The Rights of Homosexuals
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:26pm.My usual blog space is at
I currently have 106 posted.
Here is one of my older blogs:
Alright, I can't remember if I did a blog on this before. I really don't think I have, surprisingly. This is a fairly popular issue. I did touch on it in my rant blog. I want to tell you just what I think when it comes to homosexuality issues in the US, including "gay marriage" and all that good stuff.
Now apparently the majority thinks people of the same sex should not be able to get married, including our just wonderful (sarcasm) president, George W. Bush Jr.
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Marine Biology Assignment
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:24pm.This is one of my older blogs.
My usual blog space is at
I currently have 106 posted.
This is one of my older blogs. All my other blogs here are somewhat serious, about certain issues, so I'll see if I can't post something funny for once. Here it is:
My lattest Marine Biology Assignment (my favorite answers are to 30, 32, 33, and 37):
(Oh, and yes, I did turn this paper in with these answers.)
Samuel Thomas Poling
Marine Biology - Period #3
Marine Mammals Worksheet
1.) What is the body temp of most mammals?
-- True
2.) What other groups of animals are "warm blooded?"
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About Me
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:22pm.This is one of my older blogs on myspace.
My usual blog space is at
I currently have 106 posted.
Here is an older blog I wrote which is just about me.
I'm an asshole and I think this blog warns you of that.
My strengths are:
Born leader, must correct wrongs, strong-willed, exudes confidence, sees the whole picture, goal oriented, moves quickly to action, knows the right answer, has little need for friends, is usually right, and excels in emergencies.
My weaknesses are:
Bossy, impatient, quick-tempered, enjoys controversy and arguments, won't give up when loosing, inflexible, little tolerance for mistakes, may make rash decisions, demands loyalty, demanding, decides for others, knows everything, can't say sorry, may be right but unpopular.
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Flag as my Witness
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:17pm.This is one of my older blogs.
My usual blog space can be found at
I currently have 106 blogs posted there.
Here is "Flag as my Witness," from my mysapce. It turns out those who think we should ban flag burning hate freedom more than those who are burning the damn flag.
A while ago in my senior civics class we got to the subject of flag burning. Should people be allowed to burn the American Flag? If we said yes, then we move to the left side of the class room, if we said no, then we move to the right side of the class room. I normally sit at the right side of the class so I had to pick up all my stuff and migrate to the ever emptying seats of the left side. I settled down and looked around me. There were four other students on the left side, and they looked as if they were only over there because they didnt want to get up. In other words they were sleeping on the desks or had head phones on or something like that. But we were pretty much exposed compared to the other side of the class so Im sure some form of justice was involved in keeping them on that side.
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Mind Over Manner
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:07pm.My usual blog space can be found at
I currently have 106 blogs posted there.
When the name Samuel Thomas Poling is heard by those who know me, most of those people will think bastard in association with that. Thats fine. Theres nothing wrong with that, especially once it is true. Not Bastard in the literal sense but, I am a total dick. No surprise there.
However what isnt okay is shallow mindedness, which people desperately attempt to use against me all the damn time. This is pretty much three logical fallacies every time they do it.
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The Irrationality of Theism
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:05pm.My usual blog space can be found at
This is a copy of one of my blogs on myspace, my 99th. It is the original verson of my essay titled "The Irrationality of Theism." Sapient adapted it for the RRS show and so forth, switching some of my words around to make it sound better and so on, but here's the original verson as I posted on myspace (at least I think it's the original. I might have updated it on myspace before, but I know it isn't the FINAL verson):
(Sorry, I wrote this on microsoft word, and things I type on that program and paste here usually are missing several types of punctuation, like quotation marks for example, and apostrophes.)
Force an End to Theism?
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 8:00pm.My usual blog space can be found at
Imagine I have a button right here next to me. A big, red, easy button. Hell, pretend it is an "Easy Button." With the word "easy" written on the top of it and everything. And imagine that if I did hit it, a little voice inside would go off and say, "That was easy!" - just like the commonly sold "Easy Button" does.
Then imagine that if I did press this so easily pressed button that something much more than a stupid electronic voice were to happen. Imagine that if I pressed it, all theism would end instantly.
Atheist in Church 6, Wedding Edition
Submitted by Samuel on August 18, 2006 - 7:56pm.I get a blog here too?! I have 106 blogs, usually very long in length, on myspace. My myspace blog is at , by the way.
I guess I should post some of them here... Maybe... Well, here's my lattest one as of... Now.
I have an "Atheist in Church" series. Here is episode 6, the Wedding edition.
Atheist in Church 6! At least... I think it's 6... Let me check. Yep, it's 6.
Atheist in Church 6! The wedding edition series addition.
So I filed for today off from work. My employer gave it to me. Good, because today was my cousin's wedding. Now, I know most of you picture cousins are being around the same age, but not for me. All my cousins are much older than me. I just (and I mean just) turned 18 and my cousin Erik is getting married four days later. And we are careful with who we marry in my family.
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On Being an Atheist In a Small Town
Submitted by MattShizzle on August 18, 2006 - 6:27pm.I live in the Borough of Bernville, a small town of about 800 people (with 3 churches! ) Sometimes I swear I'm the only atheist in town - most people here are elderly. And of course, not too many people are going to admit it unless asked. Yeah, it sucks. Anyway, what else is going on in my life right now - most of you heard about the woman I've been talking to, and I think we are getting closer. Maybe Valparaiso, Florida has some more open minded people if I do move down there!
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Submitted by Nick on August 18, 2006 - 4:17am.WARNING: The following is very offensive. True, but offensive. Realize that I did not write this out of anger, yet only in an attempt to express rationality. It may appear angry or cruel only because it is missing the "sugar coating" of tolerance people expect from controversial essays. However, I hold honesty higher than your feelings, and would feel like a liar if I did not show my frustration and concern in full. So, here it is: uncensored, unadulterated, and unsympathetic truth. Enjoy.
The whole concept of Christian's Belief in Hell baffles me.
I only have a few things to say on this topic, most of which I hope intellectuals have already deduced. Of course, I would have hoped that Christian intellectuals would have deduced that religion and the Bible are huge, idiotic contradictions and turned Atheist, but that hasn’t happened yet, so here I go: