Nanynanny poo poo we outnumber u! [YOU RESPOND]

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Nanynanny poo poo we outnumber u! [YOU RESPOND]

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 4:04 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Freedom of Speech

Eric sent a message using the contact form at


Dear RRS,

                I love the saying practice what you preach. Boy you guys missed the mark there. If you guys are true to atheism you guys are way off. Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles. Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

You say that religious groups are the cause of many problems in the world. There is a lot of fact to that statement but also in the same breath the same can be said about good deals and works as well. It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in. The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 4:04 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Freedom of Speech

Eric sent a message using the contact form at


Dear RRS,

                I love the saying practice what you preach. Boy you guys missed the mark there. If you guys are true to atheism you guys are way off. Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles. Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

You say that religious groups are the cause of many problems in the world. There is a lot of fact to that statement but also in the same breath the same can be said about good deals and works as well. It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in. The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.

What!?!?  All I got out of that superstitious, mostly undereducated people outnumber atheists.  Well, big whoop! Oh, and research the subject before you write gibberish about it.

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Whatever, dillhole.

Whatever, dillhole.

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Oh look. An appeal to

Oh look. An appeal to poularity. <sarcasm>I've never seen one of those before!</sarcasm>

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 4:04 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Freedom of Speech

Eric sent a message using the contact form at


Dear RRS,

                I love the saying practice what you preach. Boy you guys missed the mark there. If you guys are true to atheism you guys are way off. Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles. Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

You say that religious groups are the cause of many problems in the world. There is a lot of fact to that statement but also in the same breath the same can be said about good deals and works as well. It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in. The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.

So what exactly are an atheist's core beliefs? If by not being skeptical about the existence of a god/gods then you are correct. You'll find most atheists have varying views of the world as much as theists do. Whos says atheists are filled with hate? I've heard christians state that atheists hate god. What a load of nonsense. I don't believe in god, how can I hate what I do not believe in? Last I heard spreading lies made baby jeebus cry.

I respect the works that many theists perform everyday. I respect the volunteering to feed the homeless and other community work but this is not just something you find in the christian community, so please get off your high horse. The only thing that burns my ass is using my tax dollars to pay for programs that benefit religious institutions. Most conservatives do not believe it's the government's job to feed the hungry so if you subscribe to this belief then I suggest you give away more of your paycheck each week.

I could care less as well what some uneducated, over paid asshat has to say like Joyce Meyers or Pat Robertson. Actually being an atheist in America isn't as easy as you think. There are many ways atheists are discriminated against. The beauty of our system is that we are not a democracy as you might believe and the fact that we are a minority with equal rights must really piss you off.

Besides who cares who is right that is the problem with America today. We focus so much on being right that it has divided us. There is a war going on in this country between the haves and the have nots and the haves have become very good at trying to divide us amongst ourselves so they can rob us blind by greed. Please don't fall into the trap of hate.


"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS

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Eric wrote:

                I love the saying practice what you preach. Boy you guys missed the mark there. If you guys are true to atheism you guys are way off. Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles. Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

What?  Care to reword that so that sense can be made out of what you've typed?

Eric wrote:
You say that religious groups are the cause of many problems in the world. There is a lot of fact to that statement but also in the same breath the same can be said about good deals and works as well. It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in. The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

Again, you are barely making any sense.

Eric wrote:
If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.
Once again, you're not making much sense.  Your rant is almost incomprehensible unless I take liberty to assume what you meant when you wrote:
Eric wrote:
Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles.

Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

...good deals and works as well.

It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in.

The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

Clear up those statements, won't you?

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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JillSwift wrote:Oh look. An

JillSwift wrote:

Oh look. An appeal to poularity. <sarcasm>I've never seen one of those before!</sarcasm>

Hi Jill,

Do you not long for the day when Atheists worldwide will no longer need to type <sarcasm>, prior to writing, 'I've never seen one of those before', when theists bombard us with various appeals ?

Judging by the influx of intelligent (nanynannypoopoo?)responses to the RRS mailbag lately, that day certainly can't be too far away. Let us all remain sanguine of our impending success.

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Eric : wrote:

Eric : wrote:

The Doomed Soul
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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 4:04 PM
Subject: [Hate Mail] Freedom of Speech


*blah blah*


If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.


The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god can bleed...

