Babies can sin

Well I was bored and debating someone of Youtube and after asking why would god need to kill every baby on earth (Noah's ark) I got this.
Read correctly, (seriously, read it) and you will find that Noah became drunk AFTER the flood. And yes, when babies commit a sin against God even without knowing it, they're held accountable by Him. The same goes for all the people who have not yet even heard of Jesus Christ and thinks it's okay to do the things that Jesus Christ commanded that we don't do
I just thought this deserved to be put on this thread. Me being a pretty new father (8month old) asked what a baby could possibly do to sin. I have yet to get a response.
"Take all the heads of the people
and hang them up before the Lord
against the sun.” -- Numbers 25:4
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...some of these guys believe that fetuses can sin in utero.
Don't you just love how...rational...religion can be?
Actually, the churches I went to used babies as an example of how we are all born 'sinners'. When you take candy from a baby(or a toy, bottle, etc..). They cry and demand it back because they are such self centered sinners. They want their diapers changed now because they have no patience. You don't have to teach a baby to say "mine", but you have to teach them to share with others. That's where heaven and hell and invisible men like Jesus and Santa Claus come in, to condition us with fear and rewards to not being selfish 'sinners'.
The fact is we are all born selfish and we are unabashed about this as babies. Religion is part of the social conditioning to force us to give up our own pursuit of pleasure and cede to the demands of the group for their approval. But we never really stop being selfish internally. We only realize we dare not act or appear selfish, otherwise we incur the wrath of parents, adults and others for being "selfish". This is social conditioning. I believe this is the source of a lot of psychological and anti-social problems, this denial of who we really are.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
wow, thats nuts. A baby must be feed every few hours or it can dehydrate very quickly. I can hardly imagine not wanting to die very selfish. But look who you are dealing with.
"Take all the heads of the people
and hang them up before the Lord
against the sun.” -- Numbers 25:4
We are born (and if eX is right to life then we are conceived) programmed to sin. Importantly, unlike some other literal theists, eX doesn't believe in freewill but maintains we are either in bondage to evil or in bondage to jesus.
I would personally like to be in bondage to chrissie amphlett but that's a personal thing - I don't want to share it with jesus.
Funny to think we recognised right and wrong in ourselves and then spent the next hundred thousand years beating ourselves up over it. Maybe this faculty was born in the moment we were able to feel the pain of others and to
experience the mental and physiological stress reaction to the feeling of having caused another person pain - a sensation we describe as guilt...
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Down with the babyist regime!
It will bring me much pleasure, when asked "why didn't you ever have kids", to respond to those christ-minded individuals that bringing a child into the world is just fucking cruel since they are born doesn't even give the wee-ones a chance. What if they died from SIDS, geesh, they couldn't even get to know jesus
Slowly building a blog at ~
can't be overstated, overdone, talked about and ridiculed enough, because it sh3t....but I have kids, and that is why I find religion even more offensive than the average person. with every atom in me I hate religion, especially the Mohammed based religions. but they all suck except buddhism and shintoism.
But I don't understand why a lot of the people on this forum are so anti-children. and for the record, I am against human over-population, which is gone beyond control now, I am against cars, industrialism, electricity, big cities, fat people, fast food restaurants ( and if you are rich, any restaurant is fast food), the internet, computers, television, the railroad, the military, pretty much the entire world as you know it.
This world is fucked, and driving a hybrid or not having kids or using a reusable hemp grocery sack at Whole Foods isn't going to do a fucking thing to change things. Massive-wealth-fueled-by-industrialism-financed-greed is an almost insurmountable force in this world. You could go out on a killing spree and lay waste to the entire US congress, the CEO's of most of the worlds worst pollution-happy companys, and the entire East Coast of the United States, and you still wouldn't make a difference in slowing the tide of destruction and inevitable extinction of thousands of milllions of acres of forest, animal species, peaceful souls, babies, and molecules of clean air and water.
you might as well just find someone you love and have some kids and if you are really conscious, go out and live in the woods and make a minimal impact. that is what I did for a long time. but now, I am in a hellhole of a big city, and it sucks.
Has anyone here ever read Walden? you should. he predicted this mess over 150 years ago.
We haven't met before. I agree with rather a lot of what you say. I think the baby eating bishops of bath and wells here are just entertaining themselves. There are plenty of kid-people around and you wouldn't want to judge by this light-hearted thread.
There are also plenty of earth people here, too, though there's solid support for gun ownership. It sounds to me like you've been reading about the farce in copenhagen this morning. Yes, it's depressing but you just have to do your own stuff.
Get out of the city. Plant a forest. Teach your kids to loathe religion. All that good stuff. BTW what's that thingy on your, avatar? Are you a gardener perchance? My thumbs tend to greenish with wiggling compost under the nails.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
you are close on some counts, and way off on others. last, but not least, it is a rare species of thorny spider on some common pansies. i could send you pics if you want. two, I am all for gun ownership. in fact I think I should be able to own a tank and rocket launchers, seriously.
I quit reading current events a long time ago. I don't want to know. it is a big farce and a letdown and a joke to say the least. i honestly have no idea what you are talking about as far as Copenhagen goes.
oh yeah, the thorny spider, we caught it quite easily, and it hung around our porch for awhile, it would crawl on us like a lady bug, and then it was gone one day.I am just too lazy to link URL's to this site. I wish they would make it easier like some sites where you can just click "Add Image" and then upload a file.
How big are they? Do they bite?
I catch them now and then and put them on the porch in the flowers and vegetables. I have no idea what they eat, but it must be small like aphids or mites.
Sorry to the OP for hijacking this thread and turning it into a species study. I will try to post some better pics.