Hell, a bad place... for theists?

Ophios's picture

Now we probably heard someone say that "Hell isn't a place that has tourture and all that jazz, but it's a place where there is a lack of god."

I take it they mean "Earth 2, but this time there's definitely no god here."

Now imagine this scenario, you die, you go... somewhere, then you find yourself with god, he says "Oh, you don't believe in me. Bye then!"


You're on Earth 2 (Hell), of course you're not an atheist (Since you have seen god), but you've been without god for most (If no all) of your life. So it's no biggy. Chances, if you've ever been a christian at any point there might be a little emotional bit going, but should be over thanks in part to the crying of the naughty christians (Gets some boots on and kick 'em, it's fun!).

Now what if your are a theist of the non-christian sort.

It would be horrible for them... abso-friggin'-lutely horrid for them. Sure they have been without the god named god. But when they know of the god named god is real, They would realize that their god/s are false, they have been living a lie.

That would hurt.

So in hell, be kind to all the non-christian theists... and grab some boots.

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome's picture

No Place you want to find yourself

According to the Bible, hell is punishment, eternal, Brimstone and fire, for Satan, et al.

It is for the souls who had the chance to worship their creator but chose not to or chose to worship something else (...in the case of the atheist, that object would be self among other possibilities.) Now because these souls with their ability of choice rejected their creator, he rejects them when they want to be with him in heaven.

So concisely, yes, hell is the absence of God.  What exactly that means has many more repercussions than primarily noted.

Based on the Bible's definitions of God and his characteristics, one can deduce that hell would be a place of utter regret and hopelessness.  It would be void of love and peacefulness.  It would be the same place as Satan and his angels.

So what about the souls that follow a "false religion" ? You hit the nail on the head...they will find out that they had been living a lie.  The fate of an athiest will not lie far from that. No pun intended.


Ophios's picture

Quote: It is for the souls

It is for the souls who had the chance to worship their creator but chose not to or chose to worship something else

Choose? I don't remember choosing, I remember there being no evidence.

This only shows your god is a bit of a loser. too lazy to get up and give me evidence, but finds no problem torturing me . for what? Not primping his ego. What a whiny shit that god is.

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome's picture


Creation itself speaks loudly enough, mandating a Creator.  Faith in this Creator is what saves. If you choose to deny that all which is created has a Creator, then you are choosing to deny the existence of a Creator. Your logical reward for that would be the absence of the Creator...hell.  It is that simple. 

You have chosen, but still have the oppritunity to choose to have faith in the Creator.

Susan's picture

Your post rests on the

Your post rests on the argument that creation is fact.

Please take some time to read some of the threads on evolution. 

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Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome's picture


Your post rests on the argument that evolution is fact.

Evolution is a world-view, a philosophy. Everything observed is seen through the lense of a world-view.


Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome wrote:

Creation itself speaks loudly enough, mandating a Creator. Faith in this Creator is what saves. If you choose to deny that all which is created has a Creator, then you are choosing to deny the existence of a Creator. Your logical reward for that would be the absence of the Creator...hell. It is that simple.

You have chosen, but still have the oppritunity to choose to have faith in the Creator.

And this Creator is...?

You leave this open-ended (I suspect without meaning to do so.). You want me to believe that it is the God of the Christian Bible and not Allah or the Great Spirit or any of the other creator deities out there. Unfortunately you provide no evidence for such things. You may not approve of evolution but there is evidence for it.  

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

BGH's picture


Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome wrote:

Your post rests on the argument that evolution is fact.

Which it is, get over it already.

Your argument rests on creation by a supreme being, of which there is ZERO tangible evidence.

Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome wrote:
Creation itself speaks loudly enough, mandating a Creator.  Faith in this Creator is what saves.

A fairy tale is your worldview lens. 

JCE's picture


Holy_Spirit_is_Welcome wrote:

Creation itself speaks loudly enough, mandating a Creator. Faith in this Creator is what saves. If you choose to deny that all which is created has a Creator, then you are choosing to deny the existence of a Creator. Your logical reward for that would be the absence of the Creator...hell. It is that simple.

You have chosen, but still have the oppritunity to choose to have faith in the Creator.


Ok, so I am going to hell.  Is that the best you can do?  


I'll be with friends and I get to wear my cool, black, biker babe boots.  Where is the downside? 

deludedgod's picture

Creation itself speaks

Creation itself speaks loudly enough, mandating a Creator. Faith in this Creator is what saves. If you choose to deny that all which is created has a Creator, then you are choosing to deny the existence of a Creator. Your logical reward for that would be the absence of the Creator...hell. It is that simple.

You have chosen, but still have the oppritunity to choose to have faith in the Creator.

That is idiotic nonsense. The thought process you go through is truly astounding. There is a creator therefore there is life after death. And if we grant that ridiculous, baseless nonsense, which is not supported by any science, then we are still left with this ridiculous subdivisional notion of "heaven" and "hell". Therefore, your implication would be that your creator is no less pathetic than a little child, demanding to be worshipped, kowtowed to like a ruthless dictatorial jurispruder.

Ironic, is it not? You claim that your creator is infinitely wise...and now you claim he is as arrogant and selfish as a toddler! Fact is, if this creator wishes worship, then I flatly refuse. I do not worship anything that demands worship. That is childish.

(...in the case of the atheist, that object would be self among other possibilities.)

I'm sorry, but where is the evidence for this nonsensical assertion? Perhaps you may be incapable of free thought, but try for a moment to imagine the notion that human beings do not inherently worship. I do not worship myself. That is ridiculous. 

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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