not programmed to engage facts! you were only taught to ingest and digest without dissent! chump with chimp envy! everytime you post you ignore and rant. by that very action and intent you are an insult and you represent the cesspool of non musement! 

every fact of evolution from nothing  is a copy and paste becasue none of it can be reproduced in the real world etc.... If I post something on this thread it speaks my mind. you think I need to repeat myself but I save time when the same truth is already written. do not be such a hypocrite and whine about a petty issue of copy and pasting when your whole fairy tale was copied and pasted from  ancient pagan times. eg. frog to prince given enough time! fairy tale is all about a amphibian transforming into a human preached to young children. and then there is the satanic chrsitmas indoctrinating children to laugh at the death of CHRIST and worship a sungod while learning the humanist values of materialism.  you are so naive to think it is me insulting you. you feel insulted because your pagan values are at stake.   yes I am sure you will say you are not a pagan but you know you are by your very wolrdview of evolution from nothing.  the new year is not tommorow unless you are a pagan who wants to believe


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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copies and pasted but never wasted



mind over matter wrote:I

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 10:20am.



mind over matter wrote:
I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.


...you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!

...you were taught to minterpret data.

...the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you

..sucks to be you! MORTAL!

...MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong.



?---------------->  you know it is true  why  the ?

---->well done, now can and will you meet my posted challenge without pretending you are qualified to do so?  you and I both know the answer to that !



look with love from above
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mind over matter wrote:you

mind over matter wrote:
you know it is true  why  the ?

Well, you have to admit, if you're not a troll, you are a rather bizarre individual.

mind over matter wrote:
my posted challenge

But the challenge isn't yours. You copied it from another site.


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I challenge YOU, MoM, to

I challenge YOU, MoM, to prove ANY aspect of your religious beliefs.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:



mind over matter wrote:I

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 10:20am.



mind over matter wrote:
I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.


...you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!

...you were taught to minterpret data.

...the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you

..sucks to be you! MORTAL!

...MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong.



?---------------->  you know it is true  why  the ?

---->well done, now can and will you meet my posted challenge without pretending you are qualified to do so?  you and I both know the answer to that !



You mean we're blinded to the truth of Yahuwah by Yahuwah?

Damn he's a sadistic prick.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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You mean we're blinded to the truth? YES and deaf and dumb

Submitted by jcgadfly on December 31, 2010 - 1:31pm.



mind over matter wrote:




mind over matter wrote:I

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 10:20am.



mind over matter wrote:
I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.


...you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!

...you were taught to minterpret data.

...the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you

..sucks to be you! MORTAL!

...MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong.



?---------------->  you know it is true  why  the ?

---->well done, now can and will you meet my posted challenge without pretending you are qualified to do so?  you and I both know the answer to that !





You mean we're blinded to the truth of Yahuwah by Yahuwah?

Damn he's a sadistic prick.-----------------------------<----------------------------------------------->you are an insult to your own existence. you need to go learn yourself when asking questions like a child and basking in darkness

Isaiah, in Isaiah chapter 3, talks about when the children are a terror and the women rule the families. “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. “O’ my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” (Isaiah 3:12) The very same thing is going on right now. This country has fallen down and is worshiping at the goddess of feminism, which has emasculated the men, feeds estrogen to the male children, and has held forth the goodness of lesbianism. The men of modern culture walk around worshiping the women, as Paul describes yet again in the first chapter of the book of Romans.

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore YaHuWaH also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of YaHuWaH into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. For this cause YaHuWaH gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain YaHuWaH in their knowledge, YaHuWaH gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of YaHuWaH, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of YaHuWaH, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:22-32


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
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you admit defeat yet again to my challenge to you chumps

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 11:15am.



mind over matter wrote:
you know it is true  why  the ?


Well, you have to admit, if you're not a troll, you are a rather bizarre individual.


mind over matter wrote:
my posted challenge


But the challenge isn't yours. You copied it from another site.


-------------->My challenge still stands undefeated by you. Anyone  who says what I have posted in my challenge is saying the same thing just as when you say evolution is true for the same old copied and pasted reasons you refer to in your list of facts you use to make your point. you do not have nothing but a faith based system of beliefs that you choose to represent you. if you tell there is fossil evidence you will refer to a copy and pasted web site with information that was used from a series of sources with the same info in so many words but the message is still the same . In your case being an atheist monkey wannabe dumb ass with self induced dementia.  

You insist on avoiding my challenge with every boring waste of digital space you take in vain.

If anyone challenges you to prove your closet pagan religion of origins through real science you will turn in shame as you do here with every post. you will say it is not their challenge because you are a fool hiding behind a secular babylonian  hand me down ass clowns church/circus.

the challenge is not mine it is yours, dumb ass! chump! with no common sense!  now show me how intelligent you are and meet my posted challenge. explain how your atheist drone mentality is not based in lies? 

look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:

Submitted by jcgadfly on December 31, 2010 - 1:31pm.



mind over matter wrote:




mind over matter wrote:I

Submitted by Anonymouse on December 31, 2010 - 10:20am.



mind over matter wrote:
I pity you! you love creation and not THE CREATOR who is identified as YAHUWAH.


...you are blind in RUACHE! you serve a false elohim!

...you were taught to minterpret data.

