Your Life is a Love Story

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Everyone’s Life is a Love Story

That’s really the way I see it.

Not just romantic love, but love for what you do. Passion in life for me is life at its fullest, the good faith of Sartre. Nothing is more life affirming than trying to love what you do.

When you love what you do you can somehow feel more, the air fills your lungs with a certain ballet that it lacks when you dread what you do.

For me this is life.

Nothing supernatural is necessary to take life by the balls in this way.

Its just to really treasure the highly limited time that you have in this world, the seizing the day becomes a steamy romance of life.

I love my life.

I treasure it, I try to see things happen by my own hands.

I don’t do this because I think I’m better than anyone, but rather because I wish everyone would do the same.

That everyone would live with passion, that would be a world worth living in.

But the thing is that I believe that we do this to a certain extent unconsciously.

If you live to get home and watch the newest episode of Heroes or Survivor on your TV or computer that’s  the love story of your life right now.

If you live for your kids, that’s the love story of your life right now.

I think its what happens regardless. But like any good love affair, it could always be more intense, more passionate, more arousing, and more rewarding.

I take the question, “Am I getting all I can out of life?” VERY SERIOUSLY!!!!

It’s the most important question that you can ask yourself.

For all my wishy-washiness in the past, no one can deny that I have tried to take life by the balls with every step and have tried to live it to the fullest.

I haven’t stopped doing that.

I could give examples of how I try to live my life like it’s a hard-on, but that’s not the point.

This idea of mine, that life is a love story, is my central thesis in my worldview.

For me there is nothing more important.

I write a lot of negative, sarcastic, and angry stuff.

I am angry, but for me anger is its own joy. Its part of a dance between me and injustice that began a long time ago, because my earliest memories really are of a fascist dictatorship.
Anyone who doubts that look up Pinochet on Wikipedia, that was my fucking childhood.

My anger is about loving the good in people, and trying to see it nurtured.

It took me a long time to find that out exactly, and now its part of the love story too.

I realized that for me to see people empowered is life affirming, it is romantic, it is beautiful, it is fulfilling, it is exciting. Like all the things that I try to do with the majority of my time.

But my life is not so much the point, as it is, could you take this idea that your life is a love story seriously?

Is the love story the kind you’d want for this one short and very finite life?

That is the question, and the

Your life is a love story!