FLDS Compound Raided - 52 Girls Removed
ELDORADO, Texas (CNN) -- Authorities say they removed 52 children, ages 6 months to 17 years, from a West Texas ranch occupied by followers of imprisoned polygamist sect leader Warren Jeffs.

Texas authorties stand in front of a bus they used to transport children from a FLDS compound Friday.
Eighteen girls have been placed in the temporary custody of the state under a court order, said Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner.Authorities said they continue to search the 1,900-acre YFZ ranch, and at least one suspect is being sought by police.
Meisner said troopers and child welfare officials arrived at the secluded ranch Thursday evening with arrest and search warrants. They were responding to a report of "physical abuse" and neglect involving a 16-year-old girl.
Another Child Protective Services spokesman, Darrell Azar, said the 18 girls were placed in state custody because it appeared they "had been abused or were at immediate risk of future abuse." Watch buses take girls from compound »
Law enforcement and child welfare officials were at the ranch all night Thursday and throughout Friday. Meisner said the search was expected to continue into the night.
No arrests had been made by early Friday evening, a Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman said in a recorded message.
According to the search warrant, authorities are seeking Dale Barlow, 50, who they suspect of having married and fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl.Law enforcement agencies raided the ranch Thursday night after receiving a Monday report that a 16-year-old girl had been "sexually and physically abused," said Azar. Watch an Eldorado neighbor talk about the raid »
The warrant cited an "immediate need" for authorities to have access to the 16-year-old and an 8-month-old child with either the last name of Barlow or the girl's last name. It instructs law enforcement officers to look for any records showing Barlow and the girl were married and any evidence of them having a child.
The children were taken in two borrowed church buses from the ranch to a civic center near Eldorado.
The people living at the ranch are cooperating, authorities said.
Jeffs, the 52-year-old leader and "prophet" of the 10,000-member church, was convicted in Utah last year and sentenced to 10 years on two counts of being an accomplice to rape, charges related to a marriage he performed in 2001. He faces trial in Arizona on eight charges of sexual conduct with a minor, incest and conspiracy.
Jeffs' Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints bought the land near Eldorado four years ago and built the ranch, which they call the YFZ Ranch. The letters are said to refer to the words Yearning for Zion.
It is home to as many as 400 members who relocated from their Arizona and Utah compounds.
State and local law enforcement agencies set up roadblocks around the ranch Thursday evening, preventing journalists from seeing what was happening on the property, according to Randy Mankin, editor of the Eldorado Success weekly newspaper.
"This came totally out of the blue," Mankin said.
There were no indications of violence around the ranch, he said.
When CNN crews have visited the ranch, it was guarded by armed men equipped with night vision gear and other high-tech surveillance tools to prevent intruders.
When CNN flew over the ranch in a small plane last year, the crew saw a massive temple, the three-story housing units where Jeffs' chosen followers live, the water tower, the school and community center, the dairy and cheese factory and a massive concrete mill.
The church openly practices polygamy in two towns straddling the Arizona-Utah state line -- Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona -- but members living on their Texas ranch rarely venture into Eldorado, four miles to the south.
Critics of the sect say that it arranges marriages for girls as young as 13 and that competition for brides may be reduced through exiling young men. If male followers are excommunicated, the critics claim, their wives and children can be reassigned to someone else.
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Yeah Jeffs is a real saint. We have been hearing about this stuff for the last 3-4 yrs in Arizona and the stories from all the teenage boys that get kicked out of the cult by their parents for the most ridiculous of reasons(the only reason being competition for women) is just deplorable. I remember my LDS coworker called them "not real Mormons" just like the no true scotsman fallacy.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
I think people who belong to this cult actually get excommunicated if they belong to the regualr mormon church.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
More information coming out - now they've removed more than 200 women and girls. This really is sick - the abuse, submissiveness of the women (I prefer a woman to dominate, but hey, off topic!
breaking families apart, throwing boys out into the world as young as 13 to keep this shit up, etc. Warren Jeffs truly is an asshat and so is every man who continues this shit. Hopefully more get sent to prison and wind up finding out what it's like having about a dozen boyfriends instead of a dozen wives.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
And I thought Catholics were the pedophiles.
Catholic priests are gay pedophiles. The men of the FLDS are hetero pedophiles.
I am never really sure what to think of these sort of things. They sure to seem to have there shit together some how. I always try not to come to knee jerk reactions to these sorts of things, just because they don't live in they way I am use to.
Here are pic of their new church they built themselves from an their nearby quarry and cement mixing facility. Wow
Way cant we atheist build something like this.
Well this place is prob for sale now, looks like a cool new place for the rational squad headquarters. LOL.
I have never personally found polygamy to be attractive, but also can't find a reason why it should be considered wrong. If that's the way people want to live and makes them happy, go for it. Just as long as they don't try to disturb other peoples lives in the process. It seems as if they just want to be left alone to do their own thing, and live in their own way. It says they almost never leave the compound and are almost totally self sufficient. They could be totally evil and wrong, I have never been there, I just don't assume so based on a few facts.
Any one else find it funny that the bus'es are labeled "First Baptist Church"?
Apparently a local Baptist church donated the buses to rescue them - I guess because the FLDS are "heretics."
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Well, now some asshat judge apparently decided the state was wrong to remove all the children. Hopefully a more rational judge overturns this.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Quotes from an article regarding this subject in italics and quotes:
"Evidence that children raised in this particular environment may someday have their physical health and safety threatened is not evidence that the danger is imminent enough to warrant invoking the extreme measure of immediate removal prior to full litigation of the issue"
There was ONE phone call by a 16 year old claiming rape. Yet the authorities took it upon themselves to raid the entire camp and draw the conclusion that ALL the children were in danger?
"The girl, who claimed to be 16, reported that she had an 8-month-old baby and was pregnant again, and that she was married to Dale Barlow, who abused her physically and sexually."
Regardless of religious affiliation I say a child needs their mother, the effects of being pulled from their environment (albeit not an environment I am familiar and one based around a cult) will be something they carry with them the rest of their lives. IF it is found through a proper investigation that the parents allowed sexual abuse and IF it is found through investigation that kids were mistreated, then pull them. In my opinion it was an attempt to surprise a religious compound that isn't the normal "christian belief" and do it quickly so as not to have another Waco on their hands.
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of course it was wrong! i mean, if all the children are taken away, who are they gonna have under-aged sex with?... at the MOST... very most... all the girls should been removed.
What Would Kharn Do?
Are we looking at the religion or the rights of US citizens....? Do we have all the information yet or just what the media has forced us to see?
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