Sapient's blog
Rush Limbaugh supporters make me rant...
Submitted by Sapient on March 4, 2012 - 10:51pm. Christians don't want their money going to contraception yet they wont fight to remove "In God We Trust" from the money that atheists must use. They wont ensure that atheists don't have to give their tax dollars to faith based spending groups. It doesn't even dawn on them that atheists might be offended at the notion that our tax dollars go to a faith based group.
They are out for self. They don't truly embrace their fellow man. They tend to be pro war, and pro death penalty. They are against YOU having an abortion even if you know you will not be able to provide a good life for your baby. They want you to have that baby even if it is the product of a rape. The money that you put into the pool to save their life is willingly accepted by them, the money that you might need to save your life is fought tooth and nail by them. About 20% of people are on contraception for health reasons not related to purposes of avoiding a pregnancy. They don't care.
Engaging in the Rush Limbaugh debate over the last few days shows me that many people support what he said. In fact they're more mad that he apologized than they are that he made dishonest arguments in a vile fashion. How many of the Rush Limbaugh supporters are disgusted at Rush and his perverted idea that he should be allowed to watch video of women having sex because they need contraception?
Theory of inherent dishonesty in theism
Submitted by Sapient on February 27, 2012 - 12:28pm.The theory of inherent dishonesty in theism can be seen whenever a theist defends belief in god. The theory explains that while defending belief in god a theist must act ignorant dishonest or both.
There has never been an honest and intelligent defense of theism. This theory has been observed in every atheist/theist debate since the theory was originally coined around the year 2000. This page will be updated if an argument arises on behalf of theism that is both honest and based on factual data. If you think you've found an argument defending belief in god that is neither ignorant or dishonest please submit it via the contact form.
Please link to this page when referring to the theory of inherent dishonest in theism.
NBA players boycott viewers, we should boycott them.
Submitted by Sapient on February 23, 2012 - 7:38pm.Conflict among groundhogs, humans and myth.
Submitted by Sapient on February 2, 2012 - 7:07pm.Groundhogs around the world are in an uproar as conflicting nonsense reports are issued by humans who pretend to believe that a Groundhog can predict seasons. (do they actually believe this shit?) The original groundhog (Phil) indicates 6 more weeks to winter. But some copy hogs don't agree.
According to folklore, Phil’s sighting of his own shadow means there will be 6 more weeks of winter. Had Phil not seen his shadow, it would have meant “there will be an early spring.”
Like this new logo?
Submitted by Sapient on January 28, 2012 - 9:39pm.I've been working with a friend on a logo for the new website. I've done tons of tweaking on this and really like where it's at. I would like to know you're thoughts. It might be more appropriate to refer to this as a header design for the site.
SOPA and PIPA bills affect RRS writers and readers
Submitted by Sapient on January 13, 2012 - 1:16pm.Rational Response Squad website and affiliate sites are in a black out on Jan 18 to draw attention to SOPA and PIPA which threatens our existence...
Have you noticed how some of our members like to cut and paste news articles for discussion on our forum? Did you know that in many cases you're not supposed to do that? Did you know that it's not always easy to tell if you can or can't because of tough to understand copyright rules and potential for fair use treatment since the post is being used for critique, parody, or criticism? What do you think would happen if corporations and the government worked together to control the copyright problems on the internet?
For the last few years some companies have been fighting for a bill that protects against online piracy. They pushed for a bill to come along that they could support. Many of those same people today are leading the charge against SOPA and PIPA which go too far, give the government too much control, put too much fear into the webmaster, and should put fear into everyone talking about anything on the internet. These rules would stifle internet development. The next big thing will not happen, it'll cost too much in legal fees for the start up. Only mega-corps will stand a chance at innovation.
The new server has been purchased!
Submitted by Sapient on January 11, 2012 - 7:48pm.I recently updated the server fundraiser thread to ask for a few last minute donations because after a week of hits to the wallet I was only prepared to cover $5,000 of the $6,000 server I was about to buy. I had almost $2,000 of unexpected expenses in the last week, half of which was a new computer, the one I'm typing this on. The one that will make it all happen in the next 5 yrs. I posted on the forum asking for help and got a $25 donation instantly. I called my rep at Dell and worked some magic on him... some jedi secret atheist stuff... and he brought the final cost down to $5,000. I did the Tebow!
We should have it before Feb 1. Not sure how long it'll take for us to get it up (hopefully by Feb 15), I do know that site building wont be anywhere near complete until March. Much of the configuration is actually going to happen after we go online. We'll be online before we're fully configured.
Atheists rule the internet!
Submitted by Sapient on January 7, 2012 - 11:54am.Check out this video by Cult of Dusty in which he tears religion apart. He talks about the inevitable end of Christianity and how the internet has caused religion to become a mocked and laughable idea. The internet has made it possible to look religion up on a google search and find out that it is full of lies. The internet has shown that atheism is the only logical position, and that using logic is a powerful weapon.
Cult of Dusty comes across like a cross between Christopher Hitchens, Penn Jillette, and George Carlin...
Merry Christ My Ass!
Submitted by Sapient on December 25, 2011 - 9:05am.Jesus was simply a copy of other gods before him. If you accept the bible as true then you'd believe Jesus was born in the spring months. There is not enough historical proof of Jesus Christ in order to warrant belief in him. There isn't a single source or witness of his life that wrote about him within 30 years of his death. If he did exist, he was nothing more than an ordinary man, who might have been a narcissistic pot head. He probably didn't exist. And if that idea has you shaking your head in disbelief then you need to do more research. Do it.
Because of how similar his story is to other myths before him it leads one to believe that he likely was just another figment of our imagination. The feast and gathering that Christians enjoy on December 25th is a tradition based on a gathering celebrated by Pagans called Saturnalia. Today it makes more sense to celebrate a Winter Solstice, in which we gather with family and friends, enjoy the last harvest of the year, and unwind together as we prepare for a new season.
Please share this message of reality. Clarity and education is the best gift you can give on this day full of sharing.
Best New Hitchens like blogger of 2011 goes to Louis Cypher
Submitted by Sapient on December 16, 2011 - 11:31pm.We lost Christopher Hitchens last night. Many of us have a feeling of emptiness today, we know how amazing he was. Many of us have been influenced by his style, and because of this he will live on. Because we read his books and use his arguments, quote him in arguments, and are influenced by him, he will live on. Christopher Hitchens seems irreplaceable. It's only in the strength of our collective voices do we consider the notion that we could possibly fill his shoes. And we will try, this is obvious to us, all of us had a collective atheist head nod today. We know we must pick up where he left off.