...the force of YAHUWAH has blinded you

..sucks to be you! MORTAL!

...MEN who say there is no ELOAH YAH AM know they are wrong.



?---------------->  you know it is true  why  the ?

---->well done, now can and will you meet my posted challenge without pretending you are qualified to do so?  you and I both know the answer to that !





You mean we're blinded to the truth of Yahuwah by Yahuwah?

Damn he's a sadistic prick.-----------------------------<----------------------------------------------->you are an insult to your own existence. you need to go learn yourself when asking questions like a child and basking in darkness

Isaiah, in Isaiah chapter 3, talks about when the children are a terror and the women rule the families. “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. “O’ my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” (Isaiah 3:12) The very same thing is going on right now. This country has fallen down and is worshiping at the goddess of feminism, which has emasculated the men, feeds estrogen to the male children, and has held forth the goodness of lesbianism. The men of modern culture walk around worshiping the women, as Paul describes yet again in the first chapter of the book of Romans.

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore YaHuWaH also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of YaHuWaH into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. For this cause YaHuWaH gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain YaHuWaH in their knowledge, YaHuWaH gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of YaHuWaH, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of YaHuWaH, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:22-32


So he is a sadistic prick and you are happy about it - good to know.

Why are you quoting from the Roman pagan Paul? Or is he a "true Israelite" like the Greeks who made the LXX?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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mind over matter wrote:You

mind over matter wrote:
You insist on avoiding my challenge

Okay, you're obviously missing the point. I'll spell it out for you : You seem unaware that stealing paragraphs from unrelated sites and then calling it "my challenge" doesn't make a lot of sense. That would suggest you don't even know what the word "challenge" means, let alone any of the other terms you read on those sites.

The real challenge, therefore, would be to educate you from scratch.

Which isn't something you can do on a forum.


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Proof? Yeah I have that. All

Proof? Yeah I have that. All c&p but whats the differance, at least it stops me going off topic.

It may seem unrelated and basic at first but it gets to the point a little way in.

A common question is 'what exactly is evolution, and the theory of evolution?'

According to WikiPedia, 'evolution is a change in the traits of living organisms over generations, including the emergence of new species'.

Evolution has gone from being one of the most controversial of theories when first stated by Darwin for its perceived undermining of the idea of God, to being generally widely accepted now by virtually everyone.

Partly this is due to the fact that over time theories tend to lose their shock value and gain acceptance. Also the more secular world we live in has helped stop the religious objection, but also of course that is perfectly possible for the two to be true together, there is not even close to a logical contradiction between the two statements: 'Evolution is true and God exists'.

One of the biggest objections to evolution has come from those that think that there has to be more to life and our current existence than just random choice.

That is, that evolution must somehow only be part of the story, as there is no goal orientation, or teleology in it, it is just blind chance (the blind watchmaker).

Often the apparent design in current lifeforms seems to argue for some sort of guiding hand or intelligence behind the creation. It is hard to believe for many than random processes and blind chance could result in all the creatures and lifeforms that we see around us.

Certainly one interesting point is about so-called intermediate stages.

Many can understand how species survive once 'fully adapted' but what happens in those intervening periods where the adaptations to environment are forming over tens of thousands of years - how does the species survive these intermediate periods where for instance a horn is just starting to form or a tail just growing but still pretty useless?

Additionally, many have wondered whether there has been enough time for just 'blind chance' to produce the staggering away of life we know exists, given the rough age at which life is acknowledged to have begun.

Another objection often made is with regard to the actual content of the theory which is, let's face it, staggeringly simple.

Essentially, that change occurs and new species occur from random mutations in genes that lead to some individuals to be better adapted to environment 'e' at time 't' than others, and therefore if conditions remain close enough to 'e' at time 't + n' such that the advantage holds, that individual and its decendents are more likely to survive and breed than other members of that species, ultimately leading to the formation of a new species.

