Weirdest Argument of the Day

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Weirdest Argument of the Day

A girl on Facebook posted:



My first thought she serious? I read on:

"I have heard so many people be all like, "Even if (person) is dying/won't recover/what the fuck ever, they shouldn't be killed..." AND YET A LOT OF THESE PEOPLE WOULD PUT DOWN THEIR ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR THE VET BILLS!"

I replied:

Or because the animal is suffering.

She said:

But if the animal is suffering, why not pay for it? If you would pay for a family member, why not pay for your pet?

If you're NOT going to pay for a family memeber's hospital bills and would put THEM down, THEN you have room to talk about putting a pet down.

Her friend added:

You call a pet family, even if you still call it a pet.

Can you make your family your pet?

Will that pet of yours take care of you if you are gravely sick?


I think my brain is melting. I just had to share. And what the FUCK are they talking about? haha


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I have to agree with her. We

I have to agree with her. We have enough mercy to put our pets down when they're suffering and there's no hope, but not other people.

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I don't think that's what

I don't think that's what she was saying. I thought that at first too. I think she's saying that animals should be kept alive along with people, even though they're extremely different. But I don't know, it was hard to understand.

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If that's what she meant,

If that's what she meant, that's fucked up.

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 Quote:You call a pet


You call a pet family, even if you still call it a pet.

Can you make your family your pet?

Will that pet of yours take care of you if you are gravely sick?


The next sentence is false.

The previous sentence is true. 


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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When a pet is terminally ill

When a pet is terminally ill and guaranteed constant suffering for the rest of its life, putting it down is the humane thing to do.

When a human is terminally ill and guaranteed constant suffering for the rest of their life on the other hand ...

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Oh the humanity!

thingy wrote:

When a pet is terminally ill and guaranteed constant suffering for the rest of its life, putting it down is the humane thing to do.

When a human is terminally ill and guaranteed constant suffering for the rest of their life on the other hand ...

I think the main thing to consider is if the human wants to live. If they want to die who am I to tell them no. Pets on the other hand can't convey that desire to us. Though I do think it is humane to put down a suffering terminally ill lifeform. What's the point of living without happiness?

After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.

The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.

Jacob Cordingley
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I'm pro-euthanasia. If I

I'm pro-euthanasia. If I were dying a painful death I'd want to die. There's nothing wrong with it. So many people here in the UK travel all the way to Switzerland to die every year. I'm really surprised that there's only 3 countries in Europe (2 in the EU (Switzerland isn't a member)) that allow euthanasia. I mean Western Europe is one of the most liberal regions on the planet, and yet they won't allow people who are dying of painful terminal illnesses the dignity to die peacefully. It's ridiculous.

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Jacob Cordingley wrote: I'm

Jacob Cordingley wrote:

 I'm really surprised that there's only 3 countries in Europe (2 in the EU (Switzerland isn't a member)) that allow euthanasia.


What's the other one besides Holland?

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Belgium I think. It was on

Belgium I think. It was on the news recently that a former Rugby player went off to Switzerland to die after he'd been paralysed by an accident. After all the liberal reforms of the 1960s; the legalisation of homosexuality and abortion, 40 years on we still don't have legal euthanasia rights. It's ridiculous!

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I'm pro-euthanasia too.

I'm pro-euthanasia too. Frankly if people want to die peacefully I don't see the problem. It's not really suicide, since in most cases of suicide the person dying is more mentally ill than physically ill. Even so, if someone wants to die it's their deal. I'm pretty sure that a lot of hospital doctors "pull the plug" sometimes when someone is in terrible pain and says they are ready to die. It's what a good doctor would do if it were right for the patient.

Some people advocate "pain control", but honestly shooting yourself up with drugs isn't exactly a feel-good way to end things. And who says it's not painful?

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"Moral" people make it into

"Moral" people make it into something of a big deal when it really isn't. The whole sanctity of life argument doesn't really work when you have a sane, fully grown adult saying that they want to die. What business is it of anyone else whether they die or not?