The coming American tragedy

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The coming American tragedy

     My family left our country of Iran due to persecution by the representatives of Allah. Iran was the country where the first declaration of human rights was written by Cyrus the Great.  It was where the mail system was invented. Iran is the country that is filled with myths, legends and a rich culture. It was a country where many European thinkers would escape persecution to.  It is a country where many philosophies and ideas were born and even some often the modern ideas such as socialism can be traced back to previous Iranian thinkers such as Mazdak. The Iranian culture is rich with music, dancing, poetry, an amazing literature and a humor to die for. Our people were duped and my family was banished from our home.  We were able to find safety in your shores. To that I am forever thankful and I am now a grateful citizen of this great country. Unfortunately we Iranians  forgot who we were. We took for granted all that we had and threw our identity out the window. In exchange we took on an identity of darkness and superstition in a revolution that makes today’s Iranians weep. Slowly but surely our country went into the gutter. The followers of Allah were so eager to make him happy that women were looked upon as nothing but cattle. They were forced to wear rags to cover themselves and the economy was totally destroyed. We are talking about Iran, the country that is the third richest oil nation.                 As I and many Iranians lament the destruction of our country, when our fathers blindly handed it over to the conservative religious elements thinking that they were  genuine and care for the people because they are religious. Unfortunately that mistake poisoned all of our lives. I feel that Americans are about to make the same mistake that will take America in the wrong direction in the 2008 presidential election and will be very similar to what happened in Iran. Iranians were duped in the name of God, if you’re really care about your country please do not let it happen to you.Wafa Sultan, a former Muslim activist from Syria was asked about what America has done for her she replied “America has made me realize my humanity.”  I would like to echo the same sentiment, because core American secular values have opened up our minds to see the actual and realistic world that we live in. It was in America that I learned the art of critical thinking. I saw a video of Governor Sarah Palin claim that the American invasion of Iraq was a task from God. We all may have our own ideas about the war, but to claim that it was a task form God scares me and it should scare all of you. Is that not what the Islamofacists say when they commit mass murder, that it was a task from God?Bringing religion into American politics is treason against the American constitution, one of most magnificent document in the history of mankind.  If Sarah Palin or people that have convictions like her get into the white house, the laws will be interpret it in accordance with the Bible. They will do what they wish and just say that it was a task from God. Instead of approaching issues rationally they will impose their belief system on all of us. When religion and politics converge, it brings society to its knees. Please look at the example of Iran. God was only a Trojan horse to climb the ladder of power and the country was plundered by lunatics and charlatans. I do not want the American people lamenting and regretting later the loss and the decline of their country. Handing over your country to religious minded people will only bring decline of this beautiful land  and will retard progress, making America second world country and possibly a third world country. Do you want that? I sure don’t, that would be a tragedy. I love this country just too much and I tear up every time this possibility comes to my mind. Please vote wisely this November with the future of your nation on your mind and please do not repeat the same mistake that Iranians made back in 1979. I personally do not believe in God, so I can’t get myself to say God bless America, but do go to bed every night thinking of how grateful I am to be a citizen of this nation and if there is ever a national emergency where I might be needed, even if it is war, I am ready to do what is needed to defend this nation.


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We've already had an asshat

We've already had an asshat president who's been like that for 8 years. Luckilly the Congress is now mostly democrats and we still have the Constitution. Hopefully McInsane and The Ayatollah of Alaska aren't voted in.

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If it makes you feel any

If it makes you feel any better, I have a $20 bet with someone that McCain-Palin won't win more than 10 states Nov. 4th.


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Sure hope you're right

Sure hope you're right darth.

I have a bad feeling about a year 2000 repeat.

Electoral college bites Dems in butt after Obama wins popular vote.

Man I hope I'm wrong.

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Wonko, man...

...I'm right there with you.


Here's hoping Obama pulls out a victory this year, and another one four years from now.



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Conor Wilson wrote:...I'm

Conor Wilson wrote:

...I'm right there with you.


Here's hoping Obama pulls out a victory this year, and another one four years from now.



Whoa Whoa.

Let's just see what he does with the first four.




In Iran, do the imams have more power than the elected leaders, Atheistkurd?

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well The Imams get their



The Imams get their orders from the leaders. we have a sham election.

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Darth_josh wrote:

"Whoa Whoa.

Let's just see what he does with the first four."


My $0.02: I understand what you're saying, but:


1. Obama could lose this election; if he does, that is a *minimum* of another four years of Republican misrule.  Do I really need to specify why this would be a bad thing?


2.  If, on the other hand, Obama wins, then he will almost certainly seek re-election four years hence.  Unless *he* badly mismanages the country (...which I doubt...) he will easily be the Democratic nominee four years from now, probably without much, if any, opposition.  I doubt somehow that the Rethuglican party will have shaken off its religious program for the country before then.  I would love to be wrong about this, but I don't think I am.  So, four years after (an admittedly hypothetical) Obama administration, our choices will Obama himself, or whoever the GOP nominates--and I can easily forsee the Alaskan Ayatollah herself being that nominee.


