War on war! CAUTION: explicit language [Trollville]

Subject is ironic for a reason, what is the reason for waging war on anything? It's all bullshit! I'll agree to accept that religion incites wars along with racism, fascism and other biggoted traits.
The reason I post here today is to inform you what you are doing is almost completely useless and nothing shy of trolling. Why? Because respecting someone with delusions makes a delusional person not choose you as their next target. You might find this as somewhat insulting comming from a "fucking noob" but go ahead and carry on the way you are going, after all it isn't my life your fucking up if some crazed fundy traces this site to your home and fucks your shit up. Now there are alot of atheists who don't bother trolling theists like you do because it's an invasion of their beliefs, if they choose to believe in what they do and are comfortably happy to believe what they do then who are we to disturb them in their happy state? Fair enough if someone comes to me asking questions contradicting their beliefs I will happily inform them of the fallacy or non-fallacy according to my opinion and my opinion alone (will be backed by a source if it is required, although a source still isn't fact remember at the end of the day: this is the internet, 95% full of shit). Well anyway, hello everyone, I am Dead Kangaroo. Thank you for spending the time to read this.
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First of all, the RRS owns this site - how can they troll their own site?
And again, most of us wouldn't bother if believers left us alone, but they don't - just using Christians - they proselytize, try to force their language in the pledge/on the money and post their BS in courthouses and schools, try to teach their nonsense to kids as science, force their beliefs on the rest of us with the anti-choice movement and discrimination against women and homosexuals, etc.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Uh, welcome?
Other than that I find your post confusing. Did I miss something?
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
For the benefit of the audience:
DeadKangaroo on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/peacefulstorm
I would really like to learn more about the religious fabric of the UK. I do find folks from the UK who agree with us, heck they seem to have the highest per capita rate of dogmatic Dawkins followers. At the same time it seems that there are a great many from the UK who feel as if religion isn't that much of a problem.
While there are communities in the UK that muslims seek to force their dogma on the community and the UK participation in our religious wars I don't understand why it seems many from the UK object to speaking out and doing so boldly. Dawkins was voted the most influential thinker in the UK, and he is highly bold.
I recognize that like a percentage of american atheists who disagree with our stridency (this is to be expected), a percentage from the UK will disagree as well.
Maybe this will help me....
DeadKangaroo: What do you think of Richard Dawkins?
Further, if you like him... why not us? If you don't like him... why not?
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Nonsense. Every single discipline of human endeavor by virtue builds itself on reasoned discourse and argument. Propositions should be decided meritocratically by virtue of their reason for holding. THere is no reason whatsoever why religion should not be brutally subject to absolutely the same epistemological criterion as any other field of human endeavor?
Again, so what? We shield nothing from discourse or invasion of belief in any other field of endeavor. I see no reason why religion ought not be crushed under that wonderful eviscerator of bad ideas, reasoned discourse.
Because for one, for the bulk of those under its subjugation, religion is not particularly a source of comfort, for another the primary sustinence of religion c, for another, the idea of religion as a source of comfort is ridiculous. It is testimony to the idiocy of the theology and its twisted minds that invented the concepts of hell and sin that those who propogate it could possibly imagine their nonsense is a source of comfort for any sane thinking man, and finally, the propogation of propositions only on grounds of maintaining an illusory state of happiness is highly unethical.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Dumbest idea ever.
Ok now think about this: Is it a really dumb idea to not tell some tribal leader weilding a big fucking sword that his god is infact bullshit?
As good luck would have it, Enlightenment has eviscerated the power of religion to murder its dissenters, and although a great many still live under its violent, hateful jurisprudence, particularly in Islam, a great many others do not, and therefore feel obliged and happy, to kill this particularly noxious stain on human prehistory that continues to blight our lives, regardless of where we live.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Enlightenment is a good thing, I agree with you on this point but your idea on delivery is wrong.
And you're being such a model of diplomacy.
Why did you just completely avoid my questions?
