Abstinence Only sex education: It works, ok!

A 14-year-old girl gave birth to a full-term baby in a school bathroom and then tried to flush it down the toilet, killing the infant, police in Texas said.
The incident at Cedar Bayou Junior High in Baytown, Texas came just three days after another 14-year-old girl delivered a stillborn foetus in the toilet of an aeroplane on her way back to Houston from a school field trip.
The Harris County District Attorney's office decided not to pursue charges against the girl on the plane, who disposed of the foetus in a rubbish bin.
The students and their chaperones were returning from New York aboard a March 30 Continental Airlines flight.
Houston homicide investigators interviewed both the girl and a 14-year-old boy believed to be the father.
The girl, who authorities have not identified, told police she did not know she was pregnant.
Preliminary autopsy results indicated the foetus was stillborn and not viable, police said.
The Boeing 737 plane landed at Bush Intercontinental Airport on a non-stop flight from New York's LaGuardia Airport.
A cleaning crew found the foetus inside a wastebasket in the toilet of the Continental Airlines plane about 15 minutes after the plane landed.
Source: SMH.
Can anyone honestly tell me that this kind of thing is better than the death of a bunch of cells? Can anyone honestly tell me that this is less traumatic for the kids than an abortion? Can anyone honestly tell me that teaching "abstinence only" actually stops people from having sex? I mean, for shits fucking sake, these kids were only fourteen!!!
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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Abstinence only does work for preventing pregnancy and the transmission of STDS in the same fashion that not eating anything will prevent weight gain and continuity of one's life. No, jk, this is nothing more than imposing strict father fundamentalist morality onto children and teens through lack of information, fear of disease/death/punishment for sins, and the denial of biological/human needs and urges that are completely normal.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
Abstinence only worked for me, since I was lucky enough to learn from my christian teachers what a terrible, sinful thing pre-martial sex was. Sleeping with different people will slowly degrade your soul until you're a godless husk. And will you will be incapable of ever having a meaningful relationship again.
I think I'm going to have intimacy issues in the future.
Abstinence education for children who aren't totally brainwashed to fear hell will never work.It's not going to stop them, and they'll just think it means they don't have to use condoms.
Ya killing some cells is way worse than destroying two lives. The 14 year old who will probably drop out of school and the baby with the unemployed mother.
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
Why not just destroy the sex organs at birth , then just make test tube babys as needed, ..... after all, sexual pleasure is a sin .....
<------ just say NO .... no to touching one another ! 
ummm, I think more touching get togethers are needed. Taught from grade one. A "Hug everyone all day day" , and at clubs too, 365 days a year ..... work and hour , hug an hour, 24/7 ...... everywhere a hug hug !
Atheism Books.
I'd say teaching absitnence as the way to prevent STD's and pregnancy is like teaching never leaving your house as the way to prevent car accidents.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Abstinence, huh?
What is that? Do you wear it, or is it one of those jellies?
I'll be sure to look for that the next time I'm shopping before a shag.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
Sorry to disappoint: it is NOT a new Jell-O flavour.
Man, you are REALLY hung up on your colloidal foams. That reminds me of one of my more favourite jokes:
Q: What's the difference between erotic and kinky?
A: Erotic is using a feather; kinky is using the whole chicken.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
The sad thing about this is that our own government researched this, and knows that abstinence-only not only doesn't work, it works in reverse. I put the link in a post somewhere, but I don't feel like fishing it out. You can google it easily enough. It's the PDF of the congressional report from a couple of years ago. Anyway, while comprehensive sex ed, including the option of abstinence and alternative sexual practices (mutual masterbation, etc...), has been correlated to lower rates of STDs, pregnancy, etc, abstinence-only has been correlated to higher incidences of both than in those districts where no sex ed was given. It works in reverse.
And yet, we spend millions on it because God hates it when people fuck.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Ignore this post, im viewing to many prolife ads, so i must get rid of them
Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice,Pro Choice, Pro Choice, Pro Choice
What Would Kharn Do?