The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one, good odds for any Free-man. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a future brighter than anything we can imagine.

Just there the Theist horde huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers... knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the logic and wit of three hundred. Yet they stare now across the plain at *ten thousand* Atheists commanding thirty thousand Free-men!



First thing that jumped into my head when i read that email -_-

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eric wrote:If you

eric wrote:

If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.

Why didn't you say a similar thing to yourself? If you don't like the fact that a minority of atheists exist and have some websites just deal with it and put your head back in the sand.

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No irony here!

[email protected] wrote:

Dear RRS,

                I love the saying practice what you preach. Boy you guys missed the mark there. If you guys are true to atheism you guys are way off. Atheism is very systematic based on its core principles. Yet you guys think your hate is a right of some type of passage?

Of course it's a right of passage. We have the right for passage anywhere we like. That's one of the perks of being a hateful atheist: free airfare! It's our right, after all.

I think I'll go to Paris this weekend. Anyone want to join me?

Oh! You meant "rite" of passage. Sorry, my mistake.

We still get free airfare.


You say that religious groups are the cause of many problems in the world. There is a lot of fact to that statement but also in the same breath the same can be said about good deals and works as well. It’s true that the atheists have a lot musician, actors, athletics and so on and so far, but who cares….

The problem with actors is, you can't tell if they're really atheists, or if they are just acting.

Stupid actors.


Like I care what some over paid, uneducated  person who plays roles says regarding what I choose to believe or what I choose not to believe in.

Heh. Mr "right of passage" said, "uneducated."

And that's not "plays roles," that's, "role plays." That's a rather questionable perk of being an atheist -- the requirement that we role-play. My wife likes to do the "French maid" role-playing. Me, I don't like it so much. I feel silly wearing the outfit.


The nice thing about this country is freedoms which you would have anywhere else.

Yeah. We do have freedoms you can have anywhere else. We even have a few lots of other places don't have. But then, we don't have a lot of freedoms that other countries have, so it probably all evens out in the wash. (Watch it, though; freedoms tend to shrink when you wash them on hot.)


If you don’t that the fact that most of the world believe in some type of god/gods just deal with it and put your heads back in the sand. Because between Wiccans, Pagans, Jews, Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and so on and so forth we so outnumber u.

"If [I] don't that the fact..." what!?! I don't that the fact often, I can tellingly you!

Hey, next time you see your English teacher, tell him you want your verbs back.

As far as you outnumbering us, all we have to do is sit back and watch you all tear each other apart. In fact, we plan on starting a TV show, "American Theist Gladiators!," in which we pit Christians vs Muslims (for the classic grudge match), pit Hindus vs. Buddhists (for the slightly more introspective battles), and pit kitties against a pit bull. (Get it? "Pit" them against a... oh, never mind.)

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Wonko wrote:Hi Jill,Do you

Wonko wrote:
Hi Jill,

Do you not long for the day when Atheists worldwide will no longer need to type <sarcasm>, prior to writing, 'I've never seen one of those before', when theists bombard us with various appeals ?

Judging by the influx of intelligent (nanynannypoopoo?)responses to the RRS mailbag lately, that day certainly can't be too far away. Let us all remain sanguine of our impending success.

In all honesty, no. I try not to long for things I can't actually have. Sticking out tongue

I think the argument has been deadlocked on "nanynannypoopoo" for centuries. Eye-wink

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

Kevin R Brown
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Sure, theist, numbers are in

Sure, theist, numbers are in your favor...


...but that's what our secret evil base in the Galapagos insland has been preparing Operation: Teapot for. Sticking out tongue

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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The enemy of humanity is not

The enemy of humanity is not that people believe absurd things, we all have at some point. The enemy of humanity is letting the fear of being wrong retard our intellect from a challenge.

If it is ok to reject claims of Thor then it should be ok to use the same logic to any modern claim.

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Nannynanny Poopoo


    What the hell is that ??  Oh yeah I remember, my grandaughter, 7 years old "used" to say that when she was, I don't know, younger.  Do any of these people ever stick around and with respect, debate ?

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Religious people

Religious people outnumbering non-religious people only shows that humans still have a lot of evolving as a species to do.

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What is popular is not always right.

And what is right is not always popular.

If a Billion people are wrong the number of people wrong doesn't make it right.

Get it?