This can be demonstrated by this example. Down on an old farm, lived a duck family, and Mother Duck had been sitting on a clutch of new eggs. One nice morning, the eggs hatched and out popped six chirpy ducklings. But one egg was bigger than the rest, and it didn't hatch. Mother Duck couldn't recall laying that seventh egg. How did it get there? TOCK! TOCK! The little prisoner was pecking inside his shell.
 "Did I count the eggs wrongly?" Mother Duck wondered. But before she had time to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with gray feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother. The ducklings grew quickly, but Mother Duck had a secret worry.
"I can't understand how this ugly duckling can be one of mine!" she said to herself, shaking her head as she looked at her last born. Well, the gray duckling certainly wasn't pretty, and since he ate far more than his brothers, he was outgrowing them. As the days went by, the poor ugly duckling became more and more unhappy. His brothers didn't want to play with him, he was so
clumsy, and all the farmyard folks simply laughed at him. He felt sad and lonely, while Mother Duck did her best to console him.
"Poor little ugly duckling!" she would say. "Why are you so different from the others?" And the ugly duckling felt worse than ever. He secretly wept at night. He felt nobody wanted him.
"Nobody loves me, they all tease me! Why am I different from my brothers?"
Then one day, at sunrise, he ran away from the farmyard. He stopped at a pond and began to question all the other birds. "Do you know of any ducklings with gray feathers like mine?" But everyone shook their heads in scorn.
"We don't know anyone as ugly as you." The ugly duckling did not lose heart, however, and kept on making inquiries. He went to another pond, where a pair of large geese gave him the same answer to his question. What's more, they warned him: "Don't stay here! Go away! It's dangerous. There are men with guns around here!" The duckling was sorry he had ever left the farmyard.
Then one day, his travels took him near an old countrywoman's cottage. Thinking he was a stray goose, she caught him.
"I'll put this in a hutch. I hope it's a female and lays plenty of eggs!" said the old woman, whose eyesight was poor. But the ugly duckling laid not a single egg. The hen kept frightening him.
 "Just wait! If you don't lay eggs, the old woman will wring your neck and pop you into the pot!" And the cat chipped in: "Hee! Hee! I hope the woman cooks you, then I can gnaw at your bones!" The poor ugly duckling was so scared that he lost his appetite, though the old woman kept stuffing him with food and grumbling: "If you won't lay eggs, at least hurry up and  get plump!"
"Oh, dear me!" moaned the now terrified duckling. "I'll die of fright first! And I did so hope someone would love me!"
 Then one night, finding the hutch door ajar, he escaped. Once again he was all alone. He fled as far away as he could, and at dawn, he found himself in a thick bed of reeds. "If nobody wants me, I'll hid here forever." There was plenty a food, and the duckling began to feel a little happier, though he was lonely. One day at sunrise, he saw a flight of beautiful birds wing overhead. White, with long slender necks, yellow beaks and large wings, they were migrating south.
"If only I could look like them, just for a day!" said the duckling, admiringly. Winter came and the water in the reed bed froze. The poor duckling left home to seek food in the snow. He dropped exhausted to the ground, but a farmer found him and put him in his big jacket pocket.
"I'll take him home to my children. They'll look after him. Poor thing, he's frozen!" The duckling was showered with kindly care at the farmer's house. In this way, the ugly duckling was able to survive the bitterly cold winter.
However, by springtime, he had grown so big that the farmer decided: "I'll set him free by the pond!" That was when the duckling saw himself mirrored in the water.
"Goodness! How I've changed! I hardly recognize myself!" The flight of swans winged north again and glided on to the pond. When the duckling saw them, he realized he was one of their kind, and soon made friends.
"We're swans like you!" they said, warmly. "Where have you been hiding?"
"It's a long story," replied the young swan, still astounded. Now, he swam majestically with his fellow swans. One day, he heard children on the river bank exclaim: "Look at that young swan! He's the finest of them all!"
And he almost burst with happiness.

Tower cranes are a common fixture at any major construction site. They're pretty hard to miss -- they often rise hundreds of feet into the air, and can reach out just as far. The construction crew uses the tower crane to lift steel , concrete, large tools like acetylene torches and generators, and a wide variety of other building materials.

then you look at one of these cranes, what it can do seems nearly impossible: Why doesn't it tip over? How can such a long boom lift so much weigh­t? How is it able to grow taller as the building grows taller? If you have ever wondered about how tower cranes work, then this article is for you. In this article, you'll find out the answers to all of these questions and more!



Once upon a time in mid winter, when the snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven, a beautiful queen sat sewing at her window, which had a frame of black ebony wood. As she sewed, she looked up at the snow and pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow. The red on the white looked so beautiful, that she thought, "If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as this frame." Soon afterward she had a little daughter that was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony wood, and therefore they called her Little Snow-White.

Now the queen was the most beautiful woman in all the land, and very proud of her beauty. She had a mirror, which she stood in front of every morning, and asked:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

And the mirror always said:

You, my queen, are fairest of all.

And then she knew for certain that no one in the world was more beautiful than she.

Now Snow-White grew up, and when she was seven years old, she was so beautiful, that she surpassed even the queen herself. Now when the queen asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

The mirror said:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White is still
A thousand times fairer than you.

When the queen heard the mirror say this, she became pale with envy, and from that hour on, she hated Snow-White. Whenever she looked at her, she thought that Snow-White was to blame that she was no longer the most beautiful woman in the world. This turned her heart around. Her jealousy gave her no peace. Finally she summoned a huntsman and said to him, "Take Snow-White out into the woods to a remote spot, and stab her to death. As proof that she is dead bring her lungs and her liver back to me. I shall cook them with salt and eat them."

The huntsman took Snow-White into the woods. When he took out his hunting knife to stab her, she began to cry, and begged fervently that he might spare her life, promising to run away into the woods and never return. The huntsman took pity on her because she was so beautiful, and he thought, "The wild animals will soon devour her anyway. I'm glad that I don't have to kill her." Just then a young boar came running by. He killed it, cut out its lungs and liver, and took them back to the queen as proof of Snow-White's death. She cooked them with salt and ate them, supposing that she had eaten Snow-White's lungs and liver.

Snow-White was now all alone in the great forest. She was terribly afraid, and began to run. She ran over sharp stones and through thorns the entire day. Finally, just as the sun was about to set, she came to a little house. The house belonged to seven dwarfs. They were working in a mine, and not at home. Snow-White went inside and found everything to be small, but neat and orderly. There was a little table with seven little plates, seven little spoons, seven little knives and forks, seven little mugs, and against the wall there were seven little beds, all freshly made.

