Large Hadron Collider is back!

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Large Hadron Collider is back!

The Large Hadron Collider back in businessScientists successfully restarted the Large Hadron Collider this weekend, aiming to power the £6 billion Big Bang simulator up to record-breaking speeds.

Large Hadron Collider back online CNN

CERN Restarts Hadron Collider After 14-Month Delay Over Fault Bloomberg

Large Hadron Collider Working Again Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies


(CNN) -- "The LHC is back," the European Organization for Nuclear Research announced triumphantly Friday, as the world's largest particle accelerator resumed operation more than a year after an electrical failure shut it down. Restarting the Large Hadron Collider -- the $10 billion research tool's full name -- has been "a herculean effort," CERN's director for accelerators, Steve Myers, said in a statement announcing the success. Experiments at the LHC may help answer fundamental questions such as why Albert Einstein's theory of relativity -- which describes the world on a large scale -- doesn't jibe with quantum mechanics, which deals with matter far too small to see. Physicists established a circulating proton beam in the LHC's 17-mile tunnel at 10 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) Friday, CERN said, a critical step towards getting results from the accelerator.


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I just hope they hurry up and find the Hoggs Bison.





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Atheistextremist wrote: I

Atheistextremist wrote:


I just hope they hurry up and find the Hoggs Bison.





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OH NOES!!!!!!!11!!ONE


Oh wait... we're still here...

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Vastet wrote:OH

Vastet wrote:
OH NOES!!!!!!!11!!ONE ÷0! Oh wait... we're still here...

But now there's a micro black hole orbiting the centre of the earth. I give us three days, max.

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I'm not going to celebrate

I'm not going to celebrate until they get that sucker cranked up to full power.  It's like celebrating a NASA launch just because the rocket is on the pad.

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Watcher wrote:I'm not going

Watcher wrote:

I'm not going to celebrate until they get that sucker cranked up to full power.  It's like celebrating a NASA launch just because the rocket is on the pad.


1.18 TeV twin beams on Monday 11/30

That's a record.

3.5 TeV collisions are the short term plan.  (Side note: Comparative force of collision is exponential not directly proportional.)

Don't forget to switch your minds from 2D to 4D when they go from beam alignment to collisions.

There is a new-ish video on the main page for those interested. Unfortunately for those objectifying physicists on looks, it does not feature Brian Cox or Virginia Greco. lol. Just sayin'

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They're now reportedly

They're now reportedly racing to publish some of the results from the collisions.  I'm sure I'll be able to find a good article about it, but they're working on that now.  I really want to see what they put out.


From what I have gathered the measurements agree with current theory and past experiments.  Nothing incredibly groundbreaking I suppose, but a good sign that the LHC is working well enough to produce accurate results.


Once I see the published notes I'll post it, if you can beat me to it please do.


Also, I've never heard of arxiv before, I'm gonna have to look into that site.


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Hi MrPal,Where have you read

Hi MrPal,

Where have you read this?

(I have AOL, so I am treated to such weighty topics as "how the First Ladies Decorate Their Christmas Trees."

No, I did not make this up, unfortunately. Do you know offhand if the data is available for independent analysis?


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Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:Hi

Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:

Hi MrPal,

Where have you read this?

(I have AOL, so I am treated to such weighty topics as "how the First Ladies Decorate Their Christmas Trees."

No, I did not make this up, unfortunately. Do you know offhand if the data is available for independent analysis?



I'm looking on this site now, it has a lot of really cool articles, but THEY NEED A BETTER SEARCH OPTION.  


Here's what I found thanks to the Google search of " large hadron collider university of birmingham"

Yay I finally found it.  Thanks Google.


You'll have to download it in pdf format.  I'm going to read it now and hope I know what they're talking about.  Being such a layman can really be a pain.


Edit:  Hmm, that was posted on the website about a week ago.  I wonder if the articles I've read are remarking on even more up to date info?  It's likely.




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MrPal wrote:

Unrepentant_Elitist wrote:

Hi MrPal,

Where have you read this?

(I have AOL, so I am treated to such weighty topics as "how the First Ladies Decorate Their Christmas Trees."

No, I did not make this up, unfortunately. Do you know offhand if the data is available for independent analysis?



I'm looking on this site now, it has a lot of really cool articles, but THEY NEED A BETTER SEARCH OPTION.  


Here's what I found thanks to the Google search of " large hadron collider university of birmingham"

Yay I finally found it.  Thanks Google.


You'll have to download it in pdf format.  I'm going to read it now and hope I know what they're talking about.  Being such a layman can really be a pain.


Edit:  Hmm, that was posted on the website about a week ago.  I wonder if the articles I've read are remarking on even more up to date info?  It's likely.




Have you got a link to the articles?

BTW, that paper is up to date information, thanks for posting. It's basically just confirming that ALICE (one of the LHC detectors) is giving us sensible data from the first collision.




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Hi Eloise, and you are

Hi Eloise, and you are welcome. 


I discovered the articles by searching "large hadron collider" in Google news.  I can't say I recommend any of the sites, especially considering that one site tried to launch two pop ups for just looking at a single page.  Bleh, that reminds me to wipe my cookies.  Anyway that lead me to find arxiv, which I am glad to see is recommended by RRS and a sticky thread in this forum!


It doesn't appear they've published anything yet, at least for laymen, but I'll keep an eye out.


(I'm so glad they built this juggernaut of a machine.  Smiling)




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ALICE data files take three

ALICE data files take three weeks to get to their home page for non-collisions. lol.

If we start a pool, put me down for 12-19 at 1:00pm GMT.

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Potent quotables:


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), already the most powerful particle-punisher ever built, smashed its own record yesterday night as humanity's first 2.36 Tera-electron-volt collisions were recorded.


Twice as fast as the old record which were last month.  Win!


The various tinfoil-chapeau'd LHC doom prophets, who believe that the mighty experiment is sure to destroy the world and/or universe in some kind of black-hole blunder, runaway conceptual custardisation process, "collaptical explosion" etc, will no doubt be hugely frustrated today. Yet again, the promised apocalypse has failed to materialise.


lol a middle school teacher gets more attentions than the world's most brilliant scientists.  


I don't know some of the basis as to what's being said in the article but hey, it's twice as fast as the old record.  (Or is it technically?  I don't know shit about this kinda stuff.)


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natural wrote:Vastet

natural wrote:

Vastet wrote:
OH NOES!!!!!!!11!!ONE ÷0! Oh wait... we're still here...

But now there's a micro black hole orbiting the centre of the earth. I give us three days, max.

I should've bet you. Sad

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