Oh, great. Now we're going to have all the google ads with: "Pregnant? Worried? There are Options available. Call us at 1-800-DONTKILL, or visit us at abortionismurderyoufuckingsinner.com"
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I was subjected to abstinence education - 10 years of Catholic school. I spend two years at a secular boarding school but got yanked from the class after a heated discussion on abortion. To be honest, I think that class was a little *too* graphic - for example, our instructor described certain aspects of her partner's penis that made him compatible with her (in terms of the "fit" ). Yeah... still haven't removed the burn of that visualization from memory.
There was only one lecture - ever - that was valuable to me within abstinence education. It was about having enough respect for yourself to not spend five years in college majoring in textiles - specifically bed linens. The rest of the "education" was useless.
I may be able to help get this image out of your head. See if this helps:
In primates, there is a direct correlation between the shape and size of the penis and testicles, and the degree of polygamy in the species. For instance, in strictly monogamous species, the head of the penis is barely any wider than the shaft, if at all. Also, the testes are quite small, and sperm production is relatively low. In bonobos, on the other hand, the testes are huge and the head of the penis quite wide. Humans fall in the middle, demonstrating biologically that we are not strictly monogamous, nor are we rampantly polygamous.
The reason for this correlation is simple. In species where a female mates with multiple males in a short period of time, it's in the males' best interest to reduce competition as much as possible. Big balls mean big money shots, and this means a good chance of overwhelming the competition with sheer numbers. Of course, all males have the same goal, so the whole species gets big balls. Similarly, the shape of the head of the penis is all about competition. If you imagine the head of a male penis, and picture it being inserted, you can imagine that if there is already sperm in the vagina, the tapered shape of the head will push the sperm out towards the sides and away from the cervix. When the penis is withdrawn, the ridge at the back of the head will pull out the sperm. The human penis, then, is specifically designed as a sperm-remover.
There. Now you have a much more graphic image, and you never have to worry about perverted old Mr. Farquar anymore.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I got my sex ed in middle school and it was pretty informative. We had like 3 days of it for a few hours a day where they broke up the guys and girls into different rooms, taught us the stuff and then had a question answer period with the teacher.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
Thats the very thing im trying to remove >.<
What Would Kharn Do?
I don't know enough about web design to know how they do it, but those bastards key off anything abortion related, or it sure seems that way, anyway. It's almost like there's a little gnome that pops out of nowhere whenever anyone mentions pregnancy, and sings a little "Abortionists are murderers and you have to have a baby" song and then vanishes again.
I've done lots of google searches for stuff relating to abortion rates, stats, and other stuff that ought to be science, and on every page with google ads, there seems to be at least one anti-abortion ad, which is exactly opposite of what you'd expect.
Then again, maybe all of those sites have used up their 200 exclusions, and there are just tens of thousands of anti-abortion ads.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Well it seems to be working... the "Dont Kill Me" Baby is gone and is now replaced by adoption ads >.>
I need to find a sure fire way to undermine those ads...
(cant have prolifers depleting my supply of fetuses! tasty... tasty... fetuses )
What Would Kharn Do?
Feh. They're all still anti-abortion ads for me.
The thing about saying "adoption" five hundred times is that so many of those damn anti-abortion ads say things like, "The Adoption Alternative."
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
*ponders the outcome of "Children are Tasty"
Oh yeah... pedophilia...
Hmm... "Kill the Children"? no no... stupid google will just splice it from "Dont Kill the Children"
Uh... AH! i got it!
What Would Kharn Do?
Apperantly... I LIKE PIE! =
Cavalier Spaniels Warning
All The Things You Need To Know About The Cavalier King Charleswww.Cavalier-King-Charles-DogsYer... i think google has a few bugs
What Would Kharn Do?
Phew, for a second there I thought I was seeing things.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
I'm constantly amazed by both the rage and depth to Hamby's knowledge but I have to admit, I did not expect an analysis of the bonobo's shaft and head.
Mr. Farquar by the way was actually Father Farquar. Yeah, so my sex-ed teacher seduced a man of the cloth and then proceeded to give a bunch of 13 year olds lessons in the geography of his package.
It's nice to know that I'm building up a strong reputation as the local jello fucker. =]
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
On a side note, the term "pre-marital sex" is an an insipid, meaningless slice of fundy newspeak. It implies first that marriage is an eventuality for all people who have sex, and also that sex and marriage are some how interdependent on one another. I'd prefer people just call it what it is (fucking), but if you're such a conniving, manipulative shithead that you absolutely need to use a term you feel implies a moral reprehensibility, use "extra-marital".
