Well not all irrational it seems

Looks like you boys in the US have a slim majority that wants to keep religion and politics seperate.....the kicker that are more republicans and conservatives than from previous polls.....could be a glimmer of hope. http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN2126744220080821
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The kicker is really that it's just a small majority. I wish it was a great majority personally. I've always wondered how fundamentalist christians managed to align themselve with the repugs in the first place. I have no problems with people using their "faith" as a tool to make policy, but if faith is the only thing a politician brings to the table then the republic is doomed.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
The republicans aligned themselves with the religious majority first as well many religious folks tend to be, but not always are, conservative, which is something else the republicans are known for. But still a slim majority is better than no majority at all.
Yep. Starting in the 70s, Rethuglican leaders learned that once right wing Christians decide something is true, they believe it on faith. Realizing that his would be a big political advantage, they began courting high profile Christian leaders like Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson. Next thing you know, there were definitely WMDs in Iraq, 'cause God wants Bush to be President, and Bush is a good Christian man, so he wouldn't lie.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I guess that does play an important part in maintaining the religious right to the repug party. Many christians don't feel the need to look beyond one source to find the truth so FoxNews replaces the bible in this context. I think most christians who vote for the repubs never really thought that the conservative moment is about as unchrist-like as it is. As much as I disliked Reagan, at least he had the fortitiude to put the neo-conservatives out on their asses only to have them win the 2000 and 2004 elections.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
Well, the majority isn't an issue. It might be if we were a strict democracy, but as a republic the laws come down to congress and the supreme court. However, I guess public opinion does count for something at least.
The religious public views the republicans as the wall between legal abortion and gay marriage and that's about it. Once the republicans realized that they could lead christians around by the noses by stating abortion and gay marriage are wrong it was over. The republicans in office have no intention of outlawing abortion for example. The supreme court is weighted conservatively right now so how hard could it be to overturn Roe vs Wade?
The democrats just need to soften their image on abortion. I think that turns most conservatives off and even if you have good ideas as long as your a baby killer they won't listen to you. If I was Obama I would challenge the conservative republicans to save a life and adopt a child or shut the fuck up. Put your money where your mouth is or so to speak. Sry didn't intend to open up another abortion thread heeheehee. It just came out this way as I ranted.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS