What is Eupraxophy

mindcore's picture

Lifted from Eupraxophy.org

What it is

In ancient times, when the great minds of western civilization inquiried into the nature of our world and its meaning, science and philosophy were treated as one, as a common source of inquiry.

Over the last two millenia as we have specialized our understanding of the world through ever more precise means of defining the elements that make up our reality, the knowledge we have gained has become splintered to the point where even among the most knowledgeable there is ignorance of how all these bodies of knowledge relate to the make a whole..

The link between the uses of this knowledge and its ultimate meaning have become separated.
Eupraxophy exists to re-connect the links and make new ones.

Eupraxophy is an idea reconstituted from those ancient times, based on three concepts.

Eu:                 Good, Well
Praxis:         Practice, Conduct
Sophia:         Philosophic and Scientific Wisdom

In essence it is an emphasis on whole understandings and not partial ones...it's purpose is to creat wholes of parts and peices.

To reconstitute a whole from the many and apply the wisdom that has accumulated over the ages, informing ourselves in what we should do with the whole, making better choices in life and understanding its meaning.

To put it succinctly:

A system or constitution of guiding convictions and practices, which are determined by the rational exploration, study, and explanation of human nature, knowledge, and experiences. It is practiced consciously with principled judgement and an ethical commitment to life.

-----------------------------From Me: Mindcore---------------------------------------------------------

Allright. So this is it. Eupraxophy.

And someone who practices eupraxophy is a eupraxopher.

I have decided to aggressively proclaim myself a eupraxopher, because it has become what I am.

Now, my practice of eupraxophy has led me to atheist conclusions, as well as to the practice of routine skepticism.

Eupraxophy is also what gets me up in the morning and causes me to do everything I do.

Eupraxophy is what is happening in my head right now, and what I aim to do all day long.

The synthesis of science and philosophy in practice.

The philosopher Paul Kurtz said that he felt eupraxophy should spring into the marketplace and go beyond the halls of the academy.

I am currently pursuing an academic degree and am almost finished.

This puts me at a crossroads.

My current stance is that eupraxophy's spread is the only hope for the continuation of humanity.

So long as critical thinking is out of fashion, and we have free-market democracy, terrible decisions will be made by an easily manipulated docile public, which makes sure to record all the latest reality shows on TiVo.

The populace whose last visit to the public library may have been before every library in america had a computer.

This is unacceptable.

I am a lover of liberty, but my own liberty is perpetually threatened by the ignorance of my neighbor.

My neighbor has a duty to understand nuclear power, coal power, and wind power at a relatively functional level to make informed political choices about global warming.

This is not the case.

My neighbor has a responsibility to be wary of how human development works to make an informed political decision about stem cell research and abortion.

This is not the case.

My neighbor needs to be capable of understanding what an exogenous neurotransmitter is before they can make informed political decisions about illegal drugs.

My neighbor should know what natural selection is before s/he tries to get it taken out of Texas textbooks as the Dallas Observer has demonstrated is currently the case in the article entitled "Genesis 101" by Jesse Hyde.

My neighbor simply thinks natural selection says we are all animals and this scares them.

We simply cannot afford to have a democracy in which eupraxophers do not vote in large numbers.

Voting is the least that I expect my fellow eupraxophers to do.

I expect them to use the philosophy side of the synthesis of science and philosophy to be open to the artistic and creative ways of teaching science.

Right now as communicators we are losing the culture war.

This is one of the reasons that I do my podcast the way I do.

Fellow eupraxophers, the time to spread out and act is now!

Your life is a love story!