Consider: Somewhere around the time of The Great Shift (as coined by Joseph Campbell) there was a change in the meaning of the concept, 'virgin.' Before the gods became patriarchal sons of bitches, they appear to have been nature/mother oriented. During this time, the concept of virgin was that of a woman who was free of obligation to any man. It had no particular reference to her degree of sexual experience, or lack thereof. In fact, in the legend of the Oracle of Delphi, there were sacred prostitutes who were called the holy virgins.
The artist, Gaugin, encountered sexual egalitarianism in... what was it... Tahiti? I think Tahiti. My brain is freezing up. Anyway, the women there were free with their sexuality, offering themselves when they wanted and refusing when they wanted. They felt no compulsion or debt to a man just because they'd had sex with him. Only after marriage did they pledge their sexual allegiance to a man. The Western concept of premarital celibacy as a virtue was unknown to them.
Anyway, as sociology goes, abstinence before marriage is so rare as to be a statistical anomaly. I don't mean the people who say they are for it. I mean the people who actually do it. It's just another example of religion declaring that something is true despite being completely opposite to what science tells us is normal.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Actually, the women in Delphi and other temples where called ierodoules, coming from Iero=Holy and Doulos=Servant.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I don't really have any source, but I'm from Greece.
I thought that parthenos in ancient Greece was someone not married. As for hierodoules, Today it means prostitutes, but in ancient Greece it meant what you are saying.
I'm pretty sure from my reading that the claim is not really about the roots of the words, or the exact translation. To make a really bad analogy, someone five thousand years in the future might read about baseball and note that a bullpen is from the root "bull" and "pen," which means a large hoofed animal, and a place where animals live. Even so, a bullpen was a place where pitchers warmed up for baseball games. In the same way, the heirodules were the holy prostitutes, and virgins were unmarried women, so you could say of a heirodule that she was a parthenos, etc, etc.
At any rate, it's a minor point. I just picked a single example from a pretty vast pool of evidence that virgins were not sexually chaste before the coming of patriarchal gods.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Indeed, in ancient Greece, being unmarried did not mean not having sex, since you could do whatever you wanted with your slaves.
Out of all my friends, the most religious ones, that were taught at home that only abstinence was the way, where the ones to either A) have a child at a young age (17 - 19 all of them in high school) oh have contracted some form of STD, yet I was sent to sex ed, talked openly about sex at home, yet no STD and no child until I was 29 and financially stable (ok some what stable). Most of my friends that did take Sex Ed and were able to speak to other about sex all had children later, and no STD's (none that I know of) and all had multiple partners. Yet when I point this out to my christian friends parents, they all freak out, and how we are a minority of people that took sex ed and didn't have children or STD's (what can you do, the truth is hard for them), yet I point out that abstinence doesn't work and that places that do teach it only have higher STD's and teenage pregnancies say it's a conspiracy....go fig.
Source: here.
Seriously, how many more studies are needed before anything is done about this bollocks?
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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AU: http://nocleanfeed.com/ | NZ: http://nzblackout.org/
I don't know about the other words but parthenos meant 'virgin' in ancient greek the way we understand it (someone who hasn't had sex). I'm sure you've heard of the Parthenon, which is the temple to Athena Parthenos or Athena the virgin. I don't actually know much ancient Greek but this is what my professor told me in my greek archaeology class. Also, wikipedia appears to agree with me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athena
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Not only didn't she know she was pregnant, she probably doesn't even know how the baby got in there. Ignorance is bliss: from the people that brough you such classics as "don't worry they've moved on to a better place now."
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
And in recent news:
A christian being amoral? Well I never...
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: http://nocleanfeed.com/ | NZ: http://nzblackout.org/
I vowed to be chaste till I was 21 to win a bet. He didn't pay up though cause he claimed I couldn't prove I was still a virgin. Fucking dick.
Damn. How much was the bet? When did you make the bet? I'm trying to think of how much you'd have to pay me to go celibate for one year, much less multiple years. It would be a lot.
In olden times, he'd have just fucked you and checked for blood on the sheets. Why wasn't that an option?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
$50. When I was 19. In olden times I would've killed him if he had tried that. Or castrated him. Or both.
