Sapient's blog
Do you use twitter?
Submitted by Sapient on November 2, 2010 - 12:57pm.I want to make sure I'm following any RRS forum users on twitter. So do you use it? If so please drop me a line here so I can follow you.
Follow me @RationalSquad and @BrianSapient
I have a daily newspaper compiled with links from RRS fans/supporters/activists. Check it out, read it daily, like it on facebook, you get the drift:
Twitter debate I had with Philadelphia Eagles DT Jeff Owens
Submitted by Sapient on October 25, 2010 - 3:56pm.*UPDATE 7-29-11* Jeff Owens was released from the Philadelphia Eagles today. I don't think he ever got playing time. Today he was waived/didn't pass physical. I sent him a tweet, but feel bad for him.!/rationalsquad/status/96794836602068992
Please help an atheist family in need...
Submitted by Sapient on September 29, 2010 - 10:27pm.You may remember "Rapture Right " a Christian parody group that has pranked RRS users (at my request) on several occasions. Sadly one of the two brothers that make up "Rapture Right" had a tragedy strike his daughter recently. His life hasn't been the same since. His daughter Ella is currently in a coma which she slipped into after having a cancerous tumor removed from her brain. If you are able to help financially please consider sending a few dollars to help out. A full story is available at:
I've also posted a portion of the story at:
What do you think of the stainedtees advertisement?
Submitted by Sapient on August 3, 2010 - 8:40am.I have a new advertiser. For the next few weeks an image ad is on some pages of the website on the right hand side for a t-shirt company. It's controversial, so I thought I'd give people a chance to lash out or comment in general. What do you think of the ad? What do you think of the shirts? Would you buy one? What would you think of someone who was wearing one? What are your thoughts?
Here it is:
James Randi: Of course I accept you
Submitted by Sapient on March 22, 2010 - 7:20pm.James Randi has come out of the closet at 81 years old.
The original story is on his SWIFT blog, here is a portion...
Well, here goes. I really resent the term, but I use it because it’s recognized and accepted.
I’m gay.
From some seventy years of personal experience, I can tell you that there’s not much “gay” about being homosexual. For the first twenty years of my life, I had to live in the shadows, in a culture that was — at least outwardly — totally hostile to any hint of that variation of life-style. At no time did I choose to adopt any protective coloration, though; my cultivation of an abundant beard was not at all a deception, but part of my costume as a conjuror.
Let's work together to promote the atheist heroes of the week
Submitted by Sapient on March 3, 2010 - 1:18am.I want to extend my congratulations to the Atheist Agenda students The University of Texas at San Antonio. They put themselves on the line in public to raise awareness. Much like the Blasphemy Challenge they have found a way to be controversial thereby grabbing attention and literally forcing theists to think. I should bring you up to speed if you're not familiar. Over the last few days Atheist Agenda students have gathered on campus with magazines and books of various types of pornography and offered to swap any holy book for some porn. The campaign is called smut for smut.
Happy New Year!
Submitted by Sapient on December 31, 2009 - 10:46pm.We've gone around the sun again! Just like we do everyday (see my follow up post if you're not following)... but I wont be a debbie downer... Happy New Year!!
I hope everyone gets what they want out of this coming year. What resolutions will you be making? What resolutions do you think you'll give up on in 2 weeks?
Live Video Chat Party December 25th
Submitted by Sapient on December 18, 2009 - 10:35pm.On December 25th I will maintain a tradition I started a few years ago, celebrating Christmas day with nonbelievers via webcam, and you're invited! I'll be joined by longtime RRS moderator and friend Shaunphilly and his girlfriend Seana, who was a Christian before she met Shaun. Christmas can be a depressing day if you're a non-believer, especially if you feel alienated or unwelcome at festivities of a more religious nature. We look forward to bringing together a large group of non-believers who want to hang out, blaspheme, and exchange stories of our religious past. This is a gathering in both live text form and video format. We encourage you to hook up your webcam as we can have up to 6 people on webcam at once. Christians are welcome to visit as well!
You'll need an account with If you don't have one, get it now. It's free!
The party will happen in this room:
Purpose of Christmas response begins (also Ray Comfort the liar)
Submitted by Sapient on December 15, 2009 - 12:44am.I've got two new posts up tonight, the first is my opening shot at Pastor Rick Warren and The Purpose of Christmas.
The second post is long overdue and is a summation covering the Ray Comfort plagiarism in his Origin of Species bullshit.
My opening post here about The Purpose of Christmas is here.
The RRS thread on Comfort plagiarizing is here.
I turned off commenting for this blog post. If you want to post comments, please do so at The Purpose of Christmas or WOTMwatchdog.
Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives.
Submitted by Sapient on December 10, 2009 - 12:47am.I found the recent appearance of Michael Specter on The Daily Show to have quite a few correlations to the efforts of atheists to help humanity abandon our unscientific religious past.