It works for me!

Faith in Jesus works for me - it's exciting. I love the Bible and believe all of it - though there is mystery. There is mystery everywhere though, right? I am a incredibly happy believer in Jesus. I'm not a theologian, I just believe in Jesus.
I understand you can't make anybody believe in Jesus and the Bible, and I don't personally try to do that. But I highly recommend it from my experience with it. I can't get enough of the Bible or Jesus. I can't imagine trying to navigate through life without it at this point in my life.
I don't think Jesus or God is a thing you can prove to somebody. I heard about it a large percentage of my life and it didn't mean anything to me until a certain point - then that all changed.
So do you guys think that I'm fooling myself, not really happy, you don't believe me, or do you really think I can't be as happy or enlightened as you - are you evangelistic in that sense or what? What is the purpose of this site? Do you have something better to offer? If so, what is your gospel?
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It seemed like you enjoyed giving me however many lashes it was. I have a speculative question for you:
If it had been your job to give the Roman scourging to Jesus, would you have done it or taken it yourself? If yes you would have scourged Jesus, would you have enjoyed it?
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'Sup ?
It seemed like you enjoyed giving me however many lashes it was.
"Lashes" ? I thought we were just talking. Please leave me out of your personal fantasies, ok ?
I have a speculative question for you: If it had been your job to give the Roman scourging to Jesus, would you have done it or taken it yourself?
"Taken it yourself" ? You're into masochism now too ?
If yes you would have scourged Jesus, would you have enjoyed it?
I see we have a Mel Gibson fan here.
No, Fonzie. I would not have enjoyed it. Sorry.
I don't really understand why you're bringing this up, though. Maybe you didn't understand why I accused you of sadism ? If you thought that was unfair, you should have just said so. I'll explain : After admitting that you would kill innocent kids if god asked you too, you added "with god, anything is enjoyable". Now, if you would like to change that to "with god, anything is enjoyable, except murdering innocent kids", then I'll take back the sadism comment. Heck, I'll even apologise for it.
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No, Fonzie. I would not have enjoyed it. Sorry.
Hey Anonymouse,
That's good. I'm no movie fan at all BTW.
We have our youngest of 5 grandkids (he's 2) with us for a week or two. Have any grandkids? He's quite a pleasure to have around. He's very mechanical - his parents put magnetic locks on the cabinets and he got a magnet off the refrigerator and tried to open.
No I don't mind the mischaracterization of my statement of belief in propitiation - the Innocent Son of God dying for the guilty. Jesus words were mischaracterized. They even called Jesus a drunkard and a glutton and said that He had a demon. So about anything you say doesn't surprise me. Actually the statement I quoted above surprises me more. Certainly you are free to mischaracterize.
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So your esteem is in a being who committed an act of murder (or suicide depending on how you position Jesus) to change rules that he made in the first place?
Jesus is my All in All, true. The gospel being the solution set up by God you would do well to accept as the gift from God that it is. You see how you might need to downsize pride to take an honest look at it. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.
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Hey Anonymouse,
That's good.
Oh good.
Have any grandkids?
Nope. I am one.
No I don't mind the mischaracterization of my statement of belief
Heh. You consider your own words a mischaracterization ?
in propitiation - the Innocent Son of God dying for the guilty. Jesus words were mischaracterized. They even called Jesus a drunkard and a glutton and said that He had a demon.
Did they now ? Not sure why you're mentioning that, since I didn't make any of those claims about you. As for "mischaracterizing" someone's words, can you maybe show me where exactly I did that ? If you can't do that, you're just mischaracterizing mine, aren'tcha ?
So about anything you say doesn't surprise me.
I should hope not, since I'm just repeating what you told me about yourself. Just rubbing your nose in some of the unpleasant consequences of your claims.
Actually the statement I quoted above surprises me more.
Someone not being a sadist surprises you ? Wow ! If it's pity you were after, you have it now.
Certainly you are free to mischaracterize.
And you are free to make unfounded accusations, I'm sure. How about you show me one of those mischaracterisations, eh ?
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No, the fake praise I'm talking about didn't happen when I was in school either ('50-'62), but I hear it is happening a lot in today's K-12 classrooms. It's hearsay, but I'm told it's being done as a means of developing "self esteem". I was just curious how you guys would regard such fake crap.
As far as your question about lavishing praise on God - it could be flattery, fake, trying to manipulate God, etc. It's a matter of the heart and I don't aim for it to be that way with me. I see God and Jesus as above any praise I could come up with.