Snow-White was hungry and thirsty, so she ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate, and from each little glass she drank a drop of wine. Because she was so tired, she wanted to lie down and go to sleep. She tried each of the seven little beds, one after the other, but none felt right until she came to the seventh one, and she lay down in it and fell asleep.

When night came, the seven dwarfs returned home from the work. They lit their seven little candles, and saw that someone had been in their house.

The first one said, "Who has been sitting in my chair?"

The second one, "Who has been eating from my plate?"

The third one, "Who has been eating my bread?"

The fourth one, "Who has been eating my vegetables?"

The fifth one, "Who has been sticking with my fork?"

The sixth one, "Who has been cutting with my knife?"

The seventh one, "Who has been drinking from my mug?"

Then the first one said, "Who stepped on my bed?"

The second one, "And someone has been lying in my bed."

And so forth until the seventh one, and when he looked at his bed, he found Snow-White lying there, fast asleep. The seven dwarfs all came running, and they cried out with amazement. They fetched their seven candles and looked at Snow-White. "Good heaven! Good heaven!" they cried. "She is so beautiful!" They liked her very much. They did not wake her up, but let her lie there in the bed. The seventh dwarf had to sleep with his companions, one hour with each one, and then the night was done.

When Snow-White woke up, they asked her who she was and how she had found her way to their house. She told them how her mother had tried to kill her, how the huntsman had spared her life, how she had run the entire day, finally coming to their house. The dwarfs pitied her and said, "If you will keep house for us, and cook, sew, make beds, wash, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay here, and you'll have everything that you want. We come home in the evening, and supper must be ready by then, but we spend the days digging for gold in the mine. You will be alone then. Watch out for the queen, and do not let anyone in."

The queen thought that she was again the most beautiful woman in the land, and the next morning she stepped before the mirror and asked:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

The mirror answered once again:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White beyond the seven mountains
Is a thousand times fairer than you.

It startled the queen to hear this, and she knew that she had been deceived, that the huntsman had not killed Snow-White. Because only the seven dwarfs lived in the seven mountains, she knew at once that they must have rescued her. She began to plan immediately how she might kill her, because she would have no peace until the mirror once again said that she was the most beautiful woman in the land. At last she thought of something to do. She disguised herself as an old peddler woman and colored her face, so that no one would recognize her, and went to the dwarf's house. Knocking on the door she called out, "Open up. Open up. I'm the old peddler woman with good wares for sale."

Snow-White peered out the window, "What do you have?"

"Bodice laces, dear child," said the old woman, and held one up. It was braided from yellow, red, and blue silk. "Would you like this one?"

"Oh, yes," said Snow-White, thinking, "I can let the old woman come in. She means well." She unbolted the door and bargained for the bodice laces.

"You are not laced up properly," said the old woman. "Come here, I'll do it better." Snow-White stood before her, and she took hold of the laces and pulled them so tight that Snow-White could not breathe, and she fell down as if she were dead. Then the old woman was satisfied, and she went away.

Nightfall soon came, and the seven dwarfs returned home. They were horrified to find their dear Snow-White lying on the ground as if she were dead. They lifted her up and saw that she was laced up too tightly. They cut the bodice laces in two, and then she could breathe, and she came back to life. "It must have been the queen who tried to kill you," they said. "Take care and do not let anyone in again."

The queen asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

The mirror answered once again:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.

She was so horrified that the blood all ran to her heart, because she knew that Snow-White had come back to life. Then for an entire day and a night she planned how she might catch her. She made a poisoned comb, disguised herself differently, and went out again. She knocked on the door, but Snow-White called out, "I am not allowed to let anyone in."

Then she pulled out the comb, and when Snow-White saw how it glistened, and noted that the woman was a complete stranger, she opened the door, and bought the comb from her. "Come, let me comb your hair," said the peddler woman. She had barely stuck the comb into Snow-White's hair, before the girl fell down and was dead. "That will keep you lying there," said the queen. And she went home with a light heart.

The dwarfs came home just in time. They saw what had happened and pulled the poisoned comb from her hair. Snow-White opened her eyes and came back to life. She promised the dwarfs not to let anyone in again.

The queen stepped before her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

The mirror answered:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Little Snow-White with the seven dwarfs
Is a thousand times fairer than you.

When the queen heard this, she shook and trembled with anger, "Snow-White will die, if it costs me my life!" Then she went into her most secret room -- no one else was allowed inside -- and she made a poisoned, poisoned apple. From the outside it was red and beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. Then she disguised herself as a peasant woman, went to the dwarfs' house and knocked on the door.

Snow-White peeped out and said, "I'm not allowed to let anyone in. The dwarfs have forbidden it most severely."

"If you don't want to, I can't force you," said the peasant woman. "I am selling these apples, and I will give you one to taste."

"No, I can't accept anything. The dwarfs don't want me to."

"If you are afraid, then I will cut the apple in two and eat half of it. Here, you eat the half with the beautiful red cheek!" Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the red half was poisoned. When Snow-White saw that the peasant woman was eating part of the apple, her desire for it grew stronger, so she finally let the woman hand her the other half through the window. She bit into it, but she barely had the bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.

The queen was happy, went home, and asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?

And it answered:

You, my queen, are fairest of all.

"Now I'll have some peace," she said, "because once again I'm the most beautiful woman in the land. Snow-White will remain dead this time."

