The stooges and haters write to RRS [YOU RESPOND]

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The stooges and haters write to RRS [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 1:02 AM
Subject: [General Question] Uhh...

Daniel sent a message using the contact form at

I'm not trying to contradict your beliefs, or anything, but don't you think
that directly trying to convert people to atheism is a bit... low... ? And
using the word "fix", as though it's a problem... ? Seriously... Be a bit
more open-minded.


From: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 11:49 PM  [NOTICE DATE OF E-MAIL]
Subject: [General Question] Hello

Nun Yabuz UsuckingAtheist sent a message using the contact form at

Your site stinks, I am going to take it down. Thanks


From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 6:40 AM
Subject: [Defend my God!] Delamer Duverus, what you are missing

Jenny Miner sent a message using the contact form at

Greetings! We refuse to believe in anything. We prefer to know or to admit
that we do not know. After Delamer Duverus came into our life, we know
there is a God and that He blesses us all the same. However, if you don't
have understanding, and if you are lost to fear, hate, shame, greed, lust,
guilt and prejudice, and if you don't seek Him, you won't find Him.


From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:54 AM
Subject: [General Question] god stuff

---------- sent a message using the contact form at

I'm glad you made your view very convincing!!!
Now I know it makes no difference if I've killed a few people I don't
like! I might go to jail but at least I won't burn forever! It really
doesn't matter if I keep getting high, raping or killing a few dumbasses.



From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 8:01 PM
Subject: [General Question] Atheist support

Ken Brown sent a message using the contact form at

You blast religion but refuse the damage caused by atheist, i.e. Marx,
Stalin, Mao, and others about 150 million innocent people killed by the
good atheist. LOL


From: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:48 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] ...

Ashley Knight sent a message using the contact form at

God bless you all, i feel very sorry for you all and i hope one day you
will understand that God is real and that you arent here just because you
happened to be so great but that he still loves you and that he is
fighting for you everyday. i will be praying for you everyday. God bless



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Daniel wrote:Subject:

Daniel wrote:

Subject: [General Question] Uhh...

I'm not trying to contradict your beliefs, or anything, but don't you think
that directly trying to convert people to atheism is a bit... low... ? And
using the word "fix", as though it's a problem... ? Seriously... Be a bit
more open-minded.

Since when did open-minded mean that I should accept ridiculous unfounded claims made by others?


Jenny Miner wrote:

Greetings! We refuse to believe in anything. We prefer to know or to admit
that we do not know. After Delamer Duverus came into our life, we know
there is a God and that He blesses us all the same. However, if you don't
have understanding, and if you are lost to fear, hate, shame, greed, lust,
guilt and prejudice, and if you don't seek Him, you won't find Him.


Sweet so present you evidence now, I am waiting...

---------- wrote:

I'm glad you made your view very convincing!!!
Now I know it makes no difference if I've killed a few people I don't
like! I might go to jail but at least I won't burn forever! It really
doesn't matter if I keep getting high, raping or killing a few dumbasses.


So you admitting you want to kill people.  Sounds like you have mental problems I suggest seeking help.

I on the other hand see the benefits of not killing or raping people.

I don't need eternal punishment to not do things that are detestable, I guess that just makes me a better social creature than you.

I personally have never been high, but I also don't see why you should be allowed to.

What you are implying is that your God has no good reasons for you not to kill or rape people. Which means that the only reason you don't do something is because of the whim of something will hurt you.  If that doesn't slap in the face of any moral system I don't know what does.


Ken Brown wrote:

You blast religion but refuse the damage caused by atheist, i.e. Marx,
Stalin, Mao, and others about 150 million innocent people killed by the
good atheist. LOL

Atheism is only the lack of belief in a deity.  With no other premise it cannot be the reasons for those murders.  Another premise that doesn't come from atheism is required for any conclusion is drawn. 

Ashley Knight wrote:

God bless you all, i feel very sorry for you all and i hope one day you
will understand that God is real and that you arent here just because you
happened to be so great but that he still loves you and that he is
fighting for you everyday. i will be praying for you everyday. God bless

So you have some evidence of this or is it something you make up to make yourself feel better about your delusional beliefs.

Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.

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daniel wrote:I'm not trying

daniel wrote:

I'm not trying to contradict your beliefs, or anything, but don't you think
that directly trying to convert people to atheism is a bit... low... ? And
using the word "fix", as though it's a problem... ? Seriously... Be a bit
more open-minded.

Actually, atheism is a lack of beliefs Daniel.

I gave up door to door converting when I gave up religion. I'll remember your comment and pass it on to the next theists that ring my doorbell. I think they are just annoying but low sounds better.

I am very open minded, I consider all religions to be fantasy, though you are welcome to waste your time on them. If you'd like to be rid of you belief, we can help you fix it. It does take a commitment to reality and reason dispensing with illusion and fantasy as real.


bren wrote:

Your site stinks, I am going to take it down. Thanks

Nice of you to drop by and warn us so we can trace it back to you.

danielminer wrote:

Greetings! We refuse to believe in anything. We prefer to know or to admit
that we do not know. After Delamer Duverus came into our life, we know
there is a God and that He blesses us all the same. However, if you don't
have understanding, and if you are lost to fear, hate, shame, greed, lust,
guilt and prejudice, and if you don't seek Him, you won't find Him.

I see that you are confused. You say you don't believe in anything yet you say you know there is a god. Perhaps its time to take your Meds.