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You can however disclaim this as pure ignorance due to the fact that I have read little of what Dawkins has written but again my post is all down to the grindstone of my opinion and nothing more.
My idea on delivery of what precisely?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Dude, don't be so dense. Myspace has a public search engine, and you provided us with the information we needed to do the search. Last I looked, myspace doesn't have a prohibition on using the search engines they provide.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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what the fuck?
Somehow I don't think dead kangaroo knows what Scientology actually is.
Selfish wanderings united since yesterday, wayward puritans! Family studies, often brilliant approaches comes from a real calling partisan myth burden.*
*Note: I felt obliged to write a response with as much grounding in reality as the original statement. I couldn't think of a coherent sentence that was even remotely as stupid. Gibberish was my only option.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I think the idiot means scientism. The distinction is important to say the least, but this is such a perfect malaproprism that it deserves to go down as a perfectly formed inadvertant stupidity. The comment is so deliciously ironic, even better because it is inadvertent.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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The only 2 possible links you had was the I.P. address and email. now casually resubmitting these details to rebroadcast someones plausibly private myspace entry was slightly naughty, I would say. If you disagree then I'd be happy to clear it up with a myspace moderator.
You twit. Myspace has an email search. You gave us your email, freely and without caveat. If a myspace is private, we can't get details. If it's not, then we can. That's how it works.
Set it up with any moderator you like.
Oh, and I'm banning you because you're an asshat.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Can't y'all at least give him the "asshat" avatar first?
If you ever post in www.graveyardofthegods.com do not seek any support from me whatsoever infact be thankful that you won't be banned, for being an ignorant twat.
I'll meet you half way. Unban, with the avatar. Someone can reban him later, just understand he's my bitch right now... pageviews baby!
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Naw, don't mention it, it was nothing.
Dawkins a scientologist eh? Do me a favor, stick around and hate on everything we are doing... you're making us look great!
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Ok. You're banned good and proper.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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And just for good measure, both of your accounts got an asshat. If I have to take time out from my reading to deal with this kind of shit, somebody's getting an asshat.
(Damn, that felt good. Haven't given out an asshat in months.)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I am an innocent atheist minding my own business yet they choose to slap a derogatory frame upon me even though they are supposed to be open and for equality etc etc but yet here I find me being not only placed into the troll section but also banned, I find this very fucking unjust.
You know what, Kangy, you're right. It was unjust of me to ban you. You need a forum and an audience so that you can prove beyond doubt that we recognize a troll when we see one.
Preach on, brother!
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
geezzz I am against banning
, so much fun to miss out on,
How about a good public flogging instead !
, in Islamic tradition, I read that it was only to whip with gesters ..... that even to kill simply meant to work at healing the sick ones, ( kill the evil spirit )
yeah wishful thinking , and excuses maybe on my part, beats me ?
Atheism Books.
Man, this dillhole is making me laugh.
Christ fucking a pogo stick...
All that bitching and moaning, and now that he's unbanned, he's not even going to grace us with more of his wisdom.
It's the last time I do anybody a favor.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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1. You were banned for being a troll.
2. You were reinstated within 10 minutes.
3. You were banned and proceeded to break forum rules by creating a sock puppet, and yet BOTH accounts remain UNBANNED.
This of course not only makes you a troll but a liar as well.
3. Even though I feel as if the owners of graveyardofthegods represent one of my closest friends unfairly,
the link to the post talking trash about him is still there.
4. Francois and Nodiety have both been welcome on my community even though we've tended to ban those who were banned from atheistnetwork.com
5. I share a special kinship with Nodiety... we both received the same very real death threats from a Christard on Gastrichs forum
(resulting in FBI involvement)
6. As much as Francois and Jake (the close friend I refer to) were at odds, I let bygones be bygones and even supported Francois on a project on this site. To that end forum etiquette was broken by Francois, and I didn't even bat an eye. Asking for participation in projects while not being an active member of the community. Francois issue 1, and issue 2.