That evening the dwarfs returned home from the mines. Snow-White was lying on the floor, and she was dead. They loosened her laces and looked in her hair for something poisonous, but nothing helped. They could not bring her back to life. They laid her on a bier, and all seven sat next to her and cried and cried for three days. They were going to bury her, but they saw that she remained fresh. She did not look at all like a dead person, and she still had beautiful red cheeks. They had a glass coffin made for her, and laid her inside, so that she could be seen easily. They wrote her name and her ancestry on it in gold letters, and one of them always stayed at home and kept watch over her.

Snow-White lay there in the coffin a long, long time, and she did not decay. She was still as white as snow and as red as blood, and if she had been able to open her eyes, they still would have been as black as ebony wood. She lay there as if she were asleep.

One day a young prince came to the dwarfs' house and wanted shelter for the night. When he came into their parlor and saw Snow-White lying there in a glass coffin, illuminated so beautifully by seven little candles, he could not get enough of her beauty. He read the golden inscription and saw that she was the daughter of a king. He asked the dwarfs to sell him the coffin with the dead Snow-White, but they would not do this for any amount of gold. Then he asked them to give her to him, for he could not live without being able to see her, and he would keep her, and honor her as his most cherished thing on earth. Then the dwarfs took pity on him and gave him the coffin.

The prince had it carried to his castle, and had it placed in a room where he sat by it the whole day, never taking his eyes from it. Whenever he had to go out and was unable to see Snow-White, he became sad. And he could not eat a bite, unless the coffin was standing next to him. Now the servants who always had to carry the coffin to and fro became angry about this. One time one of them opened the coffin, lifted Snow-White upright, and said, "We are plagued the whole day long, just because of such a dead girl," and he hit her in the back with his hand. Then the terrible piece of apple that she had bitten off came out of her throat, and Snow-White came back to life.

She walked up to the prince, who was beside himself with joy to see his beloved Snow-White alive. They sat down together at the table and ate with joy.

Their wedding was set for the next day, and Snow-White's godless mother was invited as well. That morning she stepped before the mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But the young queen
Is a thousand times fairer than you.

She was horrified to hear this, and so overtaken with fear that she could not say anything. Still, her jealousy drove her to go to the wedding and see the young queen. When she arrived she saw that it was Snow-White. Then they put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed, and she had to put them on and dance in them. Her feet were terribly burned, and she could not stop until she had danced herself to death.


So now you know.

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

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you, me, and everything around is the evidence of YAHUWAH

Submitted by BobSpence1 on December 31, 2010 - 12:25pm.


I challenge YOU, MoM, to prove ANY aspect of your religious beliefs.



Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality

"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris

From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology



-------------->why is it that you have yet to meet my posted challenge to you to prove your pagan story of origins from nothing to life as we know it? that is because you know you cannot ,  is it not fair that your prove your wisdom first? lest you admit you are decieved with every post in defeat each time even now. You did not show through observation how you evolved from nothing. you want parlor tricks to satisfy your ego and the scirptures have words to describe people like you. goat is one of them.

-------------->I am not part of any organized religion as you understand the sterotype. My association with the CREATOR is personal. I do not submit to the dead lemmings of society. I  do seek fellowship in the name of YAHUWAH and I amd called to pick up my tools and bear witness to HIS good news regarding the matter of life and death which concerns all including you in your present delusion of a lost cause that is allowed to exist to serve a higher purpose that will bring everyone to YAHUWAH and no false substitute.

You only have ideas invented by failed rebels who preach on paper what cannot be seen tested or repeated.  I can observe everything you observe without using your false worldview of origins  to interpret the data. you are biased towards a lie not the truth when you present imaginary data as evidence for evolution from nothing over unseen time. It is you who starts with a false system of  system of lies and you accept them without testing any of their validity in the real  world in real time.

I look at matter in space over time  and I realize the the character of someone beyond matter in space over time. Someone who is infinite ,... an infinite person who is self existent eternal and without cause.  I set out to test all things an in so doing found my way through matter in space over time being finite and having a cause.

Proof of YAHUWAH s existence is the universe, The more you study the world the more the evidence for God. Look at the complexity of things and patterns found in nature. It really couldn't have happened by pure chance

the existence of everything you know of is not natural. thus you fail to grasp the supernatural by accepting the dogma that things create themselves.

you worship creation and not the true CREATOR


the fact of creation is proof of YAHUWAH


the fact of denial is your failure to meet my posted challenge.



even though christianity has been hijacked by satanic assholes. it is still rooted in the truth of YAHUWAH is SALVATION that people are drawn to unknowingly.

the true scriptures stand the test of time and true science is in perfect harmony with the true story of origins of life as we know it!

How do you think Christianity lasted for so long? If it was untruth!? Why are there so many Christians left, huh? And I was tseting all things for most of  the years of my life. I became a person of faith because I knew it was true. Atheists are deactivating peoples brains and filling them with non sensical lies based on science-fiction WHICH is an invented term use for propaganda in media. How ironic it is an oxy-moron salivated over  by morons.


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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goats and fire = oblivion

Submitted by jcgadfly on January 1, 2011 - 8:39pm.

so he is a sadistic prick and you are happy about it - good to know.

Why are you quoting from the Roman pagan Paul? Or is he a "true Israelite" like the Greeks who made the LXX?


