Christians reminded that their God doesn't exist: Christ My Ass! (recovered from google cache)
Posted on: December 27, 2007 - 6:24am

Christians reminded that their God doesn't exist: Christ My Ass! (recovered from google cache)
Rough LIVE Schedule:
Noon pm est-midnight Christmyass eve
11am-11pm (we rarely end on time) on Christmyass day
This message coming to you courtesy of atheists who think that religion is beneficial or that we shouldn't attack it, or some other stupid reason to not do anything about it. (here and here). If it wasn't for them, we might be celebrating this Christmas at a humanist gathering with Solstice presents embracing humanity with love and compassion. Instead we realize just how dangerous religion is. It's so dangerous that even after you leave it behind the trappings of faith and dogma can reside for long periods of time in a select few.
Merry Christmas Atheists!
(we're a religion of love and peace that deserves respect)*
*RRS realizes that this message is a terroristic one, and we should treat Islam and Christianity as such. Terroristic groups, terrorizing the minds of humans all over... terrorism that moral humans speak up against, and do so boldly.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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This post was recovered from google cache after losing 2 weeks of data. Sorry for any of your lost material. Please feel free to post.
ChristMyAss was a huge success and a great day! Atheists had a day to unite as well!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Well, I know that I certainly enjoyed myself, though I imagine that some of you guys must have been pretty tired out. I do know that the hecklers on Shalini's blog never showed up, at least while I was there; did they ever show up at all?
Meh, that's pretty much all I have to say.
The Bad Grammer Dude
Nope, the hecklers never showed up. Typical dishonest, cowardly, puerile theistards.
Thanks, I had lots of giggles, and a lost post about the X event, which was about creating a music positng forum of recordable podcasts for atheists only.
I really especially dug them songs you played. Please give them to me so I can send to my world of stupid friends.
Even just a "list" would be cool.
LET'S Promote that music Brian ....
Atheism Books.
Christ does exist, and He's appeared to many people throughout history. Just because He never appeared to you, does not prove He hasn't appeared to other people. Just because you were totally ignorant of the fact He has appeared to many people, does not prove He hasn't.
Prove that I dont have an invisable purple snarfwidgit who lives under my bed and makes kegs of beer for me. Just because you cant see it doesnt mean I havent. So by default my purple snarfwidget exists.
You really want me to buy a ghost knocking up a girl and a zombie god surviving rigor mortis after 3 days? BWAAAT, POLLY WANNA CRACKER, BWAAT BLIND FAITH, BWAAAT.... You are nothing but a cheerleader and a parrot.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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