The subject of "self esteem" intrigues me. You have brought it up many times. It's not something I have any regard for. As I've mentioned to you before my esteem is in Christ and being in Him is extensive. I just work here.
It seems the "self esteem" being propped up with false praise would be an airy type, built on fresh air in other words, no substance. A "self esteem" built on the things a person does is pretty shaky too - since it could easily have a selfish motive.
What's your "self esteem" built on - or do you not have any regard for it?
So, since it's hearsay, neither of us should pay attention to it. I'd still be interested to know where you heard it. Just because Rush said it or you heard it on Fox News, CBN or TBN doesn't make it correct.
As for having a sense of self respect - as a Christian, I had none. Being told continually that you're nothing without God doesn't help build character - it wrecks it. Finding that what they were saying had roots in the book you thought was God's Word and still hearing about how God loves you even though he thinks your worthless no matter what you do in his name doesn't make God noble. It makes him a hypocrite. I practiced self mutilation as a Christian (God didn't really care - why should I?) Once I got out from under that load, I learned to appreciate my accomplishments for what they are and accept compliments for my efforts (couldn't do that as a Christian either - nothing I did was ever good enough). I'm still learning how to do this - it's easier when I don't have to worry about placating an unsatisfiable deity that humans created.
I ask again, If you're sick and go to the doctor for medicine who gets the credit when you get well? Do you appreciate the doctor's skills or give God glory even though he did nothing?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Right. So on top of not having any morals or empathy, you also have no self esteem. That kind of fits, I suppose. Do go on.
It makes sense in a strange way. Since Fonzie has his self-worth based on how well he follows the hypocrisies of the Bible, he needs to be vicious to others so he can impress his God.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
You can rest assured that there is hardly anything that can happen to you worse than this disease: that you trust in yourself instead of the God Who made you.
And you can rest assured that threats and appeals to consequences still aren't effective in making your point.
Why base your self worth on a created being? You would be far more moral if you didn't follow his example.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
So do you have any human emotion left in you ?
It's as you have noted, I am a despicable clod, a murderer (didn't Christ show us the spiritual nature of the law that "he who hates his brother is a murderer" ), and totally depraved - except for this: God has bought and paid for me with the sacrifice of His Son, and from that my esteem is in HIm. You remind me of how much I need God and Christ. So does the Devil.
There is this danger that I would get re-infected with this disease of trusting in myself in one of its many subtle forms. But if by God's grace I am given the strength to be faithful I will continue in the Joys of Christ and His Victory. He didn't do what He wanted to do or say what He wanted to say - He stayed on message with what God wanted. He was faithful - that's what I want, to totally die to myself and live in Him.
You can try out sitting on the Throne if you want but know that you insult God in doing that. Your folly will become obvious to all eventually. God is not mocked.
So your esteem is in a being who committed an act of murder (or suicide depending on how you position Jesus) to change rules that he made in the first place?
If you feel that you have to leap to God's defense by making threats for him, you are actually saying that you are stronger than he is. Talk about usurping the throne.
Actually, the creator defending his creation makes sense - I just don't know why you worship it as though it is above you.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Hi !
Not a murderer yet, I should hope. Or did god just put out a contract on a few kiddies for you ? As for being a despicable clod, well, those are your words. If that's how you see yourself, or what you want to be, then there's nothing much I can do about that.
You mean you've started hating people now ? Okay. Have fun with that.
There I would have to agree with you, Fonzie. Taking joy from the prospect of murdering innocent people is depraved, no matter which way you look at it. I suggest you change your mind about that.
What's the connection between that and you becoming a happy sadist ?
Maybe it's time to remind you that all your opinions are based on your personal interpretation of christianity, or to put it in your words : what works for you. All I did was confront you with the implications of that. Not my fault you didn't like it.
Actually, I should think the devil is pretty pleased with your sadism.
No worries. You're pretty far gone. (although, I have to admit, you're actually so far gone I'm beginning think you might just be pulling my leg)
Well, if you put it like that, you are trusting yourself to have stumbled upon the correct interpretation of christianity. Considering how many competing versions there are, that's not really a very subtle expression of your self-esteem, now is it ?
No matter who you end up having to kill ?
So basically, you get to do whatever you like, just as long as it fits with your interpretation of what god wants you to do ? You're accountable to no-one or anything, except your ideas about god ?
Let's be fair, Fonzie. Who's been making claims about knowing what god wants ? Was it me, or was it you ? I'll help you out : It was you.
If me having a problem with sadistic, divinely inspired murders qualifies as "folly", then sure, bring on the folly.
Unless asking you questions is the same as "mocking god", then I did no such thing. Not my fault you didn't like your own answers.