->  why don't you prove you are not a chump with chimp envy? explain how you evolved from nothing?

stop being a gadfly on a horses ass

look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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atheist monkey wannabe frog prince drone

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Proof? Yeah I have that. All

Submitted by Tapey on January 1, 2011 - 9:16pm.


Proof? Yeah I have that. All c&p but whats the differance, at least it stops me going off topic.

It may seem unrelated and basic at first but it gets to the point a little way in.

A common question is 'what exactly is evolution, and the theory of evolution?'

According to WikiPedia, 'evolution is a change in the traits of living organisms over generations, including the emergence of new species'.

Evolution has gone from being one of the most controversial of theories when first stated by Darwin for its perceived undermining of the idea of God, to being generally widely accepted now by virtually everyone.

Partly this is due to the fact that over time theories tend to lose their shock value and gain acceptance. Also the more secular world we live in has helped stop the religious objection, but also of course that is perfectly possible for the two to be true together, there is not even close to a logical contradiction between the two statements: 'Evolution is true and God exists'.

One of the biggest objections to evolution has come from those that think that there has to be more to life and our current existence than just random choice.

That is, that evolution must somehow only be part of the story, as there is no goal orientation, or teleology in it, it is just blind chance (the blind watchmaker).

Often the apparent design in current lifeforms seems to argue for some sort of guiding hand or intelligence behind the creation. It is hard to believe for many than random processes and blind chance could result in all the creatures and lifeforms that we see around us.

Certainly one interesting point is about so-called intermediate stages.

Many can understand how species survive once 'fully adapted' but what happens in those intervening periods where the adaptations to environment are forming over tens of thousands of years - how does the species survive these intermediate periods where for instance a horn is just starting to form or a tail just growing but still pretty useless?

Additionally, many have wondered whether there has been enough time for just 'blind chance' to produce the staggering away of life we know exists, given the rough age at which life is acknowledged to have begun.

Another objection often made is with regard to the actual content of the theory which is, let's face it, staggeringly simple.

Essentially, that change occurs and new species occur from random mutations in genes that lead to some individuals to be better adapted to environment 'e' at time 't' than others, and therefore if conditions remain close enough to 'e' at time 't + n' such that the advantage holds, that individual and its decendents are more likely to survive and breed than other members of that species, ultimately leading to the formation of a new species.


---------> lol you chump with chimp envy!  wikipedia is an atheist bullshit webbsite.   and only an atheist would refer to a blind watchmaker out of stupidity. ie.richard dawkins a high priest of the fools religion for closet pagans who call themselves atheists for non musement.

so by your stupid analogy of random chance you expect great things? tell me chump with your faith in such stupidity would yould play the lottery everyday for ten years and expect to win everyday for ten years straight?  why is mutation your answer when life has to exist first in order to as you  dogmatically say evolved. you   refer to mutations because you are deluded to believe evolution is possible in the first place.  you should learn to think for yourself.

think about your story of origins, how there is no life to begin with thus nothing to evolve .  People get cancer  and people survive to live and have children so your stupid mutations analogy is retarded. survival of the fittest is not a factor that supports your pagan religion for cretards.


you are more likely to fail  waste your time with fairy tales than represent the atheist drones on this thread.

speaking of fairy tales I noticed you did not refer to the frog that evolved into an atheist fairy tale. How did the frog evolve into a an atheist dumbass like you?


look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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the point is for you to prove evolution from nothing dumbass

Submitted by Anonymouse on January 1, 2011 - 9:12pm.



mind over matter wrote:
You insist on avoiding my challenge


Okay, you're obviously missing the point. I'll spell it out for you : You seem unaware that stealing paragraphs from unrelated sites and then calling it "my challenge" doesn't make a lot of sense. That would suggest you don't even know what the word "challenge" means, let alone any of the other terms you read on those sites.

The real challenge, therefore, would be to educate you from scratch.

Which isn't something you can do on a forum.


---------->the challenge is for you to step up and represent what a fool you are! and you did! so what are you babbling about with the nonsense "you call my challenge is not being mine therefore you do not have to meet it? what is that ? a cop out?

are you just retarded? or just retarded?

since you do not understand your own worldview which is based in pagan man made myths of origins from nothing it is useless to repeat the challenge to a chump with chimp enevy like you!


this thread is full of babble like yours from drones such as yourself.

either explain evolution from nothing to life as we know it ? 

 or keep adding to stats that demonstrate how dumb people like you really are. I win either way with every post you add with with non theist satanic pride.

if you are unable to see what a fool you are , look into a mirror.




look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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once apon a time nothing evolved from nothing into an atheist

I do not need to invent stupid theories for idiots to hide behind. nor would I say it takes too long  to see happening in realtime. I do not need mutations and natural selection and fossils to prove a fact that supports a worldview that is a majority in the worlds population even if we people of are not on the same page as to the truth identity of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR. the fact remains that  the need for communion with our CREATOR ALMIGHTY is relevent becuase there is a issue of life and death for us all.   HE WHO IS ETERNAL /self existent ->  YAHUWAH and He manifests HIMSELF  in so many many ways beyond your atheist capacity to grasp.

since there was by your foolish beliefe no life to evolve all you have is death/nonliving matter/materials that can be found today in living matter.

I  can show through repeatable science that life only comes from life fully funtional with no need to evolve. It happens every day.