7. As much as I disagree with the reasons for the graveyards spawn off site I haven't talked shit on them since the first few months after it happened, I have my olive branch extended to them.
8. You're an awfully stupid person with not much of a clue and are a drain on server resources yet I'll still foot your bill so you can
put your mostly retarded thoughts on the largest atheist site in the world.
9. You're a cock-knocker.
10. Welcome to the site asshat. Let's see how long it takes for a mod to do the right thing and ban you. Maybe I'll unban you again, dickface.
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"The reason I post here today is to inform you what you are doing is almost completely useless and nothing shy of trolling."
If they have become the most popular atheist website in America, brought attention to other atheist websites, and they (and other websites) have changed the way many people view religion and the world around them, I don't think it's accurate to say that what they are doing is almost completely useless. It seems that you have almost completely failed to do any research.
"Because respecting someone with delusions makes a delusional person not choose you as their next target."
And confronting the schoolyard bully makes that person choose you as their next target as well. That doesn't mean the schoolyard bully should remain unopposed. When a person decides to make the attempt to change the world, or even a small portion of it, that person necessarily places himself or herself at risk. I think you would benefit well from a history lesson because you seem to have not noticed that the world wasn't changed for the better by the spineless.
Further, those with delusions are generally intent on spreading their delusions. If the delusions are not opposed while still opposable, the amount of people who have the delusion will inevitably increase. Eventually the sane would have no power over the course of events because the delusional have the numbers and thus the power. To not combat delusions is to bend over and say, "insert here."
"If they choose to believe in what they do and are comfortably happy to believe what they do then who are we to disturb them in their happy state?"
May I ask the same question of you? If the owners of this website choose to believe that oppressive worldviews, or worldviews that result from systemic problems in thought processes, should be opposed or the people corrected, and they are comfortably happy to believe that, then who are you to disturb them in their happy state? Do you not see your hypocrisy? You deny privileges to one group that you grant to the other when there's no reason to treat them unequally.
"Dawkins to me is someone that favours scientology [sic], now don't get me wrong science holds far more answers than any religion can with far more confidence, however Dawkins to me is nothing more than a Theist dressed up in Atheist clothing. You can however disclaim this as pure ignorance due to the fact that I have read little of what Dawkins has written but again my post is all down to the grindstone of my opinion and nothing more."
You should read some of Dawkins' work because your representation of him is false.
"Shall I bother to meantion that you abuse your myspace privileges to gain I.P. identifications on your members at the RRS?"
It's not an abuse of MySpace privileges to get IP addresses. It's not an abuse of RRS administrative privileges to get IP addresses. It's not an abuse of any privileges to cross-reference them. Why are you complaining anyway? They just increased your Google Page Rank. I think they should remove the reference to your MySpace just so you don't get search engine benefits by being a troll.
You quoted, "You can however disclaim this as pure ignorance due to the fact that I have read little of what Dawkins has written," after your scientism-scientology malapropism to defend yourself, then said, "You can feel free to shut the fuck up when ever possible."
Your ignorance doesn't seem to stem from your ignorance of Dawkins but of your ignorance of the distinction between scientism and scientology. If you do know the distinction between them, you must know so little about Dawkins that it would be intellectually dishonest to even put forward an opinion on the person because there would be absolutely no basis for the opinion.
"The only 2 possible links you had was the I.P. address and email. now casually resubmitting these details to rebroadcast someones plausibly private myspace entry was slightly naughty, I would say. If you disagree then I'd be happy to clear it up with a myspace moderator."
You can contact a MySpace moderator if you so desire but your efforts will be fruitless. The phrase, "plausibly private," is a contortion of the English language. The word you are looking for is "public." The moderators at MySpace will probably laugh at you when you tell them that you think others invaded your "public privacy."
"Was it because I was an actual 'asshat' or was it because you were the 'asshat' who couldn't cope with my opinion?"
It was because you were an asshat.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
He/she/it claims to not be coming back, but we have seen asshats lie about that before.