I will admit: I may be wrong about this.  Indeed, I *want* to be wrong about at least some of this.  But as of right now, eight years of an Obama administration is the best that I can realistically forsee for the country's future.



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Welcome to the RRS

Welcome to the RRS Atheistkurd and welcome to the U.S.  I think few of us here relish the idea of another 4 yrs of faith-based rule by asshats incapable of even the slightest rational thought.

Polls today don't give me much encouragement, though. I can't believe Dem men think that bitch is hot and are willing to vote for her because of that and Dem women are voting for her because she's a woman! (that's my take).  The switch was too sudden for it to be anything else.

A prediction I hope is wrong; Florida and Michigan once again steal the election for the repugnicans and electronic voting machines across the country are rigged by Diebold and other companies beholden to the repugs for buying the shit to begin with.  McCain and the bitch get the prize.  Within 6 months evangelicals have McCain assassinated or he dies in office of some malady, mysterious or otherwise, and the ayatollah Palin takes control of the government.  With the guidance of the evangelicals she orchestrates a terrorist attack or some other national security "emergency", declares martial law, suspends the Constitution and installs biblical law.  Congress is suspended and the mostly evangelical military takes over all major cities.  I hop in my van and haul ass to the Canadian border.

How's that for paranoid?  Don't mean it can't happen.  How many of you have watched those scenes in "The God Who Wasn't There" where evangelicals are talking about the plan to take over the country.  First they'll execute gays and lesbians, then they'll go after atheists and religions they don't agree with.  Right, that would be all the other religions. Right now, McCain and company are leading in the polls.  Hopefully, Palin will do something extemely ignorant and ruin everything.


"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson

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One of my friends is also

One of my friends is also from Iran and he too is an atheist. He came here in the 70s for a college education and was to go back in 1980. He  didn't return as he was supposed to and is now an American citizen like you. His views are much like yours considering Islam to be manipulative in order to enslave. Everything you have said he echos.

The problem with mixing religion and government is it usually results in persecution. Most Americans are Americans first and cling to their version of religious myth second. Those of the variant such as Palin are not a majority. The largest group is actually the Catholics about 25%. Other Christians comprise about 52% as Protestants. They are a diverse group of beliefs. In a country suited for Palin's views Catholics would eventually have issues and inter-belief conflict would ensue. Even wacko religious freaks are aware of this, it is what allows them as a minority to freely express their BS in this country. As many realize the only way to coexist is through tolerance imposing religion in a single viewpoint is not possible. The current President has expressed the view that atheists are not full citizens and has shown disdain for us. In the meanwhile Congress has gone to Democratic control. The same polls showing a growing support for the McInsane-Palin ticket also show a gain in Democrats in Congress. Presidents can't administer without cash or without cooperation from Congress. If the Rethugs win the White House again while the Democrats control Congress there will not be cooperation.

As with many, I want no more of Rethug control. You can help. Join your local activists and promote Obama. Call you local Democratic Party and volunteer. I did and I'm working to get him elected. I was a Hillary supporter and though Obama isn't the person I exactly wanted he is far closer to what I want then an old man and a Hockey Mom who lies and misleads. If you can't volunteer, send cash to the Obama campaign.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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I was also a hillary

I was also a hillary supporter. Barack Obama seems to act rationally while the others act on ideology. If America elects Mcbush, I will not complain, whatever happens, they voted for it....

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Atheistkurd wrote:I was also

Atheistkurd wrote:

I was also a hillary supporter. Barack Obama seems to act rationally while the others act on ideology. If America elects Mcbush, I will not complain, whatever happens, they voted for it....

I can't stand McCain or Palin. I shudder at the thought of the makeup of their cabinet.

I want Obama to have a chance, but I think it ill-advised for us to be talking about 8 years for him. I don't have that kind of 'faith' in anyone. There might as easily be someone better.


For a couple of laughs:


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I'm at something of a loss

I'm at something of a loss for words. That was a remarkably well done post. You and I have seen many of the same things happening.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Conor Wilson
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Just one thing, Darth_josh...

...I don't so much "have faith in" Obama, as I simply contemplate the alternative...and deem it to be worse than anything that I can seriously imagine Obama doing to this country in four to eight years.



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Thanks for posting the OP

Thanks for posting the OP Atheistkurd, and yeah obviously go Obama, who is about as sensible, cool headed, popular political I've seen in a long while.

I was wondering what the heck was / is really going on in Iraq, and the mideast? I wish the worlds regular people were much more hooked up to the internet. I don't trust most of the normal sources for info. Seems the Kurds are all the least of the trouble makers in Iraq, but I don't assume I know much anything. 

Just thought maybe you Atheistkurd have some "down home" news about the real picture of Iraq.  Caring Americans don't know what to believe. I've read a lot on it, the war etc, but I feel like WTF. The war seems firstly motivated by the OIL.

How can 'Americans' feel like the good guys with the huge death and suffering war toll? I can't live it down, while most are just ho hum about it .... this irks me ....

Here's an example article I don't know how to honestly digest.