A man by the name of Louis Pasture had just finished a set of experiments that proved that micro organisms lived in the air. This was a finding that everyone was waiting for. The reason was there had been a scientific fight between two theories. One was called spontaneous generation and the other theory dictated that life comes from life. The spontaneous generation camp would quickly point out that maggots appeared from meat, that mosquitoes came from a pond or the mice would appear from warm moist soil. How could a maggot appear where there were no other maggots present? How could mold appear on bread where no mold was present? They concluded that matter contained the vital material and energy that would cause life to spontaneously generate if combined with other chemicals or conditions that were right. in 1862 we see that Louis Pasture indeed published the proofs that bacteria is in the air and that is were the "new life" comes from and effectively demolished the theory of spontaneous generation once and for all. In fact, the Law of Biogenesis, that life only comes from life, was formed in part thanks to Pasture's work. We call curing milk pasteurization in honor of Louis's work in bacteria. Pasture had once and for all killed the silly notion that life can come from matter or did he?

scientists of all persuasions have missed a critical issue when discussing the validity of evolution. And that is evolution has a pillar, that is a support beam to the theory as a whole, which is based on an assumption that has been disproved centuries ago. This fact is repeatable, demonstrative, and very predicable. In fact, the assumption that life only comes from life, and not inorganic matter, is given the highest level that any assumption is given in science and that is the level of a Law. If there is anything that science knows to be true it is Laws. Laws trump theory. If you take out the idea of spontaneous generation from evolution, I cannot see how the house of evolution can stand. If indeed spontaneous generation is that critical to evolution, then the Law of Bio Genesis trumps the theory of evolution.

present day, one might be mystified to see many great scientists still peddling the evolution myth which is based on a retired old idea. Not only that, we are forcing teachers to teach our kids this myth. One side says that life comes from life and this is observed 100% of the time with not one observable inconsistency, the other side being satanic dumbass monkey wannabe bitchnugget drones says life comes from inorganic matter at some time in the past, which has never been observed or duplicated in labs once ever! Yes, that means no repeatable facts of science.  I am not sure about you as you will have to make up your own immaterial mind, but I think I would place my bets on something that is right 100% of the time and not rely on something that is right 0% of the time as in your case according to your false manmade religion for drones.

So why do so called scientists claim to posses so much evidence of evolution, to the point that the establishment agrees with them?

Simply because these asshole scientists had an assumption where they then went out to find the proofs to support the assumption.

However, if your foundational assumption is wrong, the house of evidence you build on that foundation becomes very suspect. The idea that life can erupt from nonliving matter has been soundly dismissed by the strongest demonstrative methods known to science and as such, the evidence that support that assumption become very suspect. It does not matter how eloquently and skilfully the evidence is built, if the foundation is falling apart the building must be condemned. evolution cannot occur in the first place because it has no foundation in science.

This is also a repeatable fact. you are mentaly deaf dumb and blind .


 Science: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method ..... the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding

So we see by the above definition, that true science should be defined as facts, backed up by tests using the scientific method. So, what is the scientific method? It is defined below.

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.
Theory: Pronunciation: 'thE-&-rE, 'thi(-&ampEye-winkr-E
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theOria, from theOrein
Date: 1592
The analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another : abstract thought :SPECULATION: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena : a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b :an unproved assumption : CONJECTURE.


definition of religion is:
Main Entry: religion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back
Date: 13th century
1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith <-atheists pay attention to your hypocrisy (you are just closet pagans who worships a manmade entity called mother nature) You are for pro choice which is really pro murder of unborn humans. pity no atheists were aborted through that mentality.


Another dictionary explains "religion" in these terms:
Religion: a belief in, recognition of or an awakened sense of, a higher, unseen controlling power or powers with the emotion or morality connected therewith: rites or worship: any system of such belief or worship: devoted fidelity: monastic life.
Pronunciation: 'fAth
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faiths /'fAths, sometimes 'fA[th]z/
Etymology: Middle English feith, from Old French feid, foi, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust -- more at BIDE
Date: 13th century
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs
You will notice that the Webster's definition of "faith" is the same as the Biblical definition. I think that we can, in simple terms, explain the faithful of a religion as those who have become an institution by their faith, which is belief in something in which there is no scientific proof. If you can't see it, and no one has ever seen it, and there is no proof that it happened then to believe it is certainly faith and when it is instituted with a group of others, it is a religion.


Evolution Is The Religion:
look at ways in which those who believe in evolution are faithful in their religious beliefs.

1. Belief in a "Big Bang," that they have no proof of.

2. Belief in life which resulted from chemical processes, of which they have no proof.







3. Belief in an old Earth, for which no convincing proof has ever been found.
4. Belief in macro-evolution without producing any transitionary forms.
5. Belief in uniformitarianism, that all environmental processes have always been the same on Earth, with no proof of that hypothesis.
First, since evolution is a religion, it should not be subsidized by the government. To me this seems like what the ACLU terms a violation to the separation of Church and State, as accorded in the Constitution. Billions of dollars of government grants are given each year for the furtherment of evolutional study.
Secondly, evolution should not be taught as a theory or fact in public schools. This is another clear violation of the constitution. I have proved that evolution is a faith, and if one looks at it clearly, it takes more faith to believe in it than other faiths do. So, lets get it out of our schools.