That surely wouldn't have ended well. In olden times, they had ways of dealing with uppity women. They were very unpleasant.
Apparently, you already had the idea in your head that you ought not have sex until you were 21, and the bet was just a nice way for you to make a public display of it, or something. Am I about right?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Not for viking women.
The reason he made that bet was because I had just been stationed in Monterey CA for training at the DLI(Defense Language Institute), which has the lovely nickname of being the "Defense LOVE Institute", or the "Divorce Love Insitute". Apparently most people their hook-up because fraternization is allowed somewhat(still can't do officer and enlisted hook-ups), and after having been in basic for 9 weeks, people get their freak on. This was before they installed Drill Sergeants also.
So this guy tells me this and I'm like "I bet I can stay a virgin the whole time I'm here"(I would've graduated when I was 21), and he says "ok how much?" and I say "$50" and he's like "ok".
But he didn't pay up!
I planned on being a virgin till I was 21 anyway. I didn't feel like dealing with all that drama at the time. I was certainly a dick-tease though.
I figured as much. I'm always torn when I hear girls say this because on the one hand, the fewer 19 year olds having sex... well... the less for me. On the other hand, most 19 year olds aren't prepared for the consequences of a condom breaking (or of their own stupidity if they don't use one) so it's better for the world in general if they keep their pants on.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I tend to blame our lengthy education process. IMO, the longer we keep our offspring in school, the longer it takes for them to grow up. I think I read an article talking about that, but I can't find it on the intertubes at the moment. Essentially, because we keep our kids as kids till they are 22-25 yrs old the less likely they are to be able to deal with adult situations properly.
But considering we live twice as long as we did 100+ yrs ago, I'm guessing it really doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things.
Well, it does and it doesn't matter. We still have approximately the same reproductive window, though as you point out, more women are alive at 40 now, so by extension, more women are reproductively viable at 40. On the whole, though, I don't think there are enough 40 year olds having babies to really affect the population that much.
It's kind of callous to say so, but evolution doesn't give a shit about us once the kids are out of the house. From a biological point of view, old people are just taking up resources. (No, I'm not in favor of eugenics, and I don't think old people are worthless. I intend to be a very productive old man one day.) In theory, we could have exactly the same birth rate (but not population growth) if everybody died at fifty or even 45.
I think there's definitely something to the length of schooling and the onset of "adulthood." Another thing to consider is that in the past fifty years, Americans have had a nearly unique ability to live comfortably without working if they don't want to. Between living with the folks, college grants and scholarships, and a host of other easy to obtain resources, it's pretty easy to put off making any adult decisions well into your thirties. So it's not just education -- distribution of wealth has a lot to do with it.
Of course, you would predict (and you would be right) that as wealth became unevenly distributed, you would run into problems with people who did have to work but were functioning as if they were part of the culture that could put off adulthood. Welcome to Reaganomics 101.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I've always thought the best thing for me to do is wait until after I'm married, so if I get pregnant and he bails on me, at least I get half his stuff.
On a serious note, that's why I'm more in favour of a relationship before my panties go to my ankles. If we have kids, I would like him to help in raising it and I don't want to do it with some obnoxious prick.
This one goes out to you, Alison.
I'd like my 3 minutes back thanks.
Looking back on my childhood and adolecence, I was very lucky not to have been raised by religious fanatics. My dad was never religious. My mom claimed to be Baptist, yet we never went to church. I'll never forget when I was 14 what my mom said to my aunt one day when my aunt brought up me having sex with my girlfriend, "Hey don't be sayin stuff like that. I don't want him even thinking about having sex at least til he's 16."
So now that you know abstinence was never preached to me, you will better understand where I'm coming from. I think it's the stupidest of all things to try to teach a horny teen. A simple understanding of human biology and puberty would tell anyone that once your body hits puberty, your sex drive starts. Period. Think about it on a more primitive scale. When humans were running around the African savanna, being chased by lions and such, one would want to reproduce as soon as possible. Thus as soon as our sex organs and brains are ready, which begins by age 14 for pretty much everyone, we will naturally want to have sex. No matter what anyone says.
Daniel (not the Hebrew guy)
Not necessarily. Each person matures and goes through puberty at different ages. Some early, some late. I never felt the need to fuck when I was a teen, but I guess that would make me abnormal right?