George Carlin, 5/12/37 - 6/22/08
A sad loss ...
ET breaks the news that comedian George Carlin has died from heart failure. The man who made famous the "seven words you can never say on television" passed away at 5:55 p.m. Sunday at Saint John's Hospital in Santa Monica, his longtime publicist said. He was 71.
Carlin, who has had several heart attacks and a history of cardiac issues, went into the hospital this afternoon after complaining of heart problems.
Carlin has more than 20 comedy albums, 14 HBO specials, numerous TV and movie roles, and three best-selling books to his credit. Last year, he celebrated his 50th year in show business, and he had just finished his last HBO special in March, "It's Bad for Ya."
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
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I would like to take this opportunity to offically threaten the fuck out of people...
Roller... Doomy here, If your lie'ing... i will kill you...
You best not be fuckin wit my Carlin!
but... if your telling the truth...
God... Doomy here, Apperantly you killed off George Carlin, i just wanted to let ya know... that... well... IM COMING FOR YOU MUTHA FUCKA!!! YOU HERE ME?! YOUR DEAD! YOUR FUCKIN DEAD!
(The above, is in no way satire, sarcastic, or made in any comical refference)
(the above, MIGHT be false)
What Would Kharn Do?
It's on the front page of CNN, MSNBC, and on Fark's main page (note - Fark is currently down - they spilled beer on the servers again)
Minor update - Fark is fixed.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
I'm lost for words. This is a terrible day indeed.
George was a great prophet. I adored him. I heard he just got a new national TV show of his own. I am not not not going to cry .......
Atheism Books.