Encyclopedia of Life

phooney's picture
Posts: 385
Joined: 2007-02-07
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Encyclopedia of Life


The first 30,000 pages have been unveiled of a vast encyclopedia which aims to catalogue every one of our planet's 1.8 million species.




What is EOL?

Welcome to the first release of the Encyclopedia of Life portal. This is the very beginning of our exciting journey to document all species of life on Earth.




Has anybody else begun to look at this yet?  I can't wait to see how this grows!


phooney's picture
Posts: 385
Joined: 2007-02-07
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And here's a 5 minute (ish)

And here's a 5 minute (ish) video intro to what they're doing, and how to use the site:



It's great at the moment and will hopefully get better.