Hello from and atheist born and raised in the bible belt

Hello all,
I recently saw the video of the RRS debate with cameron and comfort, and really enjoyed it.
I'm a Harley-Davidson aftermarket shop owner with a degree in electrical engineering, odd mix
I know.
I was forced to go to church from the time I was about 4 or 5 yrs old until about 11 or so.
I was the kid in sunday school 'that asked too many questions'.
They actually asked my grandmother to not bring me to sunday school anymore, lol.
Anyway, I think I'll enjoy being here, and I look forward to reading all the posts thus far and future posts as well.
Thanks for the site.
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
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meant "an atheist", not "and atheist" sorry, couldn't find an edit option.
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
Welcome! Now you have an(other) escape from the crazy.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Me too! I'll never forget when my hand was smacked with a wooden pointer thing by a nun after I said "why did God kill everyone if he loved them and made them the way they were" referring to the Noahs Ark story. I was actually in my only year of Catholic school: Kindergarten. I managed to work my way into public school after that year.
Nice to meet you, glad you're here... stick around.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Welcome ! Please note that your seat doubles as a flotation device to drift through what sometimes seems to be a sea of theist crap...
Slowly building a blog at ~
Thanks Vastet,
I think I saw you in the chatroom at Atheist Experience internet broadcast. Were you there?
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
Thanks All, maybe Dawkins wasn't exactly right on saying "gathering atheists is akin to herding cats"
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
So Sapient , It seems we were in the same 'boat' so to speak , pun intended, lol
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
I rather doubt it. I haven't used a chatroom in some time. When did it take place?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I must be mistaken then, but there was someone there with a very similar name "Vas..' and a couple of t's about 6-7 letters long.
It was last sunday 4:30 - 6:00 PM CST, hope this doesn't seem like a plug.
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
Well I've recently become aware of at least two individuals with Vastet in their names; a Samuel and a Mary. It is possible that one of them or another was there.
There's also been times where people tried to impersonate me, though I doubt such was the case in this circumstance. I don't think I'm nearly infamous enough for anyone to bother with such except in places I frequent.
More likely that it was just similar. Either way, it wasn't me.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I had a similar upbringing of improbable godliness that I tried hard to believe in but never quite managed to accept. I was always aware I was talking to myself when praying. I still talk to myself after a large number of brewskis but it's not quite the same thing. Your day job sounds like a hell of a lot of fun.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
What did you end up going with? I chill with sailing, motorbiking (Superhawk 1000), and various other little things, including sitting on the porch looking down the valley.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Astronomy at first, I bought a nice reflector telescope off of ebay, saw a decent image of saturn with my own eyes and realized why galileo thought the rings were "humps".... and remote control offroad buggys, lil 1/8 scale nitro burner, an amazing piece of engineering, with a .28 cubic inch engine that makes 2.3 horsepower at 38000 rpm, that's not an exaggeration. Enjoying the winter nights with a bottle of Jaegermeister while trying to see the line of stars that is our galaxy and seeing how insignificant we all really are. Always wanted to go snow skiing, but the opportunity was never there.
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
That little buggy sounds bloody wicked. There's no doubt about stargazing. I've only used binoculars to look a the moon myself but did once look through the telescope at the Sydney Observatory as a kid. Sadly it was raining that night so not much to see. When I was young and under the god pump the milky way used to awe me in a godly way but I find it far more meaningful now, looking at it as a vast question mark. I've said it here before but I think looking at the night sky as an atheist is one of the most marvelous experiences of my life. Sometimes I wonder if knowing the answer might spoil the bigness of the mystery.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
here is a small taste of what the 1/8th scale buggies are capable of :,, at youtube.com look up "RC PRO RACING",,the second vid is really impressive.
On the astronomy, if you can't get access to even a small telescope on a regular basis, you are cheating yourself,,so many wonders to see.
You nailed what I was trying to convey in your last sentence, if we knew all the answers, there would be no more questions,,and imho, that's exactly what religions try to do, just provide a simple non-questionable answer. if that's the answer, what's the point of being here after that?? lol
My god has a hammer, jesus was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
Which is why I became a nonabsolutist.
Welcome WisdomVendor. Some day you must see the sky at night from a pair of snow skis.
Let's all get up in the faces of those crazy Christnuts and show them what a bunch of psychotic loonies they really are! I'm new here too buddy and I'm just north of the bible belt in the Show Me State.
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