Sapient's blog
Thank you very much Bob Spence
Submitted by Sapient on October 22, 2011 - 9:41pm.Bob Spence,
I could have done this in private, but I think everyone should know why you now have a different look to the site. I have made you a site admin giving you Zeus power. Funny how we don't believe in gods yet both are "Zeus" on this website.
I wanted to elevate your power so you could learn more about how it operates in hopes that you'll be able to expand your role here. Hopefully you will be able to play an on call role for us when we upgrade and overhaul the site for the year 2012. Please be careful with the elevated power, and we can talk in private more about how to figure it out. I get that you probably wouldn't want the power, but please accept it, and help me out in the future.
I am so glad to have gotten to share webpages with you over the years. You and I go way back. I can't even remember the years. It has been a pleasure working by your side on message boards and over the airwaves. We've been through a lot together and through thick and thin you are right there to bring another cogent argument for science and rationality. You are a gentleman and a scholar. You are calm, patient, rational, sane, loyal, and brilliant... thanks for being here.
In Rationality,
Brian Sapient
P.S. Brian37... feel free to continue the love...
Atheism and Naturalism and Vanilla Marriage
Submitted by Sapient on October 20, 2011 - 4:20pm.Two new books got added to the Amazon books on the side of some pages of the site.
Nick Covington posts here under the name Switch89 and he has a great blog at Aigbusted
Prayers to Jake website has died...
Submitted by Sapient on October 14, 2011 - 8:55pm.It is with great sadness that I announce the death of a website that is near and dear to my heart. Sadly is now owned by an asian outlet with the interest of capitalizing on the power of the domain name. Jake lost focus for a minute there and it got stolen. You may already know that Jake has been taking some time away from kicking ass on the internet. He put to sleep a few months back.
His site is where I became an atheist primarily because of his line of questioning. His site will always be important to me, and thankfully he hasn't lost that domain. His knowledge, time, effort, and level headed approach has changed me immeasurably. The clarity and patience that he had while volunteering for him in my first few years of activism is something I'll remember forever. He is like no other man I know, and at times the many people who knew him on his message board would consider him worthy of prayer.
A legend grew that he was godly. People started praying to Jake, I'm sure there was an early thread call "Pray to Jake" and people did in fact do so. I promise you, atheists literally prayed to Jake. People reported their findings and prayers were in fact answered. I had several instances where I was spooked by how helpful Jake was in answering my prayers. Jake bought the domain and I slapped a website on it to bring more people into the prayers to Jake club.
Compliment others
Submitted by Sapient on October 11, 2011 - 11:54pm.I’ve learned a random life tip that has helped me a bit last month. My father in fact sent me an e-mail explaining his epiphany. He said that he had just learned that if you compliment someone when meeting them, they are more likely to like you. We both realize that the compliment should be genuine.
Since he has given me the advice I have had many opportunities to utilize the tip. Using it at first felt a little foreign to me. That personality trait wouldn’t typically come up in my line of work as I would have typically felt the need to maintain a more professional and business oriented relationship with the people I deal with. I have complimented around a dozen people in the last month and have had positive relationships each time. I had someone compliment me on Sunday and I could feel the effects of the compliment drug instantly. I’ll wait for a scientist to post an endorphin related explanation. I went from being cautious in a time interaction with someone to liking them in a matter of moments.The point? Complimenting people when you first meet them sounds like a good idea, if you mean it. It might not be in your personality type, but maybe it should be. If we all embraced these more positive qualities of humanity, and extend it to acts of service and goodwill we are more likely to have a positive future.
9-11 Never Forget
Submitted by Sapient on September 11, 2011 - 5:58pm.I will never forget that religion caused 9-11.
I will never forget the mentally incompetent people who thought a cross was formed in the rubble.
I will never forget the clueless people who stated "God Bless America" after Allah apparently put Jesus in a choke hold.
I will never forget the Christian President who thought he was on a mission from God, and that he is responsible for over 200,000 deaths. I will never forget he was well liked by other Christian folks.
I will never forget 9-11 as a day that shows just how much religion must be gone.
I will never forget that 9-11 was a day that made religious people more religious, and just how brainwashed those people must be to come to that conclusion.
I will never forget that 9-11 marks a day in which I recognized how much a good human must speak up against religion for the good of society.
I'm not a Godsend
Submitted by Sapient on April 4, 2011 - 9:14am.I had to go to the post office this morning to pick up a package. It was a replacement golf shaft and it came in a tall narrow box the size you'd expect of a golf club. As I was walking out of the post office an older lady saw me and asked "where did you get that box?" I said "I just picked this item up, the box was mailed to me." She said "Oh, because I've been looking for a box like that for a while. I have a very large poster that I need to send and I can't find a box to mail it in." I had wanted to keep this box as I need to send my old shaft back to the company that mailed me the new one, however I have access to this type of box, I can get one for free whenever I want. It took me a second to react and as she was walking away I called her back.
I said "hold on a second." I opened the package and put the shaft in my trunk, and I handed her the box. She said "oh thank you so much, aren't you just a Godsend." I said "I don't believe I am, I don't believe in God and I do good deeds on my own volition, because if we all do good deeds for each other I will receive good deeds back from others. I'm glad I was able to help you." She smiled and walked away.
It was a good start to the day.
Logidea University makes a video with some of my accomplishments...
Submitted by Sapient on December 3, 2010 - 2:23am.Thanks very much to Logidea University for the nice video about my work, I appreciate it:
Read my acceptance of the PhD in Heresy here. (you can get one for yourself)
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Do any Holiday Shopping through these Amazon links to help RRS!
Submitted by Sapient on November 22, 2010 - 10:54am.Parent Claus is bringing the kids presents? Don't want to hear O Holy Night while you shop for those gifts? Want to help support the Rational Response Squad network of websites while buying Grandmom a necklace for the Winter Solstice? This really works and it's a huge help.
Please make your purchases by clicking any of these links and starting your Amazon shopping experience there. Also if you reside in the USA and want to help restore the American economy, please consider purchasing American products from Amazon on this page.
My comment to Pastor Bill Randles about Blasphemy Challenge
Submitted by Sapient on November 17, 2010 - 2:52am.I just posted a comment in response to a blog post that discussed new atheists and the Blasphemy Challenge. (I still encourage creating Blasphemy Challenge videos)
Here is what I had to say...
We are not assaulting children and the naive. We are trying to help them escape their fear. You would have people believe there is an eternal torture that awaits them if they don't believe and think certain things. Those things are not proven or provable in any meaningful sense... yet millions believe due in large part to fear. You may not think much of the fear of hell today, but as a child it is essential to the brainwashing of almost all Christians.
So sir, for you to use language claiming it is atheists who are "assaulting" others, is highly ironic considering you are using more fear tactics to scare someone back into faith. We are doing this for you, or anyone who was brainwashed by religion... not because we're into Satan or assaulting people. Watch some Blasphemy Challenge videos and you'll see just what kind of people took the challenge, the point was to show off how normal atheists are, we're not a group of devil worshipping baby eating child assaulters as you and your ilk would like to scare Christians into thinking.
In Reason,
Brian Sapient
I received an Honorary PhD in Heresy!
Submitted by Sapient on November 13, 2010 - 10:48am.Thanks to for awarding me an Honorary PhD in Heresy. I am fueled today by the excellent write up that went along with the award. Check it out at the site here.
Here's a snippet...
Brian Sapient is a self-described:
"Pacifist agnostic atheist non-cognitivist freethinking darwin loving scientific treehugger who loves Philly Sports. Proudly led thousands away from religion!"