I'm sure there's some humour to be found in this, but I'll be dipped in baptismal water if I can find it

Has anyone seen this poll from CNN......
The poll I refer to is a little way down the page and asks: suppose you could vote for the President and Vice President separately, who would you choose.
Obama has a one point lead on McCain,
Palin has a NINE point lead over Biden.
NINE friggin points???? WTF, America ! WTF !!!!
My apologies if this has already been posted, and sorry but I was unable to C&P.
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I saw this poll too and it probably is the result of the recent frenzy of media activity over Palin. As the hype wears down and people realize what Palin really supports the numbers will drop significantly. Some women are supporting her as a replacement for Hillary though she certainly isn't. Other than Palin and Hillary both have boobs there is little other resemblance. Palin is a nightmare to women's rights and all the social issues Hillary supports. A vote for Palin-McCain is a vote to continue on the road to oblivion started by Bush.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
I think the poll results may have changed since you saw it....
The stats I just saw don't seem to match the OP.
Here's a couple I thought were interesting farther down the page. No humor, I guess, but encouraging maybe:
No, Nik... you were looking at the Newsweek Poll. That's what you
copy pasted. Keep scrolling down to the CNN poll and check it out.
I suppose it's all the more reason for those who know to continue
working hard if they want an Obama-Biden White House.
Still, sometimes it's pathetically sad to be an American. To be perfectly
clear though, I'm not surprised just disappointed.
If it weren't for Palin's politics and fundieness, I'd tottally do her. Her popularity is just like the Agelena affect, both men and women would like to do her.
Our society with it's McDonnald's media has produced a population that has the attention span of a flea. We would rather vote for a clechi than for practical reasons. I think it is great that woman and blacks are now being considered for our highest levels, but your skin color or what you have between your legs has nothing to do with job preformance.
The office of the President has always been on the job training because of term limits. The dynamics between running a city or state are nothing like running a country. And I find it ironic that BOTH parties have a split ticket of newbie and vet(politicaly speaking).
I could give a shit less if we ellected a rastifarian or owel or palmagranet, I simply want government to stay out of my life, stop speaking on my behalf on deitys, and stop pretending we are the only country on the face of the planet. That and a president who could talk Angelina into doing me.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Finally at age 57 I'm not so surprised; mass insanity I've come to humbly accept, but I still roar.
Atheism Books.
Oh, I see now. Wow, that's a lot of polls.
I only looked at about 80% of all the polls but the CNN one I think you were referrring to seemed like something of an anomaly. In general it seems things are not as bad as I feared (assuming I can gauge anything by these polls).