MYKICKS wrote:

I'm glad you made your view very convincing!!!
Now I know it makes no difference if I've killed a few people I don't
like! I might go to jail but at least I won't burn forever! It really
doesn't matter if I keep getting high, raping or killing a few dumbasses.

Jail may get somewhat boring after 20-40 years watching only PBS, the Weather Channel, and  religious programs. While you are there with your limited dating options, Bubba, Bruno, or Jimmy, you will have plenty of time to tell your god your are sorry, please give me another chance. Since fantasy creations rarely if ever answer except in the case of mental illness you will likely be there until your death. Are you sure that you wish to bet on a 2nd chance in another life?

Kbraun wrote:

You blast religion but refuse the damage caused by atheist, i.e. Marx,
Stalin, Mao, and others about 150 million innocent people killed by the
good atheist. LOL

Atheism had nothing to do with the murders, rather it was individuals who were power mad. By your logic then the Catholic Church promotes child molestation, and Evangelicals promote gay sex while doing meth. After all Ted Haggerty was a respected Christian. These actions are all by the individuals and not part of either atheism or religion. Though in Haggerty's case he was somewhat of a poor poster child for your cause.

ashleydawn wrote:

God bless you all, i feel very sorry for you all and i hope one day you
will understand that God is real and that you arent here just because you
happened to be so great but that he still loves you and that he is
fighting for you everyday. i will be praying for you everyday. God bless

Thanks for your consideration, however you are misplaced with your sympathy. You seem to be considerate and concerned for others. We are just as concerned as you. It is really sad to watch otherwise intelligent people be deluded by fantasies of ancient savages. I really hope that you will take the time to investigate and see for yourself how you have been misdirected. In the meanwhile we will think for you.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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"I'm not trying to

"I'm not trying to contradict your beliefs, or anything, but don't you think
that directly trying to convert people to atheism is a bit... low... ? And
using the word "fix", as though it's a problem... ? Seriously... Be a bit
more open-minded."

Expecting people to use their minds and think rationally is not conversion and is not a bad thing.


"However, if you don't have understanding, and if you are lost to fear, hate, shame, greed, lust, guilt and prejudice, and if you don't seek Him, you won't find Him."

Faith does not give understanding, it causes serotonin releases.  Serotonin is temporary but thinking lasts long after the moment.  And it is christians I see living in fear, hate, shame, guilt, and prejudice as directed by their religion.  My conscious is clear as I actually think about my actions instead of following someone else's arbitrary rules.


"It really doesn't matter if I keep getting high, raping or killing a few dumbasses."
You won't go to hell, but your life will suck if you make those choices.  All actions have consequences.  Rationality only requires that you look at the spectrum of consequences and decide if they are acceptable to you.


"You blast religion but refuse the damage caused by atheist, i.e. Marx,
Stalin, Mao, and others about 150 million innocent people killed by the
good atheist. LOL"

Stalin and Mao had their own religions based around the infallibility of the state and nationalism.  Who did Marx kill?  I must have missed that one. 

"God bless you all, i feel very sorry for you all and i hope one day you
will understand that God is real and that you aren't here just because you
happened to be so great but that he still loves you and that he is
fighting for you everyday. i will be praying for you everyday. God bless

Thank you for your kind thoughts, but I don't need your prayers. Having the freedom to know it's ok to think has done more for me than stories of a deity ever could.   I breathe free now that I am free of the mental shackles of religion. 

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To all the emailers:The

To all the emailers:

The Rational Response Squad do not represent ALL atheists. They sure as hell don't represent me. Just know that.



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walter_asbury wrote:To all

walter_asbury wrote:
To all the emailers:

The Rational Response Squad do not represent ALL atheists. They sure as hell don't represent me. Just know that.

You're not one of those "more rational than thou" sorts, are ye? That is such an annoying thing.

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

Kevin R Brown
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walt, I really think you've

walt, I really think you've got the wrong idea.

Check out this webpage and see if you change your mind.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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walter_asbury wrote:To all

walter_asbury wrote:

To all the emailers:

The Rational Response Squad do not represent ALL atheists. They sure as hell don't represent me. Just know that.




To all the emailers:

ALL atheists do not represent the Rational Response Squad. They sure as hell don't represent me. Just know that.

Slowly building a blog at ~

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To all the atheists, Walt

To all the atheists,

Walt doesn't represent me.  I also believe he's a theist. 


To all the theists,

No single atheist or atheist group represents all atheists, as we've said MANY MANY MANY times.


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I am atheist, I am god, as

I am atheist, I am god, as you are god, and no proof is required .... None

Idol worship is simply wrong .... and what all religion is, WRONG,  it's dogma, and it poisons  .... If you are not the Christ , you didn't get the atheist jesus message, but it matters not .... What matters is you have no idol .... you are god .... perfect, nothing above, nothing below .... as all is ONE .... how can it not be ? .... there will never be evidence of separation ..... there never has been, and never will be ... it's impossible that you are not god .... as nothing is separate .... and so religion worship is indeed delusion .... my faith is atheism .... and words do not scare me .... as I believe.

    Fuck religion, You are god , as I AM .... the proof is what I AM , exactly as what you are .... We are born, condemned to be what we are .... we are 100% god.

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My acid trip sense is tingling. Eye-wink

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Robert Satori I never

Robert Satori

    I never came down, thank gawed as me / you / the one !