 I accept  your failure to meet my posted challenge. now run along back to your atheist home base and bring more chumps with chimp envy.

look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.

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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:

---------->the challenge is for you to step up and represent what a fool you are! and you did! so what are you babbling about with the nonsense "you call my challenge is not being mine therefore you do not have to meet it? what is that ? a cop out?

Uhm, I just told you, and you just ignored it. Okay, one more time : You are unable to understand the sites you quoted, so it naturally follows you wouldn't understand them being debunked. Also, you don't seem to understand the word "challenge", or even the word "my".

Btw, a few posts back, you compared yourself to a horse's ass. I don't think that was your intention, but it does suggest you're a little confused.

On the other hand, I really hope you're not a poe or a troll, cause your continued ranting is making us all look rather good by comparison.



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mind over matter

mind over matter wrote:

---------> lol you chump with chimp envy!  wikipedia is an atheist bullshit webbsite.   and only an atheist would refer to a blind watchmaker out of stupidity. ie.richard dawkins a high priest of the fools religion for closet pagans who call themselves atheists for non musement.

so by your stupid analogy of random chance you expect great things? tell me chump with your faith in such stupidity would yould play the lottery everyday for ten years and expect to win everyday for ten years straight?  why is mutation your answer when life has to exist first in order to as you  dogmatically say evolved. you   refer to mutations because you are deluded to believe evolution is possible in the first place.  you should learn to think for yourself.

think about your story of origins, how there is no life to begin with thus nothing to evolve .  People get cancer  and people survive to live and have children so your stupid mutations analogy is retarded. survival of the fittest is not a factor that supports your pagan religion for cretards.


you are more likely to fail  waste your time with fairy tales than represent the atheist drones on this thread.

speaking of fairy tales I noticed you did not refer to the frog that evolved into an atheist fairy tale. How did the frog evolve into a an atheist dumbass like you?


I assure you, the ugly duckling ad snow white prove evolution and everything you want proof of. Show how my reasoning is incorrect.

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.

mind over matter
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prove all aspects of evolution from nothing, if you can

Submitted by Anonymouse on January 2, 2011 - 7:10am.



mind over matter wrote:


---------->the challenge is for you to step up and represent what a fool you are! and you did! so what are you babbling about with the nonsense "you call my challenge is not being mine therefore you do not have to meet it? what is that ? a cop out?



Uhm, I just told you, and you just ignored it. Okay, one more time : You are unable to understand the sites you quoted, so it naturally follows you wouldn't understand them being debunked. Also, you don't seem to understand the word "challenge", or even the word "my".

Btw, a few posts back, you compared yourself to a horse's ass. I don't think that was your intention, but it does suggest you're a little confused.

On the other hand, I really hope you're not a poe or a troll, cause your continued ranting is making us all look rather good by comparison.

------------>Ok yet again you fail with bonus points for being a monkey wannabe/ troll and pawn 

I already exposed you as a fraud lover of lies. so you have proved nothing to me that shows you have an understanding of reality

I am not comparing my self to a horses ass you dumb ass!  You missed the part or you ignored it where the context was a reference used to describe a gadfly.  The point was that like the gadfly chump with chimp envy you too are a pest  like the kind that dwells and irratates.

which is what you are portraying with you posts. instead of  meeting my challenge to prove your religion of evolution with real observation you continue to engage me with  petty rebuttals that prove you know nothing about what you claim  has been debunked by fellow acloset pagan atheists like you who know nothing as your source of information. you are a drone and you admit defeat by your actions. You want my attention  because you need it! you were drawn here to learn what you fail to grasp.

this thread is an opportunity to demonstrate how incompetent your pagan worldview of origins really is.

You assume all my info has been debunked because you were indoctrinated to believe it was without knowing how it is even possible!

for that you are a hypocrite who pretends to have knowledge of facts through science when you really do not. you science fiction is an oxy-moron invented for people like you. who need constant reenforcment of a lie to believe it.  You claim atheistshit in the name of a pagan  religion of origins!


Evolution Is The Religion:
look at ways in which those who believe in evolution are faithful in their religious beliefs.

1. Belief in a "Big Bang," that they have no proof of.

2. Belief in life which resulted from chemical processes, of which they have no proof.



 pause  to absorb  reality of this fact




3. Belief in an old Earth, for which no convincing proof has ever been found.
4. Belief in macro-evolution without producing any transitionary forms.
5. Belief in uniformitarianism, that all environmental processes have always been the same on Earth, with no proof of that hypothesis.
First, since evolution is a religion, it should not be subsidized by the government. To me this seems like what the ACLU terms a violation to the separation of Church and State, as accorded in the Constitution. Billions of dollars of government grants are given each year for the furtherment of evolutional study.
Secondly, evolution should not be taught as a theory or fact in public schools. This is another clear violation of the constitution. I have proved that evolution is a faith, and if one looks at it clearly, it takes more faith to believe in it than other faiths do. So, lets get it out of our schools.


 I accept  your failure to meet my posted challenge. now run along back to your atheist home base and bring more chumps with chimp envy. PLEASE

tell all your foolish scum theory believers to prove  their religion is not a scumbag religion




look with love from above
the desire to live is the desire to live forever
you did not evolve never did and never will
True science is always provable, theoretical science never is.